Matt discussed many things with Freya like the relocation of their Coven and plans for jobs in my company. It was agreed on the fact I would help them with getting an island with cloaking tech. While Matt was also given some of their grimoires for study as he was able to copy their ability to do magic. But as Matt noticed that Freya was hesitating to ask some this as he questioned"Do you need something from me?"

Freya taking a breath answered, "Yes. you see we were hoping you can help us in destroying the original cold one and Children of the moon."

Matt was slightly surprised at the request, Sure he knew about the original werewolves' existence in Aro's prison. While he was not sure where the cold one's progenitor was as he asked"Do you want me to kill these two powerful beings, one of which is in the prison cell of Voulturi and the other was pretty much unknown."Matt knew he could easily take down both of them as he had many weapons.

Freya nodded thinking Matt would deny, but Matt smiled and asked"So when do I start and where is the Original Cold one?."

Freya was surprised as to how easily Matt agreed to the request as she said"Well, you already know the location of the Original Werewolf, as the cold one is imprisoned on a mountain in Transylvania the mountain is called devils peak. One of our Ancestors captured the cold one by sacrificing her life."

Matt was surprised and he asked"Isn't that mountain supposed to be cursed.I found the fact many who tried to climb it went missing"Freya nodded and replied"Yes, the original Cold one is imprisoned in that spot. We tried to warn strangers who tried to climb the mountain. But some are so arrogant or foolish that they completely ignore our warning about the dangers of that Mountain, which leads to them being killed by the cold one."

Matt was curious as she questioned, "Then why didn't you try to finish him off."Freya with slight irritation spoke"We tried but his special ability makes it almost impossible to get close to him." now Matt was interested in this cold one's ability as Freya continued "He has the ability to nullify any special abilities of a person. Even witches lose their powers when they are near him. The witch who imprisoned him had to cast the spell at distance, while time went on his range of nullification increased to such an extent that none of us can get close to him without losing our abilities."

Matt sighed muttered, "You should have killed him when you had the chance."Freya didn't deny it as she knew the fact her people had caused many problems with their powers and acting as if they were gods.Matt then returned back to Forks as he thought "So the first Cold one is in Transylvania and his ability to nullify powers is what makes him dangerous."

After returning back to Forks Matt found out that his sister is close to giving birth, while he was happy with the fact he was soon going to be an uncle.As he reached the Cullen residence to find my two kids and Rosalie waiting for me as Matt was surprised and asked"How did you know I will be home today? and I thought the Kids were supposed to be with their grandpa?"

Rosalie gestured towards the kids who smiled as she said"Well, Gabriella saw Visions of your return,so they both quickly came back home from your dad's place."Matt chuckled ran and hugged his kids, while they both laughed with their father. Matt smiled as Rosalie asked, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Matt gave a nod and said, "Yes, let's just say it was an interesting journey and I pretty much found out how the cold ones, children of the moon and shapeshifters came into existence."

Rosalie looked at Matt is disbelief as she broke out of it and asked"You are not joking right?"

Matt shook his head and replied"Its the truth.I will tell you everything about them inside, but I think it's best to call a meeting.So I don't have repeat everything again."

Rosalie nodded as she called everyone to the meeting, even Bella, Kate, and Irina was there too as everyone was curious about the meeting as Matt explained everything about the witches and how they created the cold ones, children of the moon and shapeshifters.All the Cullens were shocked and awed by hearing about their species origin and the existence of witches as Kate with disbelief said"So some of us are descended from witches. That is interesting."

Carlisle who was thought added"It actually makes sense.I heard about how Jane and Alec had the ability to make bad things happen to people who were unkind to the twins or their family, and good luck followed those who were friendly to them. So magic pretty much explains how they were able to do that. Also, I really won't know more about how the witches came into being."

Edward was curious and asked, "So What did they want from you?"Matt sighed and replied"Protection. They have already foreseen the fact that Aro will find their existence and knowing Aro, he will either try to make them join the Voulturi, force them into joining them, or kill them off."

Everyone grimaced hearing that as Rosalie asked"So what is your plan?"

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