The two of them were so happy that they had to work together.

Zhou Heng's words surprised Song Wan, who was still sobbing softly.

I didn't expect him to say these words, especially in front of his mother...

At least in his words, you can really hear sincerity.

Yin Mengran looked at Zhou Heng's profile, tears kept pouring out, she pursed her lips, and her heartbeat quickened.

She knew very well the weight of Zhou Heng's words, and every word could bring her great touch and a full sense of happiness in her heart.

After the meeting, everyone went down the mountain together.

Yin Mengran and Liu Wei walked together. She wiped away the tears from her eyes and whispered in her ear:

"Mom... Thank you for coming..."

Liu Wei smiled faintly, stroked Yin Mengran's head, and said:

"This is what I should do. I will come every year. Don't worry."

After that, she patted Yin Mengran's shoulder gently, pointed at Zhou Heng in front, and continued:

"Go, you should need him now, right? He also needs you."

Yin Mengran blushed and nodded:


Then, she walked forward and went to Zhou Heng's side.

Liu Wei looked at the three people in front of her, with a smile on her lips, looking very relieved.

At this time, Song Wan appeared beside Liu Wei, and Liu Wei's smile was retracted at once.

"That... Mr. Liu... Xiao Ran... can you really take care of her? It's not that I don't believe you... It's just that I'm her aunt and I have to consider her future life..."

Song Wan mustered up the courage and whispered beside Liu Wei.

She was very afraid of Liu Wei. The words she talked to would make it difficult for her to respond and put her in a state of being unable to move forward or backward.

But for Yin Mengran, she still mustered up the courage to say these words to Liu Wei. The moment she finished speaking, she was worried...

Liu Wei glanced at her, which scared Song Wan and made her tremble slightly.

But this time, she saw that Liu Wei's eyes were no longer sharp and became softer.

"Ah, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiao Ran. You can visit her and contact her often, but don't let her be separated from my son, otherwise, I will definitely not agree."

Liu Wei said softly, her tone became very stable, without any threatening tone, which made Song Wan feel relieved.

Song Wan thought of what Zhou Heng had just said, nodded, and said:

"Well... I'm sorry, Mr. Liu, when I first knew that your son was Xiao Ran's boyfriend, I did have some unkind thoughts because I didn't know what kind of person he was, but now... I know that he is as good as you..."


Liu Wei suddenly shook her head, and in Song Wan's puzzled eyes,

Liu Wei looked at Zhou Heng in front of her and smiled helplessly:

"He doesn't look like me, he looks exactly like his dead father."


Song Wan didn't respond, she didn't know who this father was, but being able to be a couple with Liu Wei, it must not be bad, right?

Liu Wei sent a few people back, and then she left first.

She still had things to do, and the purpose of this trip had been achieved.

Tang Zhi looked at the car that was gradually going away, turned to look at Zhou Heng, and asked:

"Zhou Heng, do you really not want to know what your family does? What if you are a rich second generation?"

Zhou Heng shook his head without hesitation:

"I don't want to... I don't care, whether you are a rich second generation or not, I also spend that living expenses every month, and I don't want so much money. What big business they do, what big boss they are, that's their own business, it has nothing to do with me."

"Oh, that's it..."

Tang Zhi nodded, she already understood what Zhou Heng meant,

It seems that he really doesn't care what his family does. Come to think of it, even if he cares, what can he do?

He is not the kind of person who starts to squander money when he knows his family has money. It doesn't matter whether he cares or not. Since his family doesn't want him to know so early, he might as well not think about it.

Song Wan saw Liu Wei leave and knew it was time for her to leave.

She turned to look at Yin Mengran, with a slight smile on her lips,

"Xiao Ran... I'll leave first. I know that my visit this time has put a lot of pressure on you, but don't think too much. I'm doing this for your own good..."

"It's okay... Auntie, I don't think so. I'm very happy and thank you for still thinking of me and caring about me. It's just that I'm not doing well now.

Very good, I don't want to change this kind of life..."

Yin Mengran hurriedly leaned forward slightly, bowed lightly, and whispered to Song Wan,

"Okay, remember to call me if you have anything, no matter what, auntie will take care of you, and then... don't forget to call me when you get married."

Song Wan curled her lips and smiled deeply, glancing at Zhou Heng who was chatting with Tang Zhi over there,

When Yin Mengran heard the word "marriage", a faint blush appeared on both sides of her cheeks, lowered her head, and looked at her toes...


She answered in a low voice, and at the same time imagined the day of her wedding...

"Well, take care, oh by the way..."

Song Wan suddenly thought of something, and took out three thick red envelopes from her bag...

"I didn't bring so much money yesterday, these are for you, auntie can't help you in life, at least in finance, I have to help you. "

Said, Song Wan was about to give the red envelope to Yin Mengran,

Yin Mengran subconsciously refused,

She was used to this kind of situation, it almost became a conditioned reflex,

There were always people who gave her money for no reason, which made it difficult for her to refuse. She had to refuse for a long time every time, and she would fail in the end...

"Okay! Don't argue with your aunt, this is nothing, eat more delicious food with your boyfriend and good friends, go out for fun, remember, life is still very beautiful, look forward."

Song Wan grabbed Yin Mengran's wrist, slapped the red envelope in her palm, and then turned around to leave,


Yin Mengran looked at Song Wan's back as she left, bowed, and said:

"Thank you, aunt... I... will remember, and will... repay you. "

Song Wan looked back for the last time, her lips curled up, and she left without replying.

Yin Mengran looked at the three red envelopes in her hand, there must be at least 40,000 or 50,000 yuan...

She knew that her aunt should be quite rich, but even if it was to take care of herself, there was no need to give so much, right?

Or maybe, she actually wanted to give more, but was afraid that she would not accept it if she gave too much...

Yin Mengran thought about it, and now the money in her hand added up to 70,000 or 80,000...

If Zhou Heng's money is added, then they have at least 100,000 yuan...

For high school students, it's a bit too outrageous,

But she knows that these must be spent sparingly, after all, there are more places to spend money after going to college, and you have to spend it in a planned way.

Planning is necessary, but occasional indulgence... is also okay, right?

Yin Mengran turned around, looked at Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi behind her, and asked:

"Um... do you want to go out and play together next week?"

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