Seeing the golden figure emerging behind Jing Shiyu, a strong sense of crisis surged into the hearts of many experts present.

Baoshan immediately let out a tiger roar, and saw that the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled and expanded. After the muscles, bones, energy and blood surged, he turned into a giant more than three meters tall.

The concrete ground under the giant's feet suddenly shattered. He was already like an aircraft carrier, breaking through the obstacles of the waves of spiritual thoughts. He took out a palm the size of a millstone and grabbed Jing Shiyu violently.

There was an earth-shattering power explosion in the palm of his hand, and just such a grasp had already set off a storm.

At the same time, Jing Shiyu remained motionless as she looked at the approaching giant figure. Just by changing her hand movements, the golden figure behind her erupted with surging pressure.

"The power of heaven."

As the invisible pressure swept over everyone present, whether it was Jiuye, Lengjian, Baoshan or Zhao Ping, they all felt that their physical strength and thoughts were greatly weakened by this pressure.

The giant who had grown so much just now grunted, and shrank by more than half as his energy and blood dropped.

"The will of the people."

With the golden figure as the center, a circle of light suddenly burst out and quickly swept across the entire battlefield.

One moment, Zhao Ping was shocked by his weakened combat power. The next moment, as the halo swept past, he felt that his mind was buzzing, as if countless people were stuffed into him in an instant. the sound of.

That is the sound of countless believers who have been praying and worshiping God over the years.

Fanatic thoughts of belief penetrated into the hearts of everyone present, causing their sea of ​​consciousness to become chaotic at this moment, making it almost difficult to control their bodies.

At the same time, Jing Shiyu had floated in front of Baoshan.

The golden figure pinched Baoshan's head and twisted slightly in the other's frightened eyes.

At this moment, Baoshan felt as if there were countless pairs of hands grabbing his body in the void, tearing his flesh and blood in all directions.


A large piece of flesh and blood exploded in front of Jing Shiyu, as if splattering on an invisible barrier, covering her whole body.

With her spiritual thoughts, the exploding flesh and blood were shaken away and swept to the ground aside.

A pair of shining golden eyes glanced at Jiuye and Lengjian.


"You haven't run away yet?"

A surveillance camera in the sewer.

Several afterimages flashed in the air.

The filthy torrent roared out like a giant dragon, but was split into two by a golden light the next moment.

Immediately after the sword light flashed, large areas of the cement roof continued to collapse, completely submerging the corridor under the camera.

The camera flashed and came to a camera in night vision mode on the street.

In the black and white picture, the entire street suddenly exploded and shattered, like a tablecloth that had been torn apart by violence. It fell apart in an instant, revealing the deep pit below.

The camera turned and looked at a neighborhood below from a drone's high-altitude perspective.

The ground undulated like waves. As golden light rushed out of the surface, one building after another continued to crack and collapse, falling like dominoes. The smoke and dust rising into the sky also completely obscured the drone's lens. .

Through various cameras in different positions and angles, Zhao Wanxi is following the fierce battle in Donghai City in real time.


"Sure enough, you are getting more and more crazy..."

In the past few years, Zhao Wanxi has never stopped paying attention to Jing Shiyu.

From her understanding, the other party has been forming sects in many places in the real world and the mirror world, a sect with the worship of Lin Xing as its core doctrine, and uses this to condense faith and promote its second and third inheritance.

Although in recent years, because Lin Xing's influence has hit rock bottom, the faction's power has not only stopped growing, but has continued to decline.

But Zhao Wanxi still remembers that in the first two years when the inspiration came to her, relying on the image of Lin Xing on the moon, the expansion of this sect was in full swing. While the number of people increased dramatically, it also crazily promoted Jing Shiyu's realm and cultivation. for.

Although the followers of this sect call themselves Star Worshipers, they are often called Moon Worshipers because they like to worship in the direction of the moon.

Zhao Wanxi continued to analyze the process in which Jing Shiyu single-handedly defeated the three powerful men of the Shenyin Camp, and thought in her mind: "Jing Shiyu has almost reached the limit that the saint of the third inheritance can achieve."

"It's exactly as I guessed. She hid after disappearing this time in order to secretly try to break through to the fourth inheritance."

"But now that I have left the border early, it is obvious that I have not been able to complete the breakthrough at that level."

Recalling the process of planning today's battle between herself and the other party, Zhao Wanxi sighed inwardly: "Jing Shiyu did this obviously for the sake of senior brother's cultivation and gave up his opportunity to make a breakthrough."

Although she felt sorry that Jing Shiyu gave up the opportunity to break through this time, Zhao Wanxi still supported her approach in action.

"Even if Jing Shiyu breaks through, she is just another Immortal Emperor, not to mention that she may not be able to successfully break through."

"Even judging from her thoughts... she might turn everyone in the world into followers of the Star Worship Cult, which is no better than the arbitrary actions of other Immortal Emperors."

"Only through senior brother's breakthrough can there be some hope... to bring this world to a different future."

At this moment, Zhao Wanxi suddenly focused her attention in another direction.

"A large amount of electric energy is gathering in the north of Donghai City."

"Is that guy coming?"

A sound broke through the air.

Leng Jian's figure flashed and he had arrived on the rooftop of a building.

At this moment, he looked shabby, with traces of smoke and sewage all over his body, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

In his mind, the image of Jing Shiyu obliterating Baoshan still remained.

