The two of them were so close that they had to ask each other for help.


Not only was Zhu Tao's mother shocked, but even Liao Haomiao beside her was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

I haven't confessed yet... They haven't confirmed their relationship yet, so how come I'm Zhu Tao's boyfriend?

Could it be...

This is actually her confession to me?

Liao Haomiao reacted very quickly. Since Zhu Tao had already said so, whether it was true or not, he had to stand up and cooperate, otherwise wouldn't he be cheating her?

Liao Haomiao stepped forward, bowed respectfully, pushed his glasses, and whispered:

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Liao Haomiao, I'm Zhu Tao's boyfriend."


When Zhu Tao's mother heard this name, her eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about a very complicated thing.

Liao Haomiao's throat moved and he swallowed nervously.

He knew that Zhu Tao's mother was likely to still remember him, after all, only two years had passed.

And Zhu Tao knew very well how deep her mother's impression of the name Liao Haomiao was...

Many of the quarrels she had with them during this period were all about one person, that is, "Liao Haomiao".

So she was very nervous now, she didn't know what her mother would do.

Anyway, no matter what, she couldn't be as cowardly as she was two years ago. She was an adult and had the right to choose her own feelings. Besides, Liao Haomiao was not a bad person or a low-class person.

Zhu Tao's mother stared at Liao Haomiao's face, staring at him so hard that he dared not move or say anything.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Zhu Tao, her expression full of helplessness, and she showed the powerlessness of her daughter's disobedience vividly.

It was as if she saw her daughter sitting on Huangmao's will-o'-the-wisp, the feeling of suffocation.

"Come home with me!"

The mother didn't say much, just asked Zhu Tao to go home.

She had promised Zhu Tao before that as long as she could keep up with her studies, she would not care about her after she became an adult.

I thought two years would be enough for her to forget about it, but she didn't expect that this girl was so obsessed. Not only did she not forget about it, but she went to find this boy as soon as she became an adult.

This made her feel that the ideological work she had done for her in the past two years was in vain.

But after all, he didn't fall behind in his studies and his grades remained among the best. As a mother, she couldn't say anything...

Zhu Tao was actually very happy in her heart.

Her mother didn't get angry, didn't say anything about Liao Haomiao, and didn't comment on the matter. She just asked her to go home.

This should prove that she would no longer care about the things between her and Liao Haomiao, right?

Zhu Tao turned her head and looked at Liao Haomiao, and said softly:

"Then... I'll go home first. Be careful when you go back. See you tomorrow..."

"Yeah, okay."

Liao Haomiao nodded and smiled at her.

Although he still didn't know whether they had confirmed their relationship, as long as Zhu Tao treated him as a boyfriend, he would also treat Zhu Tao as a girlfriend.

Afterwards, Zhu Tao walked up to her mother and prepared to go home with her.

Her mother did not leave immediately, but shone a flashlight on Liao Haomiao, and then made him cover his eyes, otherwise he would be flashed by the strong light.

"I say, young man, if you really like Zhu Tao, you should study hard, at least you should be at the same level as her, right?"


Liao Haomiao was slightly startled, listening to Zhu Tao's mother's words, a little surprised,

He also inquired about Zhu Tao's grades, which were probably in the top 20 of the grade,

Let himself be at the same level as her... is... let himself fall back more than ten places?

"Tsk... Mom! Stop talking!"

Zhu Tao grabbed her mother's arm awkwardly and whispered to remind her not to continue.

It was so embarrassing to say this. Her grades were far inferior to Liao Haomiao's...

Zhu Tao's mother shook her hand off and watched her speak louder and louder:

"What's wrong? Am I not telling the truth? The grades of the two are not equal. Wouldn't the one with the bad grades feel inferior? Aren't you worried that the other person will run away with someone who studies well one day?"

She said this to Liao Haomiao. Since she couldn't stop them from being together, she could only try her best to warn Liao Haomiao and let him improve his grades.


Tao's face was red at this time. From her perspective, her mother seemed to be talking about herself when she said these words...

She did feel inferior and felt that the gap between her grades and Liao Haomiao's was a bit large. She was also worried that one day Liao Haomiao would choose someone with better grades, or someone who was not much different from him...


Liao Haomiao was also a little at a loss, but if he told the truth, would Zhu Tao be embarrassed? He felt that this was not something to brag about, so he nodded and agreed:

"Ah, yes, Auntie, you are right. I will definitely study hard and work hard to improve my grades."

He scratched his head. His humble look made Zhu Tao's mother feel much better and she liked Liao Haomiao a lot more.

Perhaps he had changed his appearance, wearing glasses, and looked much more calm and gentle, which made him look more pleasing to the eye.

Zhu Tao's mother nodded, her tone softened a little, and said:

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go home quickly and don't let your parents worry."

"Okay, then I'll leave first, bye Auntie..."

After that, Liao Haomiao waved goodbye to Zhu Tao again, then turned around and left here.

Zhu Tao looked at Liao Haomiao's back and muttered, "Why didn't he say anything..."

"What did he say?"

Zhu Tao's mother looked at her in confusion, then pulled her towards home,

Go back After that, she planned to have another two-hour conversation with Zhu Tao.

Zhu Tao was pulled by her mother, a little dazed, thinking back to Liao Haomiao's state just now, it seemed that something was wrong,

"Mom... do you know Beigao?"

"Ah, I know, it's the high school in the north of the city, an ordinary high school, what's wrong, he is from that high school? He paid to go there, right?"

Zhu Tao stopped, stared at her mother, and said seriously:

"Mom... Liao Haomiao... is the top student in the third year of Beigao... He has been ranked first since the second year of high school. In the monthly exam some time ago, he was only 2 points away from the full score..."


Zhu Tao's mother's face was full of question marks. When she looked at Zhu Tao, her expression was full of confusion and disbelief, as if she didn't understand what Zhu Tao said...

Zhu Tao took out her mobile phone and opened a photo. It was the report card of the last monthly exam sent to her by Liao Haomiao.

She handed it to her mother, and after seeing it, her mother's expression changed from solemn to surprised, and even slowly became horrified!

"Call him back quickly!"

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