I’ve been contacted by the Adventurers Guild.

It was time to take steps for the future.

We have become an entity that the outside world is aware of.

As a result, pirates might attack us.

In short, the creation of a navy.

Basically, I’m thinking of using sea power as the main force of Ravenna, including future trade.

Naturally, the chief military officer would need to be consulted.

Charles pondered.

“Navy, you say? You’re coming up with outlandish things again, as usual ……”

“It’s too late if there’s already damage made by the pirates, don’t you think so?”

Charles stroked his own chin.

“That’s true, but… A normal soldier, at worst, can be armed with a weapon and become at least a fighting force …… It takes time and money to train a navy. Of course, the navy you are referring to is not …… 1 or 2 few ships.”

“I want at least ten ships. I’m aiming for an army capable of assault and landing from the ship. In addition, we will build a naval base on an island outside the bay. We’ll also have a lighthouse there.”

Charles’ face grew stern.

Since he became the chief military officer, it is rumored that he has been struggling with the allocation of the budget.

“Do you have a budget?”

“I’ve just received a report from Sir Onyxim. It’s an unexpected result, but it seems that there are signs of gold deposits near the mine.”

“Hoh …… that’s huge. Financially, too.”

“It’s a long way off, but there are probably continents beyond the sea. I’m dreaming of trading with them. We will sell what they don’t have and buy what they do. That’s the whole point of trade.”

As in the game, simply executing the trade command …… will not increase your money.

If you are not good at trading, you will end up in the red.

Charles looked up and sighed.

“It’s too far in the future for me to really feel it.”

“I suppose so. But it doesn’t hurt to think about it. And in the future, if outside forces are going to attack here, it will naturally be from the sea. We need to keep our eyes on the sea.”

Charles scratched his head with a reluctant expression.

I guess he can’t imagine a naval battle.

Since he’s just a fierce warrior on land, after all.

“I guess so ……”

“I’m sure there were people who knew how to fight pirates, if not naval battles, during the time of the previous lords. They were facing the sea and had a port, even though it was small. I’m sure they had countermeasures against pirates.”

Charles pondered as he searched his memory.

“Well, there were sailors. However, the previous lord had told us not to take any aggressive action because of the cost of ships. The quality of the ships degraded and in the end, they became nothing more than floating objects. It was a vicious circle …… because we couldn’t even kill pirates, so merchants wouldn’t come to us …… Thanks to this, the good ones ran away …… I haven’t heard from them in a while, so I don’t know if they’re still alive…”

The bad habits of the French Navy at the time of Louis XIV had been reproduced here.

In such an unfortunate environment, some people might be smoked out.

Or, some may devote themselves to research, dreaming of the day of reconstruction to come.

It’s also a good idea to see if there are people who can be treasures.

Even the Scala family pays a minimal amount of attention to the matter, but basically, their main thoughts are on land.

“Could I meet them by any chance? I’d also like someone with shipbuilding skills.”

Charles shook his head.

“You’ll need a different kind of connection for that. You could try the Adventurers Guild.”

“What do you mean?”

“Originally, there may be a fisherman’s son or something like that. If you’re looking for something broad and shallow, the Adventurer’s Guild is probably the best choice.”

I don’t want to leave too much to chance there, you know?

“Hmm ……”

Charles raised an eyebrow at my unenthusiastic reply.

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“The town I’m building is a town that doesn’t care what race you are. If we ask for the adventurer’s guild’s power carelessly …… there will be a massive influx of people. As a result, they will shake the logic of the outside world. I don’t want to see the beastmen ostracized as a result. In human society, beastmen are accepted as an external factor. But they are not regarded as equal. And …… we don’t want rumors to spread and get the attention of the church as a result.”

“Why would anyone, regardless of race, be noticed by the Church? “


“Even though the time of the apostles’ descent has come, but the apostles have not appeared …… When that happens, the church will be desperate to find a cause. It can be an accusation. They’ll have to at least pose as doing something.”

I’m the cause, though.

“What does that have to do with it?”

“The beastmen are treated as equals. It is because there are unbelievers who disturb the common sense of the world that the apostles do not come down …… They might talk about stupid things like that.”

“So anything is fine as long as they can falsely charge something or someone…”


Charles gave an exasperated look.

“I wonder if they would go that far.”

“An organization whose raison d’etre is a single cause will stop at nothing to keep itself alive. I’m sure the church is more than capable of coming up with false accusations. The apostles are the church. If they don’t come down, it could turn into a power struggle within the church. They will probably look for a sacrifice to create an alibi for the worst-case scenario.”

“I see…”

After a few moments of thought, Charles looked as if he had realized something.

“I guess that’s why you have Professor Fabio as your advisor.”

“You’re right. Just what I expected from my right-hand man.”

“You’re really looking very far ahead and making your move.”

“I’m doing something that no one has ever done before. If I don’t take all the necessary steps in advance, I won’t be able to succeed.”

If something random is fine, someone else would have done it by now.

“It’s difficult to build and operate a ship without using the adventurer’s guild…”

If we involve the guild too much, it will become troublesome.

I’d like to avoid them as much as possible.

Charles said thoughtfully.

“Do you think it’s okay to talk to them individually? Like people who have given up on being adventurers or are just mired in their current environment.”

“That’s fine. Can you check with your men for now?”

“I understand. I’ll check with my network of knights and ex-knights. But …… why me? I’m sure others have contacts too.”

“The military needs to be unified and in command.”

We don’t want the navy and the army fighting over turf, like the old Japanese army.

“So you want to centralize authority in my hands. Seriously, you’re such a terrifying man. My lord.”

That’s what happened when I considered the rational course.

I gave a small shrug of my shoulders.

“I guess so. I’m just taking the easy way out, that’s all. What I’m doing is unprecedented. That’s why it’s a negative thing to make everyone feel uneasy. I don’t want people to have faith in me, but I do want them to trust me. We can’t succeed if everyone runs away from us, after all.”

Charles looked at me with amusement and started laughing.

“First a terribly incompetent lord, then a terribly competent lord. My life has been one big drop in the bucket. If it were the other way around, I wouldn’t even be able to see it.”

With a wave of his hand, Charles walked out.

Afterwards, Kiara opened her mouth in admiration.

“So you were even keeping an eye on the sea too, brother.”

“Of course, from the beginning.”

Mil seemed a little taken aback.

“It’s too early, we haven’t even settled the territory yet. “

“I know it’s too early. But if we delay any longer, we won’t be able to finish with a lot of things in time ……”

Mil and Kiara look at each other and look like they don’t make sense.

“It’s not just the navy, shipping takes time to grow. As this place develops, merchants will move in. When that happens, there’s a good chance they’ll take over on condition of support. Before we know it, we’ll be so deep in debt that the merchants will practically own it.”

Kiara leaned forward.

“So you’re saying we should get a foothold before the merchants come in?

“That’s right. If we have a base in shipping, they will not be able to control us on such bad terms. In the worst-case scenario, even if we refuse, we can make it on our own. We can’t even negotiate without such a system.”

Mil’s face became a little despondent.

“Lately …… I’ve come to understand Al, including his perspective on the future. So I thought I was growing up, but …… I guess I haven’t.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“No, you’ve both grown quite a bit. You’re both indispensable to me.”

I can talk to them about things I can’t tell anyone else.


Such a tight-lipped accomplice is very important.

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