Authors note: I am not sure if this chapter is good because I wrote this in a hurry.

Matt's POV

The next day I was still sleepy when Arthur alerted me that I would be getting late to school I was like school my ȧss. I was a top-ranked college student in my previous life, I could skip most this but it is because of Rosalie, Bella, and the Cullens.

The same thing happened at school today Bella acting like sherlock holmes if only she thought like that all the time. Edweird being an idiot the classes went, as usual, I was getting lunch Rosalie came next to me greeted me with the kiss on the cheek I smiled at her.

I told Arthur to send out the spy probes and alert me if an attack happens or spots the nomads.

Rosalie smiled at and said, "Now I can walk in the sun as well as eat; I am looking for a lot of dinners and lunches."

I smiled and nodded at her"Yes, princess, we will be going on many dinners and lunches that's for sure".

I was walking with my hand in hers suddenly she asked me "I wanted to know do you want to turn into a vampire to be with me. If you turn you will leave behind sorry to say this you will have to see your dad your friends will die of old age."

I looked at her with a sad smile and said, "I know my dad will not want to live forever, I believe he just wants his children to grow up and be happy I think he would die with a smile on his face, knowing both of us are happy with our lives and I will turn to be with you ."

Rosalie looked at said, "I don't think I can live without you now."

I replied with a smile "Same for me".

It's true I was thinking a lot about what I just said turning into a vampire is not great as Bella thinks she is so dazzled by the supernatural. It's not sunshine and rainbows vampires even I only have experience seeing the movie or reading the book that's why I asked for specific wishes to make life bearable for my mate and coven.

Just like Rosalie said I will have to watch my dad die just thinking about is hard I know even if I give him the chance to turn he will not take it. He will just ask if we are happy with our choice and die with a smile on his face when he is old.

It's just even if I turn back to have a normal life and grow old and die. I know I will regret not being with Rosalie till the day I die she is my soulmate.

I saw Edward slightly tap the apple with his feet and catch when it fell off the table while he greeted Bella while I turned Rosalie whispered "You know I find your brother very different. From what you told me this is the first time having a conversation with a girl outside your family it's like he is showing off to my sister by doing that he could just have caught that with his hand ".

Rosalie shook her head and said, "It's his first time taking an interest in a girl ."

I could hear Bella telling Edweird his mood swing are giving her a whiplash true his mood swings are pretty problematic.

Edward replied by looking down"I only said it's better if we were friends, but not that I wanted to be."

I told looking confused Rosalie"You know your brother is saying cryptic and contradicting things is he always like this ."

Rosalie, who looked at Edweird as if he is an alien replied In annoyance "Don't bother trying to understand what he is talking about it will just hurt your brain we tried for years to understand him or what he is talking about and we still don't understand him ."

Bella was asking Edweird what does that even mean I was like sis you are not the only one even I don't get it.

Edweird glared at Rosalie when I saw that I was like I knew that was coming. He turned Bella and told her that if she was smart she would stay away from him I was like good luck with that she will not be staying away from you that's for sure.

Bella replied, annoyed "Let's for argument's sake, I am not would you tell me the truth".

I was thinking while looking at Bella"It's not an argument Bella after meeting Edweird you did take many dumb decisions I guess Edweirds stupid decision making must have rubbed off on you Ewwww I don't want that image in my head".

I heard them continue their conversation Edweird was asking about her theories Bella started telling about radioactive spiders, kryptonite he started telling her how that is all superhero stuff and what if I am not the hero what if I am the bad guy I tuned out there conversation.

"Is he is trying to make her more curious I don't know I give up"I said mentally while I tuned out the rest of their conversation out after that I walked to the Cullens table with Rosalie.

Rosalie, who heard their conversation can only sadly shake her head and say "I know I didn't think he would be this bad".

I was at Cullens table I next to me sat with Rosalie I was greeted by Emmet "How are you Matt " then the rest of them greeted me as I nodded my head and replied to all of them "I am fine how are you guys ."

I sat with Rosalie next to me. The Cullens table was away from everyone so no one can hear what we are saying.

Jasper spoke for everyone "Everyone is fine, so how are progress with are learning to control your abilities."

I replied after drinking some water"Yes, I am getting better as I can read people's thoughts now, but I don't use it on Bella, dad, or you guys except Edweird."That was a lie I am better than Edward at telepathy and empathy was tough the emotions are overwhelming but I learned to control it I can also project them.

Jasper looked curious at that and asked "Why do you read Edweird, sorry Edward thoughts, but not ours why is that."

Even the rest of the Cullens looked interested.

