Authors note: Sarah has the ability to see mate bond's but they have to close to each other for her to see, unlike Marcus whose ability is relationship identification Marcus can sense relationships between people. He can also sense the ties' strengths and weaknesses, and can also tell who would betray one another.

Cullens POV

At the Cullen household, everyone was sitting front room and was glaring at Edward, who like a spoilt child looked elsewhere. Carlisle asked what happen Alice told Carlisle and Esme that they found both Edward and Rosalie's mates then started to tell what happened today.

Rosalie was angry she found her mate and so did Edward but he just had to ruin it for both she shouted at Edward" You idiot glaring Matt or Bella won't solve your problem you are just acting like a child because you couldn't read their mind don't make the excuse of her being your blood singer you only found that out during the last class I saw you glaring her during lunch after you told us you couldn't read there mind "

Jasper also spoke up for his sister "Edward I know you were frustrated at not able read there mind but glaring at them for no reason would make them think you hate them its good matt didn't take it seriously I felt his emotions hate was not there he was more irritated and angry at you he cares greatly for his sister if you continue this it will be bad for both Rosalie and you"

Rosalie when heard that matt didn't them for Edwards's behavior, she calmed down and said "I just have to endure it I understand she is your blood singer but it's not by her choice you didn't have to say it there face least act little mȧturė you are 100 years old for god sake"

Sarah, who was hearing everything Jasper and Rosalie said decided to tell her part "I understand she is your blood singer but you came as you hate her and the girl doesn't even know what she did to get that treatment"

Emmet was pondering about what happened today and just thinking " Matt called Edward creepy, emo, and brooding Matt even came up with a name Edward, I can't find any fault in him for thinking that I would probably think Edward is weird to" Edward who heard his thoughts glared at him.

Emmet looked at Edward and said, " what can you blame me, I will also think as creepy and weird by the way you acted ".Carlisle who heard that asked him what he meant by that Emmet told them about what happened at lunch and when Matt confronted in full detail.

Let's say Carlisle was a hard time not laughing at that same can be said for Esme who was covering her mouth.

Carlisle regained his composure told Edward " Son what you did today was not the right way you could have told the teacher you are not feeling well called me or Esme we could have easily got you out of the situation when you found she is your blood singer"

Esme could only say " I am disappointed at what you did today"

Edward felt ashamed when Carlisle and Esme scolded him, they were his parents more than his birth parents. Everyone could feel Edward learned his mistake he could have done without looking like a kid who didn't get his way.

Carlisle who knew that issue has been sorted told Alice and Jasper to tell what you know Matthew swan since they had the most interaction with him "Matthew swan likes to go by Matt from what I learned he is an easy guy to get to know but is really protective of the people he cares for and easily considers Alice a sister" Alice continued from there "He very intelligent from what I have observed him in class he seems to not hear anything the teacher tells and does all the problems in the text some even ahead as he is bored of the class ".

Alice spoke with a happy tone, " I think Matt would make a wonderful addition to the family".Jasper could feel Rosalie's emotions she is happy that to find him and there is curiosity probably to know more about him.

Rosalie was happy to find her mate, she wanted to know more about him.

Sarah had seen the mate bond between Rosalie and Matt same with Edward and Bella so she faced everyone and spoke up to get their attention "I have seen the mate bond between Rosalie and Matt same with Bella and Edward so we have to think how we should proceed from here when to turn them to vampires"

Edward, who heard this immediately shouted " I will not change her into a vampire into this wretched existence "

Jasper spoke out" you know if you do not change her, she will age and die and you will alone for eternity right "

Edward shook his head " I rather she be with someone have family and die of old age than change into this"Jasper, who knows he is going to sound rude " Even If she tries to have a family she will not have the same happiness she will feel from being with you ".

Rosalie, who heard Edward about his mate having a family also did not want to take that away from Matt who could have a family and children of his own in the future.

Sarah spoke her thoughts " I think we should just go with the flow not against it Alice saw the future where you are happy together why to go against that ".

Rosalie was content its Matts choice to make and Edward seems not to budge.

Rosalie was in her own thoughts decided she would try to get close to Matt. While Edward decided to neutral with her, but will not turn her.

Carlisle told Edward to go to the Denali coven so he can control his thirst around Bella more.

Matt's POV

I knew Edward probably won't show up for many days and Bella will wait for him during this time to know the reason for his behavior I woke up too early today it seems so I decided to see all the abilities or powers I got from the Cullen's I opened the panel to see slight mate bond identification,pathokinesis or empathy, telepathy and subjective precognition I upgraded to precognition were I can see different routes (Future) and follow the route with best results.

