I instructed Ludvig, the Minister of Development, to approve the accident investigation report and present the countermeasures.

It seemed that they had already prepared it and submitted it immediately.

After a close reading and a few questions, I approve the report and allow construction to resume.

The publication of the report, including the proposed countermeasures, was left to Kiara.

This issue is already good.

With the visit to Antium, I have a good grasp of the current problems.

I will discuss future support measures with the Governor.

This issue was quickly concluded.

It was really smooth and helpful.

As for the inspection and countermeasures, I think we have cleared the minimum issues.

In addition, I asked everyone at the strategy meeting with the Governor if there are any other issues or thoughts on Ravenna as a whole.

I submitted this agenda item with vague content in the hope that it would give everyone something to think about.

My sudden proposal made everyone’s eyes glaze over.

It was obvious that everyone was troubled by the sudden vague question.

Why are we all gathering for a meeting?

I don’t want them to think only about their own responsibilities.

I dare to be silent and wait for someone to speak up.

Perhaps unable to bear the silence any longer, Governor Oracio raised his hand.

As usual, I silently encourage him to speak.

“I ask a simple question: will you accept the immigrants as citizens for all time?”

Since he also serves as Minister of Immigration, it’s a natural question.

“What I’m thinking about at the moment is until the Ravenna region stabilizes …… Right now, we are in the process of building a society, and there will be no great advantage, to citizenship. Once it stabilizes, citizenship here will be a great benefit. At that point, if we accept everything and make them citizens, it won’t be as interesting to the original folks as if they were getting a free ride.”

Oracio seemed a little relieved by my response.

Maybe the staff had some questions.

This free ride is tricky and a source of social conflict.

“I see. In that case, how do you deal with the immigration request?”

“The immigration itself is acceptable. We treat them as quasi-citizens and after they reside for a certain period of time, we will decide whether to admit them as citizens …… However, specially skilled workers may be admitted as citizens immediately.”

“What is a specially skilled worker?”

“The ones I’m thinking of at the moment are doctors and teachers. These are the people we need wherever we go.”

It wasn’t my idea, I just took Julius Caesar’s idea.

Ardelheid and Kriemhild looked at each other and were relieved.

If it saves us the trouble of training, there’s nothing better than that.

(T/N: Julius Caesar, inventor of Caesar Cipher.)

I don’t plan on stopping there.

It’s a good opportunity, so let me just give them the blueprint for the next plan.

“I’ll take what you just said about citizenship as the original plan. In addition, quasi-citizens who serve in the military will be granted citizenship upon completion of their military service. Otherwise, those who are nominated by the representatives may be granted citizenship, depending on the outcome of the discussion in the meeting.”

If society is forced to be equal, it will instead be distorted. It is not logical from the standpoint of human psychology.

Ensuring fluidity contributes to social stability.

When the conversation starts moving, people are more likely to speak up.

This is no different in any world.

Joseph Paoli, Minister of Fisheries, raised his hand.

“What about the treatment of slaves? We do not have them in Ravenna, but they exist elsewhere. It is possible that quasi-citizens could bring them here.”


I guess the reason I’m not reflexively repulsed by slavery is because I have a strong pre-transference history geek traits.

That said, I can’t accept Russian serfs or African slaves at all.

“As for slaves who immigrated to Ravenna, let’s define them as follows. Those who have served a certain amount of labor shall be released and put on a par with quasi-citizens. It is forbidden to take a slave who has settled in the Ravenna region out of the territory without permission. I haven’t clearly decided on how the mechanism of releasing works, but ……”

Then I broke off the words and looked around at all of them, and they all looked at me as if to say, “Get on with it and tell us the original proposal”.

There is no precedent in the world for this.

We are going to cross a dangerous bridge to some extent.

It would be unreasonable to think about it voluntarily.

“First of all, the master has the duty to take care of the health of his slaves. If he fails to do so, the master will be punished. As for the procedure for releasing slaves, let us first create a specialized institution. When the master earns earnings, he deposits the amount calculated from the slave’s labor as a tax to the specialized institution. When the amount reaches the initially determined amount, that institution will pay the master the reserve and the person will be freed from slavery.”

