Authors note: This chapter involves quite a bit drama or so I think you guys should read it and tell me about it. I want to know where I made a mistake and stuff. All the shapeshifters imprints will be very close to there age no imprinting on children.

Matt's POV

I was running out of excuses until my dad had it and told me to come home. At least I have control over my strength and speed now, so I don't crush Dad or Bella. When I returned home, I saw dad who was waiting for me at the front door.

I could only greet him awkwardly "Hi dad good morning."Dad just gave me a look that you are in trouble.

Dad looked at me said, "I didn't see you for a week and only phone calls telling me you are staying at Cullens."I replied "I can explain everything "Mentally I was crying I can't think up of anything now.

As we were entered the house avoiding dad's questioning look I went to drink some water. I heard dad ask me "you used protection right."I spat all the water.

I looked at Dad "We didn't do anything like that."Dad didn't look convinced at all and replied "Whatever you say, just use protection and please tell me in person next time you are staying at the Cullens or with Rosalie."He whispered the last part.

I was blushing up a storm I didn't know what to say I saw Bella looking really amused by what she was hearing. I glared at her and said, "Don't say a word."

I was going to my room while staring at the ceiling when I saw I had a phone call from Sam. I decided to go to find what this is about I went to La push to see sam Jared and Paul all of them were waiting for me.

I walked up to Sam asked, "So what's the problem."Sam shrugged at me and replied, "Nothing serious just wanted to know if anyone else has a chance of phasing. Now only 3 of us have phased we don't know if we can take on vampires with just us."

I thought for a while and said "You know the legend of Taha Aki right from what I know Uleys, Alteras, and the Blacks are descended from them so look out for the males from these families also keep an eye out for Embry since his dad is still unknown."Sam replied to me "I will keep an eye out for them also Embry's dad can be anyone from the Quileute tribe so I will look out for him too."

[Authors note: This here bugs me Sam is also a direct descendant of Taha Aki but Jacob can become alpha whenever he wants is complete bullshit. Sorry about my language.]

I thought for a while and told Sam "Tell Billy to talk to my father how you guys are keeping people out of the forest since hearing about the animal attacks. This will give you a cover story for going into the woods, I also can make sure to get you jobs if you like since you guys will probably stop going to school to patrol the woods."

Sam who smiled and replied, "I appreciate that I will tell Billy to talk to your father as well as the job offer we will think about it."

Paul and Jared were happy about that. Sam asked me "So you turned into a cold one right."I nodded and replied, "Yes with that Victoria the red-haired vampire I told you about she will definitely come for the Cullens or my family so its best to be safe than sorry also as told you. I am Rosalie's mate this was bound to happen sooner."

Sam replied, "I have no problem with it and I am sure you will not drink human blood."I replied, "I will not, I may even find a replacement for it."

Sam once again smiled at what I said and told me "With how smart you are I am sure you will figure something out."

They were mainly talking about how the shapeshifters are progressing and Sam is keeping an eye out for the future shapeshifters. After that day passed by fast I was working on my powers again it has received a huge boost with telepathy now I can convince a vampire fully that the false memory I implanted is real or I can fully erase their memories which were pretty hard when I am human now I can possess anyone in Volturi from forks. But controlling this will take some time basically pinpointing a particular person.

I could easily cause pain inducement for Aro from forks speaking of that I really want to know if vampires are only physically immortal if they can survive if they are mentally destroyed.

I then started focus on building my company I mostly did more work with Carlisle with building my company Futuretech as I bought the building and even started recruiting people but not many since machines built most of the tech.

I did create a lightsaber and harbinger from RWBY for fun. I did give Rosalie a bracelet that turned into a forcefield never know when she will need it I can't be at two places at once.

But I made sure Arthur monitored everyone I didn't want my future designs to fall into other companies' hands. So I also made sure all my tech will destroy itself if someone tried to reverse engineer it.

I did create a touchscreen phone similar to the once I found in 2020, then M-O from the movie Wall-e for regular people which was hit. I was mostly made things cheaper for regular people to buy it.

