I said I would turn back time

Chapter 381 Dust Gu and Alchemy

In Mo Xingye's room, Lin Xing stood in front of the narrow window, looking at the city ahead that was shrouded in the shadows of countless tall buildings.

When he heard what Ma Hong said, a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes: "I understand, she should have no safety issues now."

He turned his head again and looked at Ma Hong in front of him. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all the secrets inside and outside the other person's body, as if he was looking at something novel.

"Ma Hong, the state of your body surprises me too."

"I'm very curious about the fungi you developed. Can you tell me where it is now?"

Ma Hong nodded, and unknowingly sat up straight on the sofa, speaking louder: "Before the world changed, I originally thought about using modern technology to assist me in mastering the inheritance... "

After the great changes in the world, as the spiritual power of the world became more and more abundant, people gradually discovered some new skills that had not been seen in the history of the mirror world.

For example, some people have mastered the skills of rifle shooting, some have mastered the skills of primary school mathematics, and some have mastered the skills of A1 driving...

Initially, this aroused strong interest from the top leaders of various countries and was considered to be the hope of fighting against the mirror world in this world.

But hopes were soon dashed.

After investing a lot of manpower and material resources, researchers found that there are very few people who can master this unique skill, and most of them are actually natives from the Mirror World.

So they began to study why the natives of the mirror world failed to master similar skills in the past, and why they had a probability of mastering this new skill after coming to the real world.

"And this involves the secret of craft creation."

“But even people who have mastered a new and improved skill can’t figure out how they do it.”

"The truth behind it, let alone the major powers in the world, even the four strongest Immortal Emperors in these two realms, I guess I can't explain it clearly."

Ma Hong shook his head and seemed to feel that he was going off topic. He changed the topic and said: "I focused on the biological technology of the current world and combined it with the poisonous arts and Gu arts that I learned in the mirror world. By chance and coincidence along the way, I also mastered something that I didn't have in the past. His skills and setter skills have been improved, and he has even developed a unique skill.”

Speaking of this, his eyes seemed to gradually light up: "This secret skill is the summary of all my cultivation and research results over the years. I call it Zhoutian Mochen Sutra."

"This secret skill can cultivate dust poison. This dust poison combines the characteristics of bacteria and poison insects. It is not only as small as dust and cannot be detected or seen, but it can also invade the human body unknowingly."

"On the top level, it can replenish qi and blood, nourish yin and yang, and prolong life. On the bottom level, it can cause people to get sick, play tricks on their minds, and die quietly..."

In Ma Hong's introduction, he has created various magical dust Gus in the past few years.

There is the inflammatory dust Gu that can cause a sudden fever and inflammation in various organs of the body.

There are intestinal dust poisons that cause bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract, causing unbearable stomachache and persistent diarrhea.

There is also the Yang Chen Gu that enhances the functions of human organs, making people strong and energetic.

A heart poison that can affect brain nerves, make people moody, and amplify emotions.

There is even a Clothes Dust Gu that can disintegrate clothes invisibly.

A poisonous poison that can swallow pants in an instant and destroy all lower body clothing.

The inner dust Gu that only destroys the underwear but does not damage the outer garments...

"Fuck you..." Bai Yiyi's voice came from Lin Xing's chest: "These are all vile things. You can't get along with your pants, right?"

Duan Feixia on the side looked at Lin Xing in surprise, as if she was curious about the female voice just now.

As if he felt her doubts, Lin Xing explained: "This is one of my partners who temporarily lives in my body for some reasons."

When Bai Yiyi heard this, she suddenly became worried: "We used to call each other master, but now we have become partners. Has Lin Xing become an immortal and starts to feel that his master can't help him?"

When Ma Hong heard Bai Yiyi's question just now, he lowered his head, his eyes darkening at some point: "Do you know that even today, there are still people on the Internet sending me those emoticons."

He said in a deep voice: "Those who have not experienced pain do not understand what true peace is!"

