On the street, the young man covered his head and looked at the familiar city in front of him with hesitation on his face.

"What...what's going on? I remember that I should be dead. Why? Why do I appear here? Is this the world after death?"

Beside him, there were also many people who looked confused. They felt that one moment they were still in the apocalypse of the earth-shattering day, and the next moment they were back in the familiar fortress city.

However, even though they didn't know what was going on, most people ran towards the places that were different but made them feel the safest and most familiar.

There are also a few people who try to investigate the truth and find out what happened.

In Zhao Wanxi's data space, she is also observing the entire world at this moment.

With access to a large amount of network and computer resources, and the ability to conduct observations through countless satellites, drones, and surveillance probes, Zhao Wanxi may be the person who best understands the current global situation in the world.

"The entire world's time has gone back to before the war started, around the time when Xingxiao and the others came to Donghai City."

"But Xingxiao and the others are gone."

"The evil spirits have also disappeared."

"The spiritual acupoint has also turned into a fairy gate again."

"Even the mountains that originally grew out of the spiritual caves in the southwest have disappeared, as if they had been leveled by some kind of force..."

With all kinds of real-life information flashing through her mind, Zhao Wanxi looked at the virtual image belonging to Bai Yiyi in front of her and asked, "Master, is this the new world created by senior brother?"

Zhao Wanxi knew that Bai Yiyi was inseparable from Lin Xing most of the time, and she should know more about Lin Xing's actions.

Bai Yiyi nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, it was Lin Xing and I who did this shocking thing together."

Just listen to her speak slowly: "Lin Xing left his hair to tie up the mountains and tie up the tentacles of Kunlun Mountain that invaded this world."

"He then used his own blood to turn into a galaxy of waves, and sent the moon in the sky to the road of ascension, filling the cracks in the world opened by Kunlun Mountain."

"His teeth burst into thunder, sweeping across the heaven and earth, absorbing all the evil in the world."

"The ribs turned into twenty-four rainbow lights that scattered all over the world, carrying evil spirits outside the sky."

"In the end, he used his eyes to turn into the moon hanging in the sky, watching the world all the time..."

Listening to Bai Yiyi talking about Lin Xing's actions as if telling a myth, Zhao Wanxi tried to filter out some of the invalid information, and pieced together the entire incident in her mind based on the information she currently had. full picture.

"So...senior brother, he not only cleared away the evil spirits in the world, he even cut off the path to ascension and blocked the connection between the upper world and us?"

"Then what I want to know is, is it possible for senior brother's Butian to be destroyed by the Immortal Court?"

Bai Yiyi thought for a while and replied: "It should be impossible."

"The power your senior brother uses to mend the sky is the upper limit of what this world can accommodate. All powers beyond this level are not allowed by the Immortal Court."

"If you want to reverse your senior brother's power, you have to break the rules set by the Immortal Court."

"That is a rule deeply engraved on the branches of the sky, the road to ascension, and the Kunlun Mountain. It involves the foundation of all realms."

While speaking, Bai Yiyi once again recalled the process of the final battle and the memory in Tian Xuzi's mind.

Especially Tian Xuzi's memory, Bai Yiyi recalled it repeatedly afterwards, and realized more things from it.

"There is no content in that memory after Tian Xuzi ascended."

"But obviously the life Tian Xuzi lived after his ascension was far longer than his life in the lower world."

"That is to say, the memory of the lower world that Tian Xuzi has mastered should only be a small part of all the complete memories of Tian Xuzi..."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiyi became more enlightened.

"Can Tian Xuzi, who only masters a small part of his memory, be the real Tian Xuzi?"

"It can only be said to be part of Tian Xuzi, or even just some kind of distraction?"

"Tian Xuzi left behind such a distracted lower realm with incomplete strength and incomplete memory. Is it obviously also limited by the rules of the Immortal Court?"

While the two parties were communicating, time was passing by, and people all over the world were trying to adapt to life in the new world.

And it wasn't until the early morning of the next day that people gradually discovered that the world was strange.

The student's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the bread that was supposed to be eaten by him appear on the table intact.

The girl kept rummaging in the refrigerator, but she couldn't find the fruit she bought home yesterday.

On the way to work, the man took out his mobile phone and planned to read a novel. After a moment, his face was full of disbelief: "Why haven't they been updated?"

In the hospital, the doctor looked at the patient on the bed and exclaimed in surprise: "Didn't your hemorrhoids open yesterday? Why did they grow back again?"

