Authors note This a rough draft don't know if this any good and I am involving the Quileute tribe more in this and Jacob is never going to be an alpha in this fanfic.

Matt's POV

After Nomad's incident, Rosalie gave me an earful for going to fight, even though I pointed out I had Alice and Jasper with me. Edward started to tell Bella how it's because of him she got in this situation and all.

I knew prom is right around the corner but outside of spending time with Rosalie; I started to get more info on making synthetic blood after that I created pills with enough blood to satisfy a vampire's thirst. I made some weapons I saw in halo plasma grenade more powerful.

I visited Sam since I knew he probably changed to a shapeshifter.

I reached Sam's house, I knocked on the door to see if anyone was inside. I heard Sam's voice "Who is it."

I replied, "It's me, Matt."

There was silence but then the door opened I saw a more muscular Sam I asked him "So you changed I had doubts about this happening."Sam was surprised and asked, "You know I am a shapeshifter."

I Nodded my head "Your sudden change in the physique can be noticed easily. I heard about your tribe's legend about descending from wolves and Billy being hostile to the Cullens made me a question whether the legends were true."

I looked at him smiled said, "Also I read Edward Cullen's mind to find that your tribe used to have shapeshifters."Sam looked at me asked, "So you can read minds. Have you read mine?"

I shook my head "Never I use it on enemies mainly or if the situation demands."Sam nodded his head at that.

I looked at Sam and told him "Do you want to speak about it."Sam nodded his head and started telling about his change he thought he was a freak and was afraid of hurting people but the Elders told him about what was happening and he changed to a shapeshifter a protector of their tribe and against Cullens and there kind.

I cut him off at that "Cullens are not even the once to cause your change or even your enemies."Sam looked at me and asked, "What do you mean I was told I changed because the Cullens came back to forks."

I replied seriously "You changed because human blood-drinking vampires entered forks, Cullens have here for close to a year but you didn't change before it's just the elders are highly biased, they do not see how the Cullens are only drinking animal blood. While they could just have taken the easy way to drink human blood. Carlisle Cullen works in a hospital to save humans."

[Authors note: This just a theory I saw sam was not muscular when Bella visited la push so I can only conclude he phased during the nomad's coming to forks.]

I showed him pictures of the nomads, told him about how these 3 caused him to phase into a shapeshifter.

Sam looked thoughtful and sighed "That's true the older generation seems to clouded by hate for the vampires they overlook those facts."

Sam looked like he was in dilemma and said, "I found out shapeshifter has a thing called imprinting its like a soulmate."Sam paused for a bit.

I gestured him to continue "I kinda imprinted on Emily she is Leah's cousin I tried to reject the imprint but it just causing me more pain I was about to go to Leah and break up with her just now."

I replied looking at Sam "Instead of breaking up just call both of them to tell them about what is happening to you may show them your transformation. It's best to tell her the truth if you break up with her and be with Emily, it will just make Leah sour about it."

Sam who was in deep thought nodded his head. I said to Sam, "You know just like how you imprinted I am Rosalie Cullens mate." Sam heard that looked at me and said, "So you will turn into a vampire to be with her."

I nodded my head and said, "It's just like you imprinted on Emily and you can't seem to stay away from her. It is the same with me."

Sam had an understanding smile and said "Even if you turn into a vampire you will always be my brother."I smiled at that "I wanted to hear that. Does anyone else is showing the symptoms of being a shapeshifter like you did?"

Sam thought for a while and said, "There are Paul and Jared, I think they are showing it."I replied, "Make them part of your pack when you get good control of your transformation teach them all you know."

Sam replied, "I will try better control of my transformation then create a pack with them."

I asked him "You should really change the treaty with Cullens make rules as they can only change someone if both parties agree, Don't drink human blood or attack humans if any human drinking vampires attack either the Cullens or your pack help each other as allies...etc."

Sam started thinking about it and replied, "I will have to ask the head of the tribe and the elders for this."

I asked Sam "Tell the head of the tribe and elders that the Cullens are no the threat there are vampires out there that hunt humans without care and never know how many will be in a coven and if they come to forks, it will be hard for just the pack alone to fight."

Sam, who heard that replied, "I will make sure that they understand the seriousness of the situation."