I had a few pests try to get into my company to steal the designs lets say those that hired them to do it died by suicide or accidents just kidding I am sure I have a halo on my head. I made sure all of them returned with nothing.

Sadly the day of our birthday came its really going to be a disaster at the Cullens. I went downstairs with Bella who seems to have just woken up that was rare then I remembered Bella was afraid of growing old alone while Edward didn't change at all.

Dad who saw us wished "Happy birthday Matt and Bella."Bella smiled and hugged dad was happy and gave her a camera. I hugged dad as well dad brought me a bracelet which looks really good it looked cool I was happy with it.

I noticed there was no gift from Renee I asked him"Dad so no gift from Renee."

Dad looked at us and said, "I am really could just have bought a gift and told it is from her but I just can't seem to care about Renee anymore after seeing she even forgot about your birthday."

I could see he is really moving on from her.

Dad with a sad smile said, "I really want to spend the evening with both of you but there seems to be trouble since a group of hikers was killed."

I replied to dad while nodding my head in understanding but it still hurt, "No problem you can spend time with us tomorrow."

Bella also seems okay with it but slightly sad on the inside.

I rode my bike to school the only thing I can think of Jacob was "The guy just doesn't know when to give up. Get the message Bella has a boyfriend so stop pursuing her."I reached school I went to the Cullens.

When I turned my emotions definitely have enhanced its like I want to be with Rosalie all the time and so did my protectiveness towards my family and friends.

I greeted all the Cullens who wished me since it's our birthday. I was best friends with Jasper and I hugged Rosalie who kissed me on the cheek.

Rosalie wished me "Happy birthday Matt."I replied while smiling "Thank you."

I asked her "How are you doing today."

Rosalie smiled and replied, "I am good but I miss you it is like the feeling got strong when you turned into a vampire I want to be with you all the time."

I looked at Rosalie "So you are feeling it too."Rosalie nodded while giving me a coy smile and replied "You could come to my house at night since you don't sleep anymore."

I didn't let her teasing pull my mind into the gutter I told her "I will come to your house but definitely through the front door, not through the window that's for sure."

I did try to use telepathy on Edward was coming with Bella who was projecting her thoughts like crazy most of it was wanting to be with Edward and didn't want age while Edward remained the same. I mentally shut my telepathy off I needed to learn to control it more.

I was in my own thoughts when I heard that "The vampire here wants to age while the human wants to stay young. Totally understandable I get the feeling."

I heard Edward whispering "Can't you let that go."I while I made it look like I was I thinking about it and replied "No I am not letting go of that."

The Cullens where all smiling at that but I saw someone coming toward our school through the wood Jacob black. I saw Edward stopped smiling seeing Jacob the Cullens were neutral since they are only friendly with Sam and his pack.

But Jacob was unknown to them and Edward didn't like him because of his massive crush, infatuation, or obsession with Bella.

I saw Bella going to Jacob told "Hello biceps you know anabolic steroids are really bad for you."

Jacob who chuckled and replied to her "I am just filling out Bella. It wouldn't seem so drastic if we hung out more."When I heard that yeah right that his way of saying we should go on dates with me and come on your flirting with her knowing she has a boyfriend add to that Bella is totally oblivious of his flirting.

I heard Bella say "You should switch schools and come hangout with pale faces."Jacob replied while smiling, "I am alright I prefer the red school's exclusivity they let any old riffraff into this place."

Again I could only shake my head I know he is mostly talking about Edward and the Cullens but you do know that Bella goes to this school as well you just insulted her as well. I tuned out there conversation.

I saw him wishing Bella happy birthday and give her a present I saw he was trying to get a hug from her. I went towards Bella instantly spoke "Bella I wanted to talk to you... "

I then looked at Jacob who had his arms in the air and acted surprised "Is that Jacob didn't notice you there you changed a lot."

I was reading his thoughts Jacob was really expecting to get a hug from Bella but I ruined it. I really smirked inside seeing him awkwardly put his hands down.

Bella who didn't seem to notice it told Jacob she had to go while coming towards me. Bella asked me "What did you want to talk about."

