I said I would turn back time

Chapter 382: Exploring the secrets of the moon war and tempering the heart material

Lunar battlefield.

Du Kong has returned to the interior of the moon landing spacecraft and is now standing in front of three huge transparent storage coffins.

The three immortal corpses they found on the lunar battlefield were now soaked in the coffin full of storage fluid.

In order to transport the three immortal corpses here, there are now only four people left in the entire moon landing exploration team. The rest of the team members either became lunatics under the pollution of the strong will, or were damaged by those tyrannical thoughts and were cut off. vitality.

At this moment, after the immortal corpse has been processed, its whole body is wrapped with coils of twinkling mantras.

The outside of the storage coffin is wrapped with layers of light curtains that are releasing the power of great light and Buddha.

There were faint electronic sounds playing in the air all around, and the sutras passed down by the Great Light Buddha were constantly being recited.

These methods are all intended to suppress the strong will remaining in the immortal's corpse, so as not to cause the various accidents that happened in the past few days again.

Originally, these countermeasures were all prepared for Lin Xing's corpse, but they didn't expect to be used on the three immortal corpses in the end.

At the same time, the majestic and wise voice of the Great Light Buddha came from the communicator: "Du Kong, I have read the report of the Immortal Corpse, but I want to hear your own thoughts about the scene."

Dukong chanted the Buddha's name softly, and a look of loneliness flashed across his thin face, as if he was remembering the terrible experiences of the past few days.

But as the Buddhist sounds formed by electronic sounds around him continued to play, his state of mind was soothed again and he gradually calmed down.

"Based on the data we collected on site, it can be confirmed that the original Battle of the Moon indeed broke out between Lin Xing and the three immortals..."

As the surrounding projections lit up, scenes of the lunar battlefield were projected.

Among them are various cliffs, canyons, and giant craters shot from close range while standing on the moon.

There are also photos of landscapes taken dozens, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the moon.

Each of these traces left after the war illustrates the horror of that battle.

But relying solely on these traces, the information obtained is still very limited.

Therefore, the Great Light Buddha also wanted to listen to Dukong, the person involved, and tell him about the fragments of the battle that he witnessed with his own eyes after experiencing the impact of the strong man's thoughts.

"The immortals are very strong, not only in terms of strength, but the feeling they give me... is that they are extremely crazy and wanton, but they can also calmly execute various tactics, as if there are two wills taking control of their bodies at the same time. , suppressing Lin Xing tightly without leaving any loopholes."

"But Lin Xing soon developed some new powers, allowing him to fight against these immortals..."

Dukong gently rubbed his eyebrows, recalling the various fragments he had seen.

"There are two types of power that I can determine so far. One is similar to an extremely long and thin sword. It is invisible and can easily cut ravines several kilometers long..."

As Du Kong narrated, the projection in front of him changed rapidly, and a photo was played, showing various criss-crossing ravines.

When viewed up close, these ravines look like they have turned the entire land into a chessboard.

From the perspective of the outer sky, a skin texture is formed.

"The other kind is Lin Xing's blood."

"A drop of blood can be as heavy as a thousand stones, and it can easily erupt with the power to move mountains and seas..."

"It can also be as light as a feather and fly dozens or hundreds of kilometers in an instant..."

"A rain of blood sprinkled with a wave of your hand can cause destruction on a national level."

A large crater on the lunar surface appeared in the projection, and it appeared from the perspective of outer space like a human pore, covering a large area of ​​​​the lunar surface.

"Lin Xing's body can also move through his blood to transcend the limitations of space and terrain and appear in every corner of the battlefield."

Some sections of lunar mountains and canyons appear in the projection, and it seems that pipes running through the lunar soil can be seen, just like blood vessels in the human body, connecting the surface and depth of the moon.

After listening to Du Kong's analysis, the Great Light Buddha was silent for a long time, and then asked: "Then do you think Lin Xing is still alive?"

Dukong shook his head blankly: "I don't know. The Lin Xing I saw is already extremely powerful, but it can only barely compete with those three immortals."

"The entire process of the Battle of the Moon is too complicated and mysterious, and there are too many secrets hidden in it. If we want to get a full picture, we need more time and more people to explore."

The Great Bright Buddha replied: "The second group of team members set off shortly after you completed the landing, and the third group of team members is also under preparation."