I asked Sam, "Call me when you decide to want a meeting with the Cullens make it after you train Paul and Jare."Sam replied, "I will contact you but can you help me explain this to both Leah and Emily."

I smiled and replied, "Sure, why not."

Sam then called both Emily and Leah to his house we waited till both of them reached his house. Sam explained to both of them "Leah do you remember our tribe's legend about being able to transform into wolves and for two weeks I started avoiding you is because of that."

Leah was confused until Sam turned into a black wolf she was slightly scared, surprised, and was in awe. I took over from there "What he is saying is that he became a shapeshifter and they have a thing called imprinting basically a soulmate in a sense it hurts them to reject or be away from there imprint."

Leah who broke out of stupor heard what I said seems to understand and asked: "So you are saying is Sam imprinted on someone."I nodded my head and said, "He was trying to reject it but it was hurting him too much. He didn't want to hurt you but he didn't how to tell you this."

Sam who was in his wolf form nodded at that. Leah's voice cracked, " wh..who did he imprint on."I looked at Emily who understood Emily gestured at herself "Me, he imprinted on me."

Leah was in tears since her boyfriend imprinted on her favorite cousin. I looked at Leah and said "It's not Sam or Emily's fault it is just how a shapeshifter works. You can't blame Sam for it because you know how he only saw Emily as a sister before being a shapeshifter."

Leah who heard that can only nod at that since she knew Sam only saw Emily like a sister before phasing and both do not have any fault in this. Leah spoke out after some time "I understand I just need more time to get over this."

Sam who was still in his wolf form went over to the nearby bush, changed to his human form, and changed to his shorts. He came back and apologized to Leah, who was walking away to her home.

Emily was about to go after Leah I stopped I told her "Let her be alone she needs time to think about this and call her parents about this." Emily quickly dialed Sue Clearwater and told her about Leah and their situation.

After that, Emily didn't know what to do.

Emily was quiet for a while then asked "So what does that even mean for Sam and me."I smiled sadly at her and replied" You can reject it but you will feel incomplete without Sam. Even if you choose to be with someone else Sam will accept it since you are happy. But that is not possible since it will be hard to resist the bond you have with each other"

[Authors note: I looked it up it seems they will not able resist the imprinting there never has been anyone who was capable of doing it seems.]

Emily nodded and replied, "I just need to think about it. If what you said is true then I will get to know Sam first but I need some time to process this."Sam was happy with that and smiled and said "I will."

While was about to go I said to Sam to control his anger better since he doesn't want to phase and hurt Emily. Sam, who heard that looked serious and thanked me for my advice.

Sam was walking back with me while he said, "Thank you."I looked at him and replied, "What for I did what any friend or brother would do."

I looked at Sam and said, "I am thinking of turning after prom so you might want to talk to the elders and set a meeting with Cullens soon I know the treaty involves not turning humans."

Sam nodded and replied, " I will talk to Elders and head soon I will call you so you can tell the Cullens about it."

I was going home I fixed that situation now I want to tell Rosalie about my decision of turning. I decided to video call her and told her I would meet her at the picnic spot.

I rode my bike quick then had to walk a little reach the location. I reached there to see Rosalie waiting for me. I went to her and kissed her asked her "So how is your shopping for prom going."

Rosalie smiled at me and asked, "What can't wait to take me to prom."I replied to her, "Can you blame me."

We both laid down on the grass with Rosalie had her head on my ċhėst. I asked her, "Would turn me after prom."Rosalie suddenly raised her head and looked at me and said "Why now didn't you want to wait till graduation."

I said looking at the sky "I was thinking about it a lot and I thought its best to turn now."Rosalie looked thoughtful then replied, "We will have to discuss this with Carlisle."

I nodded my head in understanding Rosalie. Rosalie looked sad and asked, "Do you really want to do this you know that I can't ever give you a family."I looked cupping her face and said: "You know if that what's bothering you I have the answer I can make it so we can have a child of our own in the future."

Rosalie was stunned and her hands were trembling even voice cracked " can do that."I replied to her "In theory, I could "

Rosalie could not stop crying and asked me, "We.. we.. could have a family of our own."I nodded my head while wiping her tears away and said, "We can."

