After the wedding, the couple went to the market.

Finally, they all bought swimsuits and were ready to leave.

It was around six o'clock in the evening, and more people were coming to the mall.

"Zhou Heng... Do you think we should..."

Yin Mengran gently pulled Zhou Heng's sleeve and whispered in his ear.


Zhou Heng looked at Yin Mengran in confusion and found that she was making a look at him, asking him to look behind.

When Zhou Heng turned his head, he found that the two people behind him were still unfamiliar...

The distance was a little closer than when they first came, and they could chat simply, but they still didn't dare to look at each other during the chat.

They just responded to each other's words, nodded from time to time, and didn't even dare to laugh openly.

Zhou Heng was very puzzled, frowning slightly, and said:

"When Liao Haomiao counseled me, I felt that he understood a lot about feelings? Why did he seem to know nothing when it came to himself?"

"Being able to counsel others does not mean being able to counsel oneself, and their relationship is quite special... There must be some grudges in the hearts of both parties, which prevents them from getting closer..."

Yin Mengran saw it very clearly and analyzed it quite clearly.

It's not like these two people don't know each other, and they are not too shy. The result must be caused by a thin layer of window paper between them.

Both of them could easily break through it, but they didn't dare to, as if they were waiting for the other party to break through this layer of window paper first,

Because they both felt guilty towards each other.

Zhu Tao felt that because she dumped Liao Haomiao at that time, she had no face to ask him to reconcile now. At that time, it was because Liao Haomiao had poor grades. Now, coincidentally, Liao Haomiao's grades are so good.

Now she is asking for reconciliation, as if breaking up with him was her own will.

At that time, she chose to break up because his grades were poor, but now she wants to reconcile with him because his grades are good. How can this be justified? Even if the breakup was forced and not her will, can Liao Haomiao believe it?

Liao Haomiao felt the same way and felt very guilty.

After reading those Moments, she knew that Zhu Tao had never forgotten her. She had been thinking about her for the past two years and came to her school from time to time to see her.

And what about herself? She worked hard in the past two years and gradually let go of this relationship and fell in love with someone else.

Even if she still had a place for Zhu Tao in her heart, could Zhu Tao believe such words? Impossible, right?

Zhou Heng also felt that it was a difficult situation, but he didn't know what to do, so he asked Yin Mengran:

"Then what do you can they get closer? It should be possible tomorrow, right?"

"Probably, but there should still be a chance today..."

Yin Mengran turned his head and looked at the two people behind him, and asked:

"Are you in a hurry to go home? Let's have dinner outside directly? How about it?"


Liao Haomiao and Zhu Tao raised their heads and looked at Yin Mengran, slightly stunned, as if thinking,

Then, they looked at each other, their eyes After contact, he quickly moved away.

"I... I'm fine, I'm fine."

Liao Haomiao spoke first, expressed his attitude, and shrugged, pretending to be relaxed.

But in fact, he was not only looking forward to it, but also worried.

"I can do it..."

Until Zhu Tao said it, Liao Haomiao's heart was relieved.

Because he had just decided secretly that he must find an opportunity to chat with Zhu Tao normally.

If the atmosphere today is not right, then it is very likely that she will not go tomorrow.

What's the point of going? It's hard to talk. They are a couple who are in love, but they are ambiguous even about being friends.

So he knew that he had to get closer to Zhu Tao today to let her know that it would not be awkward when they go out to play tomorrow...

"Well, let's go to dinner together! What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care..."

"I can do it too..."

The two had very consistent opinions. After all, their real purpose was not to have a simple meal,

so what to eat was not important at all.

Yin Mengran looked at Zhou Heng beside her and whispered, " choose."


Zhou Heng pointed at himself, a little puzzled,

To let

He really didn't know how to choose a meal that everyone would be satisfied with.

So he just pointed to a random restaurant,

"Let's go there?"

When everyone turned their eyes and saw the restaurant, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment,

The bright warm yellow light, the wooden plaque, and the wine glass pattern on the plaque made it easy to tell what kind of restaurant it was.

"Is this... a tavern? Do you drink?"

Liao Haomiao blinked and looked at Zhou Heng next to him in confusion,

Seeing that he also looked embarrassed, he just pointed randomly, and didn't expect to point to this restaurant.

"I... I don't usually drink, occasionally with my elders at home."

Zhou Heng shook his head. He had never drunk with people of the same age, and always drank with his family. He didn't drink at all.

"I don't drink either..."

Liao Haomiao shook his head. He remembered that the last time he drank was when he was in junior high school...

He even smoked at that time, but he was just curious at the time. He tried it once and choked so badly that he threw it away.

In short, when I was in junior high school, I did everything except studying.

But since the breakup, I went to high school and did nothing. I just studied every day.

Looking at the other two girls, they all shook their heads, indicating that they did not drink.

"Then... let's go in and have something to eat, not drink. The food in a tavern is usually delicious, and the atmosphere is pretty good."

Zhou Heng still walked forward directly. After all, it was his choice, so he had to go regardless of the risk.

Yin Mengran looked at Zhou Heng's stubborn back, snorted and chuckled, and hurriedly followed him.

The other two had no objections, and followed Zhou Heng into the tavern.

As soon as they walked in, the decoration inside was antique and looked quite artistic. It was different from other taverns and was very unique.

It didn't look too big, very quiet, and there weren't many customers.


Zhou Heng had never been to such a place before. What he said about the good atmosphere was all made up.

But after entering, he was indeed right. The atmosphere was indeed quite good. Fortunately, he made the right bet.

Several people came to an empty table, sat down, scanned the code on the table, and ordered food by themselves.

Zhou Heng took a quick look. In addition to most of the appetizers and snacks, there were also many delicacies to choose from. Compared with a pub, this place is more like a restaurant.

Zhou Heng looked up and found Liao Haomiao and Zhu Tao, one sitting on the east side and the other sitting on the south side.

If Yin Mengran hadn't sat close to him, he would have thought they were going to play mahjong...

"Huh? You two, why don't you sit together?"

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