Cullens POV

At the Cullens residence, the atmosphere has been tense since Edward and Rosalie both saved their mates, but it was in front we were lucky no one noticed Edward or Rosalie there. But there is another problem. Carlisle sighed and asked Edward "Is Bella still suspicious of you".

"Yeah, she is asking many questions about how I reached next to her that fast, how I pushed away from the truck"Edward answered.

Carlisle asked Rosalie "What about Matt did, he question you on how you reached that fast"Rosalie looked at Carlisle and said, "No he just said to tell when I am ready or when i think he is ready ".

Everyone seemed to be surprised at that Jasper was the first one to speak "You are telling me he didn't seem curious about our abilities".

Alice whispered, " He is different he is very understanding he is even thinking of introducing me to his sister Bella because she does not have any friends even after this incident he is not questioning or avoiding us ".Sarah, who was looking outside turned to everyone"We were very close to being exposed but I am happy that both of you saved your mates".

Rosalie spoke her thoughts out "Edward is going to have a hard time Matt told me Bella will not stop questioning until he tells her how he did it and he even said she will even find out how you did that".

Esme asked Rosalie "So Bella will not stop this without finding the answer".Rosalie nodded at that while Carlisle could only tell Edward to discourage Bella through talking not glaring".

Matt's POV

I was thinking about what to do today I have a school trip I woke up got downstairs I really didn't want to go today it's mostly Bella being a detective but I have seen how the weirdo digs his grave even further I saw Bella coming we greeted each other I mentally asked Arthur to check any animal attacks happening near Seattle and I had laid a shocking trap for Edweird I made sure Arthur ran simulations and make sure that Edweird feels the same effect as a normal human being tasered.

I am 100% sure he will not talk about going to Bella's house or what happened to him since questions will be asked about why he was there and all. I was showered and got ready for school, I asked about the animal attack situation.

Dad told us they couldn't find the animal or what attacked them I got on my bike and went first I waited for Bella who I saw coming and she was parking her truck I saw her staring at the Cullens. I went next Rosalie and "How are you on this fine day rose".

Rosalie, who saw me smiling and gave me a kiss and said "I am fine now".

I wrapped my arm around Rosalie wait while looking at my sister and Edweird "You know your brother Edweird is staring at my sister same can be said for her I guess".

I saw Mike make a fool of him while asking my sister to the prom I laughed at that and I thought "Edweird will only turn her when Bella I was seen by the Volturi".

I grabbed the rose and went to the bus we were waiting for us to reach the greenhouse Rosalie had her head on my shoulder while looking out the window. We reached the place the teacher was talking about compost tea.

I heard Edweird ask Bella "what's in Jacksonville".Bella ignored and asked him"How do you know about that, " he dodged it telling Bella she didn't answer his question. Bella shot back saying he didn't answer any of hers, she told him that he didn't even say hi to her.

I tuned out the conversation and whispered to Rosalie "Your brother sucks at making conversation doesn't he".Rosalie, who laughed and whispered back, "Yes, he definitely sucks".

I heard him say it an adrenaline rush that helped him reach fast as well at pushing the truck away I told Rosalie"He is really bad at creating an excuse or lie really adrenaline rush even with that coming opposite side of the parking lot at that speed while pushing the car away which caused a huge dent on the car Bella will easily figure out that's a lie and his hand would be broken even with an adrenaline rush but it looks fine he is an idiot "I must add idiot to the list too it seems.

Rosalie, who heard could just said "Yes, that is a really bad excuse or lie he is an idiot".I could feel Edweird glaring at me I just shook my head at him and thought"This guy only seems glares or stares at people".

The trip was coming to an end, I introduced Alice to Bella "Bella I like you to meet Alice and Alice I like you to meet Bella ". Let's just say they got together fine, I wanted to take Rosalie on a date somewhere to have a private time of our own, so I went next to Rosalie and told her"Do you want a go on a date now".

Rosalie smiled at that she also wanted to have some private time with me. It seems Alice saw this in a vision she brought out a picnic basket for us we took went in Rosalie's car. We made our way to a good spot Rosalie she knew parked, we had to walk some to reach the spot.

When we reached the place the only thing I can think of while seeing the place was" Beautiful ".