Rosalie nodded her head I told I was going to hide this conversation from everyone until we can make sure my theory is true. She was happy with it and kissed me with full of passion our tongues battled for dominance lets just say no one won after that we just enjoyed each others company.

I got a call from Sam two days later saying the head of the tribe wanted to meet me. I went to la lush reservation. I could see Sam, Billy black, and Harry Clearwater rest of them I didn't recognize much.

Billy asked me "So Matt you decided to turn into one of them."I replied to Billy "Its similar to imprinting in a way it's difficult to go on with life and just forget about my mate it's not easy,"

Billy raised an eyebrow when I compared imprinting to vampires mate he sighed "I know Sam told me about it even told me how the Cullens are not the ones that caused him to change and are not the enemies and there are other out there that can cause the tribe harm so you suggested us to ally with each other."

I said to Billy, "A vampire almost tried to kill Bella, Carlisle and his family killed him. The Cullens drink animal blood and Carlisle works in a hospital full of humans."

Harry Clearwater spoke up "But how can we be sure they will help us when we need them and how can we trust them."

I replied looking at him "Carlisle is risking everything here if there government Volturi finds about the shapeshifter also me and Bella finding of what they are. The Volturi will kill all the Cullen's also both me and Bella with your tribe."

Billy looked alarmed and asked me "What do you mean by there government this Volturi killing all of us and you if they find out about what they are."

I replied seriously "The Volturi has one main rule never reveal the cold ones to the humans. Yes, Carlisle is risking everything here he could easily told them about the Quileute when he discovered your tribe. But he honored his promise to not reveal you guys to everyone and their leader is really power-hungry and is out for some of Carlisle's family already so as you can see he is risking everything here."

Billy nodded and said "I understand so the Cullens have been protecting our tribe as well it seems. They are really honorable it seems But this Volturi makes me slightly scared for my tribe."

I replied to Billy for that "I have a solution I can make sure the Volturi never finds out about the shapeshifters from the Cullens unless you let a human blood-drinking vampire who is not a friend of the Cullens escape seeing the shapeshifters."

Sam who was listening to all this spoke up for the first time "The pack will make sure none of them leave forks alive at least the ones who are not any way related to the Cullens that is."

Billy asked, me "The Cullens can only invite the vampire friend into forks by letting us know first".

I nodded at that and said to everyone "You can tell that to Carlisle during the meeting about the rules also you might want to watch out for a red-headed vampire. She Is dangerous I have a feeling she is going to come to forks we killed her mate after all."

Sam told them he will take care of her with the rest of his pack.

Billy who was in deep thought I read his mind he still hated the cold ones but he was letting go of his hate towards the Cullens since I presented him almost all the facts. The same can be said for the rest of the council since they found about the Volturi and how much Carlisle is doing to protect them and his family by not telling about them.

[Authors note: I found it was the best way since Carlisle is protecting them from the Volturi they will kill the shapeshifter even if they are not the children of the moon or werewolves especially Caius.]

Billy asked me "Bring the Cullens to the border we will set new rules for the treaty and I am only doing this for you and Bella."

I thanked him for that. Billy asked me "Do you intend on telling your dad about this and are you going to turn him as well."I shook my head and replied, "No I will not turn dad I am sure he will not want to be an immortal and I will also not tell him."

Billy sadly smiled at that and asked, "But you do know people will notice especially your dad if you don't start aging and you will have to see him die."I replied to billy with a sad smile "I know I can make so the Cullens age and dad can die knowing both Bella and I am living a happy life its the best I can do for him "

Billy nodded and said, "I will not ask how you will achieve that's your secret."I just smiled and nodded at him. I looked at sam and using telepathy I spoke to him"You didn't tell Billy about my abilities."

Sam replied with his thoughts "No its best to leave your ability out of this".I thanked Sam for it told him I will leave an emergency mental link we can contact each other through it.

As I was going Billy asked me "Matt how do you have so much knowledge about the shapeshifters."I looked at Billy and only smiled.

I decided to meet with Carlisle quickly I went toward the Cullen's house Esme who saw me was surprised "Matt what can I do for you should I call Rosalie."I replied to her "Can you call Carlisle quickly this is an emergency"

Esme who saw I was serious called Carlisle. Who said he was coming home quickly I waited in the front room as Carlisle reached home He greeted me then asked: "So Matt what is this emergency I hear about."