The accident thing keeps bugging me I am putting my sister in danger get I tried using precognition to see all the futures from what I have seen if I do not let Bella get in the accident there is no incident connecting both Bella and Edward since Edward basically tries to avoid Bella everywhere even if she finds out what they are its not the dėsɨrėd results I get and in the other routes if let Bella get in the accident zone Edward protects her every time and Rosalie seems to come next to me make sure I am okay just as fast as they could its dead give away and Bella starts questioning about what they are like the movie which causes them to interact with each other more and let's go with that.

From what I have seen Edward seems to think of not turning Bella, but he is unconsciously protecting his mate as well as he tries to get close her while Rosalie is trying to get close to me so no problem there I made these visions appear as a warning if Bella, me or dad is in danger Cullens have Alice and they can take care of themselves.

I ordered a lot of electronic components so that I can make a motion sensor around the house, let's just say I want to mess with Edweird more when he comes to Bella's room also I remember Riley Beiers had come to her room in Eclipse He could have easily hurt or killed dad it's dangerous I will install more security after this.

I saw time flew by as I was thinking about my visions and abilities so I went down to see Bella the early riser seems to make breakfast for everyone I greeted her " Good morning Bella did you have a nice sleep and where his dad".

Bella didn't look at she was busy within the kitchen "Good morning to you too dad went to freshen up " I nodded at that and went do my daily routine took a cup of coffee a went see anything on tv i was watching the news weather forecast and stuff.

I was pondering over what to do for these two there is no Edweird there for torturing no I mean to make fun of when I saw dad coming he smiled at me as I greeted him " Good morning and how are you this fine morning ".

Dad can only smile and say "It's good and good morning to you too son".

As I was going to take a shower, I tried using my upgraded telepathy, but suddenly hear the thoughts of all people in the neighborhood, I was having a headache I imagined a radius which I reduced slowly and I can see it was working so I can control it like this that's good I then wanted to see Bella's thoughts I concentrated on her.

"I need to find out what his(Edweirds) problem with me is"Bella thinking while placing the breakfast on the table only thing I can think was shit Edweird seems to be her first crush I didn't I decided to see what she thought of dad, me and Renee while going into her memories its seems she had a high opinion of me and slowly dad is reaching at that level she is even thinking staying in forks with dad after graduating she feels the same as me Renee will probably use her and me to get out doing housework and other duties we even had to remind her to pay the bills and stuff when we moved away from forks.

She now finds Renee unbearable and it seems dad and her understands each other because they have the same personality. I decided I will not read her mind after this then I concentrated on dad the deeper I went I saw the poor guy really loved Renee but he knew Renee was a free-spirited person by keeping her here would only make her mad and will only cause more problems Renee even told him that she didn't plan on getting married or having children till she reached 30. Dad decided to let her go while giving child support for both of us was the best option and he really missed Bella and me very much it seems he just doesn't know how to express his emotions, but he is proud of both of us and he doesn't seem to favor one over the other. I wanted to know what both thought so I stopped at that.

I decided after that not to read the mind of family or loved ones unless its dire situation its Edweirds job, but enemies and the other idiots are all game for me I even like Xavier's trick of stopping everyone like time stopped. It seems I have off switch for these skills that's good.

I showered and grabbed a black round neck shirt and blue jeans I also simple chain with a circular pendant with Celtic symbols on it, I ate breakfast with dad Bella seems to have finished hers it seems she really wants to know why Edward hates her I hate it having a sister who has her first crush but also doesn't recognize that it is fantastic.

I grumbled, "Why me."

Both of us said goodbye to dad who seemed to like it so Bella went to her truck while I started my bike and went first while on the way I was thinking about the nomads coming in when Edweird returns there will be an "animal attack" happening and if I stop the meeting at the baseball game James will get the scent of Bella and Alice he will still attack without any reason since he let Alice live because he wanted to hunt her another time. James will decide to get to Bella at all costs and then finish off Alice—the prey he never got to, this is problematic I will use my visions before the baseball game happens.

I reached school waited for Bella after she arrived so both of us can go inside I saw both Eric and Mike in the parking talking with Jessica and Angela I read both Eric and Mike's mind it seems Eric and Mike are afraid of me but will turn to their flirty self when I am not around.

