[Authors note:I will update the next chapter on wednesday,also after this fanfic is finished I will start updating Underworld fanfic.]

Rosalie felt something was wrong as she went into the bathroom and throws up as Matt heard her quickly walked into the bathroom and kneels in front of her and asked"Are you okay?"Rosalie had an idea what this was but didn't want to believe It was happening as she ,but Matt understood what was happening and quickly gets his bag and gets a pregnancy test kit as Rosalie was surprised seeing the kit questioned with slight anticipation"It is really happening."I just gave a nod as she started crying as having a family of her own was something she wanted all her life as she quickly went and kissed Matt who made it everything possible as she asked,"When did you do this?"

I shrugged and replied, "I made for you to be able to have children when we said our vows."Rosalie while looking thoughtful said, "I did feel something then,I thought it was me just being excited."

While Rosalie cuddled with me as she was smiling and rubbing her stomach as she asked"Do you think it's girl or boy."I smiled and replied, "I don't care which as I will love both of them."

I smiled and thought"I really want to see her face when she realizes it is not one but two babies."

Rosalie with disbelief said, "I still can't believe this is happening."I smile and kissed her the cheek and whispered"Ohh this is real alright."Rosalie nodded she was still dreaming about her child I said"We should head back to forks."

Rosalie with slight confusion questioned, "Why so quickly?"I smile while pointing at her belly and answered"That child is not you everyday normal child so you will have different physical and emotional changes, so it's best to be in Forks better than being here."

It didn't take long as they got a call from Alice who as usual was chirpy and asked,"It is happening isn't it?"

I snorted and replied, "You already saw it, so why ask this Alice."Alice creaming at the other end of the phone as I said"Don't tell the others yet."Alice smile replied, "So a surprise then."I laughed hearing that and replied, "I guess it is."

Rosalie, while returned back to Forks, was questioned by Carlisle and others on why they returned so soon, but on hearing the news everyone except Alice was shocked as Esme looked at Matt with hope and asked"You can do this for everyone?"

I gave a nod as Esme cried as she remembered her time being pregnant even though she was in an abusive relationship she was happy at being a mother at that time, now she had a chance to have a child with Carlisle it was like a dream come true for her as Carlisle came and hugged Esme as he was also happy hearing the new information, also Kate, Sarah, and Irina were happy hearing the news but they were not in a hurry to be a mother.

When dad heard the news he was really shocked about being a grandfather while he was in disbelief at the fact this was happening. While I was away another drama did happen here as it seems Renee somehow heard the news about my wedding and now suddenly remembered both Bella and me as she had come to Forks and created quite the scene but she was really wreaked by Bella and a bonus was seeing dad starting a relationship with Sue Clearwater was quite a hit for her as she really believed Dad would remain a bachelor and would never forget her.

Carlisle with seriousness spoke, "We can't let this news get out as there will be many who will see the child as an Immortal child."Irina with uncertainty questioned, "Will the child really be not a problem."I shook my head explained, "I have already seen the future the child will grow like any ordinary human baby,but they will mȧturė at a faster rate than normal babies and they will stop aging after 20 years. Also, they are able to eat normal food or blood making them easily adapt to human life."

Edward then with a frown said"We have to be extra careful as after two months is mine and Bella's wedding,so there will be a no.of guests during the event."Jasper who was silent till now added: "Also from what Matt told us Rosalie will show signs of her pregnancy by then which is a huge problem as many vampires will be there at the event."

Carlisle spoke"That may work but it is best to keep Rosalie out of everyone's sight."

Matt was not happy about all this as he asked Edward if he could change the date of his wedding only answer he could got was Bella was getting more anxious and I knew my sister perfectly as she was afraid about Edward changing his mind about her being changed,if he would leave her again and another thing was Aro' s so called deadline was coming soon as 3 months more so Edward was also not keen on changing it.(Sorry couldn't come up with a good excuse.)

Alice broke the silence and said with excited tone"Ohh you know what this means right we have to set up a room for the baby and baby clothes."

This brought a smile on everyone's face as all them were thinking about their soon to be new addition to the family.

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