I saw Rosalie come to the room since she heard I was here.

I told them about that Quileute's creating a new treaty with them. Carlisle asked me "Why a new treaty."

I replied looking at him "When the nomads came here it kinda started creating a new group of shapeshifters. when I read Edward's mind I saw a memory of Quileute's creating a treaty with you guys and in that treaty, it was told you will not be able to turn any human.I was thinking of turning after prom. So I didn't want you guys to be kicked out of forks because of changing me."

Carlisle nodded understanding asked me "But are you sure you want to turn now"I answered, "Yes I thought its best to turn now."

Carlisle looked curious and asked me "How were you able to achieve this the Billy black and his generation hated us even when we were drinking animal blood."

I smiled a Carlisle and said, "I am best friend with one of this generation's shapeshifters we are like brothers added to that I made him understand you guys are not the enemy there other human blood-drinking vampires out there so he was able to convince the council about the situation even though they hate cold ones they are letting go of there hate toward all the Cullens ."

Carlisle was grateful and thanked me for what I did.

The meeting between the Cullens and the Quileute tribe occurred I was there as well the council allowed to turn human as long as both sided agreed also they must first inform them about it, Cullens cannot kill or drink the blood of humans in forks, Both of them will help each other if a threat rises, They can bring vampire friends only after informing the tribe first...etc.

Billy spoke up "Matt is still allowed on Quileute land even after he is turned since we recognize him as a friend of the tribe."I was really grateful for Billy for that and thanked him for it Billy just smiled at me for that.

Billy also thanked Carlisle for not telling Volturi about the shapeshifter and protecting them. Carlisle was surprised but told Billy that he didn't want the Quileute's to suffer because of the Volturi and Aro is power-hungry and Carlisle just didn't agree with how they looked as if humans are not worthy and how they rule.

Now I made sure there is no problem with Quileute and Cullens I mentally sighed"Only thing I have a lookout for is Jacob who will be jealous and angry at the Cullens because he belives Edward stole Bella from him."

The days went by I noticed the school had no problem with people skipping classes as long as you have good grades so I took advantage I was mostly working on blood pills, some halo weapons, and Nanotech all of them will be completed soon. But I can only create 20 blood pills for now.

When finished all the work I was thinking "I really need to buy a warehouse out in the forest maybe"

The day of the prom was about to reach and thank god my car arrived.

I wore my tux I looked at the mirror to see if everything is good. I also saw Bella getting ready she wore the same blue dress from the movie. I went downstairs to see dad was already waiting for us.

Dad said looking both of us "I hope both of you have a great night."I replied to him"Thanks, dad."

I knew Dad was going protective mode again when Edward comes.

I told Bella"I will going now since I am going to pick up Rosalie you will probably have to wait for Edward."Bella replied, "I am sure he will be here soon."

I just nodded and went to my car I just sped through the road as I was going through the forest to Cullens house I whispered: " I am glad I know their location clearly otherwise at night this place is really not recognizable."

I reached their house I waited outside I was looking at the watch as I heard the door open to see Rosalie was in Red Long Illusion V-Neck Bodice dress she looked beautiful words just can describe it.

I was in a daze until I heard Jasper say "Matt you might want to close your mouth."I quickly closed my mouth and mock glared at Jasper who just smiled at me Jasper and I are great friends.

Rosalie was happy with my reaction.

I looked at her with a smile and said "You look beautiful."I was mentally thinking "Damn she looks like a goddess."

I took her hand kissed it led her to the car opened the door for her as we were going to prom I asked her "Are you excited I know its first time going to prom right."

Rosalie with slight excitement replied, "Yes its the first time ."We both reached prom I saw Edward was coming with Bella. I took Rosalie's hand as I was taking her inside we had a photo taken of each other.

We went inside to see its full of people enjoying themselves. I decided its best to take her outside and I played slow music on the phone.

I was dancing with Rosalie in my arms as I asked her "How do you like your first prom night so far."

Rosalie had a beautiful smile on her face looked into my eyes and replied "It was really noisy inside but I like it here."

