Matt's pov

I woke up early the next day. I went to her room to see if Bella has woken up by the looks of an empty bed yes, it seems she did, I was still in my trunks and v neck shirt, I went down to see what everyone was doing by the looks of it Bella is cooking, and dad is watching a match.

I get a cup of coffee and while I was drinking, I asked Bella, "How do you feel about your first-day at forks high Bella".

"You know how I feel in the middle of the semester in a new school, I feel nervous, I guess" Bella replied with a small smile.

I was thinking about how Bella will be the center of attention boys will be attracted like moths to a flame. I ġrȯȧnėd at that what can anyone blame me? She is my sister, I greeted dad with the good morning I know he is not a talker, so I went to take a shower then came down.

To see dad and Bella having a conversation and Bella was smiling, I guess yesterday's rant worked. I went to them and made small talk while eating breakfast dad was getting ready for work while Bella and I were getting ready for high school. I wore a v neck dark blue shirt and blue jeans.

I even saw Bella telling dad, "Goodbye, dad and stay safe" I gave the old man hug and told him goodbye, I saw dad had a huge smile on his face, I Bella slight thumbs up, for which Bella smiled at me.

While heading out, I told her, "Today whole eyes are going to be on you and I so don't get overwhelmed, and Bella I will next to you until you enter your class that is" I just thought she should get a heads up over all the attention she is going to get.

I put on my helmet and started my bike and went in a normal speed, I am the police chief son after all I didn't want everyone to think just I can break the rules because I am chief Swan's son so while I was heading to school I enjoyed the scenery the woods were beautiful I reached the school it looked just like in the movie I parked my bike and took my helmet off and looked around to see most of the people's eyes were on me man it really is overwhelming when all eyes are on you I understand how Bella felt when she first came here.

I waited for her truck to come I was looking in the opposite direction of the school because I can feel a lot of eyes on me, I saw Bella's truck thank god I saw people's eyes change from me to Bella's truck. As Bella parked her truck I came towards her I heard an idiot comment about Bella's truck I really wanted to shut his mouth Bella who saw me knew I was getting angry she shook her head saying not to do anything.

I am not sure now just memories, but feelings through that time also passed into me I am a protective older brother that's for sure I thought sarcastically but even just with the memories I have seen I can see me I can see myself becoming a protective older brother easily.

I gave the guy a real death glare, the guy seemed to flinch at that red eyes really help add to my physique made by training in taekwondo and other martial arts made sure my body is kept in tip-top shape.

I followed Bella as we entered the school she was looking through her class schedule I saw Erik just like the movie he was Asian descent-brown eyes, and poor complexion Eric's hair is so long it covers his forehead he was introducing himself to Bella "Your Isabella Swan the new girl right hi I am Erik the eyes and ears of this place anything you need a tour guide, lunch date, and shoulder to cry on"

I liked him in the movie he seemed like a funny guy, but now it's irritating.

Bella looked at him as he was crazy her thoughts were "are you crazy, don't you see an angry brother next to me."

Bella was awkward and nervous, she has never had a guy flirt which is a miracle she replied." Uh, I am really more kinda more of suffering in silence type".

"Good headline for the feature I am on paper your news baby front page," he said with slight excitement.

Bella has not had people flirt with her before so she doesn't understand this guy has an interest in her she thinks he is just trying to be friendly and she will definitely not like the attention.

I slipped between them and introduced myself with a glare that said back off "Hi I am Matthew Orion swan older twin brother of Isabella Marie Swan and she will not be in any paper got it".

Erik backed off slightly scared and nodded his head.

Bella looked at me while whispering, "Thanks Matt".

I looked at her and told her with a teasing tone "No problem-little sis" she looked at me and grumbled, "You're older only by two minutes".

I replied with a smile " still older." I looked at her and told I will meet her at lunch I was in an AP course so different schedule, I gave Eric a glare, which clearly he got the message he didn't flirt with her just started act as her tour guide.

I went following my directions on the page I can still feel there are a lot of eyes on me and got to my class.

"Matthew swan" My calculus teacher spoke out as I walked into the class I gave a nod to the teacher" welcome to forks now please take your seat next to Ms. Cullen".

I looked to where the teacher gestured that's Alice Cullen she looked like the actress Ashley Greene was petite, "thin in the extreme", with small, "pixie-like" features. She had long delicate eyebrows. Her hair is cropped short, and spikey.

I sat next to her, she was continually smiling at me then it hit she has seen me which means Bella too in her visions. I decided it's best to introduce myself" Hi, my name is Matthew Orion Swan you can call me Matt ".

"Hi, I am Alice, " she spoke in a happy tone. I decided it's best to leave it at that, for now, we can know each other after class.

"I know we are going to be best friends" She spoke very happily. I can tell she has definitely seen that happening.

