I said I would turn back time

Chapter 399 Ceremony and Invitation to Battle

When Zhao Ping came back to his senses, he felt that there was an unprecedented calmness in his heart at this moment.

He calmly looked at the moon in the night sky, and found that he felt a sense of peace both mentally and physically in the process of looking at the moon.

Zhao Ping subconsciously clasped his hands together and prayed to the moon in the sky.

And during this process, he didn't feel any discomfort or anything wrong. He just felt that everything was so natural and natural.

As he prayed, sword threads stretched out from his body, turning into various different sword moves and spreading out.

1 stick...15 sticks...32 sticks...100 sticks!

As Zhao Ping prayed, the number of sword wires he controlled suddenly increased to a full 100!

But he did not get excited or rejoiced because of this. He was still immersed in prayer and felt the tranquility in his heart.

Zhao Wanxi's voice sounded from the mobile phone nearby: "Are you okay?"

Zhao Ping shook his head. He recalled his life, from an ordinary person with a happy family to a man whose whole family died tragically. He would do whatever it took to get revenge, and almost became an evil and crazy person.

At this moment, he just said lightly: "There has never been a moment in my life where my mood has been as peaceful as it is today."

Zhao Wanxi asked again: "Don't you think it would be a little weird to suddenly pray to the moon like this?"

"Weird?" Zhao Ping thought for a moment and replied: "I think it is too late to understand the greatness of God and gain inner peace today."

He looked at the moonlit sky and sighed: "Only when people have peace of mind can they feel happy."

“And only by following the gods and obtaining their protection can we gain inner peace.”

"Man needs God."

"Only God can bring people absolute happiness."

Listening to Zhao Ping's answer, Zhao Wanxi only felt chills in her heart: "How could Jing Shiyu's divine initiation be so terrifying? It can transform a person's mind so completely without even knowing it."

"I don't know how long she means temporarily, and how much impact it will have in the future?"

While Zhao Wanxi was constantly observing Zhao Ping's status and thinking, Zhao Ping on the other side had stopped praying, picked up his mobile phone and said, "I already understand my mission, where is the beast?"

So under the leadership of Zhao Wanxi, Zhao Ping sneaked all the way to a huge underground square.

"This is an abandoned underground experimental site. It has been used to test the latest weapons and individual strong men in the past. It is also the battlefield I have arranged for you."

"Ordinary people can't discover your fighting, and the president and other senior officials of the new country have probably been completely distracted by this moment and have no time or energy to pay attention to you."

In the center of the square, one could see Tianzhu being restrained on a huge metal frame, seemingly in a coma.

Just when Jing Shiyu knocked out the Heavenly Beast and chased Lengjian and Jiuye away, the drone controlled by Zhao Wanxi quietly transported the Heavenly Beast here.

Looking at the unconscious Sky Beast, Zhao Ping said: "Wake him up."

Zhao Wanxi asked: "Do you know what you are going to do?"

Zhao Ping nodded: "The saint's message has been told to me."

"I want to complete the final rituals during the battle with him, and completely inspire the spirituality God has given us."

"Only in this way can God truly come and allow all people in the world to gain eternal stability."

"And only when one has peace of mind can one be happy..."

As the power of the sword threads rose up, there seemed to be countless sword energy surging in the air, and the sounds of swords erupted.

And as if it felt Zhao Ping's presence, the comatose beast suddenly started struggling, its flesh and blood heaving together, as if it wanted to continue its unfinished fight to the death with the old enemy in front of it.

As soon as Zhao Wanxi thought, the mechanical arms around the beast moved instantly, and tubes of injections were suddenly injected into the body of the beast.

In addition to the function of awakening the beast, these injections are also mixed with various hormones that stimulate the human body, which can make the beast in an absolutely excited state in the next battle and further stimulate its potential.

Bang bang bang bang!

Amidst a series of explosions, the Heavenly Beast's hands and feet had broken free from the metal restraints on its body.

At this moment, his muscles were constantly twisting, as if there were giant dragons undulating under his skin, and his eyes were even more red, as if he had lost all reason and calmness, and only had the murderous intention to kill the opponent in front of him.

He roared: "Zhao Ping!"

Zhao Ping looked at the monster-like opponent with a ferocious face, and said quietly: "Humans need the existence of gods."