As we were dancing we started to kiss it was was a nice moment I recorded our dancing to captured pictures of it. Rosalie who nuzzled into my neck.

We enjoyed our dance both we had a nice time together that I didn't notice Edward and Bella dancing next to us.

The next day I told the dad about going hiking with Cullens and Dad seems to be okay with that I went to the Cullens house.

We reached the house I could see every one of the Cullens except Edward here. Carlisle looked at me said "Rosalie would be the one to turn you. You would be a newborn since I am sure you would have to learn to control your strength, speed, and thirst."

I nodded I was led to a room with Rosalie following me she told me its best to lay down. I mentally upgraded every ability I had. I was more focused Carlisle's ability reduced thirst upgrading it will make me have absolute control over my thirst.

I laid down on the bed then I Told her "I am ready ."

Rosalie replied, "Don't worry I will be here every step of the way."

I closed my eyes I could feel Rosalie's fangs sink into my neck I could feel the pain but that was eclipsed by a burning sensation on my neck slowly spreading all over my body. The only way I could describe it was as if someone poured gasoline on you and lit you on fire. I wanted really scream but I felt Rosalie hand in mine I tried to concentrate on her than the pain I was feeling after some time the pain subsidized.

I opened my eyes I could see everything so perfectly even when I look out the window I could see everything clearly and all the colors looked so vibrant. I then looked at Rosalie she as beautiful as ever it seems feeling had been enhanced. I could hear different animals in the forest, the sound of cars on the road.

Rosalie who looked concerned asked me while clearing the blood from her mouth "Do you feel as if your throat is burning."I shook my head and replied, "No I don't feel anything like that."

Rosalie looked at me then called Carlisle who saw I was turned asked me "How are you feeling."I replied to Carlisle, "I don't feel any burning sensation like Rosalie described."

Carlisle said while looking at me in awe "It seems you have my ability reduced thirst this will help you a lot."I nodded my head I got up and was about to go look at the mirror sped through the room I had control myself to stop.

I could look back at Rosalie and Carlisle and mumbled "I will have to get this under control."Rosalie was worried and said, "Matt take it slow you have a week at best you can learn to control it and we don't sleep remember."

I just nodded my head I looked in the mirror to see my skin has become more white, cold skin I tried concentrated on how I looked before turning slowly I could see I was starting to look just like my old self just now I have vampire senses and physical attributes.

Carlisle was mostly asking me about all the changes I felt Rosalie just didn't want to let me go be I had no problem with that. Carlisle asked me in worried tone "Matt it's best if you go hunt now."

I replied awkwardly smiling at him "Yes its probably the best."

I crushed the doorknob when I was going out of the room I could only look at Carlisle and say "Sorry."

Carlisle smiled and said, "Its no problem."

Rosalie was with me during hunting I could hear the heartbeat of the animals and birds all around,I could see objects in microscopic detail, and can see into the invisible spectrum of light. It was really overwhelming in a sense but its because I could control my thirst otherwise like Bella I would probably go after someone while just smelling their blood.

I didn't need too much so I went after a deer even when the deer tried to run it was as if the deer is moving in slow motion catching it was easy I drank its blood that's enough I thought then I should just eat normal food after this I will just use the blood pills when I feel like it.

Rosalie who was by my side asked: "How do you feel now, after all, it's your first hunt."I replied smiling at her, "It was good I don't have a problem with my thirst but I will have to learn to control my strength and speed."

I practiced control of my strength and speed I was getting better at it now. I also was mentally crying"I have work on my telepathy, empathy, and visions again.The boost when I turned into a vampire made me see the past as well as the future which is a great help I can see a person's ancestor's past if I want, telepathy has become stronger that I can easily control or pain induce Aro from forks if I want, empathy just becomes Omni-Empathy it seems to have many applications Plant Empathy, Emotional Source, Love Derivation, Empathic Force Manipulation, Emotional Energy Manipulation, Messianic Plane Manipulation, Empathic Healing...etc.I was slightly afraid of the emotional source and love derivation since it seems to make me the source of the emotion, if I die the emotion dies as well."

I am never going to use those for sure.

The only problem was Dad noticed that I was not getting back home after the so-called hiking trip.

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