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"I... didn't I say it has nothing to do with you..."

Yin Mengran cried and couldn't wipe away her tears. She sobbed from time to time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"I saw my classmate in the middle of the night. The squad leader is crying here, how can it be okay? "

Zhou Heng took out a small pack of tissues from his bag and handed it to Yin Mengran.

Yin Mengran hesitated for a moment, then took the tissue and wiped away the tears on her face.

Her eyes were dark and Her nose was red, and her eyes were visibly swollen. It looked like she had been crying for a long time, maybe even for several days.

“Thank you...thank you..."

Yin Mengran held the tissue tightly He put it in his hand, turned his head, and thanked her quietly.

Zhou Heng saw that her body was shaking. He was dry and felt very cold, not to mention Yin Mengran's body which was soaked. "I Home is nearby, let's warm up for a while."

After Zhou Heng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled Yin Mengran up from the steps, which scared Yin Mengran.

"What are you...going to do...don't bother me I, I won't go..."

She struggled for a while, but Zhou Heng's strength was beyond her expectations, and she could hardly move his fingers.

Until he pulled her a few meters away, she had no power to resist at all ,

"Well, this is just me who encountered this matter. Anyone who encounters this matter should take care of it. Otherwise, I don't like to meddle in other people's business."

Zhou Heng said without turning his head, pulling Yin Mengran's The body, which was half a head shorter, was as relaxed as carrying a shopping paper bag.

Yin Mengran was too lazy to struggle, and she had no strength left, because she found that she really couldn't get rid of Zhou Heng's hand.

The grip was not tight, because Zhou Heng was afraid of hurting her by holding her, but she just couldn't get rid of it.

After a while, Zhou Heng took Yin Mengran into a building. Zhou Heng put away his umbrella and held Yin Mengran's hand, still not daring to let go, for fear that she would run away.

But the cold wind in the corridor just after entering It rushed straight to her face. Yin Mengran's body shook violently. Now she didn't want to go out because she knew it would be even colder outside.

Zhou Heng let go of her hand only after they got on the elevator.

Yin Mengran stood behind Zhou Heng. With his head down, his hands resting uncomfortably in front of him,

As the elevator reached the 6th floor, Zhou Heng walked out of the elevator and said to Yin Mengran behind him:

"Come on."


Yin Mengran didn't know what he was doing. What's going on? She answered for some reason and followed Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng opened the door and walked in. Yin Mengran stood at the door, motionless, looking a little at a loss.

Zhou Heng looked back and felt helpless. He reached out his hand, pulled Yin Mengran in, and closed the door.


With the sound of the door closing, Yin Mengran felt her heartbeat quicken, and even a trace of fear emerged in her heart.

Zhou Heng walked in, took a pair of slippers and threw them in front of Yin Mengran, then walked into the bedroom, not knowing what to do. Where are you going?

Yin Mengran stood at the door, not knowing what to do, should she go in or turn around and leave,

After thinking it over again and again, Yin Mengran took off her shoes, put on slippers, and walked into the living room,

When she entered the door, she found that her shoes It seemed that there were only Zhou Heng's shoes on the shelf.

After walking in, I realized that this was a house where only one person lived. In other words, Zhou Heng was the only one in his home.

Then, the things in the living room first came into view. What caught her eyes was a lot of fitness equipment!

Dumbbells, barbells, treadmills, spinning bikes, everything you can think of.

Now she finally understood why Zhou Heng was so strong. She saw that Zhou Heng looked particularly thin in his clothes. You can't tell anything from his school uniform, so I didn't expect him to be so strong.

The cleanliness of the living room was beyond her imagination. There were a lot of things, but they were all arranged in an orderly manner.

In front of the sofa that looked particularly soft, there was no coffee table, but a white plush carpet on the floor.

Yin Mengran It was all wet, so she didn't dare sit there, and could only stand there.

After a while, Zhou Heng came out with a set of clothes, a towel, and a hair dryer in his hand. "Okay, dry yourself first, blow dry your hair, and then change your clothes. I don't have any new ones, but I've only worn this once, so you can wear it. You can go to the bedroom to change."

Zhou Heng put those He handed the things to her and then went straight to the kitchen.

Yin Mengran was even more at a loss with those things in her hands. She was clearly resisting in her heart.

She was telling herself to put these things down and leave quickly.

But Zhou Heng's words were like an order that could not be disobeyed. She subconsciously obeyed after hearing them.

After hesitating for a while, she decided to listen to Zhou Heng. After all, she was too cold. The soaked clothes on her body were already sticking to her body. It was too cold to bear.

She simply wiped it with a towel, and then used a hair dryer to dry her hair. It took half an hour to dry the wet long hair. ,

Then, she saw Zhou Heng was still in the kitchen, so she took the towel and clothes and went to the only bedroom inside.

She didn't dare to turn on the light, and didn't know where the switch was, so she closed the door and started to change clothes in the dark.

Zhou Heng gave her a velvet white top and a pair of matching pants, which was a home dress.

It was the first time for Yin Mengran to wear someone else's clothes, and she could even smell a faint fragrance on the clothes.

Her face quickly became red and she kept asking herself in her heart: What on earth am I doing now?

I actually followed my classmate to his house and changed into his clothes?

I was too unguarded, wasn't I? What will happen next? Do I have to sleep here again?

Let's warm up for a while and then go...


Yin Mengran opened the door and walked out, just in time to see Zhou Heng coming out of the kitchen. He also moved a small table and put it on the stall.

Then, he brought out a bowl of steaming hot food from the kitchen and put it on the small table. Yin Mengran saw that it was a bowl of noodles.

"Eat it."

Zhou Heng didn't explain anything, just looked at her and said lightly,


Before Yin Mengran could say anything, Zhou Heng brought another cup of hot water and put it on the small table.

"Hot water, and this is antipyretic medicine. If you still feel cold or have a hot head, take this. This is cold medicine. If you have a sore throat and sneeze, take this. You can also take it for prevention."

Zhou Heng also put two plates of medicine on it. After doing all this, he walked away from the sofa.

In addition to saying these, he never said another word to Yin Mengran...

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