"Well, when I read his thoughts I understood he is a guy that does not care about the privacy of the person with his telepathy I am sure he read every one of your minds daily right," I said while looking at them.

I was thinking about what I just said: "It's true, I find his lack of privacy, annoying entering our house while Bella is asleep or doing other stuff what the fuċk dude if you had to talk to her call her or take her on a date next day not enter her room every night it's just wrong ."

All of them nodded at that.

Alice looked at with a smile asked: "Please Matt make so I can walk in the sun and eat I want to go to the beach to eat a burger".

I just shook my head in amusement when Alice said that.

"I will do it when I come to your house to meet your parents so I can change all of you okay, "I asked them.

Jasper replied," I can wait till then".Alice pouted but still nodded.

Sarah seems to think it's okay the same as Emmet.

Sarah looked at me and asked," So have you thought about when to turn ".I replied while thinking Its best to turn after Edward visits the Volturi "I don't know still thinking about it probably before graduation ."

I was planning on turning after Edward goes to Volturi since I can get a treasure trove of powers from Volterra.

I could feel Rosalie is taking my hand, I turned to her and smiled, she smiled back at that I looked at Alice and asked how her friendship with Bella was going.

Alice chirpy as ever started to talk about all the stuff she and Bella will do with the girls "We would go shopping maybe be to the beach after you changed us."

when I heard Alice talk about shopping l told her "Alice Bella is a simple person she does not like skirts ad stuff she like jeans casual and she is not too much into makeup and stuff and her hobbies she likes listening to music and reading books".

Alice, who heard this nodded and mentally started to think good clothing for Bella stuff the girls can do with Bella.

I turned to have a conversation with Jasper, who turned to his confident self when I came near him I knew he is being influenced by all these emotions of these angsty teenagers had but he turns from pain into his real self when I am near.

I was pondering on it the only thing I can think of was my scent canceling all the scents nearby therefore he can focus on his empathy more without getting all these scents to distract him.

But Edweird "feeling" the need to drink Bella's blood added to her scent affects him more so he has a hard time controlling his thirst.

I can only think him being an empath is affecting him greatly because easily control himself from being in a room full of newborns but he is with the Cullens he seems to lose control more. I guess the first time on animal blood added to all the emotions he feels causes it.

Looking at Jasper, I can only sigh and think, " Before Jasper was turned, he joined the Confederate Army at the age of 17. In the following 2 years, he was promoted to major in the army and became the youngest major in Texas. After he was turned, he has fought southern vampire wars; he has turned into this now a shell of his former self. It's his empathy that is causing the part of the problem. I must address the issue later I can't tell them now it will stop new moon events from not happening there are events in it that must happen".

Edweird came and sat on the table and turned to me spoke "Do you know your sister is going to la push tomorrow."

I looked at Edweird confused at why he is asking this as replied, "Yes, I did, and I am going as well."

Edward seems to be deep thought after that. I read his thoughts about what caused him to go into such deep thought when I found out I was close to cursing him, and he has been stalking Bella everywhere he is just thinking he can't follow Bella to la push.

I was mentally cursing him, "you bloody fuċkɨnġ stalker, can't you even let her have her moment now I think about it, of course, he wouldn't because he even watches her sleeping. Why did I have to get this stalker as a brother in law?. "

I was thinking how Edward has not felt anything like he did with Bella he thinks it's his ŀust for her blood also he thinks she is unique I guess he will figure it out it's just some of the decisions he made about Bella as well conversations with her makes him look like a fool. I guess I will not make fun of him after this last one-time by giving Rosalie the video of him entering Bella's room.

What anyone would find that it's creepy to staring at a girl who is sleeping especially if the girl did not know him.

I was broken out of my thoughts by hearing Rosalie speak, "Are you, okay baby; you looked lost in thoughts just now ."

I replied while shaking my head, "Nothing, just thinking about something."

Lunch came to an end, and everybody went to their respective class. I was getting more sleepy.

After class, I needed a good night's sleep, so I was about to go on my bike. I was stopped by Edweird, who asked me, "Why do you hate me so much."

I looked at him with slight annoyance. "I don't hate you, but I don't like you, at least not yet; maybe after you mȧturė a bit more, I will start to considering you a brother or friend."

I started my bike and went straight to home, I after reaching home, I went straight to my room, I threw my bag and jumped into my bed to get a good night's sleep. I didn't care about dinner or anything.

The next day I woke up and got ready since I told Bella I would go with her to la push. I went with Bella's group of friends to la push. They were going to surf, I guess, so I sat there with her to keep Bella company.