Until this moment, I still feel a sense of wonder in my heart.

"Jing Shiyu and we are obviously the third inheritance, why is the gap in combat power so huge?"

Recalling the several abilities displayed by the opponent in the battle, Leng Jian felt a shudder.

"That thing called the power of heaven is too troublesome. Does the Heavenly Will Sect still hide this kind of sublimation?"

"The closer we get to that witch, the more our strength will be reduced."

"There is also the ability to control the thoughts of faith. The closer you get, the greater the impact. If you rush to her side, I am afraid that she will be like a violent mountain and be slaughtered by her."

Recalling the way Baoshan was torn into pieces, Leng Jian couldn't think of any idea of ​​a close fight with Jing Shiyu.

At this moment, thunder flashed in the sky.

Leng Jian suddenly raised his head and looked at the rolling thunderclouds in the sky, with a look of surprise and fear on his face: "The president is here? No wonder Jing Shiyu withdrew..."

At this moment, he was glad that the president had come to the battlefield and no longer had to worry about Jing Shiyu's threat.

But he was afraid of the president's punishment.

But Leng Jian understood that it was useless to try to escape in front of the great president, so he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the direction where the thunder fell.

But when he was halfway there, he thought about it, slashed open a nearby shopping mall that had mostly collapsed, and found some clothes to change into.

"Not capturing that witch is enough to piss off the president."

"If I let him see my disgraced look again, I'm afraid I will lose even more respect in the heart of the president."

After glancing at himself in the mirror who had regained his image as a strong man, the cold sword made waves of air with a swish sound and fell towards the distance.

It just shot out all the way.


With a loud impact, Lengjian landed in front of a deep pit.

At the same time, a figure was already standing on the edge of the pit, looking towards the bottom of the pit silently.

Looking at the opponent's back, Leng Jian quickly knelt down on the ground.


The president said calmly: "Why can't I feel the breath of Baoshan?"

Leng Jian swallowed and said nervously: "Baoshan was arrogant and underestimated the enemy. He was killed by Jing Shiyu without checking..."

Just when Leng Jian was answering, a graceful figure flew over, it was Jiuye who also participated in the battle just now.

Leng Jian lowered his head and looked at the other party, and saw that Jiuye's face was pale and bloodless at this moment, and the sleeve of his right arm was floating empty, and he actually had no arm.

The President looked at Jiuye's empty sleeves and said coldly: "How can four of them fight one against each other like this? Is it because you are too useless, or because Jing Shiyu is too powerful?"

After glancing at the two people who immediately knelt down to apologize, the president said casually: "I will deal with you after we go back."

Then he turned back, looked at the huge pit in front of him and smiled: "After all, this good show has just begun."

He stretched out his hand and pointed toward the sky, and a bolt of thunder struck the sky from his fingertips. In an instant, a power grid exploded in the billowing black clouds, scattering in all directions like thunder dragons.

Looking at the scattered thunder dragons, the president said calmly: "Escape?"

"Can you escape?"

On the rooftop of a skyscraper.

Zhao Ping opened his eyes dizzily and looked at Jing Shiyu floating aside meditating, and he immediately came back to his senses.

"Miss Jing, thank you for saving me."

Jing Shiyu opened her eyes, the golden light in her eyes flashed away, she looked at him and said, "Do you believe in Lin Xing?"

Zhao Ping was slightly stunned when he heard this, then shook his head and said, "Well... I have no religious beliefs."

Jing Shiyu frowned slightly, looked at the moon in the sky, and said extremely domineeringly: "Then you have it from today on."

Zhao Ping was about to say that he had no such plan, when he suddenly felt his whole body tightening, and a golden palm was pressed on the top of his head.

Obviously Jing Shiyu didn't intend to give him any chance to choose, so he attacked him directly.

The next moment, countless fanatical thoughts continued to pour into Zhao Ping's mind, making him subconsciously look at the full moon in the sky.

At the same time, Zhao Wanxi's voice came from Zhao Ping's mobile phone: "Are you brainwashing him?"

Jing Shiyu said casually: "This is the divine initiation method passed down by the saintly daughter of the Tianyi Sect. It is not brainwashing. It just allows him to get closer to the gods, understand the gods better, and temporarily worship the gods."

"In this way, he can better stimulate his potential and make more contributions to the refining of immortal weapons."

At this moment, lightning flashed in the sky, and Jing Shiyu asked, "Are you here?"

Zhao Wanxi said: "If you want to fight, go to the south where there are fewer people."

Jing Shiyu snorted coldly. According to her own personality, the best solution would be to drag Xia Guo into the water and deal with the president together.

As long as the enemy can be dealt with more effectively, it doesn't matter to her whether hundreds of thousands or millions of people are sacrificed.

"Lin Xing has never liked me doing this."

"I respect Lin Xing's choice, so I will not sacrifice people in Donghai City indiscriminately."

"I also respect your choice, Zhao Wanxi. After all, in your opinion, Lin Xing's breakthrough is much more important than mine, right?"

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked in the direction of the phone: "So Xiao Zhao, I also hope that you and Lin Xing can respect my choice."

"The next battle is my own will, my inheritance, and my love for Lin Xing. All my thoughts push me to do this."

"So don't do anything unplanned for me and prevent me from carrying out my will."

I’ll update one chapter first. There’s still another chapter to write. I’ll update it when I finish.

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