I read about her past it was not pretty she was born in 1901 it seems she had visions even before she turned when she predicted something and it came true they called her a witch and she was betrayed by her father who murdered her birth mother so he can marry another woman she saw this and tried to tell the Marshall it seemed but her father had already made people believe she has gone mad and her father had her trapped in a mental asylum she got amnesia after she survived electroshock therapy, which is why she has this happy, bubbly personality.

If she remembered all the stuff she has gone through she won't be the same Alice we know now and it's James really did know Alice she had caught her scent and wanted to kill her for her blood but Alice saw him coming through a vision, and went to a vampire who was a doctor at that facility helped her from getting bad treatment at the hospital decided to turn her by the time her creator tried to buy her some time by sacrificing himself by the time James reached Alice she already started to change so he left her there Alice lost her memories because the pain caused by the venom and visions just intensified she saw future her mate and family.

I came out of my thoughts when Alice said the class started, I knew all the stuff they taught so tuned most of it. I went to the next class, it seemed we had the same class as both Alice and I had the same. It seems I have another sister to look out for that smile on Alice's face should not disappear her personality just brightens the room, I can see what Bella and Alice both opposites of each other basically opposites attract each other happened in this situation.

After class, Alice asked me "Matt, do you want to have lunch with my family I think you will get along with everyone, especially with my sister Rosalie".

"Alice Cullen, are you trying to set me up with your sister," I asked with amusement.

Alice replied with a smile of her own, "Maybe."

"I really would love to know your family, but I promised my sister, I will see her at lunch and I have a lookout for my sister Bella, she seems to attract boys like moths to a flame in forks I find it a miracle why it didn't happen in Phoenix Arizona" I grumbled.

Alice, who heard that laughed at me for my protectiveness she was sure everyone in her family would love Matt.

Bella is not a social person basically, she did not know how to talk to people or read them, so would not know if a person is trying to be friends or is flirting with her. She seems to give mixed signals to people look a Jacob that lovesick puppy in eclipse fȯrċɨbŀƴ kissed her even if by some miracle or twist Bella decided to be with Jacob what would happen when he imprinted on another girl Bella would be thrown to the side.

"you're always welcome to sit with us "Alice replied with a huge smile. I nodded my head at that and said "sure thing, pixie".

We were on our way to class, I was making small talk with Alice both of us were telling each other about our family as we were going, I can feel a lot of eyes on me. I guess they are surprised to see one of Cullen's interact with people outside their family since it must have never happened.

I was distracted by all these people staring at me until I heard Alice speak up "Matt, this is my boyfriend Jasper" she introduced me to the famous major Jasper Whitlock looked the same as the movie but hairstyle were the one from eclipse. I am a martial artist, after all, I can see he was fighter maybe did not have style, but how I would fare against him in a fight after I turned into a vampire of course, with his experience in fighting, he will probably destroy me.

Jasper had gotten the message from Alice telling she found Rosalie's mate. I looked at the person Alice introduced me to my thoughts were, " This is Rosalie's mate. I could feel he is protective of Alice and he seems to view her as a sister it's only been an hour at best no wonder Alice said he would very protective towards people he cares about".

Jasper can also tell he seems to gauge him, but he couldn't tell for what.

"Hi I am Matt nice to meet you, Jasper, "I greeted him with a smile Jasper greeted back" Hi Matt I am Jasper hale". I can safely say Jasper and I bonded during our small talk it seems my scent is not causing him any problems and lunch break arrived and I was walking with Jasper and Alice to the canteen.

I parted ways with them because they went to find their family while I went to look for Bella, I saw her sitting with a group I remember them Mike Newton, Eric, Angela, and Jessica. I went toward them and greeted Bella, who smiled at me, I asked Bella move to the side I sat I between Mike and Bella.

"Bella, who is this?" asked Mike seriously.

Bella replied with a smile," Guys, this is my brother Matt" I greeted them with a slight smile" Hi, I am Bella's brother Matthew swan you can call me Matt" I looked at all of them and nodded at them.

Mike seemed relieved and spoke, "Hi man," I completely ignored him all of them introduced themselves I talked to Angela and Ben Chanley they were the decent bunch me this group. Jessica seems to look at me as I was meat or something.

Every time Mike tried to flirt with Bella or make her uncomfortable, I just gave a death glare that told him to not try anything. I saw someone take the chair under Mike who fell on the floor after that he seems to run after the guy.

I tuned most things until I heard the famous line" who are they" asked Bella to Jessica and Angela, slightly gesturing to the Cullens, who were sitting together at the end canteen. Angela answered Bella "the Cullens".

Jessica, who returned from looking or staring at them, went full gossip mode "They are doctor Cullens and Ms. Cullens foster kids, they moved here down from Alaska like a few years ago".

Angela said her part, " they kinda keep to themselves."

Jessica again took over "yes, cause they are all together like together to together."

