The next day, we began hearing about problems in the new territory.

Oracio was nervous that I was going to make him feel bad about everything, but he seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick because I only asked for what he wanted.

It is a taboo to come to inspect a site and violently overturn what was being done there.

I was only there to help.

If the situation was out of hand and the site was at a standstill, that would be a different story…

I told him to spend the next few days observing and listening to the situation.

The resources available from the capital are limited.

After getting a general grasp of the situation, he would make adjustments at the site.

When I was younger, before my reincarnation, I used to think that inspections were nothing more than a distraction.

In fact, they were like ceremonies, which only reduced work time.

From an internal political point of view, it makes sense.

Another effect, which I realized as I got older, was not foolproof.

Rather than perfect instructions from upper management who we have not met face to face, instructions given after a direct inspection, despite some shortcomings, are more quickly implemented and morale is higher.

There is a reason for this, of course.

It was said that Japan was excellent at the bottom of the organization, and it was said that the more senior one became, the dumber he or she became.

The basic constitution is the same as that of the old Japanese military.

The talents required of practitioners and managers were different, but the society was unaware of this.

By the time I died, it seemed to be gradually fading away, but the roots of tradition are still deep.

When you are of the same ethnicity, you are dragged down by tradition at times like this.

A good soldier is not necessarily a good commander.

A good athlete does not necessarily make a good coach or manager.

What happens when years pass without awareness of the difference?

Uneducated employees rise through the ranks and it becomes a culture.

What survives in a world where there is no education in management or administration… or theory?

Only mentality survives.

So what the executives say is either not concrete or they try to repeat their own successes.

From the bottom, the tendency is to say, “If you want to talk, wait until you see what’s happening on the field”.

It’s a pattern of people saying, ‘The top doesn’t know what’s going on in the field”.

In reaction to this, there are cases where people espouse management and business academics.

At first glance, this may sound right, but Japan is a reversible society.

Values that are only a facade without changing the substance are flipped 180 degrees.

From the longing for Oriental learning to the longing for Western civilization.

From long live the Japanese empire to long live democracy.

At the time of their death, they were in the process of switching from hail to the West to hail to Japan.

It was also a reaction to the fact that he had been unnecessarily saying that Japan was no good since the end of World War II.

The essence remains the same, but the ostensible assertion is changed 180 degrees.

This is a special skill only a flexible society can have…

Simply because it is flipped, ignoring the actual situation and giving priority to theory, which does not work.

They are trying to force the field to fit their logic.

They ignore how work is done, how instructions are communicated, and how the organization runs.

This is why consultants and others who enter the field confuse the field.

It is necessary to create a culture that balances the theory with the actual situation on the ground.

So, at the moment, all we can do is just visit the site and listen to what is said.

After these are completed, dinner is served, and the topic of conversation naturally turns to the battle against the demon tribe.

Oracio took a breath after biting into the meat on the bone and turned his gaze to me.

“My lord… a battle with the demons is inevitable, is it not?”

I went through Mil and Kiara’s serious look and bit into the meat on the bone.

Since he was the governor, he had to behave politely and must have been under a lot of stress.

That’s why I made it clear that the old style would be fine while I was there.

I will never forget the look in Oracio’s happy, dull eyes at that moment.

“I’m sure Sir Oliver’s choice is right.”

“Why do you trust this Sir Oliver guy so much? My lord must be very strict in his judgment regarding enemies and neutral parties.”

Of course, there are reasons.

I looked at Mil and Kiara and they both nodded, as if they actually wanted to know.

They kept their serious look…

I was left to explain, holding the meat on the bone in one hand.

“That’s because he’s sincere. And I felt he was a proud man. A man of integrity and pride don’t tell little lies.”

Big lies are told if necessary.

If it’s in the best interest of the bigger picture.

If you can’t see that, you are not qualified to engage in diplomacy.

Besides, big lies are available to us.

And we don’t tell petty, makeshift lies.

That’s how I felt after talking to Oliver.

Mil tilted her head, her eyes still serious.

You’re really dexterous…

“With that word, you can tell a big lie, right? What kind of lie is that?”

“For example. “In this battle, the entire demon tribe was not hostile. It was an outburst of some extremists. The demon tribe has no intention of confronting Ravenna”, it’s a lie like that. It can be a great way to land negotiations.”

“Oh… you also call a pretext a big lie. And I can tell he’s proud from the way he talk, but can you tell if he’s sincere?”

“He is a representative of the demon tribe and has clearly expressed his attitude of protecting the interests of the demon tribe. He is very sincere in his diplomacy.”

If a diplomat says it is for world peace or something like that, it is frowned upon.

It makes it unclear where the conversation will land.

It may be valid in some cases, but not when an armistice agreement for the exchange of prisoners of war is concluded.

Oracio nodded at my response.

“Indeed it is. I can’t trust anyone who puts the other side’s interests ahead of his own at a negotiation.”

When you line your own pockets at the expense of your community, it is easy to focus on the interests of the other side.

“So we landed our mutual interests where they were best served through negotiation. We were in an iffy position, and we didn’t put our immediate interests first. When they break the truce agreement, they will break it based on the interests of the demon tribe. If someone who is in an iffy position takes the initiative, they will break it for an iffy reason. If someone who is not aware of his/her position takes the initiative, he/she will break it for an unaware reason. You can’t have a truce with someone who doesn’t have a clear reason for breaking it.”

Kiara’s serious look tired her out and she went back to her original face… but later, a sermon was written on her face.

Give me a break…

“When they break the truce, is that when they decide that it is in the best interest of the demon tribe?”

“That’s about it. If we are not well defended, they will think it is in the best interest of the demon tribe to attack us. If we are well defended, it is in their best interest not to attack. Or, while they’re able to control the demon tribe, they’ll put up a fight and finish it themselves. That way, they won’t be able to outburst lightly.”

“If you can’t avoid it… then you must find a way to end it in a way that is less traumatic.”

“There is one more factor to consider when breaking an armistice. We have time on our side.”

“Certainly, the more time that passes, the more powerful we become.”

Actually, there’s one more thing.

I looked around at everyone, and then I cleared my throat.

“There is also the question of who can lead the demons to fight against us. At the moment, there is no one but Sir Oliver. Perhaps a genius military strategist will suddenly appear. But…I don’t think we can expect on that. Sir Oliver is old, so there is a possibility that he will want to make sense of things while he is still alive.”

Horacio sighed widely.

“The maintenance of a new territory and a war, huh? I’m tempted to think it’s some kind of punishment game…”

“After this battle is over, you can concentrate on domestic affairs. Maybe.”

All eyes are on me.

“Well, I don’t know everything about this region, so I just said maybe.”

My carefree words made Mil hold her head.

“When Al says maybe, terrible things usually happen…”

So it’s my fault!

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