The next time I woke up was because I felt someone’s presence.

I looked over to see my sister looking at me with concern.

“Good morning, Kiara.”

I called out to my sister.

She has blond hair and bright green eyes.

She is small and slender, but her eyes are angled and she looks strong-willed.

She is a beautiful girl in the conventional sense.

Kiara smiled at me, as if my perception of day and night was wrong.

“Brother, it’s still night.”

Before I was reincarnated, I had a sister.

It may seem like I’m ruining the dream, but the sister I had before my reincarnation was annoying, to say the least.

She knows exactly what to do to irritate me, and she pokes me with it.

The wife of a single man, the sister of a man without a sister is kind and beautiful.

That is, if they are not there.

Even before I was reincarnated, philosophers and great men often lamented about married life.

it’s not just my subjective …… I think.

Even before my memories of my reincarnation returned, my personality must have remained unchanged.

He is very close to Kiara, though it is unclear if he has learned how to deal with her.

Not only with Kiara, but his relationship with his family is good.

Before my reincarnation, we were estranged.

Well, they said they were going to send me down in an environment where I wouldn’t become a psychopath.

They must have been sent down to a good place.

For now, let’s check the situation and reassure her.

“How long have I been in bed?”

“About two days. Are you feeling okay?”

“I’ve recovered to the point where I can recognize hunger. Have you been taking care of me all this time, by any chance?”

Kiara smiled a little shyly.

“I’ve just finished dinner and have some free time on my hands, so I thought I’d stop by. If you’d like, I can have something to eat brought to you?”

She must have been watching me the whole time.

It would be foolish to retort to that.

I’m pretty hungry.

“Yes, please.”

“Then, please wait a moment.”

Then she left the room in a hurry.

My back ached, probably because I had been asleep for so long.

I sat up and thought about it.

The Kiara in my memory is very perceptive, and she’ll easily see through a bad play.

That’s why I need to be careful ……

She can read my intentions almost exactly, so there’s a chance that she’ll dare to overlook anything suspicious.

In any case, I need to behave as carefully as possible to avoid detection.

As I was thinking about this, I felt the presence of many people.

The door opened and the rest of the family came in, except for Kiara.

Ferdinand, my Papan, asked me.

“Alfred, has the fever and headache subsided?”

He had blond hair, bright green eyes, and the dignified look of THE aristocrat.

“Yes, to the point where it doesn’t bother me.”

Alessandra, my Maman, opens her mouth in a gentle but cautionary manner.

“You have always been restless, so you have to be patient and mature.”

This one has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes and is thirty-five years old, but still looks young.

She is the second wife and the birth mother of Kiara and me.

She has a style that makes me think she isn’t a mother of two.

If she were a natural, she would be the envy of the world.

She may be working hard to maintain her figure in ways that we can’t see.

She looks calm but dignified feeling.

As the wife of a great aristocrat, her behavior is elegant.

One of my brothers, Amilcarre, murmured in distress.

“But if we don’t confirm that he’s an apostle at the earliest opportunity, people will be urging us to do so.”

Baldassarre, the other brother, replied.

“I understand your impatience, but we can’t be sure that our expectations will be met. A little further confirmation would be good.”

As twins, they look almost exactly alike, with blond hair and blue eyes.

It is quite difficult to tell them apart unless they are family members.

They look like a young, handsome aristocrat.

They’re starting to have some dignity, though not as much as father.

Their personalities are quite different, but I guess they get along well because of their differences.

They were both adults and were in training to rule as Papan’s representatives.

When they heard that I had a high fever, they abandoned their work in the name of visiting me.

By the way, the two of them naturally started to play a skit …… which is quite funny.

(They are quite serious, though.)

I’m a platinum blonde with green eyes, and depending on how you look at me, I can look like a handsome guy.

I’m at the bottom of the caste in the family when it comes to appearance.

I was like ‘that’ before I was reincarnated, so I’ve improved a lot, though.

I don’t know what to say about my appearance before my reincarnation.

While I was doing this, two new people entered the room.

One of them is Fabio Visconti, my tutor.

“Hello, kiddo. You’re awake. So, has your life changed?”

He was thirty-six years old, in the prime of middle age, with brown hair, dark eyes and a scraggly beard, like a scholar.

He looks like a typical scholar who doesn’t care about his appearance.

The other person was Kiara, who had just left.

He said in a cajoling manner.

“Sir, my brother has just woken up, so how can he change?”

Then she turned to me.

“I’ve asked Alessia to bring you some refreshments after your illness, so please wait a moment.”

I nodded lightly, thinking that Alessia was one of our servants.

I replied in a way that seemed to poke fun at Sir. Fabio, the unmarried teacher.

“That will change as soon as you get married, sir.”

He is a distant relative of Maman’s, the third son of a Priest’s family.

He was kicked out for not studying hard enough to become a priest.

In order to make ends meet, he decided to study apostolic studies and became a private tutor.

Apostleship is the practice of summarizing the words and deeds of the apostles and passing them on to future generations.

It’s a way to brainwash people from an early age on how they should behave as apostles (according to the teacher).

He’s a bit of a slouch, but he’s actually quite good at what he does and he has a reputation of being “brilliant but too quirky”.

He and I seem to get along well as we’re both twisted.

The teacher grinned at me and brushed it off.

“It seems your personality hasn’t changed.”

With a turn of seriousness, the teacher turned to Papan and made a suggestion.

“Sir Ferdinand, your son’s apostleship exam should be in three days. If there is no change there, I think it would be best to make a final special confirmation.”

The world is a world of connections, and even free-spirited teachers can at least respond in a way that doesn’t offend their employers.

In a society where information is still undeveloped, it’s all about connections, connections, and connections.

This world is no exception.

Papan nodded seriously.

“If you say so, teacher. What is the final confirmation?”

The teacher replied in an exaggerated manner.

“If you go on a pilgrimage, you will understand. The pilgrimage itself is a long journey, taking about six months, so it is best to prepare for it. Even if you are certified as an apostle, you should still go on a pilgrimage.”

“Then let’s arrange it that way.”

The apostolic pilgrimage is a journey to the places where each apostle was based, in order.

This is a major pilgrimage, and there are many pilgrims who seek blessings even if they do not have apostolic status.

It has even become a custom, like the Mekka pilgrimage, that one should do at least once in a lifetime.

(T/N: Mekka, centre for some field or activity (center).)

Thanks to this, the roads, the security on the way, and the accommodations are all perfect.

The security along the pilgrimage route is better than that of any town.

Kiara interrupted the conversation.

“If you’re going, I’d love to go with you.”

Kiara is not usually selfish, but once she starts talking, she doesn’t back down.

I’m the one who is always at home with her, so I guess she gets tired of being alone because she has too much time on her hands.

My father immediately dismissed the idea.

“No, you haven’t shown any signs of being an apostle yet. If you’re in the middle of a trip and start showing signs, we’re in trouble.”

The high fever that I was running around with earlier was said to be an apostle sign.

There are times when the apostle signs appear before the age of 18.

If there are no signs after the age of 18, it is confirmed that you are not an apostle.

There are some cases of high fever due to a cold, but if the first high fever does not make a person an apostle, it is said that the person is not qualified.

All that information is substantial, I thought.

As I watched my father and sister arguing, the only thing that occupied my mind was …

That I was hungry ……

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