Then Jessica started to give a profile of them" the brown-haired girl with a blond tip that is Sarah and the big dark-haired guy Emmet is a thing I am not even sure that is even legal" Angela seems to have enough" Jess they are not actually related."

Jessica instantly replied," But they live together, that's weird."

Jessica continued her gossip "The little dark-haired girl is Alice she is really weird, and she is with Jasper who looks like he is in pain" what do you expect to put the strongest empath in a building full teenager who goes has through many emotions self-doubt, self-pity, self-loathing, jealously,....etc and add to that he feels emotions of all these people who are "feeling" thirsty, hungry also his own coven mates who are projecting their emotions and hunger on him like Edwards thirst for Bella's blood he was turned from strong confident Major to this.

I saw Alice's shoulder slightly slump when Jessica described her as weird, I was getting angrier and angrier at this girl I started to see her as a sister, I started grabbing the table really hard counting numbers backward but looked to see my coke crushed.

Bella can see I was getting angry, but couldn't do anything to stop Jessica, who continued, "Doctor Cullen is this foster dad/matchmaker. "Angela tried to ease the tension by joking, "Maybe he will adopt me."

"Who is the blond girl," asked Bella. I looked to see it was Rosalie Jessica replied, " That's Rosalie she is total ice queen. She ruthlessly shut down every person that asked her out. "

I saw her look at me, and we made eye contact she turned her head after keeping in contact for some time, but I can feel her staring at me like Edward was staring or glaring at Bella I can feel her gaze when my head is turned or I am talking to Bella.

Bella asked Jessica, " who is he. "

Jessica, who saw who Bella was gesturing, replied, " That is Edward Cullen totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him like I care you know seriously like don't waste your time."

I am sure she tried to propose to him, and he rejected her, I thought in amusement.

"I wasn't even planning on it" was Bella's reply. I deadpanned at her and thought, yeah right.

"I am getting a brooding emo vibe from him, " I told Bella as she was looking at him. I decided to make fun him I know he can hear what we were saying. I heard Emmet laugh, I turned to see Sarah Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie laughing at Edward, who seemed to glare at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him at turned Bella, and told her " Add creepy to the list to ".

I heard laughter increase at the Cullens table. It's entertaining doing this, I thought.

" I think I will call him Edweird. It sounds perfect, doesn't, "I asked Bella.

Bella looked at me with a slight smile as she shook her head.

Cullen's POV

We all entered the canteen and went to our table also we heard from Alice and Jasper about seeing Rosalie's mate Alice told Rosalie who seemed eager to know about her mate Alice stated explaining "His name Matthew Swan he goes by Matt he just entered school this semester he really is protective of his sister I am sure both Carlisle and Esme will love him."

Rosalie wanted to know more about him Jasper gestured towards the table he was sitting at Rosalie saw her mate he was really handsome with his red eyes as well tattoos he looked really hot she was broken out of her thoughts by Alice who gestured to the girl next to him and said that is Edward's mate Alice told everyone "I heard him tell she was his sister when he introduced himself to that group".

Jasper spoke up "His scent is unique it basically cancels out any scent near him, and I can easily control my thirst when I am near him, but otherwise, it's hard" Sarah was the first on to reply" that's interesting".

Edward suddenly looked angry and told them, "I can't read their thoughts," this interested everyone.

Rosalie replied with a slight smile, "At least some people don't have to worry about their privacy being invaded," everyone nodded at that since they know Edward didn't care about privacy. He reads their mind.

Edward didn't speak much, he busy staring daggers at Matt and his sister Bella.

Rosalie was admiring her mate, she could see he was protective of his sister as he was glaring at the Newton guy whenever he tried to flirt or make his sister uncomfortable, and that did the trick.

They heard the girl Jessica gossip about them all them hearing the jealous girl talk about their family was irritated. Jessica started calling Alice very weird Alice's shoulder slumped every one of them was angry at that Rosalie also was angry when the jealous bitch was gossiping about our family also calling Alice weird Jasper was angry, but what surprised him was he can feel the anger coming from the table it belonged to Matt he is protective of Alice. Jasper said," Looks like we are not the only one who feels angry at the girl" everyone was confused at what Jasper said. He just gestured to Matt and Bella's table. They saw Matt crushing a can of coke as well, trying to calm himself down.

Jasper told everyone with a smirk, "I told you he is protective of Alice as he views her as a sister even in just this short time, he is perfect for our family even I bonded with him easily."

Everyone looked like giving Matt their nod of approval they heard the girl Jessica goes about Rosalie about her shutting down everyone. Rosalie only shrugged at that and looked towards the table to see looking at her. They made eye-contact with each other for some time, and both of them turned around.

Rosalie knew when he was looking at her, the same as her. The Cullen's heard Jessica speak about Edward and Edwards mate who was looking straight at him. Rosalie was thinking, "They seemed to do the same thing Matt and I did, but the only difference is Edward was glaring at her as if it's their fault that he can't read their mind."

