Authors note: I will probably no post for a while since I am thinking about what to write I new moon arc since there is not much in that movie or book. I am really sorry if my English and grammar still suck. If both chapter 9 and 10 are really bad then I will delete and editing and try to make it better.

Matt's POV

So day of the baseball game, as well as the entry of the nomads, had come I was getting ready and took the laser dagger as well as I told Rosalie I will hitch a ride with Edward and Bella.

I had gone downstairs to see dad was fixing his shotgun while Bella was telling him about she has been dating Edward and going with family out for a little trip. I saw dad going protective dad mode on Bella getting his shotgun ready.

I saw her introduce Edward to dad I saw the whole conversation while dad was giving Edward a slight glare.

Edward said to dad "Bella won't be out to late tonight she was going to play baseball with my family."Dad really looked amused and replied, "Baseball Bella is going to play baseball."

I laughed while saying "I know Dad the most clumsy and uncoordinated person is going to play baseball."Bella mock glared at me for that Dad smiled at my comment.

After the short conversation, I told Bella to inside the jeep I told Edward while looking at him seriously "You know he will shoot you with the shotgun if you hurt Bella in any way the same for me I will just make more painful got it."

Edward nodded I was thinking good at least his instincts are good.

Bella asked Edward "Since when do vampires like baseball."I heard that I was like what can't vampires like baseball or any sports its their choice.

Edward gave Bella a cap and replied to her "It is the American pass time and we can only play during a thunderstorm. you will see why."

There was full radio silence until we reached there. I saw Rosalie who came to be with a smile I just slide my hands under Rosalie's arms and wrap them around her waist. Slowly pull her toward me asked her"So how are you today."

Rosalie replied smiling "I am better since I saw you coming."

Esme was telling Bella and me "One of you can be the empire."Emmet spoke up in the background"She thinks we cheat."

I saw Alice was the pitcher while Rosalie was going first. I turned to Esme and said, "I think I will just watch since I doubt I can be impartial."Esme smiled and nodded and made Bella the umpire.

Alice who heard the sound of thunder said"Its time."I looked at them in the field while saying "This is going to be good."

I saw the game started Alice started pitching and Rosalie who had hit the ball the noise it made would have drawn attention if not for the thunderstorm. Rosalie's movement is basically a blue blur for because.

I heard Bellas ask Esme "That's got be a homerun right."Esme smiled and replied, "Edward is really fast."

I saw Edward going after the ball then next thing I know is the ball hitting Esme's mitt and Rosalie was out just like that. I really don't get it why make a human-like Bella or me an umpire since I am sure Bella is seeing only a blur like me and if a close call happens like the batter and the ball reaching Esme's mitt and base at the same time Bella would not even know what to call.

Rosalie came towards meet looking slightly annoyed I whispered to her "Don't worry I am sure you will do better next time."She smiled and snuggled into my ċhėst while hugging me.

I saw the game continue as when Carlisle was batting Edward and Emmet were joking around and letting him go or they really just smashed into each other. Now its Jasper's turn he got out everyone seems to be having real fun.

It was Sarah's turn who really hit it hard it really went far. But I saw Alice looking at the forest which was covered by fog. I mentally thought "so they are here."

[Authors note: Really don't know anything about baseball if you see any mistake please point out so I can edit it.]

I said spoke out looking at the forest "Guys we have a problem ."

Everyone looked at me with confusion but Alice and Edward knew what was happening.

Everyone came towards me asking me"What happened."I replied while looking at the forest "We have company its the three nomads. I am hearing their thoughts they just heard us playing."

Alice said to everyone "Yes Matt is speaking the truth they seem to have been leaving but they heard us play and coming here."Rosalie grabbed my arm the same for Edward started to take Bella to take us to the car and go home.

Carlisle said to Edward and Rosalie "It's too late they are already here you can't get them away from here in time."

Sarah spoke to everyone "Matt won't have any problem because of his scent but Bella will get their attention tell her to get her hair down."

Edward was helping her get bellas hair down and telling how sorry he was for bringing her and bella looked confused.Rosalie really turned serious looked at me and said: "Don't worry nothing will happen i will protect you."

I was mentally crying when I heard that I am really strong and everyone is treating me like damsel in distress.

I said looking at everyone "Don't trust a word they say."Everyone once again looked at me for answers "I will explain when we get out of this situation."All of them nodded their heads.

