I said I would turn back time

Chapter 177 All Buddhas Worship

Just when more and more people in the temple gradually sensed the drastic changes in inspiration.

Lin Xing in the apse had no time to think so much.

Under Lin Xing's induction, ideas from heaven and earth frantically poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

This stream of inspiration was so surging that he had to concentrate all his energy on breathing in and out, and no longer had time to care about things outside his body.

Under his guidance, the violent inspiration became a little softer, and after passing through the back of the head and the back of the neck, it continuously hit the key point of the vest.

It was also in the process of Lin Xing absorbing the spiritual ideas and trying to penetrate Zhou Tian. The spiritual thoughts in his mind were also absorbing the incoming spiritual ideas bit by bit and becoming stronger.

The speed of the whole process of vomiting inspiration far exceeded any of his past vomits, and even exceeded his original expectations.

As time passed, the inspiration became more and more powerful.

Lin Xing felt that the process of guiding and absorbing ideas was like operating a flat boat in the sea.

The power called Lingji surged up and down like the sea, and if he was a little careless, it would tear him to pieces.

But the effect of absorbing spiritual energy was unprecedented. As the spiritual energy continued to roar, Lin Xing could feel that the key points in his vest were gradually loosening as the spiritual energy washed away, and his breathing skills were also growing rapidly.

Tuna (36% on the second floor) → Tuna (37% on the second floor)

And a few hours later, the spiritual thoughts originating from Lin Xing's Sea of ​​Consciousness also gained new growth after continuously absorbing inspirations.

Spiritual thoughts: 4.2→4.3 old man

And about a day later, Lin Xing felt a roar suddenly erupted from the position of his vest

Tuna (99% on the second level) → Tuna (0% on the third level)

The turbulent inspiration broke through the shackles in an instant, crossed the position of the vest in one breath, broke through the lower back, and penetrated all the way to the perineum under the crotch before encountering obstacles again.

And with the breakthrough of the key points in his body, Lin Xing also felt that the spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness had been strengthened again.

Spiritual Thought: 4.3→4.8 old man

However, the improvement of breathing seems to have further accelerated the speed of spiritual absorption.

The originally surging inspiration began to become like a turbulent sea and a violent storm at this moment, with Lin Xing's guidance constantly oppressing his physical body.

After Lin Xing persisted for about half an hour, the inspiration that was constantly hitting the perineum suddenly became a little out of control.

The next moment there was a loud bang, and Lin Xing felt a sharp pain coming from the location where the spirit machine struck, and he lost consciousness.

When he came to his senses again, he felt the surging inspiration flowing from the back of his head to his perineum, and he immediately concentrated on the operation again.

"This kind of speed at which spiritual energy is breathed out is really astonishing. I'm afraid it doesn't belong to the normal cultivation method used by any cultivator. Naturally, it also contains flaws and dangers that ordinary people can't think of."

"For example, as the scale of the spiritual machine becomes larger and larger, if it is operated carelessly, it may cause fatal damage to the body."

"You have to be more careful, more focused..."

After breathing and dying again and again, Lin Xing felt that his operation of guiding the spiritual machine had also improved rapidly. The originally turbulent and violent spiritual machine gradually became tamed under his operation.

And just when Lin Xing devoted himself wholeheartedly to the process of breathing out his inspiration, the visions he caused during the breathing process were also constantly changing.

The old man Fo Guang has been observing Lin Xing for the past day and night.

"With the Buddha's breath, this inspiration is becoming more and more turbulent..."

At first, the intense surge of inspiration only appeared in the induction of the old man Fo Guang.

But as Lin Xing continued to speak out, the phenomenon of continuous gathering of inspiration began to gradually affect the material world.

First, the six surrounding 'flying swords' composed of bricks and stones gradually disintegrated and turned into countless large and small fragments. Under the penetration of the sword's intention, they formed flying swords full of cracks and breaches.

Wisps of inspiration escaped with the broken parts of these flying swords.

The number of these inspirations was not large, but they were extremely strong, instantly arousing the attention of the surrounding Buddha statues.

I saw the Buddha statues cautiously approaching Lin Xing's position, and then as if they were taking elixir, expressions of enjoyment appeared on their faces.

The old man Fo Guang said in disbelief: "The Buddha statue is actually absorbing the spiritual energy dissipated by the Guang Guang Buddha... Why?"

After practicing in Guangming Temple for so many years, it was the first time for the old man Foguang to see that a Buddha statue could absorb spiritual energy.

As time went by, more and more Buddha statues came close to Lin Xing, and the expressions on the Buddha statues' faces became more and more intoxicating.

Under the crowd of Buddha statues, Old Foguang, Bai Yiyi and others had to retreat, watching helplessly as Lin Xing was completely surrounded by Buddha statues.

Even outside the hall, there were Buddha statues walking in the direction of Lin Xing. They were prostrate outside the hall door, like believers eager for the guidance of the Buddha.