"I will try my best to provide both manpower and resources. What you have to do is to find out the truth about the Battle of the Moon and tell me what the outcome of this battle will be."

At this moment, a fierce beep sounded from the communicator.

A slightly trembling voice came from the connected communicator.

"Senior brother Du... Dukong."

"We seem to have found Lin Xing's body..."


With a soft drink, the Heavenly Beast had already activated his alchemy method, and was about to directly ignite the strange young man who accidentally entered the battlefield, in order to trigger the variables in this battle and seek a chance to turn defeat into victory.

And everything seemed to be as he thought. As he cast the spell, a raging fire burst out from the strange man's body, burning violently like a torch.

There was a look of excitement on Tianshou's face, and the fire burned even better than he imagined. With Zhao Ping's weak demeanor, there would definitely be flaws...

But just as he was thinking this, a sudden change made a look of astonishment appear on his face.

I saw that the flames on the young man's body continued to expand and spread, from the original giant torch to a pillar of fire rising into the sky.

The firelight instantly illuminated the entire garbage dump, reflecting the sky and the earth in red.

Looking at the uncontrollable spread of the fire, Tianshou's mind was filled with confusion. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he had no idea what was happening.

And soon... something even more unexpected happened.

A faint golden light emerged through the layers of fire, dyeing the earth with a layer of gold.

"This...this is..."

The heavenly beast looked at the increasingly dense golden light in disbelief. He still remembered that the last time he saw similar golden light was when he cultivated the golden elixir.

And as the golden light became more intense, a fragrant medicinal fragrance floated out. The fragrance was like dew in the morning, and like the fragrance of flowers in early spring. Just smelling it made people feel like flying, and the whole body felt comfortable, as if they had been soaked. In the warm fairy air.

Then as the flames subsided, a ball of golden light emerged from it, jumping and dancing back and forth, like an elf between heaven and earth, showing a lively and vigorous vitality.

Looking at these strange phenomena, the heavenly beast murmured: "The elixir is... first grade?"

The next moment, the jumping golden light was gently scooped up by a white palm, like picking up a swimming fish, and was caught in the hand.

And looking at the young man holding the golden elixir, Tianshou only felt fear in his heart at this moment.

As an alchemist who has mastered the Three Legends, he knows best what kind of horrific thing happened just now.

"The process of setting him on fire is essentially activating the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit of the human body, and incinerates the opponent through the process of refining the golden elixir..."

"This should be the case under normal circumstances, but this person...this person..."

Tianshou thought in horror: "The Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and God in his body are strong enough to complete the golden elixir, and he still looks unscathed."

"Even just a part of the strong energy and spirit is enough to make a first-class elixir..."

"Damn it... I spent a year practicing repeatedly and accumulating elixir materials, but I could only reach a third-grade elixir!!"

In the eyes of the Heavenly Beast, the young man at this moment was no longer a person, but a monster with incredibly deep foundations, a being whose spirit and energy were beyond the limits of his imagination.

Lin Xing on the other side looked at the golden elixir that was beating in his hand, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The power in the golden elixir instantly dispersed into his limbs and bones, but it was like a drop of water melting into the sea, unable to cause the slightest ripple in his body.

On the contrary, the dust Gu living in his blood became excited and rushed to devour the medicinal properties of the golden elixir flowing in his blood. After devouring the medicinal properties, they seemed to be a little more mysterious.

“Nice snack.”

Lin Xing looked at Tianzhu with a smile, his feet seemed to be stepping on invisible stairs, and he walked towards him step by step.

"Sky Beast, do you know?"

"I really admire you because you have real evil in your heart."

"You have neither anger nor hatred in your heart. All your words and deeds are just because in your opinion, the strong should trample on the weak, and mortals should be as small as ants."

As Lin Xing got closer step by step, feeling the increasingly terrifying pressure coming from the opponent, the beast was like a beast that had encountered a natural enemy, its back kept bending and its body kept sinking.

When Lin Xing actually stood in front of him, Tianshou had already knelt on the ground and expressed his attitude - surrender!

Absolute surrender!

When a weak person faces a strong person, he should completely surrender to the other party. This is not only the attitude of the beast when facing a weak person, but also his instinct when facing a stronger person.

