I said I would turn back time

Chapter 480 Lin Xing’s New World

The inheritance of mending the sky.

This is the inheritance that Lin Xing obtained from his own recovered memory.

It is a kind of inheritance that gets rid of the shackles of the body, refines itself into an immortal weapon, and incorporates the power of time and space.

It is precisely because of the integration of the power of time and space that the Bu Tian inheritance was not easily reduced and weakened by Tian Xuzi like the inheritance practiced by Lin Xing in the past.

But these... are not all the secrets of Butian inheritance.

Just like the name of this inheritance, 'Mending the Sky' is the ultimate goal of this inheritance, and it is also what Lin Xing has been pursuing to change the future...change destiny...open up a new world.

At this moment, Bai Yiyi was shocked to feel Lin Xing's state, and gradually understood his thoughts at the moment.

"After Lin Xing completed the "Kunlun Immortal Moving Mountains Sutra" and "Nine Tribulations of Rebirth in the Sky", he forged the original immortal body and had the power to pass through the road of ascension and ascend to the upper world."

"But this does not mean that he has given up on his original Butian inheritance and immortal weapon body."

"After he returned from the road of ascension, the body that had been transformed into an immortal weapon, especially the hair, teeth, blood, ribs and eyes that were refined into the heaven-repairing weapon, had all been refined into the original immortal body. "

"At this moment, after he used Tian Xuzi as his heart material and refined the Taiyin Phaseless Pearl into a weapon to repair the sky, he has completely mastered the five weapons to repair the sky, and he has the power to break through to the fifth inheritance."

Taiyin Wuxiang Bead (100% Sky Repair) → Yindi Xuanxiang Bead: You can use the moon as an eye to look at the heaven, earth and the world, as if you are close at hand, and everything you can see returns to its origin.

A little moonlight lit up in the center of Lin Xing's pupils. The next moment, the moonlight spread rapidly, dyeing his pupils with a layer of moonlight, as if his eyes turned into a full moon.

The full moon under the night sky established a mysterious connection with his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Xing felt that his eyes seemed to have a panoramic view of the entire world.

Every powerful person and every citizen in the world seems to be under his observation.

On the other side, feeling Lin Xing's thoughts, Bai Yiyi was extremely frightened: "No, not only are there five Heaven-Mending Weapons, but Lin Xing, who also has the original immortal body, now has more power than what was originally needed for the breakthrough of the Heaven-Mending inheritance. The power is more tyrannical, more domineering, and more invincible.”

"So what Lin Xing needs to do next is to complete the final sky-repairing ceremony, and then completely break through to the fifth inheritance - Diwa Divine Creation."

"And all of this started as early as seven years ago, when Lin Xing and Tian Xuzi fought on the moon, he had already started to prepare..."

As the last mouthful of the immortal weapon turned into a weapon to mend the sky, under Bai Yiyi's gaze that looked both expectant and fearful, the power of the five heaven-mending weapons began to truly explode one after another, and the world also ushered in an unprecedented... Variety.

The moonlight flickered slightly in Lin Xing's eyes, and in the next moment, the bodies in the world burst into a ball of blood and scattered in the atmosphere.

Lin Xing's hair slowly spread out and turned into a sword light that filled the sky and tore through the earth. It penetrated Kunlun and cut and shattered the mountains connected to Kunlun.

Lin Xing's blood was like a rolling river, constantly pouring into his eyes.

At the same time, the originally white and flawless moon surface seemed to be covered with blood streaks, and the moon became more and more illusory amidst this strange change.

Finally, with a loud rumble that echoed between heaven and earth, two red moons slowly rose at the end of the spiritual veins, cutting off the Kunlun spiritual veins that originally led to the ascension.

Lin Xing's twenty-four ribs penetrated the world with twisted brilliance, turning into black rings and rising into the sky.

Lin Xing's teeth collided slightly, and thousands of thunder sounds were heard. The next moment, heavy thunder light swept through the world, swallowing the evil spirits of the world into the ring one by one.

Then his eyes slowly closed...

On the planet.

Feeling the instant death of Tian Jizi and Xingxiao, and feeling the lives of countless people on the earth disappearing rapidly, Bai Hailiu became more and more desperate.

"Has Tian Xuzi begun to destroy the world?"

"If even Lin Xing loses, who in the world can fight against him? Who else can stop him?"

At this moment, more and more intense vibrations seemed to come from the entire world. The seawater began to rush towards the sky. The seabed exposed to the atmosphere continued to crack and break, revealing bottomless cracks in the ground.

But what shocked Tian Jizi even more at this moment was that the moon in the sky not only turned into eyes, but also showed streaks of blood looking towards the earth.

Even the eyes began to fall towards the earth at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were getting closer to the planet and clearly seeing the scene on the earth.

"This world is over..."

Seeing this truly earth-shattering scene, Tian Jizi suddenly felt a surge of hysterical anger in extreme despair.

He let out a long roar towards his eyes in the sky, and his whole body suddenly rose into the sky, carrying layers of air waves and slamming into the direction of the falling moon.

In his perception and sight, the ground was already in chaos.

As if stimulated by the falling moon, the entire earth is being torn and squeezed by some kind of force, constantly changing the landscape. The entire world seems to be in a huge earthquake.

Cities were torn to pieces, and ruins formed by the collapse of countless buildings and houses rose into the sky.

As the earth continued to be torn apart, Tianjizi vaguely seemed to be able to feel some kind of frightening roar coming from the depths of the earth.

At this moment, a hint of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Tian Jizi's heart.

"What is there deep in the earth that is rebelling against the moon?"