We laid set up our blanket and picnic basket she told me Esme must have cooked food for me. I knew vampires could not eat food it really is bad it knows what your own mother's cooking tastes like now.

Rosalie was pondering "I should tell him everything about being a vampire and my past, I really want to be with him the times I am with him are the happiest moments I had since even before I was I turned".Rosalie decided to tell Matt everything.

I was thinking about how hard it is was for being a vampire, but I was broken from my thought when Rosalie spoke up, "Matt I want to tell you something I am not a normal person I am a monster in a sense I am a vampire Matt" Rosalie was not looking at me while telling me this she seems afraid I would reject her out of fear.

I slowly put my hand on her cheeks I turned her face towards me, I told her "Go on tell me everything".I could see tears or venom coming from eyes she was really scared I would reject.

Rosalie had tears flowing when she saw Matt was not scared, but he was concerned for me, I started to tell him about her life" I was born in Rochester, New York, in early 1915; I had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and my father worked at a bank. My father's job helped keep the family wealthy during the Great Depression. I was born beautiful and constantly praised, making me vain and self-centered as a result. My parents took pride in my looks, which I enjoyed. I also enjoyed my father's pŀėȧsurė in buying me beautiful clothes. The result of all this attention was that I tended to be self-absorbed, shallow, and materialistic. However, unlike my social-climbing parents, who always wanted more out of life despite their already elevated social status".

She didn't look at me I held her hand and told her to continue Rosalie looked sad as she continued, "I just wanted to marry, have a nice house, and to kiss my husband when he comes back from work, I wanted to have kids of my own grow old to see my grandchildren my wishes were simple".

I could see she was crying, I asked her" what happed to turn you into a vampire I can see from what you told me I can tell you didn't want to turn into one".

Rosalie looked down her hushed voice as she said "My mother made deliver my father's forgotten lunch it was my fathers hope that the bank's owners son would notice me and he did his name was Royce king II he was very charming we were attracted to each physically I didn't know at that I thought I was in love we got engaged later but when I saw the love between my friend vera and her husband I knew I didn't love Royce but as I was going home I saw Royce was drunk boasting about how beautiful I was to his friends ".

Her voice was low as she continued, "He and his friends gang-raped me and left me there to die Carlisle, who smelt my blood came and turned me I did kill him and his friends in revenge".

Rosalie looked at Matt to see disgust instead she saw was understanding and concern Matt hugged me and I cried on Matt's shoulders.

I slowly told Rosalie"I find a strong woman who bounced back from the trauma she suffered and didn't let it rule over her or cause her to not want to be happy you Rosalie hale are strong, not weak ".

I looked at Rosalie, who looked at me with relief and happiness "So tell me the difference between the vampire I read about and the one you are".Rosalie explained how they don't have any problems with holy water and stuff she also told her family only drinks animal blood and they don't burn in the sun instead their skin reflects light and the skin of her kind is cold".

I wanted slightly lighten the mood I asked her with amusement "So you guys sparkle like a disco ball from what I am hearing".She mock glared at me for that I slightly laughed at that.

I told her"You know even though your skin may be cold, but when I touch or kiss you it doesn't cause me any discomfort it soothes me".

I looked at Rosalie and seriously said"I want to be with you Rosalie for the rest of eternity if it means turning into a vampire".Rosalie looked and smiles at me and let just say we had a heated make out section after.

Rosalie felt a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

I told Rosalie "You know I knew you guys were different when the first time I saw you golden-brown eyes that kinda possible, but cold skin no, I saw you never touch your food I first thought it was something to do with the canteen food, then super strength, speed added to that whenever I or Bella talk I saw Edweird turning to us to stare or glare at both of us".

I continued while looking at her "First I thought it was a coincidence with but as the days followed I knew you guys had a super hearing by some of the conversations he had with Bella just today he asked Bella about Jacksonville he was nowhere close to her to hear that I am sure Bella noticed that too"

Rosalie started to curse Edward for being dumb I knew all the Cullens laughed at my comments about Edweird but that could be covered up by saying they have been joking.

I thought for a while and told Rosalie "I too have a secret you know hearing about vampires made me easier to tell me to mine " I was thinking about my cover story for my powers.