I looked at her and replied "Nothing I will talk to you about it when we get home"Bella looked confused but nodded.

I was going to our class I saw Alice give both of us our birthday gift and Alice told everyone "I can't wait for today evening."I shook my head in amusement seeing Alice's antics.

Jasper was about wish Bella but stopped seeing the look she was giving him and said "Nevermind see you later Bella."

The classes went by as usual nothing new here as we were going home as Rosalie wanted to spend more time with me asked me "You can move in with me you know right."I shook my head replied, "No can't do at least, for now, that is but I will meet you in the evening you know that right."

Rosalie told me a bit dramatically"It feels like forever." hugged my arm not letting go. I replied looking at her "I will come to your house in just an hour just bȧrė with I am also feeling the same."

Rosalie reluctantly let go of me. I saw Bella already went home I rode my car back home as I walked inside I saw Bella was inside waiting for me. Bella who saw me asked, "Matt you told me you had something to speak to me about."

I looked at Bella and said, "You know Jacob has a massive crush or infatuated with you right."Bella shook her head and replied, "No I didn't I just thought he wanted to be friends."

I sighed and replied "No he is still pinning for you even though he knows you are with Edward. I know you want to befriend him but always make sure to make it clear to him that you only see him as a friend if he still cannot understand it then it is his fault, not yours."

Bella nodded her head and said, "I want to be friends with him but I will make sure he knows we are just friends."

I greeted billy "How are you, Billy." Billy just smiled and replied, "I am good and happy birthday to you, Matt."

I nodded my head replied with a smile"Thank you and I was good"

I asked Billy with a serious tone "I saw Jacob today at my school he seems to show signs of being a shifter."Billy sighed and replied, "I noticed it too I know he will phase soon."

I asked Billy with a slight amusement "Billy do you know about Jacob's crush on Bella."Billy looked at me and replied with a slight irritation "Yes he won't shut his mouth about her. But I don't think she is his imprint after all Bella is Edward Cullens mate right."

I nodded my head and said, "At least you understand Jacob seems to think Bella will forget about Edward soon and he will have a chance normally, I would not have a problem here, Even if by luck Bella moves on and gives Jacob a chance you know about shapeshifters imprint right if Jacob imprints on someone else while being with Bella it will be like what happened to Leah."

Billy could only grimace at that and reply "True since he is a shapeshifter he will imprint in the future I don't know when but if by chance Bella and he become a couple it will be a disaster."

I told Billy seriously "Just make sure that he knows about the imprinting and Bella being Edwards mate but I get the feeling he will ignore that."Billy can on sadly reply "He will ignore it and try to be with Bella knowing the consequence."

I chatted with Billy for while before going back home I was getting ready for the birthday party I just wore a blue casual men's suit. I saw Bella was waiting for Edward. I asked her "So are you ready for the party."

Bella shrugged at me and replied, "I guess so but we both know we are not used to birthday parties and not even used to getting presents." I nodded understanding and said, "Yes I know so I guess I will see you there."

I went straight to the Cullens as I reached there got off my car Rosalie sped right at me and hugged me while I slightly lifted her off the ground.

I asked her "So you miss...." Rosalie quickly shut me up with a french kiss after that she withdrew from the kiss and asked "Does that answer your question about me missing you."

I just dumbly nodded my head then I broke out of my daze. I looked ay her dress it was blue Sleeveless Round Neck Slim Fit Long Dress with a Slit she looked really sėxy in that.

I really need to control my emotions I think I will surely lose my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ soon if do not control it. Which is not a bad thing seeing a back swaying as she grabbed my hand and dragging me inside.

I quickly slapped myself to get out of such thoughts what the hell I didn't think about such stuff before why now. I started to use breathing exercises to calm myself I completely forgot I am a vampire.

I was inside they really outdid themselves they really want to celebrate our birthday with them. I saw Jasper, Alice, Emmet, Sarah, Esme, and Carlisle come to the room all of them had a smile on there face. I talked with Jasper and Emmet as we were waiting for Bella and Edward to come.