The next moment, under Tian Jizi's shocked gaze, the entire earth... No! The entire planet suddenly shattered and cracked, as if a giant dragon was rolling and roaring inside.

"The earth is broken?!"

Endless light and heat filled Tian Jizi's eyes.

The next moment, he had lost all consciousness.

When Tian Jizi came to his senses, he found himself on the rooftop of a tall building with Bai Hailiu and Xingxiao.

Blow by the strong wind, he could clearly see the bustling modern city below.

Everything was so normal, so bland.

Time keeps passing by, and the streets go from early morning to late at night, from people coming and going to empty.

Tian Jizi, who was looking at the street, realized that one day had passed before he knew it.

Everything on the street was so ordinary, as if the series of battles had not happened, as if the catastrophe after the decisive battle between Lin Xing and Tian Xuzi was just an illusion.

"What happened?"

"What did Tian Xuzi do?"

This question flashed through his mind, and the next moment Tian Jizi felt a figure appear behind him...it was Lin Xing!

"Lin Xing!"

"Isn't he dead?"

"Shouldn't he be defeated at the hands of Tian Xuzi and die in battle?!"

As if sensing Tian Jizi's thoughts, Lin Xing said calmly: "On the contrary, it was not that I was defeated by Tian Xuzi, but that I defeated him and created a new future."

"What appears in front of you now is the new world after I finish patching the sky."

Lin Xing took a deep breath, seeming to be intoxicated by the current environment, and said slowly: "Do you feel it? The evil spirit permeating this world has completely disappeared."

"Since ancient times, the world has been penetrated by Kunlun, causing gaps between heaven and earth and filled with evil spirits."

"And now it is up to me to refine the moon and mend the sky, so that there will no longer be any defects between heaven and earth..."

Feeling what Lin Xing said, Tian Jizi suddenly raised his head and looked at the moon in the night sky.

I saw that the originally white moon seemed to be covered with a layer of vague mist at this moment, and it even exuded a trace of strange red blood.

"Blood moon?"

At this moment, Tian Jizi found that he could vaguely feel that the moon at this moment was filled with extremely strong evil energy.

And the moon that should have been extremely far away from him now actually gave him a feeling of blurred distance. The blood moon seemed very close and yet very far away, in a strange state.

"Lin Xing, what on earth did you do?"

Lin Xing looked at Bai Hailiu, Xingxiao and Tianjizi and said with a smile: "I have repaired the gaps in the world and opened up the future in front of me."

"From now on, the starting point is the end, no one can control destiny, and human beings will open up infinite possibilities in this new world."

"This is the future I create."

"Do you feel it? A new day is about to begin."

Tian Jizi was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he saw the blood moon in the sky seemed to flash slightly, as if a human eye blinked.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world changed in some way, and Tian Jizi felt that he was back to the moment when he just woke up. The crowds on the street, the passing traffic, the flashing lights... everything was exactly the same as what he had seen before.

However, this sameness was only the initial state. Soon the whole street became slightly chaotic, and more and more people looked at the world in front of them in shock...

Tian Jizi murmured: "Did you turn back time?"

Lin Xing smiled and said: "Under the shining of the moonlight, every time the whole world reaches the end, it will return to the starting point. This is the return to the origin."

"Whether it's illness, death, accidents...everything can be done again after reaching the end."

"Murder? Kidnapping? Robbery? Everything can be undone."

"Food? Water, electricity? Oil? All resources will be endless."

"All human beings who come to this new world will have unlimited opportunities to explore their own possibilities, to determine their own destiny, and to find meaning in a meaningless life."

Tianjizi said in disbelief: "You...are you crazy? You make everyone go back one day every day. Then no matter what you do, you will return to the starting point. What is the meaning of this kind of life?"

Lin Xing smiled and shook his head: "No, memory will record every reincarnation of time. Everyone in this world will return to normal in reincarnations, free from the constraints of endless time and resources, and become Real people and moving forward to take control of their own destiny.”

"In this new world, matter doesn't matter because one's thoughts can travel through time and space, and that's what it means."

As he spoke, he paused slightly and looked at Bai Hailiu and Xingxiao: "But even in this new world, there is no future for you."

"White sea currents, starry sky, those who fail to reach the starting point will not be able to reach the end."

I saw a fairy gate slowly emerging behind Lin Xing, and the next moment Tian Jizi felt that he had arrived in the mirror world.

Looking at the vast land in front of him, Lin Xing said slowly: "And the old world in front of you is a suitable burial place for you."

Tianjizi looked at the head held in Lin Xing's arms, and suddenly realized that the only people looking at the street scene with him were Lin Xing and the two heads in his arms.

Looking at the land of the Mirror World in front of him, he suddenly had an idea flash in his mind and said: "The old world...the Mirror World will not be reset? So you buried the bodies of Bai Hailiu and Xingxiao here?"

Bai Hailiu and Xingxiao looked at all this with empty eyes. The next moment, their heads gradually turned into ashes and disappeared into the atmosphere.

Under Tian Jizi's gaze, Lin Xing's figure suddenly disappeared like an illusion.

No... At this moment, Tian Jizi understood the situation in front of him more and more. Everything was just an illusion. The real Lin Xing had already left. What he had just experienced was just a thought left by the other party to him.

"Tianjizi, only with a starting point can there be an end. Only with the existence of the old world can the new world be born."

"I have opened up the future, but the direction of the future is chosen by humans themselves."

Tian Jizi raised his head and seemed to see countless immortal gates standing on the earth, connecting the two worlds like in the past.

He smiled bitterly and sighed in his heart: "This world was finally controlled by a madman and turned into a mental hospital for this madman."

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