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"Turn off the lights."


In the middle of the night, the two returned to the bedroom and prepared to go to bed.

Yin Mengran was familiar with it the first time, and the third time, she had nothing to worry about, and it was even natural.

After all, Zhou Heng If she wanted to do something, she would have done it two days ago.

She also got to know Zhou Heng a little bit and knew what kind of person he was, so she was no longer on guard.

She turned off the lights and looked at the dark ceiling. She began to recall what happened today.

To her classmates, Zhou Heng was definitely the biggest protagonist today, and he also shocked the others.

She may have even started to change her opinion of Zhou Heng.

And what shocked her the most was The matter was nothing more than knowing that Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi were relatives.

Thinking carefully, it seemed that Tang Zhi had indeed transferred to their school not long after the start of the first year of high school. class,

Then she and Zhou Heng started to sit at the same table, and they have not changed until now.

Tang Zhi actually gave her the same impression as Zhou Heng.

They were both the type who spoke little and were not good at Communication, people who don't have many friends,

And she really hasn't seen Tang Zhi playing with anyone, and occasionally she sees her sitting in her seat, not knowing what she is doing,

"Tang Zhi... doesn't have any friends " "Yin Mengran suddenly spoke up and asked in a low voice. Although it was very quiet, it was very clear in the quiet bedroom. "Yes." "Then...if I take the initiative to talk to her, will she pay attention to me?" Yin Mengran began I am interested in Tang Zhi and even want to get to know her.

It would be even better if we could become friends.

I am just worried that she doesn’t like to communicate with others and will reject me.

"Yes, but I suggest you don't make friends with her."

"Ah? Why?"

Yin Mengran was stunned for a moment, she thought she had heard wrongly,

Zhou Heng was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke: "Staying with her for a long time I'm afraid your confidence will be dampened."

"Ah? What does this mean..."

"Nothing, just don't get in touch with her, she doesn't need any friends."

Zhou Heng turned over and changed the subject, as if he had something to say.

Yin Mengran was already very curious about Tong Yining's news, and she hadn't suppressed her curiosity until now.

Now... Because Zhou Heng kept Tang Zhi in suspense, she couldn't bear it any longer.

If she couldn't know about this, she really couldn't sleep at night!

Yin Mengran propped herself up with her arms, looked at Zhou Heng on the other side, and said seriously:

"Just tell me, I will definitely make friends with her, don't worry!"


Zhou Heng opened his eyes, I didn't expect Yin Mengran to be so determined.

After hesitating for a while, he sat up and turned on the light.


Zhou Heng sat up from the bed and began to look for something on the computer desk in front of him.

Yin Mengran also sat up. Leaning against the head of the bed, I don't know what Zhou Heng is looking for.

After a while, he found a photo and handed it to Yin Mengran.

Yin Mengran took it and saw that the photo was of a little girl who looked only seven or eight years old. 20 years old, with long black hair and a bright smile,

What is particularly eye-catching is that she is holding a stack of certificates!

She holds more than a dozen certificates in her left hand and a trophy in her right hand.

"Is this... Tang Zhi? Is this true?"

Yin Mengran couldn't believe it. The little girl in front of her was very different from Tang Zhi.

Let's not talk about the difference between long hair and short hair, just look at her expression, she looks Just like when I was a kid, lively and cheerful, especially loving to laugh,

Why has she become so cold now? What happened in between?

"Yeah, really."

Zhou Heng nodded and continued:

"She is a typical The child of a wealthy family, she is the smartest child I have ever seen. She has shown great talent since she was young. She is proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She can learn it once and easily win first place in any competition. Her grades are also excellent since she was young. You are in the top five in the grade, right? She just doesn't study hard now. If she can play less games for a month and concentrate on studying for a month, she will definitely surpass you. "

"Ah... yes. ..Is that so..."

Yin Mengran opened her mouth in surprise when she heard what Zhou Heng said.

She knew Tang Zhi was very good, but she didn't expect her to be so good!

"I have never been better than her since I was a child.

She has such a high talent and a very arrogant personality. She never considered me a cousin when she was a child, so I even hated her for a long time. "

Zhou Heng sat there, as if remembering the past, his eyes were a little deep,

"In the end, I could only teach her a lesson based on the natural physical difference between boys and girls. Once when I was a child, I played basketball with her and I won. It was the first time I beat her in a certain aspect. She cried. , but on the contrary, I laughed, the happiest laugh ever.”

"She was so shocked that she immediately cut her hair short after returning home because she wanted to surpass me in sports. Short hair would be more convenient."

"I understood that if I want to defeat her, I have to use my own advantages to deal with it. I started to take her to play games. Although she is still very talented and can quickly master any game, there is still some gap between her and me. She just Playing hard and trying to catch up with me, I finally regained some confidence, and she finally regarded me as an opponent, and her personality was no longer arrogant, and she gradually calmed down. "

Zhou Heng threw her a photo again. Yin Mengran saw that there were two people in the photo, Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi.

It should have been when I was in junior high school, that is, a few years ago, and then on Zhou Heng’s birthday.

Zhou Heng closed his eyes and made a wish on the cake, while Tang Zhi wore Zhou Heng's birthday hat and secretly ate the cake, which was captured by the camera.

"I think your relationship...may be stronger than the relationship between ordinary siblings."

Yin Mengran returned the photo to Zhou Heng, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

She felt that Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi had a good relationship, which made her a little envious, because she had never had such friends or relatives since she was a child.

She also understood why neither of them had any friends. Maybe for them, having each other was enough.

"Probably, anyway, she and I have never had a quarrel..."

Zhou Heng put the photo back, then looked at Yin Mengran and said:

"So do you understand now? It's very tiring to get along with people like her. There's no need to be friends with her, and she doesn't need it either."

Yin Mengran shook his head gently, with a slight smile on his lips.

"No...I want to be friends with her even more now. Only by learning from good people can I make progress."

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