Everyone looking at the direction of the forest suddenly the three of them emerged from the fog James he had long blond hair was tied behind his neck like a ponytail, and he only wore a set of dark jeans and a dark leather jacket, Victoria had with long, curly, brilliant red hair that was usually described as looking like fire with the usual blood-red eyes of a vampire and then there is fake coven leader Laurent is dark-skinned, and had dreadlocks that ran down to his shoulders and mustache. He also showed a muscular torso through his open jacket and all of them walked bȧrėfoot.

Rosalie seems to be in front of me taking a protective stance the same as Edward was with Bella.

The nomad's reached in front Laurent who spoke for all of them "I think this belongs to you" and thew the ball at Carlisle. Carlisle who caught it thanked them.

Laurent started introducing themselves to Carlisle who replied gesturing everyone "Nice to meet you and this is my family."Carlisle told them how there hunting has caused trouble for his family.

Laurent who was apologizing saying how they did not know the territory had been claimed I was thinking that's a lie as I was reading their memories. James seems to have recognized Alice who he thought of hunting after this meeting but his tracking skills were giving hunches about more on Edward and Bella being more exciting prey.

Laurent was telling us "We won't be a problem anymore and we are just passing through." after that Victoria spoke her part "Humans were tracking us we led them east and you should be safe."

Again they knew the coven here is having a permanent residence and wanted to check it out they came here to cause trouble. Laurent started asking about wanting more players. I tuned them out since I was mainly focused on Victoria, James then Laurent.

James was getting more and more interested in Bella and Edward he wanted to find more information about them then start hunting them it's making him get excited after that he was thinking about hunting Alice. Victoria seems to focus on Jasper since she knew James will be after Alice so she was looking to see if Jasper is a threat or not.

Laurent, he seems to have an instinct of telling who is more powerful that's why he joined James seeing his power but he is not loyal to them he can tell we are more powerful than them he is already thinking of defecting since he knows James will be going after us and it will probably kill him this rat does not care about anyone but himself.

I can easily guess Irina and him are not mates if they were Laurent would have stayed with the Denali's and adopted their animal blood diet but he didn't and he just likes the luxury living with the Denali's gave him.

Irina just thought Laurent was her mate that is the only explanation I can think of since she just proabaly grabbed the first person who looked interested in her since she turned.

I made sure to use my empathy I such a way that i can fully control my emotions so I don't have to show any negative emotions towards them otherwise I am sure victoria's ability will alert her about me.

While I could mentally cloak Bella but they would still come after Rosalie, Bella, Dad, Alice, and play with all of the Cullens no matter what. This the only way I can let him focus on us rather than Dad since I am sure after he finds about me he will think about torturing me to get to the Rosalie.

I heard Carlisle say"Sure why not few of us were leaving and we will bat first." and threw the ball at Laurent but victoria caught it looked smug replying "I am the one with a wicked curveball."

Jasper spoke out with a smirk at that "I think we can handle it."

Victoria and Laurent were going back James still was looking at Bella and Edward but as both of them were leaving but James got Bella's scent.

James said with a huge smile, "You brought some snacks."

All the Cullens go into a protective stance around Bella and me.

After Laurent telling them the game is over then taking James and Victoria with him. Carlisle who saw this told both Rosalie and Edward to take both of us out of here.

As we were going in the jeep Edward started to explain to Bella about James coming after her. I saw Rosalie looking at me with a sad smile while apologizing "Sorry for getting your family into this."

I shook my head "You didn't he would still come after Bella after getting her scent from somewhere else."

Bella was talking about how she has to go home and Edward saying how that would be the first place he would go to and he has to take Bella out here.

I cut in between "I will take care of dad letting us go on a trip."

As we reached our home I told Rosalie,Bella, and Edward"You guys wait outside I will convince dad."

I hate to do this but I managed to create a fake memory in dad about allowing us to go on the trip with Cullens to better get to know them. I sensed James outside I reprogramed him I added something here and there.

I mentally thought with a smirk while reprogramming James "Now you are my little puppet I want Jasper to have a go at you after I am done with you. Even though I can't permanently reprogram anyone's mind since the mind always recalls the steps necessary for it to reach the present and thus 'rewrite' itself to its original setting if I tried to change it. But this reprogramming will last 2 weeks max that is all the time I need to make your life hell ."

After that Edward was taking Bella and me to their home. We reached there as Edward and Rosalie were entering they saw Laurent both of them became vigilant. Carlisle explained, "He came here to warn us."

Laurent told how he is tired of James games and warned Edward "Jame's got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my three-hundred years and Victoria is also dangerous don't underestimate them."Laurent said leaving the house.

As I entered the car shed I spoke up so I have everyone's attention "They knew your coven lived here Carlisle they came to investigate it and James is not just going after Bella he is coming after Alice as well."