I told, Rosalie"You know when I was little I saw that I could control technology with my mind I knew I was different I didn't want others to look at me differently so I hid it from everyone when I came here the number of my powers somehow increased I could hear what people were thinking all over forks I couldn't control it then I could feel all their emotions and I even had some blurred vision but I mentally yelling all of it to stop until I could not hear others thoughts or feel their emotions."

I continued while Rosalie looked surprised"I tried using the telepathy, but I just hear the whole neighborhood, then I tried empathy same result, I am learning to slowly control it, but the progress is slow I can mentally turn it off every time" It was half-truth and half-lie because at the start I did have problems and I did mentally turn them off.

[Authors note: I thought I would reveal all his powers to Rosalie since she revealed she is a vampire why don't the MC show that he trusts her and Bella is close to finding out what the Cullens are so I thought why not reveal it all but he will not say he is reincarnated let them think he has multiple abilities which awakened early.]

I turned to Rosalie and asked her "Does this have to do anything with you guys ".I knew the answer

Rosalie looked thoughtful, then said, "Actually vampires sometimes have special abilities and all the abilties you said you got while you were here are abilities my family have ".

"So if I am getting it right, I copied their powers is that what you are saying"I asked Rosalie i knew all this but I had to make my cover story believable.

Who nodded and said, "You are really powerful the telepathy was gained from Edward, empathy from Jasper and you said you saw a blurred vision before you mentally stopped your power that is from Alice who can see visions of the future ".

"Okay, so Edweird is a mind reader did he read my mind," I asked Rosalie seriously even though I know the answer. Rosalie shook her head at that and replied "No but he can't read your mind or your sister's, in fact, it seems to irritate him to no end ".

I nodded my head at that and thought about my other wish.

I told Rosalie"Rose, I want to try something, okay if my hunch is correct, it will be great for you".

I grabbed her hand started mentally thinking about all the changes her skin to not sparkle or be cold, the ability to eat, and taste the food and eye color normal brown. I looked at Rosalie to feel her skin was not cold anymore and her eyes brown I guess she didn't notice the changes and told her"Try walking in the sun now rose".

Rosalie looked confused, but did what I told walked into the sun to see her skin was not sparkling she looked at me only words coming from her mouth were "How".

I looked at her and smiled and started to tell her "It was just a hunch I once turned Bella's hair and skin in different colors, thank god she didn't notice it before I changed it back "It really did happen so no need to lie it seems I did use my abilities while I was young but never told anyone GOD set it up such that it works both on vampires and humans so thank you GOD talk about having a perfect cover story.

Rosalie looked at herself while in the sun while thinking " I am not sparkling and my skin is not cold, "she was crying, but tears that were not venom in her face she remembered Alice's vision of Edward and her not having any vampire features.

"Now come here, try Esme's sandwiches"I gestured her to the picnic basket as I took a sandwich and gave it to her. Rosalie looked at me with confusion and questioned, "I did tell you that vampires can't eat right".

I urged "Try it, I just want to see if my hunch is correct if it is not edible for you then spit it out". Rosalie looked at me slightly took a bite out of the sandwich she looked surprised and started to eat all of it.

I looked at her with mock anger and said "At least leave something for me".Rosalie looked at me with a huge smile and jumped on me well another huge make out section happened basically.

Rosalie said while lying on Matt's ċhėst "You are the best boyfriend and future husband".I looked at her while she was lying on my ċhėst and asked "ooh future husband huh".

Rosalie smiled a pecked Matt's lips and said "Yes, you are my mate after all".I looked at her and smiled and hugged while we lay there for a while.

We then ate Esme's cooking, she really liked it and told me she will learn to cook as well I smiled at her. When the date ended. I told her changes will remain until I take it away or change it, she asked me if I could age her I told her it is possible but she still will have vampire abilities.

I told Rosalie "Rose do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow". Rosalie looked at me and smiled and said with amusement: "Yes, sweetheart with today's changes and revelations I will be looking forward to the dinner".

After that, I grabbed my bike revved by bike and I raced home after that when I got home dad sitting there looking outside the window, he looked sad Bella came home at the same time since it seems she was hanging out with Alice, Sarah, and Angela and saw the same thing Bella looked at me whispered: "what happened to dad".

I told her pondering for a minute "Only thing I can think is Renee must have called. You know how Dad is he loves her with all his heart she probably spoke out how happy she is traveling with Phil and all it must have made him sad I guess ".

