After the wedding, the two of them were very close.

When Tang Zhi saw Zhou Heng coming over, she patted Yin Mengran on the back and said:

"Go, he needs you now."

After that, she left, leaving Yin Mengran alone in a daze for a while,

"Need... me?"

She looked at Tang Zhi's back as she left, her mouth slightly opened, and she muttered,

Although she didn't know if this sentence had multiple meanings, she was very happy to hear Tang Zhi say this.

Zhou Heng was walking and thinking, not paying attention to the front.

At this time, Yin Mengran suddenly appeared in front of him, poked her head out, and looked at him with a smile.

"Hello! How did you do on the test?"

"Ah... I don't know, I guess, no big problem, right?"

Zhou Heng shook his head silently, but his expression was rather solemn, and his brows revealed his worry.

He just thought about what he had learned in his head and wrote down the answer.

As for whether it was right or wrong, he was not sure. If he was asked to say it, he felt that he had written it all right, after all, he had filled it up and there was no space. Title...


Zhou Heng sighed. He had tried his best. If it still didn't work, he would have to accept the reality. Who told him not to learn before...

Yin Mengran was slightly startled when she saw Zhou Heng's appearance at this time. All along, Zhou Heng gave her the feeling of being in a very stable state of emotion.

No matter what happened, he would face it calmly. He would not change his face even if the sky was falling. He had a calm character.

And he was also very mature, as if his mental age was much older than hers. When he took care of her, he was like her elder.

But now, seeing that he would be like an ordinary student, worried about the exam and showing this appearance,

Yin Mengran felt that the distance between her and Zhou Heng seemed not that far,

especially at this time Zhou Heng hung his head and looked very unconfident,

This aroused Yin Mengran's inner desire to protect him. For a moment, she really wanted to hug Zhou Heng and didn't want to see him sad...

But she still held back. After all, this was outside, and she didn't care at all, but it didn't affect Zhou Heng very well...

She gently pulled Zhou Heng's arm and said:

"Okay! Don't think too much about the exam. Let's go back and review for tomorrow's exam, right?"

Zhou Heng turned his head and looked at Yin Mengran on the side. Seeing her pink thin lips with a smile,

Zhou Heng felt much better in his heart. He thought, maybe this is the importance of comfort. If he was alone, he probably wouldn't be able to review well tonight.

"Well, OK."

The two walked towards home, discussing the test questions and checking the answers for today's exam.

The two of them left, and were seen by one person.

"Ran Ran... why is she with Zhou Heng?"

Tong Yining stood there like a piece of wood, as if her brain had lost the ability to command herself.

She couldn't believe what she saw. Why... Yin Mengran would leave with Zhou Heng?

Are they on good terms?

She only found out yesterday that Tang Zhi was actually Zhou Heng's sister. She could rest assured and didn't have to worry about Zhou Heng being with Tang Zhi.

I had thought that I would keep a low profile recently and not bother Zhou Heng. Going now would only backfire.

Wait for a while, and when I see that Zhou Heng is in a better mood, I will slowly approach him.

Anyway, there is still a year, so there is no need to rush. With her understanding of Zhou Heng, it is impossible for him to fall in love with anyone in a short time.

So now she mainly wants to repair her relationship with Yin Mengran and become good friends with her again.

But she saw this scene, which made her unbelievable.

Yin Mengran was actually alone with Zhou Heng, without Tang Zhi, and she didn't know where they were going together now.

"It should be... just on the way, right?"

Tong Yining muttered, comforting herself, but her eyes were always fixed on the direction where the two left.

She comforted herself in this way mainly because she really couldn't imagine the scene of Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran together.

Back then, she suspected that Tian Run had a very low possibility of being with Zhou Heng, and she didn't think that Yin Mengran would have this possibility...

The reason is that in her impression, these two people are completely from two different worlds.

Whether it is personality, temper, or academic achievement,

grades, etc., are completely opposite.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Tong Yining shook her head and threw away the dangerous thoughts in her head.

She still couldn't believe that anything would happen between Yin Mengran and Zhou Heng... so just pretend that she didn't see anything just now...

Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran returned home, and Yin Mengran asked Zhou Heng to review with peace of mind, and she would make dinner.

Zhou Heng didn't refuse. He knew that he should race against time now. There was another day of exams tomorrow. After the exams, he could relax a little.

Yin Mengran was cooking in the kitchen. She looked at Zhou Heng outside through the glass. He was reviewing seriously, lowering his head, and moving himself from time to time. 's neck and waist,

Yin Mengran could feel how tired and hard Zhou Heng was just by looking at his current state...

Yin Mengran pursed her lips, and a look of heartache appeared in her eyes. She really wanted to do something more for Zhou Heng, anything would be fine,

As long as it could relieve his pressure and burden...

After the two of them had dinner together, Yin Mengran went to clean up, while Zhou Heng continued to review,

After Yin Mengran cleaned up the table and washed the dishes, she walked out of the kitchen and came behind Zhou Heng,

When he was unaware, Yin Mengran stretched out her hands and gently pinched Zhou Heng's shoulders.


Zhou Heng turned his head suddenly and looked at Yin Mengran behind him, with a little surprise on his face.

He didn't understand why Yin Mengran wanted to massage his shoulders...

"I... I just saw that you were tired... so..."

Yin Mengran lowered her head and whispered with a red face. She didn't know how to explain to Zhou Heng, but just wanted to help Zhou Heng relieve stress as much as possible.

Zhou Heng's throat moved, turned his head, and whispered: "Thank you, but there's no need to do this. I'm fine. I'll study for another hour or so and then go to bed."

"It doesn't matter, just concentrate on studying..."

The two maintained a quiet environment, and from time to time there was the sound of Yin Mengran teaching Zhou Heng to do questions.

Time passed quickly, and it was midnight. Zhou Heng knew that he had to go to bed, otherwise it would be like last night.

So Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran washed up one after another, returned to the bedroom, and prepared to go to bed.

Usually Zhou Heng falls asleep quickly, while Yin Mengran needs to wait for a while before falling asleep.

But tonight, both of them opened their eyes and looked at the dark ceiling in front of them...

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