Rosalie saw her mate, give his sister a look when she said she was not planning to, I saw him look at Edward heard him tell his sister, "I am getting a brooding emo vibe from him".

The only thing Rosalie can think while laughing was, "That described Edward perfectly" Edward was glaring at me since he read my mind, then at everyone Emmet laughing out loud, so was Alice, Jasper, and Sarah. All Cullen's there except Edward.

Rosalie saw Edward glaring at my mate Matt, who turned to see Edward glaring at him. Matt raised an eyebrow at that and turned his sister again, and we heard him say "Add creepy to the list too".

At the Emmet was close to landing on the floor laughing, the same can be said for everyone. Jasper was laughing and told Edward " You just had to glare and make him think you are creepy too".

We heard matt say " I think I will call him Edweird it sounds perfect, doesn't"

Again, every one of the Cullens burst out laughing.

Emmet spoke up after controlling his laughter, " I like him, he is good how about you guys".Every one of the Cullens there except Edward found Matt perfect for their family now, they just had befriended Matt and find out more about Bella.

Matt's POV

Matt went to class after lunch. It's fun messing with Edweird the classes went by fast. It was boring and I came out of my last class and went to see Bella who was standing just behind Edweird I knew what happened, I went up to her and asked what happened she looked at me and asked "Do I smell that bad he seemed to look suffocated."

I looked at her and thought, "That's the problem you smell too good for him".I saw him asking them if they any different class. The lady said no, he would have to stay in biology.

He glared at Bella then me, "I just have to endure it".I thought this has to stop.

I told Bella that she didn't smell bad or anything, I went to speak with Edward. I walked next to the Cullens and tapped Edward by the shoulder as he turned, I asked him in an annoyed tone" Dude what's your problem you seemed to glare at my sister and me during lunchtime then just now doing the same thing you are glaring at us as if I killed your puppy both me and Bella has never seen you or talked to you so chill out stop with the glaring".

I looked toward the other Cullens and said, "please talk some sense into the guy".

As I walked away, I mumbled enough for them to hear "No wonder I found him weird and creepy, I guess the name Edweird is perfect for him".

I heard Emmet burst out laughing again, I turned around to see Edweird glaring at me again while the rest seemed to try to hold their laughter. My gaze lingered on Rosalie more he was looking.

I went to get Bella and we went to get our ride, Bella started her truck while I started my bike we went to our home while looking at the mirror, I can see Bella is not that far behind since I didn't need to go full speed for no reason we reached our home i entered first later followed by bella.

I told her I am going to freshen up, and we both had homework to do so as I was going I heard Bella say " Renee is probably going to call tonight. What should I do."

I looked at to see slight irritation, anger, and resignation. It seems she really sees Renee for who she is rather than the only connection she felt in the movie I can see she seems to connect better with Dad because both of them seem to understand each other.

When dad came back from work we went to the diner to eat, we were eating while dad asked about how our day went I just said I had to keep the boys from my sister half of the time. At that, he was looking at me with pride and gave a nod while Bella talked about making friends with Angela.

I whispered to her I guess dad can hear it too, " she will a great friend, but Jessica I kinda don't like her gossiping attitude really angered and irritated me, I can tell she is jealous of all the attention you are getting, and she may even be gossiping about both of us behind our back."

Bella nodded and said," You are better at reading people than I am," I replied instantly, "I am telling you can be friends with her or anyone just don't let her habits rub off on you but I can tell Angela is a nice girl".

Dad was nodding at what I said and told Bella" the girl you're talking about is Angela Weber yeah, I know her shy and kind girl from what I know she will be a good friend".

Coming home, I started doing my homework and went to Bella's room, I heard her talking to Renee during the whole conversation. Bella was neutral she was not calling her mom instead just Renee I heard Bella ask about her forgetting about the power cord. Renee made an excuse then there, Bella didn't say "miss you mom" or anything.

I heard her disconnect by telling her she was getting homework to do, I entered the room she saw me sighed I asked her, " what was wrong".

She looked at me and started telling me about Edwards glaring, and all the attention was not something she was used in Phoenix. She could have alone time, but here boys or Jessica just follow her around everywhere. I can see where she is coming from she just can't have a moment of peace without getting intruded by Mike or Eric, who seems not to stop pursuing her while in Phoenix, she had a peaceful environment.

I told her it's a small town and Bella coming in the middle of the semester just bought more attention to add to that, I told her she was beautiful and guys are going to show interest in her I told just find a friend with who you can enjoy passing time I told her she already has a good friend in Angela and Edweird I told her she would have to ask him what his problem was I can see her hanging out with Angela maybe I will introduce her to Alice may be before or after the accident with that I went to bed I will see it when the time comes.

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