I said I would turn back time

Chapter 175 Lin Xing Worships Buddha

Everyone present seemed to be shocked when they heard that the old man actually said that Lin Xing was the Great Light Buddha.

When Lin Xing listened to what the old man Fo Guang said, his eyes were full of disbelief.

I just heard him say categorically: "It's impossible. This Great Light Buddha forces all the people under his rule to spend more than nine hours a day worshiping the Buddha. It's impossible for me to do such blatantly illegal things and engage in feudal superstition. "

He shook his head and said, "How could I be the Great Light Buddha?"

The old man Fo Guang seemed a little surprised when he heard Lin Xing's words. He pondered for a moment and said, "You once said that during your travels, you will be reincarnated many times and experience different life experiences."

"In the process of reincarnations, you may become a cunning villain, you may become heroic, you may become mediocre, you may even turn into a woman..."

"You may forget your memory of being a Great Light Buddha and your experience of becoming a Buddha because of this."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the many Buddha statues in the hall, and said with a smile: "These Buddha statues were all made by the Great Light Buddha. Historically, only I, the Buddha, can command and use them when I am here."

"When you gave the order, they immediately retreated. Doesn't that show your identity?"

Lin Xing frowned slightly, looked at the many Buddha statues in the hall, and suddenly said: "Come here."

Amidst the rumbling sound, the Buddha statues that were originally still and incomprehensible seemed to come to life one by one, running, jumping, or even crawling in front of Lin Xing.

In the blink of an eye, the main hall in front of everyone was blocked.

The old man Fo Guang looked at this scene with a smile, his eyes seemed to say that he was right, right?

But there was still deep suspicion in Lin Xing's eyes, and he then tentatively said: "Kneel down."

There was another bang, and countless Buddha statues knelt down on the spot without hesitation.

Even those huge giant Buddhas rolled and twisted their bodies and barely fell to the ground.

Lin Xing frowned and said again: "Get lost."

Seeing that the Buddha statues were about to roll over one by one, Lin Xingcai said again: "Stop all of them."

Bai Yiyi looked at this scene in shock: "Lin Xing! So you are the Great Light Buddha?!"

Zhao Wanxi also had a hint of disbelief in her eyes: "Senior brother, aren't we always blackmailing your disciples and grandsons in this world?"

Bai Yiyi's eyes lit up and she said: "The Great Light Buddha is my disciple, and I, the ancestor, am also the ancestor of Huiling and the others!"

Looking at the excited and excited two people, Lin Xing shook his head and said: "As long as these Buddha statues cooperate well in advance, obeying my orders is not a proof."

He rubbed his head and said, "My memory may have some problems, but my character will not lie to me."

"Even if there is really a reincarnation, the Great Light Buddha exploits the people, engages in superstitious activities, and seriously violates labor laws. Even if I am really the reincarnation of the Great Light Buddha, I will definitely be cut off from him in this life."

The old man Foguang smiled helplessly: "If you think that Daguangming Temple is not good for the people under its rule, then you are greatly wrong to blame us."

The old man Fo Guang explained: "From the moment people in this world are born, they accumulate sins all the time."

"As he gets older and his sins increase, his temperament becomes more and more vicious, cruel, and cunning."

"Because of this, there are always disputes in this world. Warlords and sects are killing each other, and there will never be peace in the world."

"But do you think there is such chaos under my Buddha's rule? Is it more peaceful and stable than anywhere else in the world?"

Lin Xing nodded slightly: "Under the rule of Daguangming Temple, it is indeed more stable than other places. Could it be that you want to say that this is because of worshiping Buddha?"

The old man Fo Guang said: "That's exactly it!"

"Every time believers worship Buddha, the Great Light Buddha is dispelling their sins and karma."

"The reason why we have to pray for more than nine hours every day is just because people in the world accumulate sinful karma in their bodies at all times. If it were not eliminated for them every day for so long, I am afraid that many people will go back to evil ways within a few days, or even even I don’t want to worship Buddha anymore.”

Lin Xing frowned and asked: "Since the purpose of the Great Light Buddha is to eliminate the sins in the human body, why was there someone in the square just now who was not even qualified to worship the Buddha?"

The old man Fo Guang sighed: "I, the Buddha, are compassionate and willing to save all the people in the world."

"But even the Great Light Buddha's magic power is not endless."

"There are countless believers who can accept worship of our Buddha every day."

"So we can only choose from among the believers."

"Many people who are born with less negative karma and are less affected by it don't need to have their sins eliminated so urgently, so they can only be temporarily excluded from formal believers."

“Only when the power of our Buddha’s Dharma increases in the future, will we be able to eliminate the sins of more people.

Having said this, the old man Fo Guang looked at Lin Xing with hope: "You are able to come back this time, it must be because your fate as a Buddha has come, and our Da Guang Guang Temple is about to flourish."

Lin Xing did not comment on the explanation of the old man Foguang. He just changed the question: "Since you said that I am the Great Guangming Buddha, why is there a Great Guangming Buddha in the Great Guangming Temple?"