I was thinking of the dinner date I had today. When I heard Jacobs's voice calling Bella, I saw Sam, who saw me and gave me a nod.

I heard Jessica talk about how Bella invited Edward, and he declined. It seems she wanted to embarrass Bella.

But Bella didn't seem too fazed by it and told she was being polite when Angela was talking about how no one invites Cullens for anything, so it was good for Bella to do it.

Sam spoke up at that "The Cullens don't come here."

Bella seemed intrigued by what Sam meant. I knew Jacob was going to tell Bella about the Quileute legend. I saw Bella walking with Jacob.

I decided to keep my eye on the lovesick puppy.

I can hear there a conversation about what Sam meant by the Cullens don't come here, so Jacob described the Quileute legends to Bella.

I knew where this was going my thoughts were focused, Jacob "I do not have a problem with you, Jacob you can have a crush or love her be friends with her anything, But fȯrċɨbŀƴ kissing Bella is not right if she falls in love with you later go ahead be with her I have no problem but the problem is she is developing feelings for Edward and the possibility of you imprinting on another person if Bella even becomes you girlfriend which will make her heartbroken but I still I don't like him imprinting on my niece is it just me."

I suddenly mentally got alerted that nomads have killed Baylon forge shit I forgot about him. He is a friend of dad who we saw at the diner. I mentally told Arthur to keep surveillance on them.

I knew dad is going to be sad about his death. I didn't remember the guy; a part of me feels as I could have changed it, but another part of me knew if I saved him just now, the nomads will get alerted that's bad. It's best to let them think we know nothing about them.

I sighed at another death which I could have stopped. I am not a stone-hearted person, but I cannot change it now I will focus on the future I will save Bree Tanner the girl was young and just got involved in a fight she was not part of and got killed by the Volturi.

I also knew Bella was close to finding what the Cullens were I decided to warn Rosalie during our dinner tonight.

I went home after this short trip to get ready for my dinner with Rosalie as I was going I saw Bella looking at her ŀȧptop. I knew she was searching for a book about Quileute legends.

I spoke out loud for her to hear me, "I am going out for dinner with Rosalie. Do you want anything bells."

She looked from her ŀȧptop and told me, "Nothing and have a nice time with Rosalie?."

I nodded my head, and I waited for Rosalie's car. My only thoughts were, "I want my car here now. Isn't the guy supposed to be gentlemanly and pick the girl up from her house and all."

I just sigh at that and saw Rosalie coming I entered her car she wanted to try a restaurant in town so we went to have our dinner date as we were going I told her"Rosalie Bella probably figure out what Edward and the Cullens are by tomorrow I am sure she will confront Edward tell him about it and tell him to be ready.

Rosalie nodded at me we reached the resturant.we had a nice time Rosalie seemed like to able eat again we mostly talked about dad to day stuff. I talked about wanting to start a company of my own we were almost finished with our dinner.

I placed to Noice canceler a gadget I made so vampires or humans don't hear what we talk about. I asked Rosalie if the vampires had some form of law she started to tell me about the Volturi about how Aro, Marcus, and Caius were the leader and told me if they find out me or Bella finding of about vampires from the Cullens they may make it an excuse to take their coven since Aro has a deep interest in vampires with abilities and he wants Alice and Edward to become members of the Volturi.

I asked her seriously "So this Aro guy has a memory or mind-reading ability and both Bella and I are putting your coven in danger ."

Rosalie quickly replied, "No we just have to make sure that we do not grab the attention of the Volturi until you are turned ".I looked at her thinking if only that was possible.

Rosalie continued "The problem is your ability is unique it will cause Aro to want you as the member of the Volturi no matter what ."

I replied to Rosalie at that "I have learned little skill I developed through telepathy I can make sure any mind reader will not be able to find certain memories or secrets, in general, I can make sure this Aro guy doesn't find out my abilities."I was thinking it's half true since telepathy made it easier I don't need to have skin contact for me to use my memory hiding ability and Aro when reads Rosalie or other members of the Cullens will only think I am the same as Bella.

She was happy when she heard that and I used my telepathy to make sure that my abilities are kept secret while I won't hide every memory like Bella's finding of the Cullens are vampires because the pressure from Volturi is what makes Edweird want to turn Bella.

We continued with our dinner.

I asked Rosalie while showing her their pictures "Did you heard about the all so-called animal attacks. I saw 3 vampires through some inventions I built seen any of them before."

Rosalie looked at the pictures in mobile and replied: "Never seen them before I think Carlisle may know them."

I nodded and asked her with a poker face "Did you know your brother Edweird is a creepy stalker."