I can see Bella was looking for the Edward when the Cullens came I waved at Jasper and Alice who did the same

This is very irritating I thought "I already have to deal with an emo creepy brooding 100-year-old vɨrġɨn Edweird and these two idiots."

I grumbled under my breath " why did my sister have to have her curiosity peaked by that creepy brooding idiot Edweirds behavior "I knew the Cullens would hear what I said. If only he was here it would have been more fun.

I know Mike is trying to get into her pants while Eric seems to want to try a hand in a relationship with her, but I know both are scared of what I will do to them after that happens or if they hurt her so they are hesitating that's good. I know Bella will only have eyes for Edweird.

My only thoughts were " Telepathy is really useful for idiots like these " and I am getting better at it I can control who I want to read I can multitask and process thoughts of a small group of people but I didn't read the Cullen's or Bella's thoughts.

Cullens already had a mind reader who didn't know the meaning privacy talk about a weirdo watching people sleep really and Bella was family I only did the first time to see what she thought of me and dad.

I know Bella will only have eyes for Edweird.

I was thinking "Is it universes rule that brooding emos should have fangirls and girls finding them cool and mysterious but totally tuning out that brooding emo behavior I remembered Sasuke from naruto has many fangirls, batman from cartoon movies and series was cool to an extent but still brooding emo had many girls fawning over him, now Edward Cullen ..... Etc. I can't say anything against Itachi, he was emo, but he was cool and not brooding like rest "


The day was boring as shit the during lunch I was dragged by Alice to the Cullens table were I introduced to each of them "So you must know by now that is Emmet"pointing at the big guy as I call him "and that is Sarah " pointing at the brown-haired girl who looked like Gigi Hadid then pointed at Rosalie let say I kinda tuned Alice's intro of her since I was in a trance whenever I looked at her.

I came out of it when Alice waved her hand in front of my face, then I heard "Hello earth to Matt what happened, " she asked him with amusement I glared at her for that.

Alice continued saying "That's Jaspers's sister Rosalie" I gave every one of them a smile while my gaze lingered on Rosalie more who looked at me and gave beautiful smile.

I introduced myself to all of them, but I think I was looking at Rosalie than others"Hi, I am Matthew Swan you can call me Matt" and gave each of them a handshake.

Let's just say when I gave Rosalie a handshake slight zap of electricity I quickly took my hand back the same with her. I decided to change the topic

I asked them"Where is Edweird" I quickly corrected " I mean Edward today I don't see him ". I didn't do that knowingly I would never do such a thing.

Jasper, who was smiling, said "He went to town you know family reasons"

I didn't want to make a fool of myself so I went to Bella's table.

After school finished, I was about to go home, but Alice stopped and told me she planned a surprise date for me tonight with Rosalie

I said okay.

Although I said okay inside I was like "what the fuċk I may have gone on blind dates in my previous life and basically I had one girlfriend, which didn't last 2 months but that's it I don't know how to talk to women ".

I started my bike and was on my way home while going through an internal dilemma "I can't ask Bella or dad, two highly socially awkward, people won't know a thing about it Renee is total airhead I am not calling her over this".

"I am totally going to ruin this date that for sure" were my thought

Bella came home and asked me why went in a hurry, I told her I had a date Bella looked surprised and asked her who it was I told Rosalie.

"Blond girl right Jessica told she rejected every boy in school I know its gossip, but Angela nodded at that so that must be true, how did you get a date with her, "Bella asked me with interest.

I could only reply"I didn't Alice her sister set me up for this date ".

I was thinking about what I should do "I should buy some roses that are good right ".

My thoughts were going in circles basically I could not think of anything I could do to make a good impression.

I ġrȯȧnėd " I suck at this "

I was bought out of my thoughts by phone ringing it was Alice, she said "We are outside, we will take you to a special spot for your first date ".I looked at my watch to see its time already I didn't even notice it.

I went outside to see Alice and Jasper in their car Rosalie was in the back seat, I greeted them awkwardly "Hi guys, sorry for being late " Alice shook her head and said "No you're not late ".

I entered the car and looked at Rosalie she looked stunning she was wearing a Blouse Black White Color block Bell Sleeve Cold Shoulder Top I had my mouth open jasper who saw this through the mirror called me "Matt".

I closed my mouth and looked at him to see him laugh at me, I rolled my eyes at him. I looked back at Rosalie I greeted her "Hi Rosalie, how are you".

Rosalie looked at me and smiled "I am good you didn't know about this surprise date Matthew did you."