The old man Fo Guang put his hands together and said with a smile: "My Buddha is both in the past and in the future, both inside and outside the temple. My Buddha is everywhere, so how can I distinguish between the inside and outside of the temple?"

Bai Yiyi said from the side: "Lin Xing! Since you are the Great Guangming Buddha, why don't we go directly to Sacrifice Cliff? We might as well let the Great Guangming Temple help us find the secret knowledge you want."

Before Lin Xing could speak, the old man Foguang frowned, looked at Bai Yiyi and said, "Guangming Buddha, is this a new Buddha statue you created? Is it too out of the ordinary to be useful?"

Bai Yiyi jumped up in anger and shouted: "Old thief! You are the Buddha statue, your whole family is a Buddha statue! Open your blind eyes and see clearly, ancestor, I am the master of the Great Light Buddha, one of the few masters in the world !”

The old man of Buddha light frowned slightly, and saw the light of Buddha behind his head flickering slightly, and he wanted to turn into a big hand and grab Bai Yiyi.

Lin Xing frowned and said, "Stop it, what are you going to do?"

The old man Foguang looked at Bai Yiyi angrily, and said, "This thing actually slanders the Buddha, so it should be punished."

Lin Xing waved his hand: "Even if I am really the Great Bright Buddha, then she is not considered a slanderer of the Buddha, she is indeed my master."

The old man Foguang was stunned for a moment, and then he looked carefully at Bai Yiyi, who looked proud, and sighed softly: "In this reincarnation, I have to suffer such a serious crime. I, the Buddha, have really worked hard to survive the entire life."

Lin Xing held down Bai Yiyi who was about to explode.

The old man Foguang continued to explain: "Although you are the Great Guangming Buddha, you have already set the rules in the temple. Even you yourself cannot break these rules. If you want to enter the Great Guangming Temple, you must first pray for three times. Let’s go to Buddha time.”

Lin Xing did not insist, but looked at the Buddha light in the main hall and asked, "Is there any difference between worshiping Buddha here and worshiping Buddha elsewhere?"

The old man Foguang said: "This Buddha's light was sent down by you when you built this temple. If you worship the Buddha under this Buddha's light, you can connect with the thoughts of the Great Bright Buddha."

"If you still don't want to believe your true identity, you can stand in this Buddha's light and try to pray to any of the Buddha statues around you."

Following Lin Xing's order, the surrounding Buddha statues retreated with a whoosh and rushed to make way for a road leading to the Buddha's light.

Lin Xing and his party came to the Buddha's light, and after a close observation, they realized the wonder of this Buddha's light.

This light suddenly appeared in the hall, with no light source visible from above or below. It was like something substantial, floating quietly in the air.

"The Infinite Light Buddha shines in the ten directions, and everyone in the Buddha's land will hear it..."

As Zhao Wanxi prayed, she felt as if her consciousness followed the Buddha's light across the layers of space and came to an unknown place.

An extremely peaceful and calm atmosphere enveloped her body, making her feel as if she had forgotten all the troubles in the world at this moment.

Then there was light gradually rising in front of her eyes, and Zhao Wanxi felt as if she had entered a dream.

There she was Bai Yiyi's master, and she also had a maid named Jing Shiyu, and a book boy named Lin Xing...

When Zhao Wanxi came back to her senses, she found that she had been shaken awake by Lin Xing, and then she realized that she had been praying to the Buddha for more than ten minutes.

"Only more than ten minutes?" Zhao Wanxi said in disbelief: "I feel like a few hours have just passed."

Lin Xing asked: "Do you feel anything?"

When Zhao Wanxi thought about it, she suddenly couldn't help but laugh: "It feels... like falling asleep. No, it's more comfortable than falling asleep. How can worshiping Buddha be so comfortable? No wonder those believers can do it every day Pray for 9 hours.”

The old man Fo Guang said from the side: "Female donor, you are born with wisdom and have a very deep connection with Buddha. That's why worshiping Buddha is so easy. Others cannot do this like you."

Zhao Wanxi looked at the relief of the Buddha's light and found that she was very nostalgic for the feeling of worshiping the Buddha just now.

Thinking that it would take three days of worship before she could enter Sheshen Cliff, she simply started worshiping again.

Lin Xing on the side nodded towards Bai Yiyi, telling him to remember to reopen immediately if anything happens.

And he himself came under the light of Buddha, randomly selected a Buddha statue, and began to pray.

The next moment, he felt a sinking in his heart, and his thoughts seemed to gradually extend along the Buddha's light with a certain inclined feeling.

But in the next instant, the extended feeling suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a black air poured towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at the somewhat familiar black energy, Lin Xing's heart skipped a beat: "Isn't this... the power of the evil relic?"

Under his guidance, black air surged above the light that represented Yujianshu.

In Lin Xing's induction, this black energy is almost the same as the black energy he got from smashing an evil relic.

After thinking about it, he tried to pray to the Buddha statue in front of him again.

"If you get another burst of black energy, and you can use these two strands of black energy to refresh the setter sublimation."

"That means that the black energy I just obtained in prayer is really the same as the power obtained from the evil relic."

But this time after praying to the Buddha statue, he didn't feel any black air pouring into his sea of ​​consciousness.

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