Rosalie almost spits the water she was drinking "What".I took out my stark phone showed her a video of Edweird entering Bella's room. Rosalie looked slightly embarrassed that her brother is a stalker.

Rosalie whispered, "This is so embarrassing, and is he is creepy to watch Bella sleep when she doesn't even know him that much at that time".

I replied," I took care of him entering Bellas's room at least ".I showed the video of him tasered while trying to enter Bellas's room Rosalie laughed seeing that and said: "Serves him right."

Rosalie asked me with awe "Did you create that phone ".I replied while smiling"yes I did do you want one. "

Rosalie nodded her and said, "It looks advanced, futuristic, and stylish, ".I told her I already had created one for her and will give her when we return home.

We finished our dinner as we were going Rosalie had her had hugged my arm while resting her head on the way to her car when I spotted Edward and with Bella going to the restaurant we just ate from.

I am going to stop making fun of him because he did protect my sister he thinks greatly of her safety as well as humanity so I will give him a point.

I gestured Rosalie to them and I turned on the noise canceller I asked her "It seems your brother does stalk her outside the house but from what I read from his mind he did protect Bella from a group of thugs".

Rosalie had a smile on her face while she said: "I am so going to tell Carlisle and Esme they are going to give him an earful for this the part of getting into Bella's room I will leave out him stalking her outside since he saved your sister."

I smiled at that and thought "At least the guy will only come to the room when Bella invites him even then I don't like " reached my home I grabbed her and went inside since I knew dad will be late. I took her to the basement.

Rosalie asked me coyly "What is this Matt where are you taking your girlfriend that too in the night".I shook my head at that.

I did all the necessary scanning and entered the room. Rosalie looked all of it in awe I mentally told Arthur to show a hologram of a picture I took while both of us were together when she the Hologram she looked happy as well looked amazed seeing the hologram photo of both of us.

I asked Rosalie while smiling"What do you think."

She replied, "I think it is amazing ."

I went to one of the shelves to get Rosalie's stark phone and gave it to her with the reader's manual she took the manual and started to read it since vampires had perfect memory recall she finished it quickly.

As she was going home I told her "Video call me when you want and I added an AI, Emma you just need to ask her about anything, in general, she will find for even answer your question."Although Emma is not at the level of Arthur.

Rosalie gave me a full french kiss and looked at me lovingly and said "I don't feel like going or letting go now."

We were both looking at each other I was just about to go for another kiss we both heard a car coming.

Well, look who interrupted us our emo brooding neighborhood stalker. Rosalie looked mad our moment just got interrupted I can't blame her. I told her I would send the video of Edweirds escapades to her new stark phone.

She had a mischievous smile on her face I am a hundred percent sure she will show it all the Cullens. we both saw Bella come out of Edweird's car I gave innocent smile which was saying I am so at telling dad this.

Bella rolled her eyes at me when she saw this while Rosalie was glaring at Edweird who seemed confused than scared I was thinking with a huge smile on my face "He must read her thoughts now he knows he's busted and would get an earful from Carlisle and Esme. Then there are his foster siblings who would never let Edweird hear the end of it."

He looked at me glaring again I decided to read his thoughts "So he is the one who stopped me from getting into Bella's room."

I shook why is he is thinking about that and not how he would deal with Carlisle or Esme's wrath.

I gave Rosalie a peck on her lips and she went to the car and sped home very fast.

Edweird followed her very quickly Rosalie is going to have so much fun with that. I was going to my room while I saw Bella reading the book on Quileute legends.

I asked her loud to get her attention "What happened why were you with Edweird just now I thought you're staying home".

Bella replied not looking away from her book "Its nothing I just went get a book I kinda bumped into Edward who offered me a lift back home."

That's a really good lie sis I would have fell for it if I did not see what happened in Edward's mind the stalker did save my sister I will give him that. I will stop making fun of him but I will still point out if what he or Bella did was stupid.

I nodded at her said good night and went to my room.

I told Arthur to keep a close eye if Edweird comes again tonight but I doubt that will happen. I went to sleep after that.

Cullen POV

Rosalie was racing home thinking "I can't wait for all of them to see this" while looked at the video on the smartphone.

Rosalie reached home quickly I could see Edweird coming to I sped to the front room and shouted "Family meeting now".

Everyone slowly sped downstairs to see what this was about.

Carlisle, Esme, and everyone could see Edweird pleading to Rosalie not show it and he would do anything.

Rosalie tuned out Edweird begging she saw everyone looking at both of them in curiosity at why Edward begging Rosalie.

Carlisle asked Rosalie "What happened Rosalie and why is Edward begging you like this."