As I saw both Bella and Edward enter Jasper stiffened I can only sigh being an empath is really hard. I saw Edward take her room where they kept painting or photos mostly. Rosalie also took me there to look at all the paintings most of them were interesting I heard Edward describe the Volturi.

I whispered to Rosalie "Bella still doesn't know I am a vampire it seems Edward has not told her about it."Rosalie replied, "Yes he didn't probably doesn't want to change her and dam her soul as he thinks."

Bella said while still looking at the painting "I can't think of someone hurting you."Edward who smiled and replied, "Bella the only thing that can hurt me is you."

Edward changed the subject "Victoria she will come for me or Jasper one day. Alice will see her when she decides and we will be ready."I still didn't understand why come after Edward since, in reality, it was Jasper and me who killed her even in the movie it is like she just guessed since James went after Bella Edward her mate must have killed James.

I tuned out the conversation since it's about Bella wanting to be a vampire while Edward subtly changed the subject.

Alice coming to the room announcing "Its time its time come both of you."

Both Bella and I were dragged by Alice we were followed by Rosalie and Edward. Everyone was ready with there presents as alive went to take Bellas camera and started taking pictures of everyone together.

Alice gave the first gift to Bella "This one from Emmet"Bella took it shook finding nothing inside Emmet instantly replied, "I already installed it into your truck a sound system for that piece of crap."

Bella was slightly angry and replied "Don't hate the truck"I covered for her since Sarah might misunderstand and said looking at Sarah and Emmet, "That is a gift from our dad, and its the first gift she ever got so don't take Bella's anger badly."

Sarah who was annoyed by Bella's attitude instantly understood when she heard my explanation and smiled at me.

Rosalie gave her present for me a silver chain. I smiled at her while slightly hugged her which was caught on camera by Alice.

While I saw Edward put a bracelet on Bella. Who was looking at it and said "Its beautiful."Edward smiled replied to her"Try taking it off".

Bella tried to open the bracelet It was not coming off Bella asked Edward in a worried tone "It won't open."

Edward just smiled and replied while showing a key "It is Cartier love bracelet it can only be opened with this key I thought It was very interesting."

Edward gave Bella the key next thing I know Bella who tried opening it got her wrist cut by the sharp end of the key. I instantly knew with the amount of blood Jasper will not be able to control his thirst.

Edward who read Jasper's mind in reflex pushed Bella while stopping Jasper who lost control was coming to straight for Bella. I was able to catch Bella without hitting all the table but the blood is causing everyone's thirst to go out of control since they didn't go out to hunt much after I gave them the ability to eat it seems.

I instantly used telepathy to stop Jasper while empathy to calm him down.

Alice who was near him tired calm him down "Its only a little ... blood."Even Alice is finding it hard to control her thirst.

When I used empathy I can feel everyone except Carlisle's feeling the need to consume Bella's blood especially Edward I could only resist all this because of the absolute control of my thirst.

I can only think "Is this how Jasper felt every time Bella was near him."

Everyone started moving away from the room Alice apologized to Bella. Edward was looking at Bella I read his thoughts he was thinking about Bella a human should not be around them she will only get killed.

Carlisle "I can fix this up in my room. , Matt you go check on Jasper I am sure he is upset with himself for losing control like that and I know both of you are best friends or brothers should I say."

I heard that I went to go see Jasper who was sitting on the balcony covering his face. I went and sat next to him. I saw Rosalie was right next to the balcony she has a brotherly bond with Jasper after all they acted like twins.

Jasper who saw me asked"Why are you not blaming me for almost trying to kill your sister. I already heard Edward blaming me for ruining everything"

I looked at him and replied, "I don't blame you the moment Bella cut her wrist I used both my telepathy and empathy to stop you and calm you down. Do you know what I found out while using my empathy I felt all but Carlisle feeling the need to drink Bella's blood but most of it came from Edward."

Jasper and Rosalie looked stunned I continued "I would have lost control to if I had not had Carlisle's ability to control my thirst. I knew you were not at fault here you are new to animal diet added to that an empath who was feeling all these emotions made you lose control easily."