Ma Hong raised his head: "Only people who have not worn pants can understand each other. This is the purpose of my creation of Clothes Dust Gu!"

Lin Xing smiled and stretched out his hand and said to Ma Hong: "Then let me feel it too and see the power of your dust Gu."

Ma Hong's breathing quickened and he quickly asked: "What kind?"

Lin Xing smiled and said, "Let's all come together."

Duan Feixia on the side raised her eyebrows when she heard this, feeling that the other party was too arrogant.

Along the way, the girl didn't see what tricks Lin Xing used, and she felt that the master trusted him too much.

At this moment, the other party opened his mouth to test the poison, and his tone was even louder. Duan Feixia felt that both her master and apprentice had been underestimated, and she also felt that Lin Xing in front of her looked increasingly unreliable.

Ma Hong smiled nonchalantly and looked at the girl aside: "Feixia, come on."

He explained to Lin Xing: "Although I created the Zhoutian Mochen Sutra, my talent is far inferior to that of my apprentice. Her dust Gu is stronger than mine."

While he was talking, he had already pushed Duan Feixia in front of Lin Xing, indicating that she would be the one to cast the poison on Lin Xing, his eyes full of anticipation.

Duan Feixia frowned and came to Lin Xing and said: "Dust Gu directly acts on the smallest parts of flesh and blood. It can attack every weak point in the human body, including many places such as nerves, organs, brain, and body fluids. But It’s not something people can resist just by relying on their cultivation.”

"If we go together, you might really die."

"I'd better use Flame Dust Gu to let you experience it first."

Lin Xing nodded when he heard this and did not refute. After all, Duan Feixia also had good intentions: "Okay, then you can do it."

Duan Feixia raised her chin confidently and said in a raised voice, "I've already done it."

"The dust Gu I refined can be kept warm in the sea of ​​consciousness and fed with spiritual thoughts."

"And when the spiritual thoughts are released, the dust Gu can come out along with the spiritual thoughts."

"When I just spoke, I had already swept around you with my spiritual thoughts and placed Flame Dust Gu in the air."

"They should be inside you by now and starting to work."

She thought to herself that this would cause inflammation all over the young man in front of her, and he would have a taste of the power of her dust poison, so that he would not continue to underestimate their master and disciple.

But after a long time, the confidence on Duan Feixia's face slowly turned into astonishment. She looked at Lin Xing, whose expression remained as usual, and asked doubtfully: "Are you... okay?"

Lin Xing sensed the state of his body. Although the so-called dust Gu could act on the smallest details of flesh and blood, his body had already been refined into an immortal weapon.

Not to mention that it is difficult for dust Gu to destroy, even if it is damaged, it can be repaired, and it will not affect his true body - his soul.

So Lin Xing looked at Duan Feixia and said casually: "Let's go together."

Duan Feixia was still a little unconvinced. She immediately gritted her teeth and blasted out a spiritual thought towards Lin Xing: "Be careful. If you can't hold it anymore, you must tell me and I will take away the dust Gu immediately."

At the same time, a large amount of dust Gu had filled the air above Lin Xingzhou's body, and soon landed on his body.

The dust Gu tried to drill into his body from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc., destroying all his organs, blood vessels, nerves and other weak points, but it was still unable to shake Lin Xing's body in the slightest. .

But what surprised Duan Feixia even more was that Lin Xing's clothes actually remained intact, and none of her Clothes Dust Gu, Down Dust Gu, and Inner Dust Gu had any effect.

Lin Xing naturally knew why, because the clothes on his body were directly transformed from his body. They were already part of this fairy weapon. Even if they did not contain any magical powers, they still had the texture of a fairy weapon.

Ma Hong, who was on the side, also looked surprised, and thought to himself: "I originally thought he was going to use the weapon refining method to deal with dust Gu, but now it seems that it has no effect at all?"

"Chen Gu directly acts on the most subtle points. Even the strongest of the three realms cannot detect it. No matter how powerful the body is, it cannot be completely without weaknesses. Dust Gu will have an effect to some extent."

