The answer is yes, but it is not clear.

"There is actually a second solution to this question. Just in case, I will teach you..."

Yin Mengran pointed to the question on the test paper and explained it patiently.

But before she started, she heard a slight breathing sound. When she turned her head, she found that Zhou Heng had already fallen asleep on the table with his eyes closed.

Yin Mengran's mouth corners were slightly raised, and her eyes showed a faint tenderness. Looking at Zhou Heng sleeping, she recalled her experiences these days.

She saw Zhou Heng's efforts and progress.

Yin Mengran also felt his hard work. For this exam, Zhou Heng had put in several times more effort than others.

"Zhou Heng... go back to your room and sleep..."

She gently patted Zhou Heng's shoulder and whispered in his ear,

But Zhou Heng seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and gently patting him could not wake him up at all,

Yin Mengran hoped that Zhou Heng could have a good rest. After all, he had to be well rested before the exam, otherwise he would feel sleepy the next day, and all these efforts would be in vain,

So she didn't dare to wake Zhou Heng up now. With his temper, he would probably continue to study after waking up.

Then how should she move him to the bedroom...


After thinking for a long time, Yin Mengran had no idea,

She couldn't move Zhou Heng anyway. body, not to mention that she couldn't do anything now,

After a day, the pain had eased a lot, but it was still painful,

So, she could only let Zhou Heng continue to sleep here,

She took one of her coats and gently put it on Zhou Heng,

"Good night..."

Yin Mengran sat next to Zhou Heng, also with her hands on the table, looking at Zhou Heng's sleeping face with her face sideways,

She didn't know what she was thinking, but it seemed that she could look at him all night,

"I don't know how long this kind of life can last."

The night was very quiet, some people had already fallen asleep, while others were still turning on the night lights, working hard for their dreams.

Time passed slowly, and the night passed quietly.

It was past 4 a.m., and there was already a faint light outside.

Zhou Heng slowly opened his eyes, and the first feeling he had was numbness in his arms and pain in his waist.


He sat up straight and stretched, and there were "crackling" sounds from all over his body,


Zhou Heng's coat fell off, and he looked down and was stunned for a moment.

He recalled that he seemed to have fallen asleep unconsciously last night. He felt his head was heavy and he couldn't open his eyes. He fell asleep as soon as he lay down.


Zhou Heng looked to the side and found that Yin Mengran was sleeping quietly beside him. She closed her eyes and could see her long eyelashes.

He didn't expect Yin Mengran to be here with him. In fact, she could go back to the bedroom to sleep.

What he was wearing should be her coat, but she didn't cover her body with anything.

It was still very cold to sleep in the living room. If she slept like this for a night, she might catch a cold.

Zhou Heng saw that Yin Mengran was almost curled up, with both hands hidden under her arms. , enough to see that she should be very cold.

"Yin Mengran..."

Zhou Heng called Yin Mengran's name softly, trying to wake her up,

at least to let her go to the room to continue sleeping,

But after calling several times in succession, Yin Mengran did not wake up, still sleeping very deeply,

Zhou Heng knew that he had forgotten to eat and sleep for review, and his body was a little overworked, but he forgot that Yin Mengran was also the same,

Every time she accompanied him and studied by himself, she would tutor him on the side, and if he didn't sleep, she wouldn't sleep either,

So Yin Mengran's fatigue was actually comparable to his own, plus her pressure and those worries, she might be more tired mentally than physically.


Zhou Heng wanted Yin Mengran to continue sleeping, after all, there was still time, but he definitely couldn't let her continue sleeping in the living room.

Since he couldn't wake her up, Zhou Heng thought he would just carry her to the bedroom.

As long as he moved gently, he shouldn't wake her up, right?

Zhou Heng stood up, looked at Yin Mengran in front of him, adjusted his breathing, and calmed his heart.

Then, he bent down and gently picked up Yin Mengran.

But he didn't use his hands at all, but his arms, and his palms didn't touch Yin Mengran.

Yin Mengran's body,

Yin Mengran still closed her eyes, which was enough to show that she was really tired. Zhou Heng also felt a little guilty.

It seems that he will let Yin Mengran sleep a little longer in the future. She is already very tired at school, and she has to tutor him when she comes back. She can't rest well at all.

She is not like me. She can sleep whenever she wants during class, and the teacher doesn't care...

Zhou Heng took a step and walked to the bedroom. His steps were light and his arms were steady, which almost didn't make Yin Mengran feel any bumps.

When he walked into the bedroom, walked to the bed, and was about to put Yin Mengran down,

She suddenly turned over in Zhou Heng's arms, pressed against Zhou Heng's body, and stretched out her hands to hug Zhou Heng's shoulders.


Zhou Heng paused, and his body seemed to be petrified in an instant, turning into a statue, motionless.

He looked down and saw Yin Mengran in his arms, who seemed not to have woken up...

These seemed to be her unconscious actions in her sleep,

What should he do now?

Yin Mengran was hugging his shoulders now, and there was no way to put her on the bed,

Should he wake Yin Mengran up now?

I'm afraid there is no other way...

Just then, Zhou Heng heard Yin Mengran's weak voice coming from his arms:


Then, he felt that Yin Mengran tightened her arms around him, as if she was afraid of being separated from her,

The body was trembling slightly, and he could feel that she was a little scared and uneasy...

Zhou Heng's throat moved, and the idea of ​​waking Yin Mengran in his head disappeared,

He forgot that although Yin Mengran looked strong and open-minded, But after all, she was just an immature girl in the eyes of her parents.

What Zhou Heng wanted most now was to hope that Yin Mengran would not wake up and let her sleep a little longer.

Maybe in the dream, he could let her stay with her mother for a little longer.

Zhou Heng sat steadily on the bed, motionless, acting as Yin Mengran's bed and pillow,

letting her sleep peacefully in his arms.

After about half an hour, Zhou Heng's body was already very stiff, his arms were very sore, and he was about to give up, but he still didn't dare to move.

It was almost half an hour before they woke up normally, so Yin Mengran had to sleep for at least another half an hour.

Ten minutes later, Yin Mengran opened her hazy eyes, and there seemed to be small tears hanging in the corners of her eyes.

Before she could react to where she was, she heard Zhou Heng's voice:

"Good morning..."

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