Jasper was stunned and stuttered "'t kn..know what to say I really didn't want to lose my first best friend because of my mistake I thought you would hate me for this. I never felt so weak in my entire life it is so hard to control my thirst."I replied patting his shoulder "You will not lose me, brother and it was not your mistake everyone is at fault here."

I really felt bad for Jasper he really did see me as his first best friend I am sure he will learn to control his thirst.

Rosalie who was seeing this smiled at me while slightly have tears in eyes whispered: "Thank you I know Jasper always hated the fact he couldn't control his thirst like the rest of us."

I nodded when I heard that I replied to Rosalie " I heard Edward taking Bella home I will go check on her now see you tomorrow."

I mentally thought "They will not be coming tomorrow onwards."

Rosalie POV

After the incident, I saw Matt take his car to go home and check on Bella I couldn't think how Jasper was losing control of thirst because of all of us. I heard Sarah calling me "Rosalie Edward has called a family meeting."

I could only think this would be about today's incident and I am sure Edward will blame most of it on Jasper. I entered the room with Sarah to see everyone was present. Edward said to everyone "We have to leave forks."

I instantly shouted at that "What? why leave forks."Edward looked at Rosalie and replied, "You know why you saw how Jasper lost control and almost killed Bella."

Jasper who heard that felt guilty I saw it I hated it how he blamed this on Jasper ."Did you forget Jasper is one of the strongest empaths what do you except he was feeling our whole families need to drink Bella's blood so don't blame him on this."

Everyone who heard that raised an eyebrow Emmet spoke up to Edward "Do not blame Jasper it could have been you or me who caused it."

Edward twisted Emmet's word to his need and said "That's the point she is human we will hurt or kill her if this goes on."

I replied looking at Edward, "I understand your so-called soulless monster thing and your need to not turn her but she herself is telling she has no problem with turning into a vampire."

Edward stubbornly replied, "I will not turn her into one of us." Carlisle tried calming us down and spoke up "Don't fight we will vote on this since it is about Edwards mate."

I was angry now and asked, "What will happen to Matt."

Carlisle said " We will decide after voting" the vote was close Carlisle, Esme, Edward voted to go away from forks and leave Bella here and I along with Emmet, Sarah voted to stay.

I looked at Alice who voted to leave forks since she herself would have lost control while Jasper still feeling guilty couldn't decide so abstained.

Carlisle said to everyone " So it is decided we leave forks in 4 days."I asked Carlise "What about Matt."

Carlisle looked at me "We will ask him to come with us."I heard Jasper reply with a serious tone when he heard that "You know how much Matt loves his family you are making him choose Rosalie or his family."

Sarah also pitched in "Just like how you are making Rosalie choose Matt or us."

Alice said her part "I only voted for moving from forks because I didn't want Jasper to feel guilty of taking Bella's life by accident but I do not agree with this making Matt choose his family or us it is wrong."

Carlisle looked slightly ashamed and said, "Its the only way."

I heard what Carlisle said I stormed out of there and went to my room and slammed the door shut I was angry at mainly Carlisle, Esme, and Edward I could understand were Alice was coming from she was only thinking about Jasper when voted but didn't expect Carlisle make Matt choose between me or his family.

[Authors note: I don't hate Carlisle or Esme you will see the reason as you read more you will see why they went with Edwards suggestion]

I quickly jumped out of the window and ran to our favorite spot I called Matt to tell about this.

Matt's POV

I saw Bella was fine when I returned home I asked her"What is with the long face."Bella looked at her cut and replied "I ruined everything didn't I."

I shook my head and told Bella "No you didn't that was just an accident and Jasper was not even at fault at what happened."Bella who seems to ignore it I could guilt from her through empathy. I told her to go to bed and that we will talk about this tomorrow I heard my phone ring it was Rosalie I answered it "Matt come meet me at our favorite spot now."

I heard that I knew they had made their decision I used the nanotech to camouflage myself self then jumped through the window and sped through the forest towards to meet Rosalie. When I reached there I could feel anger from her I used empathy to calm her down.

I asked her "So then with the amount anger and disappointment I am feeling from you I can guess Edward and all the Cullens made some stupid decision."

