I said I would turn back time

Chapter 400 Faith and Willingness

Seeing that the President's move stirred up tens of thousands of tons of silt, even submerging most of the central lake in the city park, the many strong onlookers who had been scared away just now suddenly retreated again and again.

And in the direction where Jing Shiyu was thrown out, golden light shot up into the sky, instantly sweeping away all the surrounding sand, gravel, and smoke.

Jing Shiyu's figure slowly floated up. Under the moonlight, her black hair was flying. She looked at the president and smiled lightly: "A promise of ten moves?"

She shook her head: "Wan Daoxian, after all, there is a big gap in realm between you and me."

"If I want to threaten you with my moves, I will use all my strength and risk my life with every move."

"In this state, I can only use seven moves at most."


The golden figure behind Jing Shiyu's light suddenly surged, bringing up beams of light straight into the sky, like a sun lighting up the ground in Donghai City.

"Ten moves are too many, so let's decide life or death within seven moves!"

In an instant, he saw golden lotuses emerging from the ground around Jing Shiyu, wonderful flowers falling from the sky, and the sounds of prayers from countless good men and women faintly heard in the void.

Under Jing Shiyu's all-out explosion, the power of faith accumulated over the years was rapidly consumed.

The golden figure behind her seemed to be burning with fire, and the pressure coming from his body was even higher. Even the president felt that his physical strength and spirit were slightly disturbed.


At the moment when the president's physical strength and spirit were slightly affected by the power of heaven, there was a slight ups and downs.

Jing Shiyu had already grabbed the president from the air with a fierce palm.

The power of God!

Countless powers of faith in the air suddenly gathered. Under the squeeze of this turbulent force, even the atmosphere seemed to turn into layers of substance like alloy steel plates, squeezing toward the president one by one.

"Oh? It seems that you have really accumulated a lot of incense and faith in the past few years."

Feel the power of this move. The president's expression remained unchanged, as a strong will swept out and spread his thoughts.

"This move will probably be enough to suppress all the powerful three-passers in the world today."

He shouted softly, and lightning burst out from his body, completely covering him like an armor made of thunder.

Under the shroud of thunder, all the incoming faith and will were exploded layer by layer.

Not only was the president himself unscathed, but even the ground within ten meters around him was still grassy, ​​looking extremely awkward surrounded by scorched earth.

He was still in a mood to comment lightly: "Demon girl, although you are still a third-level disciple, the number of believers who have gathered in the past few years may have reached hundreds of millions. The power of this faith has exploded, and its power has indeed far exceeded the limit of the third-level transmission."

"However, although the power of belief is strong, your own realm is insufficient and it will be difficult to control it. It is like a fat pig with no brute strength. It has eaten a fat body that it cannot control. When it encounters a tiger, it can only Be obedient and become food.”

And at the same time that the thunder light controlled by the president collided with the power of belief, fanatical thoughts of faith continued to take advantage of the opportunity to penetrate into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the president, seeming to want to pollute and interfere with his consciousness.

"Lin Xing, please protect me and keep me strong and prosperous..."

"Praise Lin Xing, please give me luck, let me make a fortune, and win every bet!"

"Please Star God bless my whole family a long life and kill those enemies!"

In an instant, those fanatical thoughts poured into the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness one after another. At this moment, the president seemed to hear thousands of prayers ringing in his mind.

But the next moment, a soul in the center of his sea of ​​consciousness, wearing thunder armor and surrounded by various weapons, suddenly opened his eyes.

"A group of ants, even if you are physically present, I can kill them all. How can a mere belief in your thoughts stop me?"

A strong will to do whatever he wants, run rampant and have no taboos, suddenly exploded and swept in all directions, instantly eradicating all the fanatical thoughts.

The president laughed wildly and said: "The first move is over, you can continue to make moves."

Jing Shiyu said nothing, and his eyes became more solemn.

I saw her hands making secrets, and the face of the golden figure behind her gradually became clearer.