Bella was angry when she heard that Bella whispered in an angry tone "Why must she be happily remarried while dad here lives alone at least he is happy he has us here I am thinking of staying with dad after graduation I know you planned to do the same".

I can only sadly reply "He will probably love someone like he did Renee when the time comes you tell what our life with Renee was and tell how she guilt-tripped you to come here so that she can happily travel with her new husband, I know it will be hard for him but it will make him want to slowly move on from her and yes I plan to stay with dad".

Dad who saw us with a sad smile said"Your mom called she seemed really happy she asked about both of you"

I could tell that was a lie, I asked dad while looking out the window "She didn't ask anything about me did she and she just asked about Bella's school life that's it right. Bella just tell him everything I can't talk about her".

I grabbed my leather jacket and went out I need to clear my mind. I thought about going to la push and maybe go meet Sam. I started, I raced to la push I reached it quickly I went to the shore staring at the sea for while then walked to Sam's house.

I saw he was with Jared and Paul I said out loud for him to hear"Hey Sam".

He heard me and looked at me smiling while I went towards him talking about classes being boring and stuff I looked to see Jared and Paul I greeted both of them. Sam introduced me and told me to come often, I nodded at that.

Both of us got together because we were really mȧturė for our age we both had similar problems Sam's father Joshua ran from his responsibilities as a father and Sam took on most of what should have been his father's responsibilities, and as a result, he was always very mȧturė for his age and I had problems with Renee who seems dump all of hers responsibilities on both Bella and me.

So we became brothers in a way both easily could understand if something is bothering the other and would help each other if we had any problems.

Sam asked"So why are you here " I replied, "I just wanted to clear my mind". Both of us stood there for a while and Sam asked me "what happened".

I just told him "problems with my mother".Sam nodded his head since he understood the feeling.

I told him I will visit him often I saw Leah coming toward us Sam introduced us I just smiled and nodded at both of them.

I thought while going to my bike "Sam and Leah's relationship got sour because Sam imprinted on her cousin Emily and Leah didn't understand what imprinting is so she was really mad at Sam for most of the time for what he did to her. I may able to change that Sam will become a shapeshifter because the nomads came to the forks.

I can help settle in being a shapeshifter and change his views on the Cullens since they are the ones causing the change to happen or are the ones that cause trouble the vampires who drink human blood causes the shapeshifter gene to awaken.

He reached home, he went to see Bella is in her room thinking about tomorrows la push.I spoke up to catch her attention "hey sis are you okay did Edweird bother you today".

"No, he was good I guess and Matt do you want to accompany to la push with the rest of the group" I looked and nodded at her. Then went to the basement got all the scanning done, I entered the room.

I told Arthur to pull out the spy probes and defense probes projects these are the two things I am working on spy probes are small ball-shaped camera which is resistant to rain, heat.. etc. I made it so eyes all over the forest and in forks and if they catch a vampire they will follow them they can bend light around them making them invisible.

Defense probes this designed so I can protect Bella or Dad when I am not around they create a blue forcefield I made it so vampires even newborns won't be able to get past them and I installed something similar to a taser it can incapacitate a vampire by increasing the voltage to extreme levels. I can only think one thing while looking at the hologram image of the two probes "This is going to be a long night".

I went on creating probes after probes I am sure I created enough to cover all forks and all the forest and defense probes for Bella, Dad, and me.I could not move my body I was tired as hell from all of them creating them.

But Arthur mentally alerted me of Edweird had reached below Bella's room, I told him to record the video and bring up the footage I saw the hologram of the video play Edweird jumped up the tree and was going to open the window when he was tasered and fell down the ground.

He was groaning in pain turning left and right, he tried to get up first, but couldn't then somehow sped away from there.I could see dad come around with a torch looking around.

Seeing the video i smiled and asked Arthur "What's the time Arthur".

Arthur replied quickly, " 4 am, sir do you need me to wake you up for school".

I replied while lying down, "Yes, please do that".

I really wished I had an ȧssembly machine or line whatever it is called so I can have Arthur just create the rest while I can rest or go and spent time with Rosalie.

I went to get some sleep.

Rosalie's pov

I went home the time with my mate has been the happiest I have been while on the road I thought about the future held for me I was really happy. He made my day better, I can't wait for tomorrow's dinner date while I reached home, I saw Alice waiting for me eagerly so she saw the vision of what happened.