Rosalie looked at me sadly at replied "They want to leave forks we voted Carlisle, Esme, Edward and Alice voted on going away from forks while I along with Sarah and Emmet voted to stay."

I was surprised and asked Rosalie "Alice voted to go away from forks and what about Jasper."

Rosalie shook her head replied, "Alice just wanted to make sure Jasper didn't have to feel the guilt of killing Bella if this happened again and Jasper is still feeling guilty and abstained from voting."

I understood and asked, "So you are going huh ." I kinda know this was going to happen since I broke out of it when heard "NO".

I looked at her surprised and asked"What you are not going but the others are leaving."Rosalie looked at me said, "I will not be going I am staying, Carlisle was going to make you choose between being with us or your family."

When I heard that I was stunned I knew Carlisle and Esme favored Edward a lot compared to the rest of there children that is why they followed Edward's stupid decision to leave forks. But I didn't check the visions after this accident so I didn't know about this.

I told Rosalie "You know I respected both Carlisle and Esme a lot but the respect went down by a lot. "

Not really maybe a little but they do need to stop favoring him.

I thought by looking at the sky "I know victoria was originally going come for Edward or Jasper since she views them as her mate's killer but if they move out of forks they become out of reach of Victoria and Bella becomes easy prey for her, killing Bella means she killed Edwards mate, Mate for a Mate I guess."

An eye for an eye is what they say right.

I told her "so you are staying here right ."

Rosalie looked at me "Yes I am not leaving what Carlisle was going to ask you was not something I respect. I am thinking of buying a house in the woods its not as big as our house but it will easy for two-person to live in it."

I asked her "When do they leave"Rosalie replied, "In 4 days."

I told her "I will be there when they are going to leave. I want to have a few words with Carlisle, Esme, and Edward."

The next three days Cullens didn't come to school Bella would always stare at there table a part of me really felt really bad for her but unlike Edweird, Rosalie decided to leave the family to stay with me. The school was boring as hell.

As school finished I entered my car when I got a call from Rosalie saying the Cullens are getting ready to leave tomorrow. I didn't go home I went straight to the Cullen's as reached their home I could see they were loading their stuff.

As all the Cullen's saw me, Emmet, Sarah, Jasper, and Alice smiled at me. I didn't look at Carlisle, Esme, or Edward who was going to greet me but saw that I was ignoring them didn't know what to do.

I smiled at Jasper, Alice, Emmet, and Sarah I greeted them I looked all of them said "So you guys are leaving."Carlisle cut in conversation "Hello Matt I can see you heard about us leaving I thought its best for everyone to move from forks."

I nodded "So what about Bella and me."I mentally thought it's for Edward not really for your other children.

Carlisle and Esme are good people but both of them favored Edward greatly. Carlisle favored Edward because he was the first person he turned and he started to see Edward was the same as him when he was young. Esme favored Edward because she was her first adopted child.

Carlisle didn't look at me and said: " Matt but you can come with us if you want but Bella cannot come with us."

I was definitely angry Carlisle was asking me to choose between my family or Rosalie and what do they expect to just come with them and forget Dad and Bella I heard Jasper whisper "That is not something you should have said to Matt Carlisle."

I said to Carlisle "I will not be coming with you guys."Carlisle still didn't look at me and nodded and said "I am sure Rosalie will come to visit you or you can come to visit her." and was back to start packing.

I replied to Carlisle "Who said Rosalie is going with you."Carlisle, Esme, and Edward stopped when they heard that others didn't seem surprised or they expected this.

Carlisle looked at me and asked, "What do you mean by that."Rosalie spoke up coming out from the house "Just like he said I am not going with you guys I am not leaving Matt."

Carlisle looked stunned while Esme looked heartbroken Jasper and the others knew this was going to happen. I looked at Edward and told him"I kinda hate you now and even if you come back and Bella still accepts I will break your hands got it."

Edward was scared but his thoughts were mainly he is doing what is best for Bella and he will not come back. Edward sped off to see Bella and break up with her. I told Arthur to watch Bella since I know she gets lost following Edweird.

