After class, Tong Yining left her seat and went to Yin Mengran's side.

"Ranran... accompany me... to the toilet."


Yin Mengran was stunned for a moment, then stood up and left the classroom with Tong Yining.

The two walked in the corridor and headed towards the toilet, but Yin Mengran looked at Tong Yining and seemed to have something to say.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have called herself out alone, right? In the past, they always took Tian Run with them, and the three of them acted together.

"What's wrong? Just say whatever you want to say."

Yin Mengran guessed Tong Yining's thoughts directly.

Tong Yining looked around and found that there was no familiar person around.

Then she whispered in Yin Mengran's ear:

"That... I'm telling you, don't tell others... It's just... Didn't I say before that I don't like Zhou Heng, but I don't know why, the more I look at him, the more I like him. What's going on?"


"Shh! Keep your voice down! Don't tell Tian Run, she will definitely laugh at me..."

Tong Yining's face flushed red, and her big eyes were suddenly filled with panic.

Yin Mengran's expression was a little dull at this time, and she even couldn't believe it.

She thought of Tong Yining sending a message to Zhou Heng last night, and she didn't look very good in the morning. It turned out that it was really because her attitude towards Zhou Heng had changed!

"You can't be... in love with him?"

"I don't know... If I say it's possible... Will you laugh at me?"

Tong Yining looked at Yin Mengran with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes.

It's not a big deal to like someone, it won't lead to ridicule,

But if you like someone you have rejected for two years, it's really laughable,

She herself thinks it's a bit ridiculous, he has been pursuing her for two years, and she never agreed,

But he showed a little yesterday, and she was immediately attracted?

Isn't this too shameless?

"Well... I won't laugh at you, but... I think this idea of ​​yours came too late. Zhou Heng is very popular now, and... hasn't he confessed to you for a few days?"

"Yes... Does he... not like me anymore?"

Tong Yining's inner anxiety reached its peak at this time. When Zhou Heng didn't bother her on the first day, she was very happy.

On the second day, she felt something was wrong. On the third day, she actually began to feel uneasy...

She couldn't stand the test. What if Zhou Heng was playing hard to get? Then she would fall into his trap easily?

"I think... that's right."

Yin Mengran didn't dare to tell the truth. After all, she witnessed Tong Yining's message last night.

Zhou Heng didn't care at all and chose to read it but not reply.

This must mean that he doesn't like it, but if he says it too directly now, it will definitely hurt Tong Yining's heart...

"Then what should I do..."

"You... can talk to Zhou Heng, just in case, there is a turnaround."

Yin Mengran knew that Tong Yining had no chance, but still made this suggestion to her.

I hope she can face the reality in this direct way. Being rejected by Zhou Heng in person, she should give up.

"Just talk to Zhou Heng directly...Okay, then can you do me a favor...Please tell Zhou Heng that I want to talk to him at noon, on the stairs..."

"Ah? I'll go and talk to him...Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I...don't dare."

Tong Yining said awkwardly. She thought that if she went to talk by herself, she would definitely be in front of others and would definitely be laughed at by others.

And if Zhou Heng rejected her on the spot, it would be even more embarrassing.

"I...Okay, then I'll go Tell him... But I can't guarantee that he will agree. "

Yin Mengran hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

After all, Tong Yining was still her good friend, and she could help with this.

"Okay! Thank you!"

Tong Yining happily hugged Yin Mengran, and then turned back to the classroom.


Before Yin Mengran could say anything else, she saw Tong Yining leave.

She sighed helplessly, feeling a little complicated. As Tong Yining's friend,

she should hope that she can succeed.


But for some reason, she didn't really want Tong Yining to succeed...

She even prayed in her heart that Zhou Heng would not be persuaded by Tong Yining and would not agree to her.

At this time, Yin Mengran only felt a fragrance coming from her side.

She looked up and found that someone passed by her.

"Tang Zhi?"

Yin Mengran looked at the person passing by. It was Tang Zhi. She thought of how she had asked Zhou Heng about Tang Zhi last night.

She also said that she wanted to be friends with her.

But it was easy to say. She didn't know how to get along with someone like Tang Zhi.

Although she would get a response if she took the initiative to talk to her, it would be embarrassing for both of them if they had no topic to talk about.


At this time, Yin Mengran saw something fall out of Tang Zhi's pocket.

She looked closely and it seemed to be a bunch of keys. It was noisy in the corridor, so Tang Zhi didn't notice it falling out.

She hurried over and picked up the key. There was a small pendant hanging on it. It should be a peripheral in the game, but she didn't recognize it.

"Tang Zhi!"


Tang Zhi turned her head and saw Yin Mengran standing behind her, a little confused.

Yin Mengran shook the key in her hand and said, "You dropped something..."

Tang Zhi touched her pocket and found that something was indeed missing.

She walked over, walked in front of Yin Mengran, and took the key back.

While she put the key in her pocket, she reached into another pocket and took out something.

She took Yin Mengran's hand and put the thing in her hand into her palm.

"Thank you."

Then, after thanking her softly, she left.


Yin Mengran didn't have time to say anything to her before she left.

She looked at her palm and found that Tang Zhi had just given her a lollipop...

She knew that it was not difficult to make friends with Tang Zhi, but she couldn't rush...

Tang Zhi was just like Zhou Heng. She was very cold to unfamiliar people. She might even reply word by word.

But once you get familiar with them, you will find that they are very good people.

Yin Mengran raised her eyes slightly, smiled, put the lollipop in her pocket, and turned back to the classroom.

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