I said I would turn back time

Chapter 291 Tell the World

On the commentary desk.

Dukong and Huiling were both at a loss.

Because even though they were all important figures in Daguangming Temple, Daguangming Buddha did not reveal any information about this operation to them.

So when they looked at the live broadcast, they didn't know any more about the fighting in the martial arts battlefield than many viewers.

Dukong could only say reluctantly: "I, the leader of the Buddha and Xingxiao Sect, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, senior Yunhezi of the Taihe Sect, and Bai Mei, the leader of the Emei Sect... seem to be fighting a certain mysterious master."

"It seems that this may be an easter egg for the martial arts finals. Let's enjoy it for yourself."

After a casual introduction, Dukong stared in the direction of the battlefield: "According to what I just said, they are besieging Lin Xing? Lin Xing? So many strong three-passers besieging him? How is this possible?"

What shocked and incredible him in particular was that the five masters on the side of the Great Light Buddha seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Huiling on the side looked horrified: "Yunhezi and the leader of the Shenlong Gang both lost, and it was Lin Xing who defeated them? This...isn't this possible? Are they the same person?"

The next moment, when I saw the sword formation surrounding the battlefield being withdrawn, and when I saw the long sword light disappearing into the sky.

Huiling and Dukong's hearts suddenly sank: "Even Master Baimei has evacuated? The other party is one against five, how ferocious is it?"

And on the other side of the periphery of the martial arts battlefield.

Fairy Gushe has also been watching the live broadcast closely.

Although she also couldn't see Lin Xing's soul through the electronic screen.

But she knew the inside story of the whole thing, and knew that this time it was Lin Xing who was besieged by many experts.

And precisely because of this, she was even more shocked at the moment.

Especially when she saw the suddenly expanding star beast and the constantly deforming blood light, she didn't know what she thought of, and a few blushes suddenly flashed on her face.

Bai Yiyi looked at the live broadcast and was filled with hatred: "Such a great opportunity to show off! I missed it! I regret it so much! I regret it so much! Wow!"

Yun Hezi, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, Bai Mei... sensed that the masters on their side were either seriously injured, captured, or escaped.

Xingxiao's heart gradually sank.

"Failed again?"

Although the situation has gone to failure, there is not much disappointment on his face.

Reborn again and again, reincarnated again and again, he has long been accustomed to failure.

If not, he would not have been able to continue to work hard to regain the situation amidst blow after blow and reincarnation after reincarnation.

In front of Xingxiao, Lin Xing Yuanshen, whose face was blurry, said: "The defeat has been decided. Since you can come back again, is it time to give up now?"

Xingxiao sneered at him: "I did fail, but do you think you will definitely succeed? Lin Xing, or should I also be called Xingxiao?"

During the fight with the opponent just now, Xingxiao felt that there were many familiar places in Lin Xing's Yuanshen with a vague face.

Especially some of the fighting habits and moves, although they are still controlled by Lin Xing's power, they have his own characteristics.

Xingxiao then took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Lin! Xing!"

"If you have the ability to turn back time, it will only cause disasters again and again."

As Xingxiao's voice spread far across the battlefield, his words also spread along the live broadcast to all parts of the world and reached the ears of countless viewers.

For a moment, countless people on the planet looked surprised, and many even began to suspect that they had heard wrongly.

"Xingxiao said...turn back time?"

"Did I hear it correctly? Lin Xing can turn back time?"

"Didn't you say that Xingxiao can predict it?"

Just as countless spectators were surprised, Xingxiao's roar once again spread throughout the battlefield: "Lin Xing! He has the ability to turn back time!"

The blazing Gangqi instantly enveloped Xingxiao's whole body, resisting the blood coming from all directions.

"He was able to go back in time after each death."

"He can jump through time and change history."

"He...can save every person in the world who dies in an accident."

"As long as he wants!"

As Xingxiao's roar resounded throughout the audience, everyone...whether they were watching the battle outside the martial arts arena or people watching the live broadcast from all corners of the world, they all fell into a moment of sluggishness.

Then came the surging doubts, excitement, expectations, and curiosity... The endless torrent of thoughts turned into a dense tsunami of words, as if it was going to swallow up the entire Internet at this moment.

Xiao Linxing, who was fighting the Great Bright Buddha, stopped laughing suddenly. He looked at the Great Bright Buddha and said, "Did you hear that, bald donkey? Did you hear that? Hahahahaha!"

"This is really a wonderful time!"

On the other side, when Xing Xiao uttered the first sentence, Jing Shiyu's complexion changed drastically, and he dialed Dianhua directly: "Disconnect the live broadcast! Cut off all the domestic networks!"

"Damn it, all the domestic platforms were shut down and bombed..."

But it was too late. When she heard what Xing Xiao said next, a trace of strong anger arose in her heart: "This bitch!"

Fairy Gushe at the side didn't stop Jing Shiyu when she was on the phone.

At the moment, her mind is full of things about Xing Xiao and Lin Xing.

"I didn't expect Xingxiao to prepare such a move? What on earth is he going to do?"

On the martial arts battlefield.

Lin Xing Yuanshen, whose face was blurred, stared at Xingxiao and frowned: "You actually used such despicable methods. As expected, you have been completely contaminated by Taiqing."

Xingxiao burst out laughing when he heard this: "What's wrong? As long as it's a practical method, what can't it be used?"

"I said, I failed this time, but you can't win either."

At this moment, a ray of light flashed by, and Lin Xing Yuanshen had arrived not far from Xingxiao and was looking at him with a puzzled expression.

Xingxiao laughed again: "You are thinking...as long as you deny what I just said, as long as the government helps you cover up the truth, and as long as you use confusing information to guide public opinion, the impact can be reduced, right?"

"It's useless. I have prepared the information I want to publish on different platforms in fifty different countries. It contains a lot of information about your abilities."

"Everyone will know that you have the ability to turn back time, that you can bring the dead back to life, that you can change history, that you can end tragedy..."

"Lin Xing, you will become a treasure that billions of people long for."

As he said this, he laughed again: "The whole world will be in chaos because of you."

"And everything you have done in the past will be destined to be in vain."

The Fuzzy Yuanshen on the side looked at Xingxiao steadily, his words full of confusion. He felt that there must be a missing piece in his memory, a very crucial part missing, so that he could not understand the other party's current situation. There are many doubts about it.

Just listen to him ask: "Why? Why do you do this?"

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