[Authors note: I didn't like how Carlisle was the leader of the coven just followed Edward's suggestion of leaving forks he favors him too much and Esme clearly says Edward is her favorite. You can't say I hate them they will repair their relationship with Matt when they return to Forks]

I was looking at Carlisle and thought "Carlisle you followed Edward's suggestion without thinking instead of being the leader you are this will bring problems to your coven. "

I really didn't want to do this but Carlisle and Esme following his decision without fully thinking about it because they favored Edward they did not think of what would happen to Bella this kinda irked me because she is my sister now after all.

I quickly alerted by Arthur that Bella has gotten lost in the woods I sped off to get her I saw her running here and there I made her go to sleep and carried her but I saw a black wolf coming toward me.

I knew it was Sam he went towards the bush came back in his human form and asked me "What happened to Bella."I shook my head "Her mate Edward thinks he is protecting her by leaving forks but the idiot doesn't understand what it will do to Bella or what kind of the danger he is placing her in he doesn't even understand he is going to lonely forever if something happens to Bella."

Sam looked thoughtful then replied, "Let me guess the vampire Victoria will be coming after you, Bella, and Charlie after the Cullens are gone right."I looked at him and said, "Even you figured it out can you take Bella to my dad, tell him she got lost in the woods and you found her."

Sam nodded taking Bella from me bring I am sure he will bring Bella to dad now I have to kick Edweirds ȧss. I sped towards there house and saw Edweird was putting stuff in the car I quickly grabbed him by the neck then slammed him into the ground. Every one of the Cullens went into a defensive stance when saw this.

I said to Edward glaring at him "You left Bella in the middle of the forest and you didn't even look back to see if she was safe and because of you she got lost only because of me that she didn't spend the night in the forest."

Jasper, Alice, Emmet, and Sarah who heard that was shocked Edward did something so stupid then they realized this Edweird after all. Carlisle and Esme were coming to stop me but I got Edward up then kicked him in the stomach sending him straight towards them.

I looked at them and said, "Get him out of my sight I don't care how much you favor him over your other children just take him away."

I read there thoughts Carlisle could understand why I was angry knowing my protective behavior and Esme has part of her was angry at me for hurting Edward another part of her understood why I did it.

Rosalie and others looked at Edward like he deserved it. I said goodbye to Jasper, Alice, Emmet, and Sarah I was neutral with Carlisle, Esme, and Edward. Carlisle and Esme were slightly hurt by my attitude but they knew they were at fault here. I told them I am turning their skin back to cold and sparkling since vampires who know them will notice there change.

I turned to Jasper and gave him a small bottle containing 40 pills and told him "Eat on of these pills when you feel the need to drink blood it is synthetic blood I was trying to create something like this for a while since I found out your problem Jasper I sped up the production and I will send you more after this is finished."

Jasper was very grateful for the gift and thanked me for it.

I saw the Cullens going I could only sigh but I felt Rosalie grab my hand. I looked at her and smiled asked her "You do know that you could have gone with them."

Rosalie shook her head and said "I decided to stay with you the moment Carlisle thought of putting you in the situation of choosing me or your family. I know Jasper, Alice, Emmet and Sarah are going to move in with the Denali's instead of the Cullen house in Alaska they were upset with Carlisle, Esme, and Edward."

My appearance here added to that I was good friends with Cullens made them angry at this decision. Bella didn't have such a relationship with others so they didn't voice out there opinion in the movie or book it seems.

I replied to her "You know Carlisle and Esme only went with Edward's suggestion because they favor him."Rosalie replied with a sad smile"Yes we all knew that's why they are moving with the Denali's instead of the Cullen house with Carlisle, Esme, and Edward "

I saw the visions of routes (Futures) Jasper and others will move in with the Denali's instead of the Cullen's house which will cause Carlisle to doubt about following Edward suggestion because it caused a rift between him and his other children and Esme will miss her children not seeing them much. After all, they were staying with the Denali's she will treat all of them equally in the future and Edward will go on his own brood around mentally thinking of Bella but stubbornly refusing to come back.

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