They all ponder.

Well, it is a complete copy of the Slavery Emancipation System.

One thing I’ve arranged is health care for the slaves.

It’s not that I’ve woken up to human rights.

Slaves were the cause of the downfall of Roman peasants.

The rich used the slaves as disposable animals to manage their large plantations.

The peasants then fell because they could not compete on price.

The fallen peasants flowed into the cities and became indigent citizens.


As a result, the cost of welfare policies would be enormous.

In a chain reaction, public security would also deteriorate.

I’d like to avoid that.

If we just give subsidies to peasants, we will be stuck.

If they can get paid for doing something agricultural, they will surely become corrupt and become a profit-making interest.

Then other citizens will complain.

And since it is a legitimate complaint, it is difficult to handle.

You get paid for your labor.

If you deviate from this principle, you are corrupt.

This has nothing to do with agriculture, but it is clear from the labor unions of the Japanese National Railways.

That is partly because communism and the workers’ sense of rights merged with the devil, and an outsider was born.

It had become a completely political organization, although there was of course the straying of GHQ and the ineptitude of the LDP government.


You don’t have to earn money to be unemployed.

When that happens, they are passionate about realizing their ideology.

Funds for activities can be obtained without having to work.

It is a paradise for activists.

And as a railroad transportation organization, it is devastated.

They brag about not working.

They hold the lives of the people hostage to ideology.

That would have created an atmosphere where no sane person could claim workers’ rights.

It has become a banner for managers who want to ignore workers’ rights.

The workers’ movement itself would be swept down the river from the Japanese character in a kind of unholy way.

The Japanese have a propensity to cover up or wash away unclean things.

In other words, they choose not to look at it, and they do not like to talk about it.

As a result, workers’ rights are disregarded.

During the period of high economic growth when the company was like a family, it just barely managed not to collapse.

However, if lifetime employment is destroyed, there will be no check against the abuse of disregard.

Personally, I thought it was one of the factors that created black companies.

This is not Japan.

But the apostles were originally Japanese, and their ideas are deeply ingrained in this world.

To some extent, we should be aware of their standards.

Any philosophy is discredited by those who abuse it.

Sensible people will be at a disadvantage.

It is the first step toward social unrest.

Therefore, we should make sure that people can make a living as a result of proper labor.

We will lose the price competition with the rest of the world, but it is important to establish an internal self-sufficiency system.

And soldiers are stronger as farmers than as city folk.

That’s what they said in England.

I guess the people who belong to the land are still more desperate.

In my previous life, the trade protection policy was said to be bad, but there are also aspects such as tax revenue and security measures.

It cannot be said to be evil in general.

As I was pondering this while waiting for everyone’s reaction, Kiara raised her hand.

“Brother, the custom for releasing slaves is to pay an emancipation tax to the feudal lord. If we do it this way, won’t Ravenna stand out as being unique?”


A fixed society naturally desires to fix status.

It can tolerate others’ status going down, but it hates it going up.

It’s sophistry, but I’m thinking of a loophole.

“You’ve noticed a good point. We’ll use the system commonly practiced there.”

When I praised her, Kiara looked happy, but immediately turned her head.


“It’s the transfer of slave owners.”

“To whom will you be moving them?”

I chuckled, thinking how vicious I was.

“The statue of the girl is the symbol of Ravenna. It is the goddess of Ravenna. The ownership of the slaves will be transferred to the goddess of Ravenna. There is no rule that says you can’t transfer it to someone other than a person …… Externally, they remain slaves.”

This is another Roman means of emancipation.

I just took the means of emancipation through the god Apollo.

God can’t use slaves as servants, so they are effectively free.

It’s a terrible cheat.

I couldn’t hold back and started laughing.

Everyone looked at me with an astonished look.

Mil sighed, perhaps representing everyone’s thoughts.

“That’s a really terrible sophistry …… I’m glad Al is on our side.”

We’ll use whatever we can get our hands on.

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