The next moment, the figure slowly overlapped with Jing Shi's words, and the terrifying power of incense and faith was crazily poured into her body.

"Oh? I released all my faith and will that I have accumulated for many years. Is it for such a move?"

The president who sensed this scene also had a look of surprise in his eyes: "But with your level, if you can directly attract the power of wish into your body, will you die?"

Jing Shiyu laughed loudly: "Wan Daoxian, do you think I am joking with you?"

"I'm very aware of the gap with the fourth pass."

"If you are not even willing to put your life on the line, how can I have the chance to kill you across the border?"

"You've taken the second move."

After the power of faith entered his body, endless fanatical thoughts crazily eroded Jing Shiyu's consciousness.

This caused her to rapidly consume her mental energy in the process of resisting the erosion.

I saw that among the originally long black hair, there were actually a few strands of white hair in an instant.

If she continued like this, she would either die of physical and mental exhaustion, or be driven completely crazy by those fanatical thoughts stemming from her belief in incense.

Regardless of the outcome, Jing Shiyu will no longer be in the world.

But after entering the body, the belief and willpower became more and more natural.

Under the control of Jing Shiyu, the invisible power of wish spread out in all directions, dyeing the earth, lakes, vegetation and even smoke with a layer of gold.

In the president's perception, covered by the power of wish, the whole world seemed to come alive. Every breath of air, every smoke and dust... actually carried a layer of Jing Shiyu's atmosphere in his perception.

And he, who was originally fighting Jing Shiyu, felt at this moment that he was fighting the entire world.

The president's eyes flashed, and his outgoing thoughts seemed to contain a sense of wonder.

"I can't believe it, I really can't believe that such a lonely little sect like the Heavenly Will Sect can actually raise a witch like you."

Jing Shiyu said coldly: "This is the lost and sublimated form of the Heavenly Will Sect that I restored, the Divine Will Revealed. Please accept it."

She saw her hands parting, and the ground beneath the President's feet suddenly exploded, forming a crack thousands of meters long.

Then Jing Shiyu raised his fingertips lightly, and the lake that had calmed down roared into the sky, hitting the president like a tsunami with tens of thousands of tons of power.

The President was wrapped in lightning and was about to step on the thunder and rush into the sky.

But he found that the lightning around him actually escaped from his body and left him.

Looking at the thunder and lightning that was also dyed with a layer of golden light, he was truly shocked: "Can it even affect my thunder technique?"

Seeing that the tsunami was about to submerge his body, the president had to open his mouth to spit out, and a surging hurricane turned into a shock wave, scattering the incoming tsunami.

"The wind is coming!"

Under the violent impact of the tsunami and hurricane, it seemed like a heavy rain fell for miles around.

The strong wind caused suddenly blew through the entire jungle, crushing countless plants and trees, and even the strong people who were watching were blown away alive, and finally hit the densely packed buildings with a bang, turning into A mass of blood.

But this natural disaster scene can only be regarded as the beginning of the battle between the two sides.

Under the observation of countless onlookers and cameras, a terrifying hurricane could be seen rising in the center of the battlefield, almost covering most of the city park, and turning the dark clouds in the sky into a huge whirlpool.

One after another, the lake water turned into tornadoes, flying into the sky with an atmospheric roar.

As the water dragon danced in the sky, thunderous thunder flashed in succession, causing bursts of roar. Many strong people watching the battle were also seen numb in their bodies, and their hair was stimulated by the electric current to stand on end.

Countless plants and trees were lifted up from the ground in the hurricane, turning into countless sword lights crisscrossing back and forth in the storm, and bursts of sword roars erupted.

Seeing two blurry figures wielding thunder and strong winds in the storm, the sky and earth shattered for thousands of meters in a single thought. Many strong spectators retreated again and again, for fear of being involved.

In an abandoned building.

The sound of a weather forecast came through the video.

