I am bringing the entire Elite Guards with me for the inspection.

The Order has already taken over the investigation and escort of Rebecca.

The second city is built along a large river.

The river is about 800 meters wide and flows slowly.

I have already instructed them to build the city in anticipation of the rising water caused by the long rains that occur once every 50 years.

Since we have a big river, I instructed the Elite Guards to conduct shiphandling training.

Eventually, I notified them that I would be along for the ride, and all at once, the Elite Guards men began to get nervous.

There are enough of them due to the fact that we are using the ship to transport them to the castle that Poncio is defending.

I look forward to seeing the results in the future.

The overall picture that emerged from the inspection was a clear difference in education level from that of the capital.

Every personnel in the capital can at the very least read.

So, manual work assignments are possible.

Antium is overwhelmed by beastsmen who cannot read.

As a result, the work is communicated orally, which takes a considerable amount of time.

As a natural consequence, the work is concentrated on those who can do it.

Naturally, personnel are dispatched, but this is only a symptomatic treatment.

It is meaningless unless the fundamental problem is also solved in parallel.

During my visit, I decided to consult with Kriemhild about countermeasures.

“Ms. Kriemhild, what do you think about education at Antium?”

Kriemhild seemed surprised that I suddenly broached the subject.

“Ah, yes. In the capital, families are concentrated, so teaching is easy, but… Antium is not in one place. It’s impossible to send them all. And there is a limit to the number of teachers. The absence of Ms. Silvana, who is light on her feet, is also a pain. We had been relying on her to move around and make adjustments when we entrusted her with a task.”

This is surprising, so she only becomes a plague is against me!

If I speak out, I might get in trouble, so I’ll keep quiet.

“Perhaps we need to gather the children in Antium and give them an education. I’ll talk to the governor and I will ask him to formulate countermeasures at a later date.”

Kriemhild began to get her head around it.

“It’s a hurdle for a rookie minister…”

If I interfere, I’ll stunt Kriemhild’s growth.

So, I’ll just keep an eye on her.

“It is a matter of consulting with various people and thinking things through. I will take responsibility, so please do your best to think about it.”

I returned Kriemhilt’s bitter look with a fresh smile.

Mil gave me a serious look and Kiara a wry smile, but I pretended not to see it.

During this peaceful inspection, I received a report from the capital.

It was a report about the accident investigation.

I skimmed through it, but I needed time to make a final decision.

After the day’s inspection was over, I went to my room to look over the report.

My honest impression was that they did a great job, despite the lack of precedent.

Accident investigations tend to be boarded up in a sense.

The subject of the investigation is wary of you.

The bereaved families resent us for being lax.

It needs to be made clear once again that we are not an organization that deals out retribution or punishment.

It is an organization that corrects problems and makes the best use of them the next time.

The direct cause of the accident was well documented.

The scaffolding was inadequately assembled.

Inadequate inspection arrangements and lack of checking due to familiarity.

In addition, during several days of bad weather, the construction work was carried out with caution, and they were in a hurry to make up for the delay.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

As I thought, multiple factors combined to cause an accident.

I noticed that Mil was standing right next to me, peering at the report.

I handed her the report.

Mil was reading the report earnestly.

I wait patiently for her to finish reading.

When Mil finished reading the report, she let out a light breath.

“I think it’s very well written. It’s also well organized. I hope there will be no more accidents.”

Even though Mil tried to praise the completeness of the report, she didn’t seem to know what kind of face to put on since it was an accident report.

“You’re right… I don’t want the same accident to happen again. Let’s have them take measures based on this report. Upon approval, we’ll resume construction and announce the contents of this report and the countermeasures in the official gazette.”

There is no principle of disclosure in this world.

So Mil looks surprised.


“Why are you announcing it? I understand reporting to the injured and their families.”

“The accident has already been rumored. It is also a well-known fact that we are suspending construction until the accident is investigated and remedial measures can be taken. Even if we reopen the project without telling the public, people will spread rumors and make fun of it. If we announce the fact after the accident, people will say it is a lie to hide an inconvenient fact. Such false rumors are more likely to attract people’s interest.”

I make a gesture of giving up.

Mil looks at me with a slightly troubled expression.

“That’s because Al basically doesn’t restrict what people can say or do. Was it disrespect in other territories? We dismissed that one, too. So everyone is free to say what they want and do what they want.”

“Even if you say freedom, it will be a problem if the hoax becomes established. Even if we present the facts, they won’t trust us. The effort to overturn it would be tremendous.”

Mil shook her head, lightly, as she imagined the scene.

“Then, no ordinary lord would release any information about the accident. Also, the lords punish people who spread stories that are inconvenient for them. It would be much easier to keep quiet and let them do what they say. In the past, I wouldn’t have understood why that would even be a crime. I started to understand now that I’m with Al, though.”

There is a good reason why we don’t publish it, as Mil says.

Some people follow convention without thinking about it, but at the beginning, it is well thought out.

“I told everyone to think for themselves. And to do that, you have to give them the right information. Yelling about idealism and for that to go well rarely happens. If you expect something from the other party, you have to fulfill your own obligations.”

“You’re right, when relationships break down, it is usually when this balance is not achieved.”

“Great answer. That’s why I have an obligation to provide an environment that matches the expectations I have for everyone.”

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