Jasper who heard that cut in "Why Alice? why is he coming after her ?."

I looked at Alice and Jasper and continued"He seems to know Alice before she was turned he came to kill for her blood when she was human but Alice escaped by turning into a vampire probably seeing it in a vision he left her there because he wanted Alice to survive on her own. So he can hunt her in the future. When he saw her here he was thinking of hunting her but he got Bella's scent. He was thinking about killing Bella then Alice."

Carlisle looked at Edward then all the Cullen's said, " If what Matt said is true James and Victoria would have come after our coven even if we did not meet them in the baseball pitch especially after Bella and Alice."

I told Carlisle "Laurent is not a good guy he did not come here because he is fed up with James feeding habits. Laurent has instinct if you will he can tell a person is really strong or not he has no allegiance to anyone he betrayed James and Victoria because he felt we were stronger he was trying to get into your good graces and try to get into your coven but he knew chances are low. He will try to find join the coven of your allies. He will betray you the moment he sees the enemy is strong send info and the picture about him that I just sent you to your allies. From what I heard from Rosalie Denali's will be his first choice."

Carlisle nodded decided to send the info about Laurent to the Denali coven and other allied covens.

I told everyone "Now his target is Bella who smells too good for him to resist."

Edward asked me "How do you know all this I didn't find anything like this when I searched them."I replied looking at everyone "I don't just read thoughts like you I can read all their memories and don't worry I didn't use it to read any one of your past and i will only read you mind if the situation demands it."I only thought Because I already know all of your past.

Everyone nodded their heads.

Carlisle planned the same as the movie I along with Bella was going with Alice and Jasper.

Rosalie gave me a peck on the lips and told me "Stay safe okay."I replied to her "I really want to tell you to be safe but I know you won't need."

Alice and Jasper got inside the car with Bella and me following them we were on our way to phoenix. Bella will probably be thinking about her friends and Dad.

We reached a hotel in phoenix as we were resting. Alice and Jasper were on the couch suddenly Alice told us "The tracker he just changed course." and she started to draw Bella's ballet studio.

Bella who saw the drawing told them it's her old ballet studio. Alice and Jasper looked at Bella. Alice asked Bella"You been here."

Bella replied looking at the drawing "I took lessons as a kid and the school I had gone had an arch just like that."

Bella suddenly had a call it was from Edward he was telling how they lost the tracker and how he will take whatever it means to keep her stuff.

Bella suddenly found she had 2 missed calls from dad. Bella looked at me and asked, "Why is dad calling me and I have 2 missed calls from him ."I shrugged and looked at my phone replied, "Dad has called me to it seems. He probably wants to know if we are okay."

I could hear the conversation with technopathy. Bella said on the phone"Dad both Matt and I are fine."She was cut off hearing dad's voice of dad "Bella, Matt where are you both."

Bella tried to comfort him but the voice changed to James "It seems it was easy for me to get your Dad he was not protected like you I just had to grab him in his home while he was watching a TV. But if you want to see your Dad alive leave all your protectors otherwise I will go after your brother next."

Bella started to get scared she did not want to lose her dad when she just got him back begged James "Please don't hurt him I will come where ever you want after you have me. Please leave my dad and brother alone."

I can only shake my head and think she still thinks about others even when she knows she will be killed and I like that about her she is ready to go to that psychopath and let him kill her to save both me and dad.

James told Bella "Come to the old ballet studio and I will know if you will bring anyone along or notify anyone then I will kill your dad after that I will find a way to kill your brother got it."

I mentally thought "Don't worry Bella I won't let anything happen to you not even a scratch."

I slowly leaving Alice, Jasper, and leaving out the hotel I notified both of them "Bella went to the old ballet studio it seems James got her to follow his demands it seems ."

I along both of them went after Bella we were following the cab Bella is on. I told Jasper"Jasper slow it down don't let her notice us."Jasper and Alice looked at me as they were confused.

I looked at both of them and said "If Bella believes she ditched us so will James his tracking ability gives him hunches from what I understand these hunches come from what his victim or prey is thinking or doing in a sense."

I told Jasper "We get both Bella safe and well as kill James I am sure your itching to get your hand on him aren't you Jasper the same as me."Jasper was on full Major mode "He thinks he can come after Alice or my family and just live he has another thing coming."

Bella has already entered the studio it seems.

We reached the ballet studio "let's go inside and give the James a proper goodbye."

I sensed My defense probe activate and James seems too stunned at seeing the forcefield to react I paralyzed him when entered the studio I saw James look like a statue looking stunned with Bella in front of him.

