The witches problem was pretty easy to deal with as everyone discussed about the witches as Carlisle borrowed the Grimiore to read about witches history.Matt played with his son and daughter as everything going okay until Bella' water broke because their was me problem with the quileute tribe Carlisle and Edward was able easily help with Charlotte formerly known as Renesmee.Bella was tired from the pregnancy and to make sure she didn't have any issues Edward decided it was the best time to change her.

The transformation took a whole day as Bella woke up as a vampire and she immediately notices the differences in her senses were overwhelming as she noticed Edward who came ċȧrėssed her face with a fond smile and said"So beautiful"Bella looks at herself in the mirror, then turns to Edward and embraces him, not realizing her newly found strength as Edward starts to feel pain from her bear hug.

Edward slightly twice said"Hey, Bella, you're a lot stronger than I am right now. It's your turn not to break me." Bella with fond smile said":

I love you." Edward: I love you."They start kissing as Matt and Rosalie choughs to get their attention as Matt said: "You know she needs to feed, otherwise she will lose control."

Edward and Bella are slightly embarrassed as Rosalie with a teasing smile added"Well you can have sėx after taking your pills."Bella nodded she took the blood pill which made her made her full.

Bella then looked at Edward with a worried tone asked" Charlotte."Edward smiles and replies" She's incredible."

Bella once again questioned"Where is she? I have to see her."Bella turns to go as Edward stopped her and said" Wait. Wait. You need to get your thirst under control.Even with the pills we are not sure if you will lose control."Bella hesitantly nodded.

Matt knew Bella would be good mother after she just has to do everything opposite to what Renee would do.Also Bella couldn't meet her daughter until she had full control of her thirst and strength.

Bella questioned"So what is our plan for the kids?"Edward spoke"I originally wanted the Kids to go enjoy normal kindergarten and stuff.But with how quickly they are growing up.I am sure they will attract attention."

Matt and Rosalie nodded as they didn't want too much attention drawn to them.As Carlisle said"We have to keep our heads down,after all Around is definitely looking out for something to blame us for.If by chance he knows about Charlotte,Gabriella and Elijah,I am sure Aro will mark them as Immortal children."

Bella was confused and asked"What is an immortal child?"Carlisle went got a book as he showed Bella images of immortal children as he explained"What they were thinking, those ancient ones, I can't begin to understand. They created vampires out of humans who were bȧrėly more than infants… They were very beautiful. So endearing, so enchanting, you can't imagine. You had but to be near them to love them; it was an automatic thing. However, they could not be taught. They were frozen at whatever level of development they'd achieved before being bitten. Adorable two-year-olds with dimples and lisps that could destroy half a village in one of their tantrums. If they hungered, they fed, and no words of warning could restrain them… In the end, the practice was completely eliminated. The immortal children became unmentionable, a taboo."

Kate and Irina looked pretty grim as Matt guessed they are thinking about their mother's death.The uncontrollable, childish behaviors of immortal children battled the vampire laws of secrecy, and these children often attracted the notice of humans.Because they were too young to be controlled, the Volturi killed all those who could be found. Under this law, anyone who knows about or stands by the child is also punishable. Countless humans and vampires were massacred because of these creations. The creators of immortal children and those who knew of them were utterly devoted to the children and opposed the Volturi at all costs to protect them, and were all destroyed in the process. Sasha, the adopted mother of Tanya, Kate and Irina, was killed for creating such a child named Vasilii. Jane and Alec were bȧrėly above the age of immortal children before they turned.

Matt spoke"The intresting thing is Even after the law was established, the Volturi kept two children to experiment on. However, no matter how many centuries they'd spent teaching the children, they still could not be controlled or taught.After they determined that immortal children could not be tamed, they had the children destroyed."

Carlisle nodded and said"Yes I stumbled across these children during my stay in Volterra and learned of this law."

Bella worried about Charlotte asked"So what do we do?"Matt answered"We fight,because Aro is already trying to find reasons for attacking us.So he will definitely try and attack us."

Everyone had grim look as Carlisle said"We could try a peaceful approach first after all Matt you told me about other hybrid kids being alive.If we present them to Voulturi and make them think the kids are hybrids then we could avoid the fight."

Matt was not sure about the peaceful approach as everyone soon discussed the options regarding this.Matt had told about how he could make fake cover story about how Gabriella and Elijah were born through artificial uterus.But realistically it was not possible for now..Everyone soon deciced for Matt and Rosalie to find the hybrid children.

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