Matt POV

I wanted to know more about the vision as I had looked into the ipswich the place is famous for the witch hunts as their seems to be some weird incidents happening their.I sighed and thought"Their are really witches in this universe.This is interesting."

I was now thinking about the visions and about Bella's hybrid child Renesme as both problems are serious.While I was broken away from my thought when I heard Rosalie say"What are you thinking about?I shook my head and replied"Nothing just found something about hybrid kids.It seems their are 4 of them out there."

Rosalie was shocked and asked"So are you planning to find them.."I gave nod and replied "Yes,I am sure in the future their will be as time when their will be questions about Bella's child and Voulturi is already taken a huge interest in us.So they will use it as a chance to attack us."

Rosalie with slight curiosity said"So you are trying to show everyone or Voulturi that the hybrids are not similar to the immortal children."I nodded and replid"That's the plan.But let's talk about the kids.How are the two?"

Rosalie smiled and said"Well they do make me crazy sometimes after all they both take after their father."

I grinned hearing that and replied "Sure they do,but they take after their mother in terms of looks."Rosalie smiled hearing that as she asked"So I heard from Alice you got both Edward and Emmet to take care off the twins for a while."

I laughed and quickly explained"Well you I was going for make food for the twins,so for a while asked Emmet and Edward to look after them as others were out and the funniest thing happened was."

Emmet and Edward looking at the twins seriously as Emmet questioned"What do you think they are thinking?"

Edward rolled his eyes and replied"How should I know."Emmet deadpanned"Duh because you can read their minds."Edward sighed in frustration and said"Emmet did you forget both have mental shields like their father and aunt."

Emmet came to the relaxation and just said" Ohhh..."a while later Emmet with curiosity questioning"Have you seen these two laugh before."Edward sighed and said"I have only seen them laugh with either Matt,Rosalie or Esme."

Edward and Emmet both looked at each other as Edward who read his mind shook his head and said"No,we are not doing that."Emmet grinned and soon dragged Edward as both soon started making funny faces and trying to make the twins laugh as both totally forgot about the fact both twins had perfect recall and will be able to remember this moment when they are older.While Matt was in the room as he used his power of invisibility to record the whole thing

Edward sighed and thought"Why did I get stuck with Emmet of all people."

Flashback ended

While Rosalie giggled seeing the recording and picrures as I spoke"Well the thing is the twins on seeing Emmet and Edward making these stupid face were actually thinking their uncles are crazy."

Rosalie could hold it anymore as she burst out laughing as she asked"So these two conveniently forgot about the part about the twins being smarter than normal babies.After both spoke their first words in just a week."

I told Carlisle about my intention to find more about the hybrid children as Carlisle who was thoughtful replied'What you say is true as chances of such children existing are present.Even if there is hybrid children out their chances are low as I am sure the Volturi would have been alerted of them."

I nodded understanding were Carlsile is coming from as I showed him few projection of cold ones wearing clothes which looked like animal skin as I explained"Well for the last few days I was had sent few of my drones out to find any details about the hybrids and too my surprise they exist."

Carlisle looked at me with surprise as I continued"I found them after I tracked a vampire named Joham, He mainly focused on the study of vampire abilities until he was drawn to the idea of creating vampire-human hybrids. To test this possibility, he had to mate with a human female and as you can guess he was successful as there are about 5 of them if you are including Bella's child . These hybrids skin doesn't sparkle like diamonds upon exposure to sunlight,but they do a show a faint illumination though."

Carlisle was thoughtful and asked"So they do exist and Matt you are going to find them."

I nodded and replied"I want to make sure we can convince the Voulturi the fact these children are not immortal children and they can easily live amoung the humans."I knew this was lie as I wanted to let Marcus take over as the Leader of Voulturi.

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