[A/N:I know this chapter may suck as I am not sure about how everyone's reaction to my idea of Vampires and werewolf origin will be.]

Matt POV

I saw Rosalie pretty much busy taking care of both Elijah's and Gabrielle as Didyme visited it was mostly to meet Esme as both of them grew to be good friends while she kept contact with Marcus from time to time.Didyme was very taken with Gabrielle and she wanted a child of her own with Marcus. But the most surprising thing was Jasper was very good with the kids,it surprised him the most since because of his past he was very hesitant about being close with the kids. But Rosalie was able to get him to babysit the children.

I was trying to change their clothes as Alice barged into the living room looking slightly afraid as she spoke"We have a problem. I can't see Bella's future anymore."Everyone looked alarmed hearing that as Carlisle immediately called Edward who explained the situation as Carlisle with a grim look said"Bella is showing signs of pregnancy."

As everyone was shocked Jasper questioned, "That should not have been possible?"I was thoughtful and said"Actually it is possible."

Everyone looked at me as sighed and explained"While I was checking the medical scans and reports of our species. Something stood out."Carlisle,Esme,Sarah,Emmet and Jasper all looked at me as I continued"Since a cold one's body is frozen exactly as they were when they were transformed.But it seems the male cold ones require little or no change to produce spėrm, males can still breed, while female vampires cannot as their bodies no longer accommodate the changes related to pregnancy. In male vampires, the venom takes on a form so similar to the seminal fluid that it can bond with a human ovum, making possible the creation of a human-vampire hybrid."

Carlisle was thoughtful as he spoke, "That is possible actually."Rosalie was soothing the children to sleep as she questioned"If this was really possible someone would have ɨmprėġnȧtėd a woman by accident."

Carlisle shook his head and answered"The chances are low as vampires didn't think about staying next to humans before I brought the possibility of living on animal blood possible since the cold ones are not good with controlling their thirst."

Edward quickly brought Bella back home before her health got worse, While it didn't shock me as I already knew Bella looked worse in a week because of pregnancy with Renesmee as things were pretty much going to got off rails from their as Edward came next to me and asked"Matt can you please tell your sister to abort the child it is killing her."I sighed and replied, "Bella won't change her mind once she made it."Edward shook his hard and went out as Rosalie who heard everything said"I know he is just worried about her,after all he just got married and now fears losing her."

I gave nod knowing everyone was very worried about Bella's health as Carlisle was helping Bella on to the medical bed as I saw Bella was nervous as I spoke"Bells don't worry nothing will happen to you."

Bella smiled hearing that as Carlisle was scanning her Rosalie was carrying Gabrielle as she asked with worried tone"How is she?"

I sighed knowing how bad Bella was during the pregancy as Carlisle explained"The fetus inside her is growing much faster than human fetuses, and will grow extremely strong overtime. Should it cause too much trauma to her body before birth, it can easily destroy its own existence by killing the mother. If the fetus is not often fed with blood, it will involuntarily deteriorate its mother's health, making the chances of survival even smaller.The fetus is showing signs of vampire strength and if it somehow uses its strength,it will result in Bella's death as the damage is too much for her body to take."

Rosalie was worried about Bella while I spoke"Well we can use blood pills as a substitute for the blood also I could make her body strong enough to survive."Bella who heard everything questioned, "Will it work?"

I smiled at Bella and spoke in a soft tone"Don't worry bells, nothing will happen to you?"Bella nodded as I held her hand once again used my ability to strengthen her body..I went to sleep but woke up from vision of a cold one and the vision showed signs of being in Salem.

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