"This guy Lin Xing is getting more and more unfathomable."

"Oh, I originally wanted to explode his clothes once...it seems I will never get the chance."

Thinking of this, Ma Hong silently turned off the camera function of his phone and shook his head regretfully.

And Duan Feixia couldn't help but ask: "Why doesn't my dust Gu work?"

Lin Xing said lightly: "The strong men who have mastered the third inheritance are almost more or less different from ordinary people physically. Dust Gu is indeed hard to guard against, but it is still not powerful enough for the strong men of the third inheritance and above. …”

"But it has a wonderful effect when used as an aid."

Lin Xing sensed the dust poisons that invaded his body and tried to inject his spiritual thoughts into the blood stream, and his blood was the Chi Sha Xuanshui that had been turned into a magic weapon.

Soon attracted by spiritual thoughts, all kinds of dust Gu got into Lin Xing's blood.

Seeing more and more Dust Gu on his body being attracted into the blood and becoming part of the Red Evil Mysterious Water, Lin Xing thought that this Dust Gu could be of some magical use to the magic weapon in his body.

Duan Feixia, who was on the side, understood after hearing Lin Xing's explanation: "So that's it, he is a master of the third inheritance, and it should be the kind of third inheritance that requires relatively large changes in the body, so he can block it. My dust Gu..."

Lin Xing and Master Ma Hong discussed the future direction of Chen Gu and put forward some suggestions. Then his eyes moved and suddenly looked north of Donghai City.

His eyes seemed to be able to see through the walls of the dormitory in front of him, through countless skyscrapers, and see a distant battlefield.

In his perception, the Yunsi Shadowless Sword he lent was being used by Zhao Ping in a fierce battle.

Lin Xing smiled slightly and stood up: "I just have the opportunity to try your dust Gu on a third passer."

North of Donghai City.

A burst of fire erupted from the building, and a large number of glass fragments fell down, scattering onto the road below. The passing cars stopped suddenly and made a screeching sound.

Frightened people swarmed out from the bottom of the building, squeezing like frightened sheep, eager to escape the building.

Bang, a loud noise came from the roof of the building, causing another scream.

I saw five people covered in fire roaring and smashing open the glass. As if they couldn't bear the burning of the flames, they jumped out of the building and fell to the ground like meteors.

A roar came from the roof of the building: "Sky Beast! This is a fight between you and me, don't involve others!"

On the rooftop, waves of blazing high temperatures continued to sweep out, turning the entire rooftop and the five or six floors below into a high-temperature hell, gradually igniting more and more things.

And in the center of this high temperature, the body of the beast became more and more majestic, and the scars on its body looked more ferocious and terrifying under the light of the fire, and the fire in its eyes was like substance.

"Do you still have time to care about these ants?"

Tianshou glanced at the bottom of the building and looked at the tiny figures that were constantly moving. He pointed out a few more rays of fire.

The ant-like figures were killed by streaks of fire as he moved his fingertips.

It was as if they were really just a group of ants crawling on the ground, and he pressed them to death one by one with his fingers.

"Since you feel sorry for these ants, I will crush a few more to show you."

Tianshou sneered and said: "If you want to blame it, blame it on yourself for provoking the new country and not wanting to be captured without hesitation."

"The more you struggle, the more ants you will affect."

Having said this, Tianshou looked at the furious Zhao Ping with a cruel smile on his face: "Of course, I personally enjoy your anger and resistance, which can make this hunt more interesting."

"Your ending will also help more Xia people in this city understand the rules and not do anything beyond the bounds."

The next moment, he was seen making secrets with his hands and pointing in the direction of Zhao Ping from afar.

A trace of flame instantly emerged from Zhao Ping's eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Zhao Ping only felt that the blood, muscles and even thoughts in his body were like firewood about to be ignited.

Knowing that he could no longer stay here, Zhao Ping roared and jumped out of the rooftop, falling towards another building.