I shook my head and told her "After school Alice just came up to me and told me that she had set up a date with you ". Rosalie laughed at that.

Her laughter was really beautiful just like her we reached and the dating spot prepared by Alice lets just say it's beautiful it was Backyard Discovery Arlington Gazebo I told Alice "It was beautiful ."

Alice looked smug as replied"Thank you for the compliment Matt"

After that Alice and Jasper told us to call them after we finished our date

We went to the table and there was silence for some time I decided to break it.

We talked basically made small talk.

"You can call me Rose," Rosalie told me I replied with a smile on my face you can call me Matt"

"Matt you have not dated anyone before right," Rosalie asked me, I was embarrassed and shook my head at that we both just decided to know each other better.

So I asked her about her hobbies she seems to like to work on cars. Rosalie asked what my hobby was "I like martial arts and recently started to take drawing as a new hobby".

"So you are a martial artist, "Rosalie asked me with curiosity "Yup won a couple of competition" I replied I didn't have any topic to talk about. I asked her "So do you want to check out my car when it arrives, I have a 67 chevy impala."

Rosalie looked at curiosity and replied "67 chevy impala that's a nice car you have there. I would love to look at it when arrives here I may even customize it a bit for you."

Rosalie asked me "Why come to forks of all places it's small-town ."

I looked at her and thought a bit and said"It's to escape from Renee my mother for me anyway and I wanted to know my dad more."

Rosalie asked me seriously" why do you call your mother Renee instead of mom."

I was replied with a sad smile" I guess my parents divorced when Bella and I were little Renee got our custody we never had a good childhood in a sense we raised her if I think about it and didn't let us spend time with dad for a long time Renee only let Bella and me come here is because she wanted to tour the states with her new husband she hinted it a lot till Bella like always self sacrificed saying we will spend time in forks with dad."

Rosalie looked sad and slightly angry changed the topic and asked "So tell me about sister Bella and your dad."

I looked at her with a smile and said while thinking about both of them"Bella is clumsy and socially awkward she does not like the spotlight she hates and she is intelligent and very observant she cares greatly about anyone who she considers close and same with my dad Charlie swan he is awkward as Bella and isn't great at telling people his feelings but both my dad and sister are connecting with each other."

She seemed to smile at me when I talked about my family.

"So, enough about me, tell me more about you and your family, "I asked her

Rosalie started talking about her life now " My name Rosalie hale I am twin sister of Jasper hale we are adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen I have 4 step-siblings not counting Jasper and Carlisle is great deeply about everyone and is a pacifist same with Esme it doesn't feel like both are our foster parents and my siblings you have met them so an introduction is necessary."

Rosalie talked about Esme with such enthusiasm Esme is a great mother that's for sure.

I asked Rosalie if she would like to have a date tomorrow she said she would like that we ended the date with that I was happy and by the smile of it so was Rosalie. We called Jasper and Alice, who dropped me.

Days went by as Edweird didn't show up I and Rosalie went on many dates to get know each other and school was boring as usual

Again the next day, no Edweird, Bella is looking for him after our boring class I hung out with the Cullens talked to Rosalie it seems to shock everyone the Cullens are ȧssociating with me.I wanted to take it slow and know more about Rosalie by going on more dates after all we have eternity so its no pressure. We went on a couple of dates as there was not much going in school and I had my secret project which I am working on.

I got to know more about Rosalie through our dates we decided to know each other first and I didn't want to be like Bella who got dazzled by the supernatural from what I have seen Bella and Edward didn't even try to get to know each other they didn't even go on a single date I understand she is his mate but come one it's like Bella meeting him fast forward she becomes his girlfriend.

I and Rosalie went for a walk in the woods not too deep just enough, we both really during all those dates bonded really well since I told her I took drawing as a hobby she asked me if I would draw her I slightly nodded at that we ended our date we that since it was getting dark.

While I was about to go to my bike Rosalie grabbed my shirt and gave a chaste kiss I was surprised than I had a goofy smile on my face.

I asked her" what does this make us ".

She had a smile on her face and replied "I guess I am your girlfriend now ".

While I saw Rosalie walking to her car I could see her sway her hɨps in an alluring way I blushed, seeing that I am a vɨrġɨn I turned my head and started my bike I started my bike and went home I saw Bella was waiting for me.

[Authors note: My idea of dating is like the first step before you decide you want to go in a relationship with a boy or girl. You can have multiple dates with the same person to get to know him or her before entering a serious relationship with them and please don't laugh at me for this]

"By the smile on your face, I can say everything went well," Bella asked me, I just nodded my head while going to my room thinking " today was really a good day".

