After a long time, the two of them were still in the same bed.

Tong Yining walked out of the house and headed for school.

But she was not in a good state, and looked like she had not slept for a long time.

She waited for Zhou Heng's message until very late yesterday. After about two hours, she was sure that Zhou Heng must have seen it and deliberately did not reply.

She was quite angry at first and planned to question Zhou Heng when she went to school.

But then she thought, maybe Zhou Heng really won't pursue her anymore...

If it was before, she might be happy and feel that she finally got rid of Zhou Heng.

But now...I don't know why I feel a little uncomfortable?

I shouldn't like him? Otherwise, I wouldn't have rejected him all the time.

So what's going on?

These questions troubled Tong Yining all night, so she didn't sleep well.

She decided to ask Yin Mengran and Tian Run for their opinions when she went to school, maybe it would be helpful.


Tong Yining yawned and walked on the road. Looking at the road in front of her, she always felt that it was still a long way to go to school.

Now she really hoped that Zhou Heng would suddenly appear behind her, call her and go to school with her.

This way, they could chat when they were the only two on the road. There was no such opportunity at school.

But... this is a fantasy after all, how could it be possible...


Tong Yining suddenly widened her eyes and watched a person walk by her.

That figure, wasn't it Zhou Heng? !

"Zhou Heng?"

She called out subconsciously, and Zhou Heng heard the voice and turned his head to look at her.

After that, Zhou Heng looked behind Tong Yining again, turned back and left directly.


Before Tong Yining could say anything, there was another person beside her.

"Good morning, Tongtong, what a coincidence to meet you here."

"Ranran? You also take this road? Why didn't I see you when I was in school before?"

Tong Yining's eyes flashed with surprise. The person next to her turned out to be Yin Mengran.

She was just calling Zhou Heng... Did she hear it too?

"Ah... I moved and live in that direction, so I took this road."

Yin Mengran answered hesitantly, pointing in the direction behind her.

Fortunately, she just saw Tong Yining in front of her, so she deliberately slowed down and distanced herself from Zhou Heng.


"What's wrong with you? Didn't you sleep well? You don't feel energetic?"

Yin Mengran looked at Tong Yining, who looked like herself a few days ago.

Tong Yining nodded and responded listlessly:

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well..."

Yin Mengran thought that Tong Yining sent a message to Zhou Heng last night, but didn't get his response.

It should be because of this incident that she didn't sleep well...

So what does Tong Yining want to do? Did she change her mind and want to be with Zhou Heng?

The two of them arrived at school together and walked into the classroom. They found that the classroom was quite lively and noisy.

"What's wrong?"

Yin Mengran asked Tian Run who was sitting in the same seat.

Tian Run pointed to Zhou Heng and the others and said:

"Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi are very popular now..."


Yin Mengran and Tong Yining looked in the direction of Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi.

They found that people kept coming to the side of this pair of classmates, chatting and giving gifts.

"Tang Zhi, this is the snack I bought for you this morning, here..."

"Tang Zhi, do you want to play basketball together this weekend? We are short of someone here, can you come with us?"

"Zhou Heng, we are going to sing this weekend, are you going?"

"Zhou Heng, can you teach me how to play basketball?"

There were always men and women around the two of them, just like Yin Mengran yesterday.

Such popularity was like a disaster for these two people.

Since entering the classroom, his whole face was gloomy and his brows were furrowed. It can be seen that he was very impatient.


Suddenly, Zhou Heng slapped the table. Although it was not very heavy, the momentum scared others.

A loud noise made the classroom quiet instantly. Everyone felt a chill running down their spines.

Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi didn't say anything, but their faces were not very good, and Tang Zhi had already shown an expression of annoyance.

"Go, go..."

The people next to them hurriedly left their side and returned to their seats.


The two were really hard to deal with, and they didn't dare to say anything...

When there was no one around, their frowns relaxed.

Seeing this, Tian Run couldn't help but sigh: "They are really hard to get along with... No wonder they don't have many friends."

"I think they just don't want to make friends. They shouldn't be hard to get along with, but... they don't like to make noise, and they are not very familiar with other classmates."

Yin Mengran subconsciously defended them. Now she knew the situation of Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi.

They didn't have any ill intentions, they just didn't like to make friends with others, and their tempers were a bit special...

Anyway, Zhou Heng was like this, and Tang Zhi, as his relative, should be the same...

Tong Yining stared at Zhou Heng, and had a lot of things to say to him in his heart, but he couldn't find any opportunity.

After all, he was the person he liked before, so couldn't he be the special one?

Unexpectedly, in just three days, Zhou Heng went from being around him every day to so many people around him,

But he couldn't be seen around him anymore.

She originally wanted to ask Yin Mengran and Tian Run for their opinions at school, and ask them how to face Zhou Heng.

But now it seems that it is not important whether she asks or not. If she wants to ask, she must ask Zhou Heng himself.

"But Zhou Heng was really handsome yesterday! Do you think he would agree if I confessed to him?"

Tian Run looked at the two expectantly, trying to get the answer she wanted.

Unfortunately, the two shook their heads almost at the same time, without any hesitation, which made Tian Run's face fall directly.

"How rude."

Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi were in a very bad mood at this time. It was a pure land here yesterday.

How come it has become a chaotic place today?

"It's so annoying..."

Tang Zhi couldn't help but mutter, and then spit out the gum in her mouth.

Zhou Heng looked at her and asked, "What's going on? What did we do? Didn't we just play basketball yesterday? Is it that serious?"

"I don't understand. They probably just like new things. They are not very familiar with us, so they want to get along with us."

"Then why don't they just look for you? Why look for me? Don't they know me well? They have been laughing at me for two years."

After Zhou Heng finished speaking, he glanced at the cause of his two-year laughter, Tong Yining,

and found that she was also staring at him, and this glance happened to meet her eyes.

Tong Yining saw Zhou Heng's gaze looking over, and the moment she looked at her, her heartbeat accelerated and she felt a little nervous!

She quickly turned her head away, a cherry-like blush flew across her face, and her right hand gently placed on her chest, mumbling:

"What's going on..."

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