I said I would turn back time

Chapter 176 A surge of inspiration

"Why is it gone again?"

Doubts arose in his heart. Lin Xing recalled the process before and after his two prayers, and couldn't think of any difference between them.

"Why was it possible to inhale the black gas one time but not the next?"

"If this black energy is really the power of evil relics..."

Thinking of this, Lin Xing looked at the Buddha statue in front of him and suddenly felt something in his heart: "If the black energy just now is really the power of the evil relic, wouldn't it mean that the Buddha statue in front of him is something similar to the evil relic?"

"After I sucked away the black energy, could it be..."

When Lin Xing thought of this, he turned around and pointed at another Buddha statue, and started praying again.

This time, along with his prayer, another stream of black energy poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, following his guidance to the light that represented the art of sword control.

As the two black energies collided, they all merged into the brilliance of sword control, and a large number of runes spread out from the depths of the brilliance.

A message representing a new sublimation appeared directly in his mind in a way that Lin Xing could understand, replacing the original sword intention of Kunjian.

Spirit-controlling Sword Breath: When wielding a sword, one can enter a state of spiritual breath, which greatly improves the operation and recovery of spiritual thoughts, and can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth very quickly with a sword.

Feeling the new sublimation of the second pass, Lin Xing secretly thought in his heart that indeed, the black energy he had just sensed was indeed the power of the evil relic.

At this moment, when he looked at the Buddha statue in front of him, a completely different thought came to his mind.

"These Buddha statues are actually like evil relics?"

He looked at the two Buddha statues that he had just absorbed the black energy, and said, "You two, come here."

The two Buddha statues stood up with a bang and walked straight in front of him.

Lin Xing thought in his mind: "If the black energy is sucked away, won't it affect the movement of the Buddha statue? This thing doesn't look like an evil spirit, let alone an evil relic, but it can actually store the power of an evil relic."

Lin Xing looked at Zhao Wanxi who was standing aside, and asked him if he had absorbed this kind of black energy during prayer. He saw that the other party shook his head, and he had never encountered such a situation at all.

"Buddha statues can store the power of evil relics, and they actively injected them into my sea of ​​consciousness..."

Lin Xing couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that I'm really the Great Bright Buddha? That's why I created these Buddha statues and left them for me to come and use in the future?"

He looked at the newly emerged Shenghua Yuling Sword Breath, and decided not to worry about his identity, but to make good use of the black energy stored in these Buddha statues.

And looking at the specific application of Yuling Sword Breath, and looking at the densely packed Buddha statues in front of him, Lin Xing suddenly had an idea in his heart.

He walked up to Master Bai and whispered his plan to him.

Bai Yiyi nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Then Lin Xing walked in front of the two Buddha statues, and after waiting for a while, he began to pray again.

As two waves of black energy poured into his sea of ​​​​consciousness, he guided him to the skill that represented the interaction between the Heavenly Sword, and a new secondary sublimation replaced the original Heavenly Sword Domain.

Heavenly Curse Sword Power: Collect bad luck and condense it into sword power, the more unlucky you are, the stronger you are, and the stronger you are, the more unlucky you are.

Lin Xing quickly looked at Bai Yiyi, only to see Bai Yiyi reached out and pinched the cat doll in her arms.

The next moment, the explosives on Lin Xing's body exploded, turning into flames that enveloped the entire hall.

Came back to his senses again, Lin Xing brushed up the sublimation of Tianjian's sympathetic second pass.

And after trying again and again, Lin Xing finally got the setter sublimation he wanted.

Tianling Sword Formation: Use swords to deploy the sword formation. In the Heavenly Spirit Sword Formation, you can greatly speed up the absorption of spiritual energy, and gain an extraordinary experience in the process of enhancing spiritual energy. Creator's message: Stop...stop, I want to leave a message.

Although the meaning of the message from the creator of this sublimation made Lin Xing somewhat unclear, the specific effect of sublimation was exactly what Lin Xing wanted.

Whether it's the Tianling Sword Formation, or Yujianshu's replacement of Kunjian Sword Intent with Yuling Sword Breath just now, these two setter sublimation are not the goal of Lin Xing's picture.

The reason for doing this was that Lin Xing wanted to take advantage of the large amount of black energy in front of him for him to re-sublimate, and try to speed up his progress in the art of breathing.