I opened the door of my car tried to speed past Alice but she swiftly blocked my path.I looked at Alice and annoyingly thought "Damn the pixie is fast when she wants to be".I looked at Alice and asked, "What do you want Alice".

Alice said, "Details, details I want to hear everything, I also want to see it".Rosalie turned to Alice and replied, "But you already saw everything so why do you need me to explain everything".

Alice said with a pout on her face, " No, I only saw you were going on a picnic then I saw you standing in the sun without shining, that's why I want to know everything and I now know Matt is responsible for all the changes isn't he".Rosalie heard what sound from all corners of the house.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and thought "Everyone will hound me for details while Edweird will read my mind this really annoying".I went to the front room to grab the TV remote and watch some show to avoid all of them.

Sarah was the first one to question "So he is the one who made the changes has it an ability?".Jasper was second " so he was really the one to do the changes in the vision. Emmet was like how did he do it. Edweird did not come home yet.

Esme was understanding just nodded at me I suddenly remembered I thanked her"Thanks for the sandwiches and snacks Esme It was really tasty".Esme looked as Rosalie "Is the thanks from Matt".

"No its from both of us I ate some of it too. It was really good and could you teach me how to cook" Rosalie replied with a smile she really liked Esme's cooking.

Everyone who heard looked at Rosalie Jasper asked the question in everybody's mind "what you ate Esme's cooking and you could taste it ".I smiled and said yes.

Esme had called Carlisle and Edweird everyone was looking at me for more answers.I just waited for Carlisle to arrive in his car while Edward followed shortly after.

Carlisle seemed excited and asked me to go to sunlight, which I did, they were in awe because it was one of their greatest weaknesses they always have lived in a place with a climate similar to forks. He asked me about what happened, I basically described excluding the makeout and date the more important things.

I am sure Edweird read my mind and saw everything when I described it.

Hearing this everyone was quite a for Jasper was the first one to speak "He is really is powerful to awaken many abilities even when he is human especially his copy ability and he probably more strong when turned into a vampire and he is ready to be with a Rosalie for Eternity".

Sarah said, "He understood having extra abilities and having to hide them, that's why he seems to be understanding of Edward and Rosalie trying to hide their abilities but he also took in the vampire part more easily".

Emmet spoke out "He is cool, I want him to be one of us".

Esme told everyone "Yes, he is already one us in a sense he is already Rosalie's boyfriend and mate".

Edward spoke his part, "With his abilities, we will have no problem moving to different places he can age us, he is a technopath too, but does he wish to change and become one of us will he leave his sister and father since he seems to love both of them very much ".

Alice said to Edward with anger in her voice "Edward you know that Matt is Rosalie's mate, don't create doubts in her mind about her relationship and future is fine and about Matt's father, I saw his future, he seems to be happy at the end of his life so creating these doubts just because you don't like Matt we have to think more about your relationship with your mate".

Edweird seems to huff in anger at that. Everyone glared at Edweird since they know he kinda hates or angry at Matt.

Carlisle seriously told everyone "We can discuss with Matt about when he wants to turn and all but there is another problem the Volturi. Aro already had his interest in Alice and Edwards abilities, but now Matt, who is basically a one-man army if he becomes a vampire and gets more powers this will cause problems for us we just have to make sure we do not bring Aro's attention toward us".

Everyone nodded seriously at that.

Jasper, who was the most experienced told everyone "It's true what Carlisle said, Aro will start to plot against us if he learns of Matt's powers, even Bella's ability to stop Edward from reading her will only mean Aro won't be able to read her it will intrigue him to no end and want both of them to be members of the Volturi".

I heard what everyone said my only thoughts about the matter was "what I had in the past two months I met him is the happiest I have been turned I don't think I can live without him it hurts even thinking about it".

I spoke my thoughts to everyone " I am sure he will turn just to be with me and about his father, I think its best to just ask him and make ȧssumptions on the matter, I am not like Edweird who runs away from everything. He is my happiness while I am sure I am his. It's his choice if he wishes to turn or not".

Everyone nodded happily at that only Edweird looked grumpy then the meeting was finished with that.

Let's just say we'll all know what happened to Edweird after he left the meeting.

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