“Because only God can bring absolute happiness.”

"Sky beast, let us welcome the coming of God together."

Looking at the scene in the underground square through the surveillance screen, Zhao Wanxi murmured in her heart: "With the infusion of sacred thoughts, those destined to become evil spirits will no longer exist, and with the growth of evil thoughts, those who should have obtained human bodies will become A monster that shouldn’t exist.”

At the same time, her mind was sensing changes in all directions through countless devices in the material world.

"The flow of time is the direction in which fate flows."

"All living things in the world are attracted to each other because of fate."

The many powerful men who began to gather in the south of the city appeared in her eyes.

In the spiritual cave where Lin Xing is, the miracle of time blooms in her perception.

"When destiny is changed, a new world will be born."

She also read the exploration videos from the moon, allowing her to see clearly everything on the other side of the door.

All kinds of strange changes in the world continue to gather and appear in her sea of ​​consciousness, and then transform into information that she can understand.

"Senior brother, I seem to be able to feel your realm at this moment."

"The future...will begin to change."

South of Donghai City.

Once considered the largest urban park in the world, due to lack of management, it has become a wilderness jungle covering an area of ​​nearly 100 acres and a paradise for countless wild animals.

At this moment, people around the park began to be persuaded to leave in large areas.

But more powerful people, especially those from the mirror world, came after hearing the news and observed the location in the center of the park from near or far.

At this moment, on the huge lake in the middle of the jungle, Jing Shiyu stepped on the void and looked at the full moon in the sky without saying a word.

The night wind blew and her hair danced, making her on the lake look like an elf in the night, exuding a deep and mysterious aura.

But the next moment, with the sound of thunder, the silence that originally belonged to the moonlit night was broken by the endless majesty coming from the sky.

Jing Shiyu looked up and saw the thunder falling from the sky like a celestial garment, penetrating the heaven and earth with the arrival of the great president.


The President looked at Jing Shiyu with his flashing eyes, and his cold voice resounded through the heaven and earth like the thunder from the sky.

"You actually want to fight me? You are more courageous than I thought."

When Jing Shiyu heard this, he smiled brightly, causing the emotions of countless powerful people watching around him to fluctuate.

"Ten Thousand Dao Immortals..."

She shouted the president's real name, and then said: "What is a real strong person?"

The President snorted coldly: "The person who can do whatever he wants most in this world is the strongest person."

Jing Shiyu laughed and said, "What do you want to do at this moment?"

The President also laughed, and thunder shone behind him, as if it had turned into his canopy.

"Put your bitch in a cage."

Jing Shiyu smiled when he heard the words, and the surging spiritual thoughts were like a flash flood, causing a huge wave in the lake, rushing towards the surrounding lake shore like a tsunami.

"So no matter what realm a person has or what kind of power he has, he is still just a human being after all."

"But it is people like this, with such pure desire and naked fighting spirit, that make killing you more interesting."

As he spoke, a golden figure slowly appeared behind Jing Shiyu with terrifying pressure.

"Feel it? Even He is getting excited."

"The power of heaven."

The terrifying pressure suddenly erupted, spreading rapidly in all directions with Jing Shiyu's body as the center.

In an instant, countless birds and beasts were startled, and many strong men who were watching the battle were frightened and retreated wildly, causing chaos.

But the terrifying coercion passed over the president's body like a breeze, and it had no effect on him at all.

He just nodded and said: "Our battlefield really shouldn't be hindered by so much waste."

The next moment, a golden halo swept across the battlefield, and countless fanatical beliefs penetrated the president's consciousness, seeming to completely disrupt his consciousness.

Jing Shiyu's figure flashed and he was already in front of the president.

With the surge of coercion and power of faith, she pointed towards the president's eyebrows.


Gently pinching Jing Shiyu's wrist, the president showed a happy smile: "Very good, you are indeed much better than those losers."

"Then I'll give you a chance to make this battle more interesting."

"Ten moves, I'll give you the chance to make ten moves."

"If I can't defeat you within these ten moves, I'll let you use your full strength. Let me see how much fun you, a witch, can bring me."

After saying that, the president swung his sword and projected Jing Shiyu like a meteor, causing the ground not far away to surge and lift up tens of thousands of tons of sand.

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