"Under the influence of the battle between the two strong men, there will be rainfall in the south of the city, and typhoons will begin to form. Please pay attention to safety and avoid traveling..."

While listening to the weather forecast, Duan Feixia looked at the thunder and lightning in the far south and couldn't help but said: "Master, don't we really go and take a look?"

In this era of extremely rapid information flow, the battle between Jing Shiyu and the President has just begun, and relevant intelligence has already spread throughout most of the Internet.

After all, as one of the top four in the world, the president's every move will naturally attract the attention of countless people.

"Hmph, watching the battle between strong men is a high-risk behavior in this world with a mortality rate second only to being involved in a battle between strong men."

"Do you think this is a quarrel on the street?"

"Do you think how many of the fools watching have died this time?"

Ma Hong said: "You can obviously watch the live broadcast online, why rush to die?"

Duan Feixia looked at the blurry lens on the other party's phone and frowned, "You can't see anything here."

Ma Hong looked at the violent storm and sighed: "Your vision is really far worse than when I was young."

"The fourth inheritance of the great president claims to be able to regulate the earth's climate and control wind, rain, thunder and lightning."

"But seeing as the celestial phenomena are changing out of control, it is obviously influenced by Jing Shiyu."

"The two sides are probably competing for control of this weather."

Duan Feixia was surprised: "So the President was taking control of what he was best at, but was taken away by Miss Jing?"

She said with admiration: "So, Miss Jing has the upper hand?"

Ma Hong shook his head: "I'm just a second passer. If you ask me, who should I ask?"

"But if Jing Shiyu is really still the third passer, then no matter what...she can't win."

In the storm.

Bolts of lightning flashed through the atmosphere.

The president's toes lightly touched the lightning, and his whole body was like a small boat, floating in the storm that enveloped the entire world.

Whether it is strong winds, heavy rain, lightning, thunder... At this moment, they are all like courtiers kneeling before the emperor, surrendering at his feet and controlled by his will.

In the storm, the space beyond his control became smaller and smaller, being squeezed out by his domineering thoughts.

"Witch, four moves have passed. Aren't you going to kill me? Aren't you going to defeat me?"

The thunder keeps rising and rising under his will!

Beyond the limits of all vision and color, it slashed at Jing Shiyu's body like a series of lightsabers, leaving behind a series of bloody wounds.

"Why can't you even take my Heavenly King's Demon-Slaying God's Thunder?"

"That's the end of your fucking skills?"

The storms, lakes, and sand that guarded Jing Shiyu's body...everything in the world was blasted layer by layer by the overbearing divine thunder! Boom! Exploded to pieces!

So what kind of faith and willpower does Jing Shiyu possess?

No, the faith and will she had accumulated so far were being destroyed by the four divine thunders, and even the remaining fanatical thoughts of faith were shattered one by one.

"What's your trump card? Do you have any other tricks?"

"Just fucking do it to me!"

Faced with this boundless and domineering power, how should Jing Shiyu do it? How to block it?

Her hair was half white and her face was still calm.

"Wan Dao Immortal, I am almost familiar with the power of wishing to enter my body."

"Now let me show you the true uniqueness of the manifestation of God's will."

I saw her hands forming the lotus seal again, and the power of faith surged out and radiated in all directions.

Does she still want to use God's will to control this world?

No, what she controls this time is not heaven and earth, but... the people between heaven and earth!

Seeing the silhouettes of people coming towards each other wrapped in the power of faith, the President's eyes narrowed: "Human?"

This time, it is no longer the natural world that is controlled by the will of faith, but the strong men who were watching the battle just now.

The golden power of wish was injected into their bodies, turning these powerful men into a part of God's will, turning them into fanatical believers, rushing towards the president like moths to the flame.

The power of incense belief penetrated all parts of their bodies, allowing their potential to be constantly stimulated and the sea of ​​consciousness to be constantly stirred. Each one of them became the best carrier of that power.

