The two of them were so close, but they were still together.

"Tong Yining, I..."

"Ah, okay, okay, I know, you want to confess again, it's like this every day, aren't you annoying?"


Zhou Heng looked at the back of the girl who turned and left in front of him, silent and expressionless, but there was a hint of indifference in his eyes.

The girl's name was Tong Yining. She was his junior high school classmate and they were still classmates in high school.

Zhou Heng had been pursuing her since he entered high school. Now he was already in his third year of high school. He confessed his love almost every day and was rejected every day.

He became the laughing stock of other people in the class. Although he didn't care, he didn't want to continue like this.

So this time, he decided to confess his love for the last time.

But he was rejected again before he could say anything, which made his only remaining expectation disappear.


Zhou Heng exhaled, turned and walked into the classroom, and sat down in his seat.

Other people were no longer surprised by this situation, and they didn't even have the interest to discuss it.

"Rejected again?"

Zhou Heng heard the voice coming from beside him, and turned his head to look at his deskmate.

It was a girl with short hair, oval face, beautiful eyes and eyebrows, chewing gum in her mouth, and wearing a school uniform.


Zhou Heng answered her softly, then turned his head away.

The girl put her arm on Zhou Heng's shoulder and said, "Let's go to the Internet cafe after school? I'm going to the qualifying match, can you take me up?"

Zhou Heng frowned immediately, looked at the girl, and said lightly:

"Tang Zhi, I just failed to confess my love, and you want me to go to the Internet cafe now? I won't go, whoever wants to go can go."

"I'll treat you, and buy you a medium bottle of Coke."

"You play hard support, so you need sugar-free Coke."


After school in the evening, it was already 9:30 in the evening, and Zhou Heng went to the Internet cafe with Tang Zhi.


Tang Zhi put the Coke on Zhou Heng's desk, then sat down next to him and asked:

"How long will you confess your love? It's the last year, and if you don't succeed, you won't have a chance."

Zhou Heng opened the Coke and took a sip, Then he shook his head and responded:

"Today is the last time. People can't hang themselves on a tree, let alone someone like me who has been hanging for two years."

Hearing this, Tang Zhi looked at him in surprise and asked, "Really?"

"Ah, really."

"Then you will have a lot of time to play games with me?"

"You're overthinking. My mother asked me to study, otherwise she will cut off my living expenses."

The two of them played in the Internet cafe until midnight before they were ready to go home. When they walked out of the Internet cafe, they were stunned at the door.

"When did it start raining outside?"

Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi stood under the eaves at the door of the Internet cafe, watching the drizzle outside.

There were shallow puddles on the ground, and it looked like it had been raining for a while.

"Do you have an umbrella?" Tang Zhi looked at Zhou Heng and asked.

"I brought it, what about you?"

"I brought it too."

The two held up umbrellas, said goodbye at the door, and walked in opposite directions.

Zhou Heng walked on the dark road. Although there were street lights illuminating the road, his vision was still a little hazy because of the rain.

He was thinking about the scene when Tong Yining rejected him today. Until this morning, when he made up his mind, he still had a little expectation.

They had a good relationship in junior high school. Although his personality was not very sunny and he talked very little, she still didn't dislike him and often played with him.

At the age of first love, he liked Tong Yining. When he just entered high school, he found that they were actually classmates and were so predestined.

So he started to pursue her, thinking that the success rate should be very high.

But the facts dealt him a heavy blow. He estimated that he would remember the impatient expression and tone today for the rest of his life.

"Forget it, anyone would find it annoying, so don't bother her anymore."


Suddenly, Zhou Heng stopped and looked at the street light on the side.

There was a step there, but there was a person sitting on the step.

It was a girl, without an umbrella or a raincoat, just standing in the rain. She was wearing a school uniform, which was soaked.

Her long hair was scattered and wet, but she didn't seem to care at all, sitting quietly.

There, looking at the ground, it looked very miserable.

Zhou Heng didn't intend to pay attention to it. After all, it was the middle of the night. If he encountered such a situation on the road, he would be brave if he didn't turn around and run.

But he stood there and looked for a while, and he always felt that this girl looked familiar...

The girl seemed to feel that there was someone in front of her, so she raised her head, lifted her wet hair, and revealed her appearance.

She had a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, slightly curved willow-leaf eyebrows, a straight nose, and pink cherry lips, just like a girl who walked out of a comic book.

However, her face was not very good at this time, slightly pale, and looked a little haggard.

There was also obvious sadness in her eyes, and it was hard to tell whether it was tears or rain on her face.


After seeing the girl's face, Zhou Heng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, and blinked blankly.

The girl also widened her eyes, and her eyes were filled with surprise.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Zhou Heng came to his senses and asked:

"Yin Mengran? What are you doing here?"

The girl called Yin Mengran lowered her head and responded with a slightly hoarse voice:

"It has nothing to do with you."


Zhou Heng nodded, then walked out directly.

Since she said it had nothing to do with him, wouldn't it be meddling in his business if he was here?

Zhou Heng walked out more than ten steps and suddenly heard a slight cry from behind.

He suddenly stopped and stood there in a daze for more than ten seconds, listening to the cry from behind, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yin Mengran lowered her head and sobbed softly, not caring about the cold raindrops hitting her body, even though she was shivering with cold at this time.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the raindrops became more rapid, turning into lines, pouring down like a white silk.

At this moment, Yin Mengran suddenly felt that the raindrops on her head seemed to be blocked. She raised her head and looked in front of her.

She found Zhou Heng standing there, holding an umbrella in his hand to block the raindrops for her.

Zhou Heng looked at Yin Mengran expressionlessly. He clearly saw that Yin Mengran was sad.

Her fair face was red and swollen, and her eye sockets were saturated with tears, like dew on petals in the morning, which would fall off with a light touch of fingers.

Yin Mengran reached out and wiped the rain and tears from her face, and asked hesitantly in a crying voice: "What are you...doing..."

"Mind your own business."

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