Once he was born in the city, and he once wanted to resist the rogue boss who bullied him on the street.

But strong is strong and weak is weak.

He couldn't even master a pass. No matter how hard he struggled, he was no match for the opponent. He was even stripped naked and thrown into the street, where he was ridiculed by countless people.

At that moment, the heavenly beast, lying naked in the mud, understood that more struggles by the weak would only lead to more insults and trampling.

So he came to the conclusion that strength and weakness are the highest laws in the world. The weak surrender to the strong, and the strong trample on the weak. Anyone who wants to violate this law will only suffer backlash.

He surrendered to the rogue boss, donated most of his family property, fought on the front line for the other party, gradually became the other party's confidant, and received the other party's first line of inheritance.

After surpassing the opponent in strength, he killed the opponent's entire family, sold off his children, and obtained more assets.

"I treat you like a brother, why do you do this?"

"Because the strong can deal with the weak at will. They can steal everything from you and trample you completely, just like what I am doing to you now."

"You are obviously weaker than me, but you don't surrender to me, and you still want me to obey your orders?"

"This is how you will die, because you violated the rules of the world."

Later, he became a slave of Fan Mingxiu, taking care of elixirs and handling some simple medicinal materials for Fan Mingxiu. Then he willingly surrendered to Fan Mingxiu and worked hard to refine elixirs for him.

When he was taught the secret of the third inheritance by the President, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the President, fought for him in all directions, and experienced countless life-and-death battles.

And in this process, he never fights anyone stronger than himself.

Run away immediately when facing a strong person, and punch hard when facing a weak person.

Finally, he practiced his principles and climbed to where he is today step by step, trampling on countless people who were once stronger than him.

Until this moment, he met the unfathomable man in front of him. His wanton and unbelievably powerful thoughts... Just as the words brushed his body, he felt like he was being sucked into a world. In the bottomless darkness, everyone from the soul to the physical body trembled violently.

"In front of him... I don't even have the qualifications to escape..."

So he knelt on the ground and expressed his absolute surrender in the most sincere way.

Lin Xing touched Tianshou's head with satisfaction and continued: "Tianzhu, you never think that you are wrong, let alone evil. You practice your own principles wholeheartedly, and this is the true evil. .”

As he spoke, streaks of blood were seen instantly penetrating the Sky Beast's body, piercing into his brain, chest, abdomen, torso and other places.

Then as Lin Xing's Chisha Xuanshui continued to penetrate into his body, the heavenly beast's body expanded violently as if inflated, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a fat man weighing three to four hundred pounds.

There was an explosion, and a cloud of blood mist spurted out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the beast and dissipated in the atmosphere.

This was when all the blood from his body was drained out, and the blood flow in his body had been completely replaced by Chisha Xuanshui.

"Sky Beast, I like your pure evil."

As Lin Xing's palm slowly lifted from the forehead of the beast, a dagger made of blood was actually pulled out from the center of the beast's eyebrows.

"This will allow me to deal with your heart material more freely."

Amid the screams of the heavenly beast, the blood sword was drawn out inch by inch, and he felt as if his consciousness was being drawn out along with the dagger.

Various scenes of battles, conversations, and thoughts flashed on the surface of the blood sword. Those were memories belonging to the heavenly beasts that were sealed into the blood sword formed by the mouth of the red evil water.

At this moment, the beast felt like an ant being stepped on.

Just like the countless ants that he once trampled under his feet, he endured his fate in fear and confusion under the wanton trampling of the stronger ones.

Looking at the blood sword in his hand with various memories reflected in it, Lin Xing smiled: "It's really a good heart material."

"But the quality can still be improved. You should be able to become something that shouldn't exist..."

The beast stared blankly at the young man in front of him opening and closing his mouth, as if he had said something, but he could no longer hear it.

It was as if a black hole suddenly appeared in the other person's chest, trying to swallow up the entire world.

"Time is starting to flow backwards."

Countless lights and shadows are constantly flowing and regressing, like coils entangled together.

When the beast finally came to his senses, he was once again surrounded by the sixteen sword threads.

But this time, he felt a new power pouring out of his body.

As he thought, blood beads appeared on his body surface, as if they came out of his body, and then shot out in all directions.

