Now, the puppeteer I’ve been waiting for has sent me a letter.

The work of a lord in a volatile region is a mixture of domestic and military affairs.

It is never one thing to get one thing done and then another.

Various events flow like an early-summer rain.

Appropriate measures must be taken to deal with them.

The right person in the right place and the delegation of authority are important abilities.

Ludvig was in charge of planning the infrastructure construction.

And Onyxim is the head of the practical side.

The new town seems to have ignited the spirit of engineering and is really enthusiastic about the project.

We’ve come to the point where we can leave the food, clothing, and shelter to them.

It needs a few tweaks now and then, but it’s better than expected.

So my focus has shifted to the confrontation with the tiger people.

I’ll leave the actual fighting to Charles, but I can’t leave the strategy to others.

In the midst of all this, a cat person asked the patrolling knights for protection.

He was led to the town and given supervised protection.

There, we had an urgent meeting.

The members are Charles, Oracio, who is needed for this operation, and two secretaries.

The meeting format around here is me and two secretaries, plus the relevant members.

Charles cut to the chase in a light-hearted manner.

“I wonder what the purpose of our guest is? Is it to gather information about us?”

“It could be my assassination, you know?”

When I said it carefree, there was tension in the room.

Charles looked at me in astonishment.

I know it’s impossible at this point.

“I don’t think the subject himself should be so carefree.”

I waved my hand lightly.

“It’s only a possibility.”

Mil and Kiara’s killing intent was showing all over the place.

Mil was about to leave her seat.

She has experienced the murder of her parents.

After being alone for so long, she finally met her spouse.

It would be a nightmare to have them killed.

So when it comes to my safety, Mil is very sensitive.

“I’m going to go sort some things out.”

“You can’t harm someone who has asked for your protection, okay.”

Mil glared at me angrily.


“I told you this in advance so that you wouldn’t come to that conclusion.”

Kiara puffed out her cheeks.

“Brother, this is not funny, even in jest.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I have zero intention of making Mil a widow, so please don’t worry.”

Mil looked very worried.

“I won’t be able to sleep at night just thinking about it, so stop it ……”

Oracio gave me a look like a student demanding an answer.

“Really, what’s the truth?”

“Sir Oracio, have you seen any of the cat people who have asked for your protection in battle?”

“No …… I didn’t.”

“In other words, he doesn’t have the ability to fight, or maybe he’s just assassin in disguise. Even if he’s in disguise, he must have a poison or something and need to be in contact. The assassination line can be eliminated. So I think the main target is to gather information.”


“What information are they gathering, exactly?”

“What happened to the wolf people? Who’s on top? Who are the key players in the battle? Weaknesses if you can.”

The teacher folded his arms and pondered.

“How is he going to get the information out? It will be extremely difficult to return without being spotted by the patrolling knights.”

“I want to go back to persuade the cat people to emigrate. I guess that’s what he’ll say.”

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with my prediction.

Charles looked at me as if he wanted to know what to do next.

“So what do we do?”

“Is there anyone living in the area where the wolf people originally came from?”

I’ve asked him to gather information about this place.

Oracio reports back to me.

“Some tiger people live there. I thought it was the dog people or cat people.”

“Originally, the tiger people instigated the dog people and cat people into attacking you, after all. It wouldn’t make sense if they gave the vacant land to dog and cat people.”

Kiara nodded at my statement.

“That’s true.”

Mil had been casually moving her seat closer to me since the assassination thing.

I noticed that she was right next to me.

This part of her is cute, but we are in the middle of an important conversation.

“So what are you going to do about it, Al?”

This is the point where we have to ask the executors if they agree or not.

“Then I would like to ask you something, Sir Oracio.”

“What is it?”

“Can you attack the tiger people first and then come back immediately? One blow is all that is needed. It should be powerful enough to anger the tiger people, though.”

Charles tilted his head.

“For an attack, wouldn’t a knight be better?”

That’s not good enough.

I shook my head.

“Since they’re familiar with the geography, so the tiger people who aren’t familiar with it yet will probably lose. You can’t get caught or get into a physical fight. You’re just throwing the bait.”

Oracio nodded confidently.

“I am confident that a small group of people will not be caught.”

“I’d like you to drop off a letter for me. In addition to the greetings. When they see the letter, the tiger people will come to the front and attack us. They will attack us immediately, so please build a line of defense beforehand. I want Sir Rossi to take out the tiger people who are coming out to the front with a concentrated attack.”

Then I took a breath and looked at Oracio.

“I have one more request to make of you, Sir Oracio.”

“We are determined to follow you, my lord. You can tell me anything you want.”

“Then I will explain about the letter and the request.”

I gave a brief explanation.

I was trying not to show the anxiety in my heart, despite the surprise and excitement of those present when they heard it.


The day of the start of the operation.

In the reception room, I was pondering.

A lot of time has passed since the wolf people arrived in our town.

The assimilation is going well, but there’s a certain hesitancy.

I need to think of a way to resolve this.

The quickest way is to shed blood, fighting together.

There will be sacrifices in this battle.

And it is also at my own command ……

It’s depressing, but I have no choice but to accept it, even if the families of the dead hate me for it.

In addition, I am in a safe place when I give them the order to die.

I could take the lead, but there would be fewer sacrifices if I leave it to Charles.

I can’t accept any extra sacrifice just for my personal immunity.

If this is a third party, that’s the best way to be efficient.

It’s not right to wallow in self-pity.

That’s what they would say.

However, there is a big gap between the person concerned and the third party.

The idea of sacrificing others is …… what has kept me stuck in this feeling for a while now.

When I was struggling in the room with us three left, I felt a sensation in my arms on either side.

Mil and Kiara held my arms gently.

“Al…… tell me if you have any troubles.”

“Brother …… if I can be of help, I’ll do anything.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. The lives of my men and residents are very important to me. This time, it is almost certain that there will be deaths. Even though I know that, I have to give the orders. I’m not cut out to be a battle commander if I’m struggling with this ……”

The two of them kept quiet and strengthened their hold.

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