Bai Yiyi suddenly blinked her eyes, looked at the Buddha statue that squeezed in front of Lin Xing at the beginning and said, "That Buddha statue...why does it look a little like Lin Xing?"

The others also followed Bai Yiyi's guidance, and all of them exclaimed in surprise the next moment.

As they watched, the faces of the Buddha statues closest to Lin Xing's circle actually changed. Their ears, eyes, mouths... all became similar to Lin Xing's.

The old man of Buddha Light said excitedly: "Sure enough, it is my Buddha who descended, and all the Buddha statues were melted down one by one."

Bai Yiyi frowned, instinctively feeling that this was not the case.

And when Lin Xing's breathing broke through to the third floor, the momentum of the gathering of ideas rose sharply again.

Suddenly, faint traces of light appeared in the air, moving back and forth like streaks of starlight, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

This seemed to mean that a large number of ideas that escaped and were not absorbed by Lin Xing for the time being were spreading to the entire hall.

Bai Yiyi took a deep breath, and felt that the puppet's physical strength became more and more abundant, as if she could get a lot of supplies with every breath.

Bai Yiyi secretly thought: "The concentration of spiritual energy is increasing. Lin Xing's breathing has caused changes in the environment? Temporarily created an environment with a higher concentration of spiritual energy?"

And as the concentration of inspiration increased again, the first thing to be affected this time was the Buddha's light that shrouded Lin Xing's head.

I saw the Buddha's light slowly beginning to expand, centering on Lin Xing's body, spreading out in all directions inch by inch, and gradually covering the six flying swords around it.

With this change, the surrounding Buddha statues changed again. Each of them leaned forward, as if they were seizing every opportunity to get closer to Lin Xing, and their faces showed expressions of bliss.

On the other side, the old man Foguang, Bai Yiyi and others have also been squeezed out of the hall by the Buddha statues at this time.

When they looked in the direction of the main hall, they could see that under the shroud of Buddha's light, there were layers of Buddha statues surrounding Lin Xing in worship with intoxicated and blissful faces.

All these made Lin Xing, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, really look like the legendary Great Bright Buddha.

"The Great Bright Buddha has returned, and the day of the great prosperity of Buddhism has come!"

While talking, the old man of Foguang knelt down on the ground with a moved face, and prayed very devoutly.

In the past day and night, Zhao Wanxi spent most of her time worshiping Buddha in order to complete the Buddha, but she was awakened by the movement caused by Lin Xing from time to time.

At this moment, looking at the countless Buddha statues worshiping Lin Xing in the center, Zhao Wanxi whispered to Bai Yiyi on the side: "Ancestor, what should we do next? How long will senior brother be able to vomit?"

Before Bai Yiyi could answer, an invisible force had already come to them.

A breeze swept across the ground in front of Bai Yiyi and Zhao Wanxi, and countless lines of writing emerged from dust, leaves, and weeds.

Zhao Wanxi's heart moved: "Is this Lin Xing using his spiritual mind to write and talk to us?"

She raised her head and glanced at the old man Foguang who was still praying devoutly in front of her, thinking that this was probably to hide it from him.

Zhao Wanxi glanced at the writing on the ground and immediately understood Lin Xing's plan.

"Senior brother will practice Tuna to the sixth level here, and the ancestor will stay to protect him."

"I will continue to worship Buddha and wait until the last day before going to Sheshen Cliff. Then I will open the fairy gate at Sheshen Cliff at the agreed time and take my senior brother and ancestor over..."

Dong'er on the side suddenly said: "Shall I go with you then?"

Zhao Wanxi nodded: "Okay."

But she suddenly frowned again, as if something was wrong, and she felt as if she had forgotten something.

Shaking her head, Zhao Wanxi still took the time to worship the Buddha.

The front hall location on the other side.

The leader of the Evil Sect, who was worshiping Buddha seriously, was immersed in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

The leader of the Evil-Slaying Sect did not have a sweet dream like Zhao Wanxi. Instead, he felt that in the process of worshiping the Buddha, layers of pleasure continued to hit his body, making him gradually unable to stop.

"Hiss...this feeling..."

"It's like being wrapped by pairs of gentle hands...kneading...rubbing..."

"Why is there such a comfortable thing..."

"Is worshiping Buddha so enjoyable? There are still believers who can't persist?"

The leader of the Evil Killing Sect was immersed in the pleasure brought by worshiping the Buddha. He felt that he had no problem worshiping the Buddha for three days in one go.

But as the commotion in the back hall became louder and louder, he was suddenly awakened.

Suddenly being separated from the pleasure of worshiping the Buddha, the leader of the Evil Killing Sect first felt an extreme emptiness and aggrievedness.

But he soon came to his senses, feeling a strong sense of vigilance in his heart.

"It's such a powerful method. When I prayed to the Buddha, this Great Bright Buddha influenced me step by step without knowing it, and made me sink into pleasure."

Looking in the direction of the back hall, the leader of the Evil Killing Sect thought to himself: "Is that old monster making such a big fuss because he wants to give us some advice to prevent us from being gradually brainwashed by the Great Light Buddha?"

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