Bloody light swept out from the sky and collided hard with the sixteen sword threads.

The blood light was cut away by the sword wire, but the next moment the sky beast's figure had already broken through the sword wire along with the blood light.

At this moment, Tianzhu could no longer remember everything that had just happened.

In his mind, he only felt that he suddenly had a strange power in a critical moment.

"I can control my blood... control my blood to become heavier, lighter, or even emerge from the blood..."

An extremely exciting smile gradually appeared on the Tian Beast's face, a blush appeared on his cheeks, and the nerves all over his body became more and more excited under the influence of the dust Gu.

The excitement of being constantly pushed even made him suppress all rational thinking, looked at Zhao Ping and shouted: "Come on, the warm-up is over, this battle has just begun."

Zhao Ping recalled the bloody light that had just erupted in the sky, and thought that this beast actually had a killing move hidden in it. The sixteen sword threads of luck traced strange routes, and then they attacked the beast again.

But at this moment, faced with Jiansi's siege, the Heavenly Beast was no longer as embarrassed as before.

He waved his hand casually, and streaks of blood shot out from his palm, smashing out like meteors.

Amidst the crackling explosions, all kinds of dilapidated cars, electrical appliances, and pipelines were easily penetrated by the blood.

The figure of the heavenly beast had already emerged from a blood bead that flew towards Zhao Ping.

When the sword wire was cut away, the figure of the heavenly beast disappeared again, and emerged from another blood bead hundreds of meters away.

The fierce battle turned into a fierce battle in an instant. Zhao Ping had sixteen invisible sword threads that could cut everything. When fully deployed, it was enough to bring the entire garbage dump into the attack range and kill all enemies.

The Heavenly Beast, on the other hand, can use its own blood to move instantly. Not only can it break through the sword wires again and again, but it can also approach Zhao Ping from time to time and launch attacks.

Both sides have extremely strong destructive power, but they are not confident of resisting the other side's offensive.

This makes the battle between the two like mortals dancing on a steel wire hundreds of meters high. Every transition between attack and defense is thrilling, and a slight mistake can be the moment of death.

And above the battlefield, a figure was holding his hands across his chest, hanging upside down in the void, watching the increasingly fierce battle below.

In his eyes, the situation of the battle below was different from what anyone had seen.

Zhao Ping's body was finally approached by the blood light, and his eyebrows were pierced by the blood light again and again. Then time went back until he successfully avoided the fatal blood light, and the battle continued.

A flaw was caught in the movement of the heavenly beast, and the blood-soaked head was cut open by a sword wire. Then time went back, and his head was cut open again and again, until one time he noticed his own flaw in advance and avoided it. After this sword sweep, the battle continued.

In the eyes of Zhao Ping and Tianshou, their battle was back and forth. Every move and every move was at its peak. They constantly broke through their own limits, explored all possibilities of the body and consciousness, and avoided obstacles time and time again. That seemingly impossible killing move becomes stronger and stronger! !

The heavenly beast laughed ferociously, and streaks of blood shot out from his body like meteors, causing the sky to turn red.

"Zhao Ping, I didn't expect that this loser like you could show such strength. Come on! Aren't you going to kill me? What the hell are you waiting for! Let us decide the winner within the last ten moves!"

With a thought in Zhao Ping's mind, sixteen sword threads had penetrated deeply into the earth and spread across the entire battlefield like a dragnet.

"Sky Beast, you can break through again and again in the battle with me, and survive again and again after being put to death. You are indeed an unparalleled genius. But because of this, I am going to kill you completely today, because like you Every extra day that such a person lives makes me feel sick!"

Lin Xing, who was watching the fierce battle between the two sides, became more and more satisfied with today's harvest.

In his perception, Zhao Ping and Tianshou were like two pairs of fine steel. After beating each other and tempering each other again and again, they improved their respective qualities in the fierce battle, and formed the basis for Yunsi Shadowless Sword and Chi Chi. Shaxuan Water provides abundant food.

Chisha Xuanshui (30% damage) → Chisha Xuanshui (12% damage)

Yunsi Shadowless Sword (damage degree 14%) → Yunsi Shadowless Sword (damage degree 0%)

Just after the Yunsi Shadowless Sword was completely repaired, Lin Xing felt that a new change began to appear on this immortal weapon.

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