"The best carrier of faith and will is never in this world, and the power of God is never created for all things in the world."

"The people who need God the most in this world...are always people."

“Only God can give people stability and happiness.”

"Wan Daoxian, take my fifth move."

Under Jing Shiyu's will, God's will burst out in the flesh and blood of a powerful man.

Their flesh and blood became the best carrier of faith and will.

Their consciousness became calm and stable under the erosion of belief ideas! Become happy!

Roar! A strong man let out a loud roar, and the surging faith and will burst out from his hands, blasting towards the president with destructive power.

Then the second...the third...the fourth...

The President looked at the strong men who burst out with three passes under the will of God, and watched them surround him with calm expressions.

Especially when he saw that many of the masters came from Xinguo, he couldn't help but be surprised at the moment.

"Okay, okay! You bitch really didn't disappoint me!"

"Take yourself as a bet and use others as pawns..."

"Then I will overturn your game! Smash all your chess pieces!"

"Thunder comes!"

The President stretched out his hand and pulled hard, and countless thunderbolts seemed to be torn from the sky by him, turning into weapons and surrounding him.

The weapons transformed from the thunder slashed straight out, like phantoms flashing out, unable to be blocked, unable to dodge, and even difficult to observe, and pieces of blood rain exploded in the sky.


Looking at the bloody battlefield, Leng Jian cried and shouted: "It's me! Don't kill me!"

Lei Bing crossed Leng Jian's figure, the president's eyes swept over him, and then he killed others again.

But at the next moment, Leng Jian's face suddenly became calm and happy. The long sword in his hand brought a lot of faith and will to the president.


Holding the sword's edge with one hand, feeling the slight scars on his palm and the fanatical thoughts that once again entered his mind, the President's eyes suddenly surged with murderous intent.

The calmness on Leng Jian's face disappeared again, and he cried again: "Spare my life..."

But before he could finish speaking, his head had disappeared in an instant.

Withdrawing his bloody fist, the thunder soldiers controlled by the president were like lightning, twisting a strong man into a rain of blood.

"No, President!"

"President, spare your life!"

"Your Excellency President! I am your brother-in-law..."

One by one, the powerful men crashed into the president's position like meteors, and exploded directly at the moment of collision with the thunder soldiers, as if they turned into golden suns.

The fanatical thoughts of belief continued to erode Lei Bing and the president's consciousness, but they were swept away by his extremely domineering spirit.

"It's ridiculous. Do you think you can mess with my mind by using this method?"

"No one in this world can stop me. What you do only makes me more and more excited, and the cruelty and viciousness in my heart are constantly awakened..."

And as the killing continued, the murderous intention on the president became more and more serious and terrifying.

Finally, there was no one in the sky blocking him.

The President looked at Jing Shiyu in mid-air and said expectantly: "Bitch, use all your remaining tricks on me, or I won't be able to help but tear off your hands and feet."

At this moment, Jing Shiyu's originally long black hair had turned snow-white, and was flying with the surge of golden wish power.

The originally clean robe was stuck to her wound and looked full of blood.

At the same time, little bits of golden light continued to converge towards her in the sky and the earth.

That was the faith and will that was swayed on the battlefield in the previous battles.

And these wishes have become extremely pure after colliding with the president.

Just because most of the fanatical thoughts were shattered by the president.

Jing Shiyu turned out to be using the domineering will of the President, a powerful man of four generations, to purify the fanatical thoughts in his will during this battle.

Although the returning willpower has shrunk more than ten times at this moment, it appears extremely pure and peaceful.

At the same time, the golden figure appeared behind her again, and under the infusion of this pure will power, her face became clearer and more obvious, as if layers of cocoons were peeled off her body, gradually revealing revealed her true face.

That was a beauty, a delicate beauty whose appearance was completely different from Jing Shiyu.

At this moment, she slowly opened her eyes, and the four-pass coercion erupted from her body surprised the president: "Gushe Fairy?"

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