But suddenly I thought of tomorrow and ġrȯȧnėd "ooh My god Edweird will be back in school that emo really needs to know how not come off as an idiot"

Rosalie's POV

I was in the canteen with Sarah and Emmet we were waiting for Jasper and Alice while l was looking for my mate Matt I saw him get dragged to our table by Alice followed by Jasper. Alice introduces everyone to matt but he seemed to go into trance when he looked at me when the same can be said to me for me.

Alice had waved her hand in front of matt break him out of his trance.

Matt introduced himself to everyone and gave everyone a handshake when I and Matt shook our hands, he seemed to have felt the same jolt of electricity during our touch.

Sarah whispered to me "That is the mate bond it's usually known when both are vampires, but for him to have this reaction, even as a human that only means the bond between two of you will be strong"

I heard he asked "where is Edweird" he quickly corrected that"I mean Edward today I don't see him, "Everyone smiled at that Emmet was close to laughing out loud.

Jasper answered him by telling Edward went out of town for family reasons.

I was thinking about knowing more about him Let's just say a little pixie answered my prayer.

Matt went to his sister's table, we all went to our class after that as school finished, I was dragged by Alice, who told me she had set me up a date with Matt I was really happy on the inside. I went straight home to get ready I decided to go simple I wore Blouse, Black White Color block Bell Sleeve Cold Shoulder Top Jasper, Alice, and I went to collect matt who looked handsome he was wearing a black v neck shirt black leather jacket, and dark blue jeans.

He greeted Jasper and Alice he got inside and saw me the reaction I got from made me really happy I asked him if he knew about this date he told me how Alice. We reached our dating spot prepared by Alice. Alice and Jasper went on their way told us to call after our date.

We both sat down matt broke the silence by making small talk. I told him to call me rose while he said the same to call him Matt.

I asked him if he dated anyone before he shook his head in embarrassment I found his embarrassment cute. We decided to know each other better so we decided hobbies.

He talks about being a martial artist I was curious at that I wanted to check that out he asked me my hobbies I told him how I like fashion designing. He asked me if I design clothes for my family I told him"Yes, I do actually, but not every time just on special occasions,".

I then asked him about coming to forks he told me about his mom his childhood, which made me sad and angry I thought "I am sure Esme would be a great mother figure for him".

I changed the topic by asking about his sister and dad Matt seemed happy about telling about his sister Bella and his dad he seemed to love them very much I smiled at that. Matt asked me to tell about my family I gave a description of them "Esme is like my real mother" she thought while describing them.

We finished our date with that matt asked me if we can have another date tomorrow. Let's just say when I reached I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Time seemed to move very fast.

The days went by everyone was doing what they did usually either play games or go hunting I went on a couple of dates with Matt we thought its best to know one another first, I cleaned up very fast and sped to the living room waiting for my family to come all of them came down one by one Carlisle went to the hospital Jasper drove then we went to school classes went by as during lunch Matt spend time with all of us both os we talked.

Then we bonded really well during our dates like this one in which we're just taking a walk through the woods we didn't go too deep, we still talked about daily stuff.

I remembered he has taken drawing as a hobby asked him " Would you draw a portrait of me " He looked at with a smile and nodded after the date ended I decided to end with a good note. I grabbed his shirt gave him a simple kiss first he was surprised, then he had a goofy smile on his face.

I heard him ask "What did this make us now".

I replied with a smile, "I guess I am your girlfriend now ". I went to my car I sway to my hɨps to tease him I looked around to see Matt's face slightly red.

when I returned home Alice was jumping up and down looking very happy and wished me "congratulations Rosalie" I guess she saw it in her vision I smiled at her I saw Jasper come up to me and wish me as well I saw Esme, Emmet, and Sarah who heard the all the noise came to the front room Alice told them what was happening everyone wished me happiness which I know Matt will bring me.

After that everyone was in a happy mood and later Carlisle came home and told me what happened today he wished me as well everyone was happy for me.

Carlisle got a call after some time he ended the call and told everyone that Edward will be back home by tonight.

Carlisle told everyone " Just make sure he doesn't do anything"I sighed at Carlisle "I wish we could do something really, but Edward only listens when you or Esme are around and he always does something stupid and I don't want my mate to hate our family because of him".

Jasper, Alice, Sarah, and Emmet nodded and said "It's true ".

Carlisle and Esme could only sigh in resignation

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