I looked at Alice and said "Take Bella to the car she seems shocked by the events."Jasper looked at me and asked in surprise "What happened to him?."

I replied with a smirk "I paralyzed him with my telepathy. I can do it to multiple people make it appear as if time has been stopped, although I could also paralyze only the body without rendering people's minds frozen as well. I made it so his body is paralyzed but he can see and hear us."

Jasper only said, "Good can you keep like that."

I replied, "Its not a problem but you should tell others our location and start a fire for this bastard I have some business with him he came after my sister's and don't worry I will leave you some ."

Jasper nodded while taking out his phone while going to the side get the wood for the fire I guess. I activated my noise canceler and I stood right in front of him I whispered to him"I really want to try this trick never had enemies to try this one."

I tried pain inducement I am no saint like Xavier to not use it I can see his eyes looked like it was going to pop out because of the pain I stop the paralyze effect but continued the pain inducement.

I had a sadistic smile while talked to James as he fell on the ground wreathing in pain "I probably try monologuing now I always wanted to try that. You see James you really should not have even thought about hurting both of my sisters and my dad I really controlled every choice you made from the night you reached my house to till now."

I stopped the pain inducement to let him process what I said and continued "You see I made you choose to use my dad's video to lure her I knew every move you could have made."

What I just said is true when I really reprogramed him I made him choose the video since his first choice was to kidnap my dad and torture him in front of Bella then torture her while video tapping it then sending it to the Cullen's and me.

I started the pain inducement again he was on the ground fully on the ground now seems unable to even stand up.

I looked at him still writhing in pain because of the pain inducement with a smile it is really stronger than Jane and continued "You really thought you were the hunter or predator here. Nah Nah I let you think you are the hunter in reality you were just the prey. What do they say The hunter become the hunted or was it The predator has become the prey."

I took out my laser dagger and started cut his arms and legs off I can sense so much fear from James through empathy.

I asked him with a concerned look "What happened James why to fear me a human a prey ."

I used my pain inducement again I said looking as in some sort of dilemma "Your life was forfeited the moment you decided to hurt my family I really want to kill you myself but I will leave it, Jasper."

I stopped the pain inducement after a couple of minute sitting next to him read his mind I metally thought "Ohhh he can still feel and has coherent thoughts it seems the poor guy really is scared to death because of me it seems I really used my pain inducement nicely for my first try he didn't seem to able to move after using it only for a short time."

Jasper who finished all his call and created the fire saw me sit next to James who had his arms and legs cut off "What happened to him? I can feel his intense fear towards you."

I replied showing my laser dagger to Jasper "Just used a couple of telepathy tricks and do you really think I would nothing to him he came after my family and you can have him now Jasper."

Jasper who nodded and started his emotional torture using his empathy I saw him using it I was thinking "I really need to ask him pointers on emotional torture."

After that Jasper broke him into a drooling mess he started break James head and collecting the pieces and was throwing it into the fire he created I saw Edward with Bella and Rosalie and the rest of the Cullen's come inside the studio.

Ballet studio 3rd POV

James was waiting for his prey to reach here he heard the door open.James whispered"Oh its seems my prey is here" seeing her go here and there.

Bella was yelling "Dad where, are you? Are you okay dad? and James as you can see I am here please let him go."

James sped right behind Bella and replied "It was really easy to fool you." showing her the video of her dad and brother playing hide and seek.

Which scared Bella who was seeing the video knew she had fallen into his trap.

James grabbed Bella hair and smelt it and said "You smell so divine I really want to drain you now but I have to gift the Cullen's and your family something for giving me you"

I started taking out the video camera asked her "Why don't you give your family and Cullens the last message I want to make it dramatic and all and make it look good for Edward."

Bella yelled at James "He has nothing to do with this."James looked at her smiling with amusement and replied: "No it has to do everything with his failure at protecting you and his rage will make it my most interesting hunt ever."

James looked at Bella and asked, "Shall we get started, and don't worry I will send your brother and dad to the same place you are going."

Bella started to edge away from James used the pepper spray at James and who seemed annoyed sped next to her blocking her as he was going to hit her his bounced on a blue forcefield.

James was stunned and confused at what was happening next thing he knew he was unable to move he could hear and see his prey in front of him but he can't move a muscle.

James heard voices of the girl Alice, her mate, and this girl's brother but he can't move an inch. James could hear the brother Matt talking about he was the one doing it when he stood in front of me my vampire instincts were telling me he is dangerous but I could only think why did I not notice it or Victoria didn't notice it and he is still human.

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