Matt POV

Rosalie felt like everything was a dream as she was first happy with finding her mate, but Matt not only changed everything in her life like she was able to enjoy many things like eating human food again and going out in the sun. She had never felt more happy as now she was pregnant with Matt's child.

Rosalie pouted and said, "Come one just tell me if it is girl or boy already?"I shook his head playfully and replied"Nope it is a surprise after all."Rosalie frowned and said, "It seems you are as tight-lipped as Alice."

I just smirked at her as Rosalie punched me in the shoulder and said"Ohh got you are so infuriating sometimes."I calmed her down as I whispered"Have you thought about names for our children."

Rosalie was slightly excited as she said"Alex for the boy and Gabrielle for the girl."I smiled hearing that and replied, "Those are pretty nice names."Rosalie had a huge smile on her face as she got my approval as she then thought about Bella's wedding and said"It is really bad that I won't be able to attend their wedding."I kissed her on the forehead and replied"Don't worry they are not angry with you for that, as both of them know why you can't be there."

Rosalie nodded heading that as weeks went by quickly Rosalie started showing signs of pregnancy with her baby bump and I made sure to build the best medical tech for Carlisle to check if Rosalie and the babies are safe as Rosalie was worried about them as I ensured her everything is okay. Also, Dad came to visit from time to time as he was worried about his grandchildren.

I was thinking about our children"The twins will be born in 3 months and in that time there is Edward and Bella's wedding which is on August 13th, while Rose Esme Cullen or previously Renesmee would be born on September 11th. There was also a change in the timeline as Jacob seems to imprint on a girl named Nikki Davis."

Rosalie kept pictures and videos of her time while she was pregnant as she wanted to remember these moments. While Rosalie slept Carlisle called a meeting as I asked"Carlisle why did you suddenly call a meeting?"Matt looked around and didn't see Esme or other girls there as Carlisle spoke"I wanted to talk to everyone about our future children."

Edward, Jasper, and Emmet became serious when they heard this as I already read Carlisle mind and found the issue as Carlisle continued"While I am happy at the fact Esme and I can have children of our own,It is a double-edged sword since there is a possibility of people noticing that our children are different."

I cut in"Don't worry about that Carlisle sure the children would be more mentally mȧturė than other kids. Also, I have Arthur keeping an eye on any such information about immortals or cold ones in the government.I also have many drones keeping an eye on Voulturi, Romanian, and many other major covens."To my surprise, it seems the no. of cold ones are not that great compared to the humans.

Jasper was curious and questioned, "I heard your company was planning a mission to Mars with the govt from Alice."I grinned and answered, "Well it seems the pixie alraedy told you huh, although the govt thinks they are in charge but it is just an illusion as I am planning to terraform Mars, it's mainly so that if the time comes we could move there."Matt already had many designs of spaceships and other things are already on standby if such things came to pass.

Edward, Carslisle, Jasper, and Emmet were stunned hearing this as Edward in disbelief questioned"You already have planned that ahead."I shrugged and replied, "It's just a backup plan."

Carlisle smiled and said, "Thank you for everything."I just nodded as everyone discussed all the options as it was decided it is best to home school the kids until they know how serious the situation is as everyone agreed to it as soon returned to their room as I was thinking about the future sure as he wanted to be careful since the Cullens did get contact humans who arranged them new ID and stuff,which is really dangerous as you never know when these people may turn on you.Also if Aro found out about this little piece of information they would have been done for in the original timeline, as it also became evident that Aro cannot read everything from a person's mind as Cullen's have hidden a lot of stuff from them like Quileute Tribe,meeting humans that atleast know you are immortal.

I watched Rosalie sleep soundly as he whispered"I will give our children the best environment to grow and protect them with all my power."

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