I said I would turn back time

Chapter 287 Invisible

Under the attention of countless people all over the world, the live broadcast of the Martial Arts Competition changed drastically.

At the last moment, Lin Xing lost, Jian Ji won, and the finals of the conference came to an end.

The next moment, Xingxiao, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, Yunhezi, and Jianji Qiqi appeared, looking like they had just experienced a bloody battle.

In particular, the head of the Shenlong Gang was still holding Lin Xing's head. Countless audiences were stunned by this horrifying scene, not knowing what happened.

"The strong man in the mirror world killed Lin Xing?"

"They took advantage of Lin Xing's defeat by Jian Ji, and chopped off Lin Xing's head!"

"What are the White Eagle Kingdom's troops doing?"

And the central location of the martial arts battlefield.

Xing Xiao and the others didn't know about the resumption of the live broadcast, and all their attention was focused on the phantom of Lin Xing at the moment.

Lin Xing, who had completed the autopsy and ascended to immortality, no one in the room knew what kind of strength he possessed.

"Lin Xing, I'll give you my head back."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang threw his head casually: "Xing Xiao, I have done my best in today's battle, and the rest is none of my business."

Everyone only listened to his words, and found that he was retreating back and forth, planning to withdraw directly?

But before everyone at the scene reacted, they saw the leader of the Shenlong Gang who was retreating suddenly opened his dragon's mouth, and the red thunder dragon's qi

Already condensed into a crimson lightning bolt, it spewed towards Lin Xing's location.

Seeing the lightning-like Gang Qi spurting out, it had already flew in front of Lin Xingxuying in the blink of an eye, and everyone thought that the sneak attack of the leader of the Shenlong Gang was successful.

However, the head that had just been thrown in front of Lin Xing exploded with a bang, and turned into a shocking rainbow that slashed at the head of the Shenlong Gang and spit out the gangster energy.

The lightning-like Gang Qi exploded under this slash, scattering into waves that filled the sky.

Immediately after the light and shadow flickered, before the leader of the Shenlong Gang could react, his eyes blurred and he saw Lin Xing's shadow coming to his side.


"When did he walk past me?"

The leader of the Shenlong Gang was slightly startled, he only felt that he had exposed a huge flaw at that moment, and he didn't even notice when Lin Xing walked past him.

And in the next moment, there seemed to be a unique sweet smell in the air.

No, it wasn’t coming from the air, but the sweet fragrance kept pouring into his nose, his mouth, his lungs...


The leader of the Shenlong Gang spit out a large mouthful of blood and felt as if his lungs were about to be broken into pieces.

"There's something wrong with the breath I'm breathing...the breath I'm breathing? Am I poisoned?"

Just after the leader of the Shenlong Gang fell to his knees in astonishment and spit out a big mouthful of blood, Lin Xing said slowly: "Don't be afraid, with me here, no one can die."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang heard the words, but he only felt a chill in his heart, followed by another burst of severe pain, and suddenly felt that the wound on his lungs had healed.

Then, wisps of blood emerged from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, turning into a bloody halo that surrounded Lin Xing.

After seeing this scene, the leader of the Shenlong Gang finally understood: "Lin Xing exploded his head to create this bloody light."

"Then he spread this blood light in the air in a way that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and stuffed it into my body?"

Thinking that Lin Xing was putting his head into his lungs, the leader of the Shenlong Gang seemed to turn pale.

At the same time, when Lin Xing severely injured the leader of the Shenlong Gang, Xingxiao, Yunhezi, Baimei and Da Guangming Buddha outside the field, the four strong men had already made a move again.

Only Sword Princess stayed where she was, motionless, watching the battle with bright eyes.

Facing the siege of the four powerful men, Lin Xing's shadow flashed and he was already out of the range of the attack at an incredible speed.

Upon sensing Lin Xing's extreme speed, the expressions of many powerful men changed.

Looking at this scene from a distance, the leader of the Shenlong Gang also knew why he hadn't noticed Lin Xing's movements just now: "This kind of state similar to the primordial spirit is invisible and substanceless, moving like lightning, and I want to use my body to keep up with his movements... …Totally impossible."

Yun Hezi thought to himself: "The speed is too fast, we must find a way to limit it."

This time, Lin Xing had arrived behind Xingxiao in an instant.

"There are so many tumors behind you, let me help you treat them."

Just before Lin Xing's words fell, the sword's fingers had already been connected, and the blood light had swept across, cutting open the sarcoids on the back of Xingxiao that contained the power of Xingxiu.

After each sarcoid was cut open, there was a scream, just like the wailing of some kind of wild animal before it died.

As each sarcoid exploded, streaks of blood shot out of the sarcoid directly following Lin Xing's thoughts, shattering each sarcoma into pieces and dissipating in the air.

The bloody light shot out surrounded Lin Xing.

And the bloody light was the corpse that Lin Xing had just swallowed by the twenty-eight Xingjun summoned by Xingxiao.

The bloody light from Lin Xing's corpse flew flying, and finally turned into a layer of blood robe and draped over his body.

At the same time, Xing Xiao and Lin Xing stood face to face again, but the situation was quite different from last time.

He waved his hand to stop everyone who wanted to take action.

And in his ears, the voice of the Great Bright Buddha has already sounded: "The live broadcast has been reconnected, and your actions are currently being watched by the whole world."

Xingxiao sighed after hearing this, knowing that there was not much time left for him.

So he looked at Lin Xing, who was full of evil but with a hint of fairy spirit in front of him, slowly lowered his eyelids, and said in a tone of great regret: "Lin Xing, I really didn't expect that things would come to this point."

"In order to fight against me, you actually chose to give up your future. In order to gain the strongest combat power in the third inheritance, you went to the Sanxian inheritance..."

"Even if you defeat me today, how far can you go in the future?"

"The world is undergoing great changes, and inspirations are surging. In this world of great conflict, it would be a waste to put that ability on you."

Lin Xing said calmly: "The inheritance of the Loose Immortal is not a dead end, and I know exactly how to go."

"But you are a lunatic!" Xingxiao said with a trace of anger in his eyes, "Look back on the battle you just fought. Is that what a normal person should do?"

"The higher your cultivation level and the more times you use your abilities, the crazier you will become."

"No matter how many times you try, the same thing will happen. In the end, you will definitely lose your mind completely, regard everything as your own plaything, and bring endless pain to both worlds."

"Why can't you understand this?!"

As he spoke, strange protrusions and folds appeared on Xingxiao's body, which looked like tightly closed eyes from a distance.

"I didn't want to use this trick against you."

"But now it seems...you forced me, Lin Xing."

The next moment, Xingxiao's body surface seemed to have eyes suddenly opened, and for a while, his whole body was covered with eyes.

And when every eye is opened, one can see that it contains a luster like a gem.

The next moment, countless rays of starlight shone out from Xingxiao's eyes, spreading over the entire battlefield.

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