The more you talk, the more you will be in the room.

Tong Yining's momentum weakened a lot. She was the one with the louder voice.

But why did she always feel that Tang Zhi had a sense of power without anger?

The voice was flat and the face was expressionless, but it gave her a great sense of oppression.

"She doesn't play with you anymore. It has nothing to do with me. How I became friends with her has nothing to do with you. But I can tell you clearly that there is no causal relationship between the two."

Tang Zhi answered softly. Tong Yining didn't know whether she was telling the truth or a lie.

But looking at her current state, it didn't seem like she was lying.


Although she had prepared a lot of questions to ask, she couldn't ask anything now.

It was as if she already knew what answer she would get after asking.

"Can I... believe you?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

After Tang Zhi finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave.

She didn't want to waste time here. She answered Tong Yining's questions because they had followed her for so long and felt sorry for her.

"Wait! There is one last question..."

Tong Yining called Tang Zhi,

In fact, what she wanted to ask Tang Zhi was not only about Yin Mengran, but also one thing she wanted to know...

Tang Zhi stopped, did not look back, and listened quietly,

Tong Yining lowered her head, rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands unnaturally. After a while, she asked in a very low voice:

" and Zhou Heng..."

"He is my brother."

Before Tong Yining finished speaking, Tang Zhi answered first, and then left here,

Leaving Tong Yining standing there alone, with the night breeze blowing on her cheeks, her mouth slightly open, like a wooden log,

She thought of many possibilities, but she really didn't think that the two of them had such a relationship.

For a moment, she actually felt an irrepressible joy in her heart, as if her heart was blooming,

Does this mean that her previous worries were wrong? There is no possibility for Tang Zhi and Zhou Heng?

"Damn, I said no, no... you're crazy."

At this time, Lu Yunshuo finally got away and walked here.

Seeing Tong Yining standing in the alley, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"You didn't leave?"


Tong Yining recovered and saw Lu Yunshuo standing in front of him. He felt a little embarrassed.

I just abandoned him. Even if they were not friends, they were still classmates. It seemed a bit bad for me to just leave like that...

Lu Yunshuo obviously didn't take this matter seriously and didn't mention it again. He just tidied up his messed clothes and said:

"Okay, let's go home. It's so unlucky. I'll continue to follow you after school tomorrow."

Tong Yining walked out, stood in front of Lu Yunshuo, and said:

"I think it has nothing to do with Tang Zhi. I think I'd better not go after her."

Lu Yunshuo was shocked and suddenly stunned. He spread his hands and asked in surprise:

"Ah? What? No... Why did you change your mind? Don't you think the same as me? Do you think Tang Zhi is the culprit? "

"Before... not now, I think there must be something else behind Ran Ran's change. By the way... I haven't asked you yet, what do you think Ran Ran has changed? Let me see if you think the same as me."

Tong Yining touched her chin and thought seriously. She carefully recalled the difference between Yin Mengran and felt that she was more free and easy than before.

In the past, she would always worry about this and that, but now, it seems that she doesn't care about anything.

She wants to know if Lu Yunshuo feels the same way, which proves that her feeling should be correct.

Lu Yunshuo said without thinking:

"Of course, he doesn't like me anymore! And he said it in front of the whole class! How could this happen before!"

"? ? "

Tong Yining looked at Lu Yunshuo, frowning, with a serious expression, as if her brain had lost the ability to think. This sentence short-circuited her brain.

She had never asked Lu Yunshuo this question, because she felt that it should be similar to her own feelings.

After all, Yin Mengran's changes can be clearly seen on the surface.

But why is Lu Yunshuo's answer so inexplicable?

"Wait! Wait a minute! You mean... Yin Mengran

Don't like you, do you think she has changed? Really? That's all? "

"Yes! You don't think so?"

Lu Yunshuo answered frankly, nodded, very seriously,

Tong Yining closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and held it in her chest. She only felt her scalp tingling now, and felt cheated.

She actually thought that Lu Yunshuo cared about Yin Mengran very much and could see that she had changed.

Now it seems that Lu Yunshuo is really hopeless. No wonder Yin Mengran said so resolutely that she didn't like him at that time.

Who can like such a person?

"What a waste of time!"

Tong Yining glared at Lu Yunshuo, then brushed past him and left here in a hurry.

All day today, from the morning, in her heart, Lu Yunshuo's image has been collapsing.

Until now, Lu Yunshuo is a ruin in her heart. Ruins are also divided into different levels. He is not even as good as Kong Yue, who is also a ruin!

"Eh? What happened to you? Was I wrong? "

Lu Yunshuo was puzzled when he saw Tong Yining was about to leave. Didn't Yin Mengran change like this? What did he say wrong?

He was trapped in doubts all day today. He didn't know what happened to Yin Mengran in the morning. She stabbed him in the back. Liang Jiaxiang didn't understand him.

At night, he didn't know why he lost Tang Zhi. It was as if she disappeared.

Then he met a psychopath who insisted that he threw something at him. He saw a lollipop on the ground and nothing else.

Then Tong Yining was like this now, and he had a disagreement with his own ideas.

He always felt like he was being targeted and everyone was against him.

"It's so unlucky. Am I cursed by something? Why are you always picking on me..."

Lu Yunshuo sighed helplessly, shook his head, and left. He was even more upset when he thought about the exam tomorrow.

Recently, he has been thinking about Yin Mengran and has hardly studied. He clearly feels that his academic performance seems to have declined a bit...

In the evening, Tong Yining returned home, took out her mobile phone, and glanced at the message list.

In the past, she always had a lot of unread messages in her mobile phone, from Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran,

But now... it is particularly quiet, and the messages she sent did not receive a response.

She opened the chat interface with Zhou Heng, knowing that Zhou Heng would not reply and might not even see it,

but she still sent a message:

"【Good luck in tomorrow's exam! 】"

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