I said I would turn back time

Chapter 288 Constellations

As a heavenly master who has mastered the third inheritance, one of Xingxiao's best Taoist skills is summoning gods to ward off evil spirits and controlling ghosts and gods.

Among the many Taoist techniques for commanding ghosts and gods, Xingxiao, who has obtained the treasure trove of the Star Dou Sect, is best at commanding the Star God.

At this moment, Xingxiao's body surface was bursting with vast starlight under every open eye.

It was like stars twinkling in the distant sky, sweeping across the entire battlefield with endless mysterious and profound power.

At this moment, the starry sky seemed to turn into a door, a door that seemed to lead to the distant starry sky and the depths of the universe, as if to separate the roar of the stars, the dark deep sky, and those wandering outside the sky. The will is dragged one by one to this real world.

It was also like some ancient, corrupt existence observing the present world through Xingxiao's body.

"The stars are reincarnated, projected from the sky, and the Wuqu star descends to earth, go!"

The dazzling starlight instantly gathered in the direction of Lin Xing.

Those abnormal auras, unpredictable thoughts, mysterious powers... came into contact with the real space through Xingxiao's body, and gathered on Lin Xing's body along the guidance of the starlight, and also brought some subtle changes to this space. substance.

The atmosphere became more and more restless, the ground began to vibrate and undulate slightly, and everything on the battlefield seemed to become less stable, as if it had a will of its own.

The one who bore the brunt and had the deepest impact was naturally Lin Xing, who was listed as a target by Xing Xiao.

Xingxiao could feel that under the influence of his Taoism, those unpredictable thoughts, those twisted minds, and chaotic breaths from the distant stars had entered Lin Xing's body in front of him through the starlight.

These thoughts are trying to find the existence of all flesh and blood, trying to condense their bodies with flesh and blood, and swallow the nutrients of the mother's body to complete the reincarnation of the stars.

But after realizing that there was no trace of flesh and blood left in Lin Xing's body, they began to seize the power of the soul and began to split Lin Xing's existence.

"If the target is a mortal body, I am afraid that a fetus reincarnated by the stars has already begun to form in the belly at this moment."

"As for Lin Xing's current state, he is a pure soul. Although he cannot get pregnant, he..."

All kinds of thoughts flashed across Xingxiao's brain like lightning.

When he noticed that Lin Xing in front of him had some signs of disintegration, when he sensed that Lin Xing's shadow began to have deformed limbs spreading outward, and there were human faces that seemed to be tearing apart the body and rushing out... Xingxiao knew that his thoughts were correct.

"No matter how powerful an individual is, the most difficult thing to defeat is himself."

"Lin Xing completed the ritual of decomposing a corpse and ascending to immortality in a short period of time, and gained powerful power."

"That's both an advantage and a disadvantage."

"With such a huge improvement in such a short period of time, he will never be able to fully control his power."

"When the Star God's thoughts begin to affect him, begin to snatch his power within his body, and give birth to new offspring, the one he has to fight is himself."

"And the stronger he becomes at this time, the harder it will be to defeat himself."

Seeing a pair of slender arms growing out of Lin Xing's back, it was like another Lin Xing was about to split from his soul.

Xingxiao's eyes lit up, and he retreated violently. At the same time, he shouted: "Lin Xing has been tricked by my Xingxiu Reincarnation Technique, and his soul has been divided and exhausted. Why don't you take action?"

Xing Xiao was not the only one who noticed the abnormal change in Lin Xing.

Lin Xing looked at Yunhezi and the leader of the Shenlong Gang, and could feel the surging qi exploding from the bodies of these two great warriors.

And in the sky above his head, an incomparably majestic great light Buddha power is pushing away the clouds and pressing down like the sky is collapsing.

In the direction of the battlefield further outside, three peerless sword shadows soared into the sky, locking on to his position.

At the moment when Xingxiao took the initiative, Lin Xing could sense that Yunhezi, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, Baimei, the head of the Emei Sect, and the Great Light Buddha all took action at this critical moment and launched a siege against him.

In addition, Lin Xing sensed that under the influence of Xingxiao's Taoism, many impurities were pouring out of his soul, which was devouring his power crazily, trying to split and dismantle him. open.

But facing the siege of the five powerhouses, Lin Xing's face was calm, without the slightest change or fluctuation in expression.

I saw my arms spread out, and I didn't retreat but advanced, and I took the initiative to meet the attack.

Stellar energy, sword light, surging Buddha power... all kinds of power gathered on Lin Xing's primordial spirit, and exploded suddenly in the next moment.

The gust of wind blew out in all directions centered on Lin Xing's primordial spirit.

Under the bombardment of several strong men, a large pit was blasted out of the earth, and everything in it seemed to be turned into ashes, except... Lin Xing.

"The moment you shot, I thought for a long time..."

He looked as if his body had been slightly blown by the breeze. His intact soul was standing in mid-air, and even the limbs that had just grown out of the star's reincarnation technique had disappeared.

"In order to avoid those unnecessary temptations, pulls, and struggles..."

Lin Xing stretched out his palm, and saw a ball of blood light gradually turning into a ball of throbbing flesh and blood in his hand.

"I just decided to take this blow from you with this pure Yang Yuanshen..."

