Zhou Heng began to think about tomorrow's exam, cheered himself up, and reminded himself all the time,

If he successfully moved up 50 places in this monthly exam, he should not relax, after all, there will be the next exam, and the next exam, and he should not be careless,

If he did not move up that much this time, he should not give up, because his ultimate goal is the college entrance examination,

Now that he is in the third year of high school, he has become nervous and realized that he can't play like this anymore.

"By the way, Yin Mengran, do you... have a university you want to go to?"

Zhou Heng suddenly thought of something and asked,

Yin Mengran was stunned for a few seconds when she heard Zhou Heng's voice, and then she thought about Zhou Heng's question,

"No... To be honest, I never thought that I could go to college..."

Yin Mengran spoke slowly and whispered,

The answer was a little timid, with a little sadness in her voice,

Before coming to Zhou Heng's house, she even thought that she would never go to school again,

Just find a place to work, no matter if it's a job she likes, as long as she can support herself,

Just find someone to marry, no matter if she likes it or not, as long as she can provide material help,

Then, this life will just pass by casually, which is good.

But after meeting Zhou Heng, hope was rekindled in her heart...

She wanted to continue to go to school... She wanted to take her life seriously and not be careless.

Moreover, she also wanted to make a serious choice in terms of love and try her best to pursue the person she likes...

The most important thing is that she wanted to repay Zhou Heng, no matter how she repays him.

"You have to think about it carefully. Your grades are so good, how can you not go to college?"

"But... college costs money, I think it's the same if I don't go..."

"I will help you with the money, don't give up so quickly."

Zhou Heng said something that made Yin Mengran fall silent again.

She couldn't respond to this sentence. She was very happy and wanted to accept it happily, but she shouldn't accept it for emotional and rational reasons.

Zhou Heng didn't owe her anything, but she owed Zhou Heng a lot, and she didn't know how to repay him.

She couldn't let him help her like this anymore, otherwise she would feel bad.

"I will...consider it."

She knew she still had a year to think about it, so she didn't need to think about it now.

After all, who knows what will happen in the future? Plans won't be able to keep up with the changes.

However, if she was asked to choose one now, she would definitely say without hesitation,

She wanted to go to the same university as Zhou Heng...

She had already given up hope of going to university, but Zhou Heng gave her hope.

So she didn't care about the quality of the university, as long as she could be with Zhou Heng. Even if Zhou Heng went to a junior college, she wanted to go with him...

After chatting for a while, they both fell asleep.

The next morning, Yin Mengran woke up first. She wanted to make breakfast and lunch for her and Zhou Heng.

The time saved could allow Zhou Heng to rest for a while.

After Zhou Heng got up, he saw Yin Mengran busy in the kitchen, and he knew what was going on.

But he didn't go back to his room to sleep, but started reviewing early in the morning. A day's plan starts in the morning, and he wanted to memorize more things in the morning when his mind was clearest.

After breakfast, the two went to school together.

Compared to the first day, Zhou Heng was more relaxed today. He was happy when he thought that the exam would be over today.

He had already thought about it. He would go back tonight and play games for himself after a long time.

So he was a little impatient and felt less nervous.

Just as the two of them entered the school gate, Zhou Heng heard a voice behind him,

"Wait! Zhou Heng!"

Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran turned their heads and saw the person running behind them. They both frowned.

There was only one person in the class who could make them show this expression and look at the same time.

That was the abstract representative of their class, Kong Yue.

Yin Mengran whispered in Zhou Heng's ear: "Are you close to him?"

"Not familiar, irrelevant."

Zhou Heng quickly waved his hand and denied it.

If he was considered to have a good relationship with this guy, he might as well die. He didn't want to become so abstract.

Kong Yue ran to Zhou Heng's face

Before he could speak, he glanced at Yin Mengran beside him, and immediately gave Zhou Heng a look that said "I understand", which made Zhou Heng want to punch him, and even wanted to tell him to get out of here.

Then, Kong Yue smiled bitterly and said, "Brother! Can you help me? I'm in trouble!"

"First, I'm not your brother, and second, your troubles have nothing to do with me, and I can't help you."

Zhou Heng shook his head, his voice was unusually indifferent, as if he was talking to a completely stranger.

Kong Yue grinned awkwardly, then put his hands together, lowered his head, and said sincerely:

"Please! Brother! Please help me! After the matter is done, I will definitely repay you with gratitude!"

Zhou Heng was about to subconsciously refuse, but the next second he frowned, looked at Kong Yue with interest, and asked:


"Yeah! Really!"

Kong Yue raised his head and realized that this matter was possible, so he nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, I want a skin from the game. If you buy it for me, I'll help you."

"Sure! Buy it!"

Zhou Heng crossed his arms, tilted his head and looked at him, asking, "Are you sure? Don't you ask how much it costs?"

"It's okay! I'll buy it no matter how much it costs! I must make you feel my sincerity!"

Kong Yue waved his hand and acted very generous. In his mind, how much can a skin in a game cost? Can it be tens of thousands?

After all, he has played a lot of mobile games. Skins and the like, a hundred or eighty yuan is enough, right?

Yin Mengran, who was standing by, raised her eyebrows, as if thinking about something.

Last weekend, when Tang Zhi came to Zhou Heng's house to play,

She seemed to have heard Tang Zhi say that Zhou Heng had always wanted a skin for a game weapon, which seemed to cost more than 2,000 yuan...

Originally, he could buy it with his living expenses, but if he didn't meet the standard in this monthly exam, part of his living expenses would be deducted, and he wouldn't be able to buy it.

Yin Mengran had really thought about buying it herself and giving it to Zhou Heng as a gift.

But...she didn't have enough money to buy it now.

She had thought that she could wait until the weekend to find a part-time job,

and then buy it for Zhou Heng after working for a few weeks.

So is the skin Zhou Heng is talking about the same as Tang Zhi's?

"Okay, since you are so sincere, I can help you. Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Kong Yue immediately showed a happy smile, then he bowed to Zhou Heng and said:

"Brother! Please help me get Tong Yining out!"

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