Rosalie quickly took out the stark phone Matt gifted her told Emma "Emma please play the video."

Emma replied "Yes mam" and the phone started to project the hologram video of Edweird entering Bella's room.

At first, they were amazed seeing the hologram that to from a phone but broke out both their thoughts when that heard Rosalie.

Rosalie asked everyone who was watching the video "Does anyone recognize the fellow right here."

Everyone who was watching the video looked then at Edward who was not looking at anyone in the face.

Esme was angry and asked Edweird "what is this Edward whose house are you entering a that too at night."

Rosalie replied, "That's Matt and Bellas's house he just was entering Bella's room at night the accident happened." While Rosalie was putting more fuel into the fire.

Carlisle looked at Edward while rubbing his forehead and asked: "Edward what were you doing in her room the poor girl didn't didn't even know you that much from what I heard this is embarrassing."

Alice jasper and Sarah looked at Edward while shaking there head Emmet who laughed while saying "You turned into a stalker bro ."

Esme looked Edweird while saying "Is this what we taught, you Edward".

Alice and Sarah looked at him with slight disgust and embarrassment.

Jasper shook his head and spoke, "It seems Matt was spot on when describing you it seems you are creepy ."

Carlisle said to Edweird with a strict tone "Don't do this again Edward am I making myself clear you can go to her house if she calls you or invites you but not any other time do you understand what I am saying, Edward."

Edward nodded his head but was not looking at Carlisle.

"Don't worry Carlisle Matt made sure he will not be able to enter Bella's room or the house" Rosalie said while showing the next video.

Everyone who saw the next video of Edweird getting tasered started to laugh at that.

Carlslise and Esme smiled at that shook their heads at seeing that.

Sarah said to everyone "Jasper you weren't kidding when you told us he is protective of his sister."

Rosalie said to everyone seriously while showing the projection of the nomads "Now Carlisle the fun is over Matt caught a couple of vampires who are hunting humans very close to us have seen these three anywhere."

Carlisle who looked carefully at the photo projection shook his head "No never seen any of them."

Everyone looked at Alice who looked to see if she can find anything. Alice said to everyone while frowning "Nothing I just saw these three coming out of a fog that is it. I can't see anything else."

Emmets broke everyone out from there thoughts "Where did you get that phone, Rosalie, it looks so cool."Emmet looked at the phone in wonder.

Everyone now thought about the phone with which Rosalie showed a hologram video.

Rosalie replied while looking at everyone with pride "Its a gift from Matt and he made it."

Carlisle looked fascinated and told everyone "This phone Matt made is very advanced it is many decades no maybe more ahead of all the phones we have seen have and I am sure you talked to the phone that means it has artificial intelligence in it too ."

Jasper said to everyone "It seems Matt can make tech which is 60 years or even more ahead that's really cool."

Emmet looked scared and asked, "Will it go Skynet on us".Rosalie shook her head and replied, "Matt made sure it is fully loyal to me he said it won't evolve beyond a certain point and he can shut them down anytime."Emmet seems to sigh in relief at that.

Rosalie told everyone about Matt able to hide certain memories and the conversation we had he made sure that memories of his abilities cannot be read by Aro or Edward. Carlisle looked thoughtful then told Edward to try reading Rosalie's mind while she is thinking about Matt's abilities.

Edward who tried shook his head and told everyone "I can't get any thoughts or memories related to Matts abilities that she is thinking but rest I can still hear like about she went on dinner and stuff ."

I heard Carlisle sighed in relief "This way we can keep Matt's abilities a secret that was my main concern since his abilities make him enticing to the Volturi. Aro may even force Matt into the Volturi by taking his sister or father captive or may even kill them if he doesn't but with this Aro won't able to know anything about Matt's abilities other than that he can't read Bella or Matt. But its best to avoid Volturi until we turn him."

Esme who spoke up in a loud to Edward "Young man don't think we forgot about what you did we are speaking about this later."

Rosalie decided not to talk about Edward stalking Bella outside the house. Currently, Edward is cowering under Esme's wrath

Carlisle nodded his head at that while looking at Edward who flinched slightly.

Let's just say Edweird got destroyed and at the Swan residence Matt suddenly felt very happy he didn't know what for then he went to sleep.

Authors note: I am going to turn MC into a vampire because its easy to write about it added to that. I had people ask him to turn him into an immortal without becoming a vampire the wish about an aging vampire works on him too but there is no regenerative factor I am favoring more on turning him so he gets a boost in power and it just doesn't feel right Rosalie is a vampire who goes through the problem of thirst while MC remains human. I won't be updating tomorrow.

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