I saw the beating flesh and blood in Lin Xing's hands constantly deforming and roaring, with all kinds of fangs and sharp mouths growing out of it.

"I just hope you can understand that most of your methods are meaningless to me."

Many strong men who saw this scene looked grim, and they all began to estimate what other martial arts and spells they had that could hurt Lin Xing.

Yun Hezi frowned even more, and thought in his heart: "It seems that after the ceremony of ascension to immortality, Lin Xing's primordial spirit has been refined to remove the yin essence and turned into a pure yang primordial spirit. gone."

At the same time, the flesh and blood in Lin Xing's hand had turned into a monster with three heads: a dragon, a wolf, a rabbit, and four deformed claws.

Looking at the monster in Lin Xing's hand, Xingxiao's expression froze. He could feel that the monster contained thoughts from Xingjun.

That is to say...

Xingxiao's heart was shocked: "Lin Xing injected the reincarnated star god's thoughts into this mass of flesh and blood, and controlled the reincarnated body of Wu Quxing."

Lin Xing looked at the star beast in his hand and said lightly: "Then there is a problem."

"Do you think this little thing can join the battle?"

I saw the palm-sized star beast looking up to the sky and howling. Its originally small body suddenly expanded violently, and in an instant it turned into a giant monster hundreds of meters tall.

The three beast heads looked up to the sky and howled for a long time, emitting a sound that was visible to the naked eye, causing the sand and gravel on the entire battlefield to violently churn.

At the moment when the giant beast swelled wildly and burst into waves, Xingxiao, Yunhezi and the leader of the Shenlong Gang suddenly retreated hundreds of meters away, avoiding the soaring smoke and dust.

In the explosive smoke, Lin Xing's voice came slowly: "Even if it's two versus five, it won't be too difficult for you, right?"

The strong men looked at Lin Xing standing on the dragon's head, and their expressions became more and more solemn.

The next moment, the star beast roared again, with terrifying power, and crashed towards the three of them like a mountain.

Xingxiao and the leader of the Shenlong Gang flashed away in two directions.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang cursed angrily: "Xingxiao! What a good thing you did, put this thing away quickly!"

Xing Xiao's face was gloomy, and while avoiding the hurricane claws of the star beast, he shouted: "His primordial power has been weakened, you restrain the star beast, and I will deal with Lin Xing."

But on the other side, the leader of the Shenlong Gang had really begun to think about quitting. After he was severely injured by Lin Xing, he already felt that it would be a waste to continue fighting.

It's just that I just saw everyone attacking together and seemed to have a chance of winning, so I followed suit.

Now that he saw Lin Xing's ferocious power, even a one-on-five fight, he had already made plans to retreat.

And when Xingxiao and the leader of the Shenlong Gang moved away, only Yunhezi stayed in place, looking at Lin Xing on the beast's head with fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

He took one step at a time and rushed directly in the direction of Lin Xing.

As an opponent with a grudge against Lin Xing, his hatred for Lin Xing was probably second only to Xingxiao among the many masters at the scene.

"Xing Xiao is right. Injecting the mind of the star god into the flesh and blood, and controlling it like a weapon, this action will definitely damage Lin Xing's pure Yang Yuanshen."

"As long as the star beasts are restrained and they find an opportunity to attack Lin Xing again, they will be able to trap him..."

As Yun Hezi charged, the infinite Gang Qi in his body spurted wildly, and white lotuses composed of Gang Qi bloomed on both palms and three tails at the same time.

"My three flowers gathered at the top and five qi facing the Yuan are already an extremely advanced state in the Taoist sect. I am afraid that there are only a few Taoists in the world who can reach this state."

"But if you want to deal with a corpse-dissolving immortal like Lin Xing, I'm afraid this method is still not enough."

"If I want to deal with this pseudo-immortal, I still need to gather the three flowers at the top, and after the five qi have risen to the Yuan, I can take the next step - become an immortal!"

I saw Yun Hezi gritting his teeth and already moving his Gang Qi, squeezing out his potential bit by bit, and continuing to push his spiritual realm forward.

Yunhezi knew that ascending to immortality was a secret among Taoist secrets, and every time he performed it, there was a huge risk. He might get lost in the pleasure of becoming immortal, and eventually turn into an unreasonable idiot.

But in order to defeat Lin Xing in front of him, Yun Hezi was willing to take this risk.

I saw streaks of white Buddha light exploding at Yun Hezi's feet, turning into gentle forces pushing Yun Hezi.

It was the Great Light Buddha who came to support and built a heavenly road with his own strength, paving it all the way from Yunhezi's feet to Lin Xing.

And Yunhezi, who was stepping on the Buddha's light, burst out the sound of piercing clouds and cracking stones every time he took a step, leaving a cloud of white air in the high-speed running, as if turning into a giant white dragon and swallowing towards Lin Xing.

"I will not retreat again, let alone hide."

In Yun Hezi's mind, the figure of Lin Xing who chopped his master's body into pieces many years ago gradually overlapped with the figure of Lin Xing on the dragon head at this moment.

At this moment, in Yunhezi's heart, the whole world seemed to have completely disappeared.

For him, it seemed that there was only one thing left in the world, and that was to defeat Lin Xing in front of him severely, so that the opponent would be completely defeated by his punches.

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