Seeing Lin Xing's soul being split into two, the Great Light's divine power suddenly burst out and turned into a big hand to grab it.

Xingxiao took action almost at the same moment, and the Gang Qi with streaks of starlight had already spurted out. Spiritual thoughts and Gang Qi were mixed together, turning into a big hand that also grabbed Lin Xing's chopped-off Yuan Shen.

Seeing the Yuan Shen first being chopped into two, and then being torn in half by Xingxiao and Great Light Buddha respectively, the leader of the Shenlong Gang couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What a domineering swordsmanship, is this the swordsmanship of the Emei Sect? I can’t feel it at all?”

"The soul is the foundation of consciousness. Now that Lin Xing's soul has been split into two, I am afraid that his memory and consciousness will be in pieces, and his strength will be greatly damaged..."

"They actually pushed me back again? Wouldn't it be a big loss for me to withdraw now?"

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Shenlong Gang was about to take action, and suddenly felt that Lin Xing was going to lose and could take advantage.

And just when he stopped, thinking about whether to go back or not.

But they saw half of the souls being torn apart by Xingxiao and Great Light Buddha were shocked.

Lin Xing's voice came out slowly, and there was no hint of panic in it. Instead, it contained endless expectations: "Okay, okay, great cooperation!"

"It seems that the leader of the Shenlong Gang just now, Yun Hezi, was just delaying my time."

"The whole heart of the Great Light Buddha and the swordsmanship of the Emei Sect are your ultimate tricks, right?"

"In this case, if I continue to hold on, I will look down upon you and waste everyone's time."

I saw that the soul that was divided into two halves twisted and multiplied, and soon turned into two Lin Xing with different temperaments and worlds apart.

One of them, Lin Xing, was full of righteousness and had a benevolent look on his face as a doctor. He tore his body with both hands and divided it into a primordial spirit again.

The newly differentiated soul is tall and wearing a star-studded robe. Although his face is blurry, making it difficult to see clearly, he still reveals a calm and calm aura: "Oh? Even I have to take action. ?"

Lin Xing, who was looking upright, reminded: "It's three against five now, but don't worry, I will be responsible for rescuing you."

The other Lin Xing, who had an evil look on his face and a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, you can't see! You can't see anyone?!"

"What an illusion."

"Since we can't tell the difference, we can die together! Drink!"

I saw Xiao Linxing yell loudly, and the star beast that fell on the ground expanded slightly. The next moment, its flesh and blood turned into balls of blood and rose up, like a small sun rising slowly on the earth.

In an instant, the bloody sun suddenly exploded, turning into countless bloody lights that shot out, like streaks of bloody lightning that swept across the martial arts battlefield with a radius of more than a kilometer.

But just when everyone thought that this round of offensive was over, they found that the blood light shook slightly, and then shot out again with a roar, sweeping all the way like thunder and lightning, and finally regrouped at the center of the battlefield.

Explosive shrinkage, explosive shrinkage... just like the second round, the third round, the fourth round... At this moment, Xiao Linxing was like a crazy child, opening up the entire chessboard and using his brute force to smash every piece. The chess pieces were all smashed to pieces.

I saw a bloody beam of light tearing through the earth and sweeping across the leader of the Shenlong Gang.

He just punched out and blocked the bloody light with Gang Qi.

Immediately afterwards, several more rays of blood converged towards his position from the left, right and three sides of his head.

After blocking the attacks again and again, the leader of the Shenlong Gang felt that the bloody light was continuous, as if there was no end at all, and it was getting denser, more turbulent, and more and more difficult to stop.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang resisted and retreated wildly, but the surrounding ground was still being cut and shattered. The leader of the Shenlong Gang only felt that his body was falling continuously, as if he had fallen into a huge pit.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang was extremely shocked by this scene: "After Lin Xing's ascension ceremony, the breadth and power of his moves... were so tyrannical? Why didn't he just use this move directly..."

At this moment, Lin Xing's voice appeared next to him: "Because at that time, I was not absolutely sure of saving you."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang was shocked and said something bad in his heart: "I withdrew from the heart curtain of the Great Light Buddha, and he found me!"

