Rosalie and Matt were now on their way to Nahuel the third child of Joham who is now living with his Aunt Hulien in Brazil.After reaching the airport Matt got the information about the Takuna tribe as they soon made their way to find them.It took some time to get the information about Huilen and Nahuel from their chief.

Rosalie questioned, "What did the chief say?"

Matt sigh and answered"Well they live at the edge of the forest.It seems they have give and take relationship with the tribe."

Matt and Rosalie were now making their way to the edge of the forest. Rosalie questioned"You never told me about Joham?''

Matt with a sigh replied"Well Joham was born in Portugal and considered himself a scientist,but he was insane or crazy. He became obsessed with the occult and how it related to rational thought. This is what led him into meeting a female vampire, who was amused by Joham's curiosity and transformed him. He was studying vampire abilities until he was drawn to the idea of creating vampire-human hybrids. To test this possibility, he had to mate with a human female,but because of his lack of control, he would kill many women, until, after sixty years, his first success was Serena. She was the only one he monitored from conception until maturity. His second child was Maysun, who was born in Algeria. By the time of her birth, Joham's curiosity about hybrid growth had been satisfied and he had Serena raise her. Around the time of Maysun's and Nahuel's births, Joham conceived three more children, but the mothers died before the children reached full term and died along. It was during this time that Joham was labeled the Libishomen. Nahuel was his most difficult challenge since his mother, Pire, was his singer. Joham was working on the idea that human women with better-smelling blood might conceive faster. After learning that she was pregnant, he left her. Once Pire gave birth, he sent Serena to pick up the child. But when she was about to get him, she found baby Nahuel with a newborn vampire protecting him. She ȧssumed the vampire was the child's mother and didn't approach her for fear of her reaction. Several years later, Joham contacted his daughter about the child. She informed him of what she had seen, and he was disappointed that another vampire had interfered. However, he was thrilled to learn he had a son, and that he was capable of transforming humans into full vampires when his daughters couldn't."

Rosalie was horrified as she questioned, "So why didn't he take Nahuel by force,I mean Huilen is not strong enough to fight two cold ones at the same time."

Matt with a frown answered "Joham was unprepared to face the anger of Huilen, for what he did to her sister. He was also not expecting Nahuel to care for his late mother as he spoke of his dead mother insensitively. He didn't think Huilen and Nahuel would be so sėnsɨtɨvė towards human lives. Joham decided not to alienate his son further by killing his aunt, but Nahuel still remains on bad terms with him."

Rosalie nodded as she thought "This Joham was really careful since Volturi didn't know anything about his experiments."

It didn't take long as both Nahuel and Huilen showed up both were ready to attack as Rosalie yelled"We are not here to fight, but ask for your help."

Nahuel was doubtful and asked, "Who are you ? and What do you want?"Rosalie was the one to reply"We wanted to talk about your birth and about Joham."

Rosalie was worried about the kids,she knew Matt was powerful.But the fact was Matt can't be around the kids all the time and if by chance Voulturi attacked when he is not around that means her children were in danger. Matt noticed Nahuel and Huilen tense up as he decided to calm them down and said"We don't want to harm you,we just want your help with some situation we are facing."

Nahuel and Huilen looked at each other with doubt before Nahuel spoke"What do you want from us?"

Matt said"Nahuel like you my niece is a hybrid,her birth was not something some of us expected"Both Nahuel and Huilen was surprised that someone other than Joham found the hybrids as Matt continued"One of our Coven members is seer,she was able to see a future were the Voulturi comes to know about hybrids like you and if they mark you as a threat they will hunt you down."

Nahuel and Huilen were worried hearing that as Huilen asked"So you are searching for allies."

Matt nodded and replied, "Yes in a sense,we need to show them that hybrids are not a threat and if you help us,I will help you in return by bringing a loved one back."Matt knew this fight was inevitable.

Nahuel, Huilen and even Rosalie looked at Matt with disbelief as Huilen shook her head and said"That is not possible."Matt with smiled and replied We live in a world were immortals exist,so do you think this is impossible."

Nahuel was doubtful questioned with his voice wavering"How?"

Matt just made up a story about him coming from a line of shaman,after it was technically true after all..Nahuel was hopeful,while Huilen was still not believing it as Matt said"I will bring your loved one back right now."

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