For a long time, his breathing skills have been unable to reach full perfection due to lack of time to practice.

Lin Xing also thought about repainting his secondary sublimation, all with the effect of assisting the breath. After raising the breath to the full level in one breath, he would use the evil relic to brush the sublimation back.

But he gave up because there were not enough evil relics.

But today he had just such an opportunity.

The Buddha statues in front of him were enough for him to wash the sublimation he had mastered many times.

I saw Lin Xing sitting down cross-legged after obtaining the Heavenly Spirit Sword Formation and the Soul Controlling Sword Breath.

The sublimation of any setter requires practitioners to spend several years, or even more than ten years, to achieve it.

And when the effect of the sublimation of a second pass is mainly reflected in the absorption of spiritual intelligence, its effect on the absorption of spiritual intelligence can be imagined.

Whether it is the Heavenly Spirit Sword Formation or the Spirit Controlling Sword Breath, they are almost all designed to absorb spiritual intelligence and train spiritual thoughts, while abandoning all killing effects.

In Lin Xing's guess, these two sublimations should be studied by practitioners who pursue the power of spiritual thoughts and win over others in the field of swordsmanship.

But even practitioners who take the spiritual power route may not turn both sublimation gates in the direction of absorbing spiritual energy in one go, because this would affect the combat effectiveness too much.

But Lin Xing had no such scruples.

The next moment, I saw him taking out a pill and swallowing it.

That was the elixir specially prepared by Jing Shiyu for him. It was a kind of elixir specially used to speed up the absorption of spiritual energy.

On the way to Jiangyang Province, he would take one pill every time he had an idea.

I saw him take a deep breath, and strands of power from heaven and earth poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, rushing down the back of his head, breaking through the layers of barriers on the back of his neck and back, He rushed to the position of the vest and stopped.

Seeing Lin Xing's performance in front of him, the old man Foguang was slightly stunned. Feeling the subtle changes in his surroundings, he wondered: "Is this... vomiting?"

Before the old man Fo Guang could figure out why Lin Xing suddenly started vomiting.

Then he saw that as soon as Lin Xing thought, six sword intents shot up into the sky.

Amidst the bang bang bang bang explosion, the bricks and stones in the hall turned into six 'flying swords' and stabbed out.

As the sword intent rose, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to gradually boil, rushing towards the six 'flying swords' like strong winds, and then towards Lin Xing from the 'flying swords'.

As the effect of the Spirit Controlling Sword Breath took effect, Lin Xing felt at this moment that the effect of his breathing had increased several times.

A large number of ideas continued to pour into his body, pouring towards the position of the vest.

The next moment, six 'flying swords' brought out a blast of energy, and pierced into Lin Xing's ground with a few swishing sounds.

Strong sword intent surged back and forth between the six 'flying swords', which had turned into a sword formation.

The sword formation was formed, and the effect of the Tianling sword formation also began to work.

With the effect of the elixir and the two sublimations interacting.

There was a roaring sound of thunder in the sky and the earth, and the violent ideas were like a tsunami, rushing towards Lin Xing's position, and like touching a bottomless abyss, in an ordinary way Practitioners poured into Lin Xing's body at an unimaginable speed.

The old man of Buddha Guang stared at this scene with wide eyes: "How can you have such power just by breathing out the inspiration?"

And in the front hall farther away, everyone who was silently worshiping the Buddha also seemed to have been awakened, and looked in the direction of the back hall.

The Sect Master of Zhanxie Sect looked back in shock: "This... Could it be that someone is spewing out a clever idea?"

However, according to the experience of the Sect Master of the Slashing Evil Sect, even if it is breathing out the inspiration and triggering a change in the inspiration, this change is often very subtle and difficult to detect.

It's like someone patting the water with their hands in the Yangtze River. It is impossible to notice it unless they are very close.

But at this moment, he felt as if there was a giant dragon churning back and forth in the river and sea, frantically devouring all the ideas within a radius of 100 meters.

"Could it be the movement of that old monster?" Thinking of Zhao Wanxi, the head of the Evil-Zhancing Sect showed a look of deep fear on his face: "This old monster has such momentum after spitting out her words. Could it be that her cultivation level is still there?" Above the masters of the evil sect?"

Fairy Yunxiao, Elder Zhou Tianhui and others also looked at the apse in astonishment, wondering what happened in their hearts.

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