Then he heard a loud shout, and with the red thunder dragon's energy, he rolled up dragon shadows, and blasted towards Lin Xing with bursts of dragon power.

But the dense black runes spread directly from the air into the body of the leader of the Shenlong Gang.

Vibrations and crashes came from the main body of the Shenlong Gang, and the muscles in his limbs continued to break.

However, after receiving this heavy blow, the leader of the Shenlong Gang seemed not to be surprised but became angry. With a roar of the dragon, the Gang Qi had forcefully penetrated his muscles, forcibly controlling his body and continued to throw the punch just now.

Lin Xing pointed out, and the streaks of blood that cut through the battlefield seemed to be inspired by him, gathering like lightning and directly piercing the fist of the leader of the Shenlong Gang.

Then Lin Xing took a step forward, and his bloody fingertips exploded his spine.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang stiffened and fell to the ground along with his inertia.

Lin Xing frowned slightly as he watched this scene: "You didn't hide your strength? That such a mother-in-law punch just now was actually your full strength?"

The leader of the Shenlong Gang turned dark, and endless anger burst out from his face covered with dragon scales. Under the influence of the dragon species, there was a hint of madness in his eyes: "I haven't lost yet! It's just temporary now." I'm just lying dormant, looking for an opportunity to sneak up on you!"

Seeing Lin Xing fleeing away, the leader of the Shenlong Gang quickly tried to roll over. In the blink of an eye, he turned faster and faster, flying out like a tornado, trying to get away from the battlefield.

"Lin Xing! Just wait for me..."

But at the next moment, a pair of hands and feet had grown from the back of the leader of the Shenlong Gang, helping him stand up and running in the opposite direction.

Sensing this scene, the leader of the Shenlong Gang was startled and angry, but unable to resist, he could only watch helplessly as he completely lost the chance to retreat.

At the same time, with the bloody light sweeping across the field and feedback, the terrain and scene of the entire battlefield were fed back in Lin Xing's mind.

The heart veil of the Great Bright Buddha could hardly stop him at this moment.

Now, the leader of the Shenlong Gang and Yun Hezi have been cured by him one after another. The soul controlled by Xingxiao's shadow has found Xingxiao, and the soul controlled by Xiao Linxing has found the Great Light Buddha.

Then there is no obstacle in front of him at this moment.

I saw Lin Xing's body flickering, he had already broken through the sky, and came to Baimei who was on the edge of the battlefield.

In the terrifying hallucination just now, there are indeed several positions that have been blocking the general's attack one by one, and the white eyebrow in front of him is one of them.

Bai Mei on the other side was manipulating the sword formation to try to assassinate Lin Xing Yuanshen.

But without the control of the two warriors, Yun Hezi and the leader of the Shenlong Gang, the opponent's soul was too fast, making it difficult for him to lock on in just a moment.

And in just this short moment, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a shadow had penetrated into his body.


A scream came from Bai Mei's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, half of his body was covered in blood.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Xing's voice came from inside him: "I'm here to help you cure it."

"I'll fuck you..." Feeling the severe pain caused by the reorganization of half of his body, Bai Mei's body twitched violently, and he couldn't help but curse Lin Xing.

Lin Xing looked at Bai Mei who had reorganized half of his body, but his heart thumped: "Oh no, after years of practice, I reorganize myself as soon as I close my eyes."

"I have been very successful in reorganizing myself. Now I am reorganizing Bai Mei..."

Just when Bai Mei was severely injured, he had already recalled the three divine swords of the Emei Sect.

So at the same time that Lin Xing completed the reorganization, three sword lights had roared over and merged with the Baimei Human Sword. They brought up a sword light that was tens of meters long and flew away with Baimei.

Lin Xing's soul was also forced out of Bai Mei's body by the sharp sword light of the Millennium Divine Sword, and the place he looked at disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Bai Mei, who was flying in mid-air, had just recovered from the severe pain, and immediately noticed something was wrong with his body. Even his cultivation level had suffered a serious decline.

After a little insight, he sensed the unfamiliar half of his body and the half of Lin Xing's face, and his expression suddenly changed wildly.

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