The heavenly beast followed closely, laughing loudly with a billowing heat: "Run, run with all your strength, run as far as you can, this will allow me to do my best."

Both sides fought and fled, causing panic wherever they passed.

When Lin Xing arrived, what he saw was the scene of two people breaking into a large garbage dump one after another.

Bai Yiyi looked at the Heavenly Beast's move and asked in surprise: "What kind of spell did this Heavenly Beast use? It can actually set people on fire through the air?"

Duan Jian easily saw through the details of the heavenly beast and analyzed: "This method of igniting fire seems to be refining an elixir, treating the opponent's three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit as firewood to ignite."

Bai Yiyi said in surprise: "You mean he is using alchemy to fight?"

Duan Jian hummed and said thoughtfully: "Look at the gathering of ideas in his belly, the elixir fire is self-generating, and he can ward off all evils. This means he has already cultivated the golden elixir."

"He is now treating other people as golden elixirs to refine, using the heaven and earth as the furnace, and all things as fuel. This is how he has cultivated alchemy in a wrong way."

Lin Xing observed the situation of the beast, and there seemed to be countless lights and shadows flashing in his eyes: "It's actually a good heart material."

At this moment, the battle between Zhao Ping and the Sky Beast has entered a new stage.

Invisible sword intent spread out from Zhao Ping's body, making the beast feel extremely dangerous.

Since possessing the power of Yunsi Shadowless Sword, Zhao Ping has been exploring and studying this dangerous power.

He called it sword thread, because as long as he pushed this force, he could feel the swords as thin as gossamer surrounding him.

These sword wires are indestructible and can cut through anything. They can cut through any target within a kilometer radius according to his will.

When he rushed into the spiritual cave with his sword wire, defeated all the masters of the new country one by one, trampled his enemies under his feet, and cut them into pieces amidst the other's begging, screaming and cursing, He deeply felt how strong he was now.

And this is not the limit for him and Jiansi.

After these days of continuous training, the number of sword threads he can master has increased from 12 to 16. In his vague sense, there are thousands of sword threads waiting to be activated and manipulated by him.

"Just 16 sword threads can make my combat power comparable to that of a strong three-passer. If I continue to grow, when I master 50, 100, or even 200 or 1,000 sword threads, how strong will I be? The situation?"

"Can even the Immortal Emperor be unable to stop me?"

But it was precisely because the power of the sword was too strong and the scope of destruction was too large that he had not tried his best during the battle with the beast in the downtown area.

But now that he came to this deserted garbage factory, Zhao Ping no longer had any scruples in his heart.

16 invisible and sharp forces suddenly erupted, slashing towards the beast from different angles.

I saw where the sword wire passed, the air was torn, and large areas of dilapidated cars, rusty steel pipes, broken refrigerators were piled up... Within a radius of a kilometer, everything blocking the sword wire was torn apart. It was split in two, leaving extremely smooth gaps.

Watching this scene, the sky beast's eyes narrowed, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, taking advantage of the 16 sword threads to close, and rushed to the gap between the sword threads.

The battle situation was reversed at this moment.

Under Zhao Ping's full-scale offensive, the beast was instantly beaten and unable to fight back.

Not to mention counterattack, just avoiding the encirclement of the sword wire has exhausted all his energy, leaving him with almost no energy left in his mind to find opportunities to counterattack.

But at the moment when the fierce battle between the two sides reached this point, Tianshou's peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of a strange young man.

"Is there anyone?"

"Is it someone who works at this dump?"

"You didn't run away, but you still dare to come and watch the battle?"

In this fierce battle, what comes to mind is not careful thinking, but an instant reaction based on instinct.

After noticing the appearance of the strange young man, Tianshou, who had rich combat experience, subconsciously judged that this was a variable in the battle and planned to take advantage of it.

I saw him making Taoist formulas with his hands, chanting alchemy songs orally, and pointing in the direction of the young man from afar.

"Dan Qi!"

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