In the funeral home, the staff was sweating profusely: "Why are the bodies gone?!"

Soon after, more and more people began to realize that the entire world's time had flown back to the previous day.

The young man who had just worked overtime yesterday kept scrolling on his mobile phone in bed. After a moment, he suddenly jumped out of bed and looked at himself in disbelief: "First I was reborn after the apocalypse, and now I am back to the previous day. Could it be that I have awakened to the ability to turn back time?" superpower?"

"Hahahaha, if it's true... then from today onwards, wouldn't I be able to do whatever I want?!"

He changed his clothes with excitement and planned to go out and test his abilities.

He walked out of the room and came to the door of the first floor. He looked at the time and thought to himself: "If time really goes back to the previous day, a red-haired girl will come downstairs soon..."

But after waiting for a long time, looking at the empty corridor, doubts arose in his heart: "What's going on? Why is there no one?"

Outside the gate, a male student with glasses stared at the young man and thought to himself: "What's going on? Why is there such a man standing here? This is different from yesterday."

The owner of the breakfast shop across the street looked at the male student in confusion and wondered, "Why didn't he come over to eat steamed buns like yesterday? Is he also a reborn person?"

At this moment, a large number of drones were seen flying across the low altitude and heading towards another street.

Hundreds of people were seen crowding in front of the lottery shop, all rushing here early in the morning and rushing to buy the same set of numbers, causing major congestion on the street.

On the bus passing by, many men and women on the bus looked resentful: "I have to work an extra day for nothing..."

In the data space, Bai Yiyi looked at the data in front of her and laughed.

"A total of 506 patients who were supposed to have died were resurrected in major hospitals across the city. The doctors have made a wonderful comeback, and the level of medical care has ushered in a qualitative leap."

“The candidates in primary and secondary schools across the city have achieved excellent results, their test scores have improved by leaps and bounds, and education has achieved greater glory.”

"The work efficiency of major companies has been greatly improved, and a lot of work has been completed ahead of schedule."

"The country is peaceful and the people are peaceful. It's so gratifying and congratulatory. It's so gratifying and congratulatory."

Zhao Wanxi on the side was always frowning. When she heard this, she said: "Master, will our world stay on this day forever? Is this the new world created by senior brother?"

Bai Yiyi chuckled, looking at the news that kept popping up on the Internet, and said: "Wouldn't it be nice to have a world where you never die, never have to worry about running out of resources, and are not affected by evil spirits and fairy courts? "

Zhao Wanxi said: "But the crime rate has increased, social order has become more chaotic, and a lot of work is still in place. This is just the beginning. Even I can't predict what kind of chaos the world will look like after time continues to restart. …”

Bai Yiyi said nonchalantly: "It's precisely because everything has just begun that it's a bit chaotic."

"Good disciple, you and I both come from the mirror world, so we should understand that people always hate being restrained. After they have strong enough power, people always like to do whatever they want, and like to use the most direct and simple way to satisfy their desires. .”

"Plundering, deception, indiscriminate killing, coercion...perhaps these processes will be criticized by countless people and considered wrong by countless weak people."

“But many times, after people have enough conditions and opportunities, they still choose to use these methods to obtain satisfaction.”

Zhao Wanxi sighed: "Just like everyone in the world at this moment, when more and more people realize that time is repeating and realize that they are not afraid of death, more and more people will do whatever they want."

"There are too few people like my senior brother who can still abide by morality and adhere to their own principles even if they have the power to turn back time."

Bai Yiyi laughed and said, "Good disciple, aren't you the same person now?"

"Now you already have the morality that you insist on in your heart. Even if you have the power to destroy mankind, don't you not abuse it?"

"You've had enough of the chaos in the mirror world, and your heart is always entangled with the pain and helplessness of the past. How can you endure the same chaos in the current world?"

"I believe that even if time keeps reincarnating, you will always make the same choice and treat the world with your own reason."

"You will definitely make this new world a better place."

"And those people who are messing around now, in this world where there is no evil, and under the influence of people like you, will slowly realize that the new world is not a reason for them to do whatever they want as they reincarnate day by day. .”

Zhao Wanxi looked at Bai Yiyi in surprise: "Master, this is not like what you usually say."

Bai Yiyi smiled slightly and said: "Maybe it's because we are about to part ways, so I always want to say something... what I should say as a master."

Zhao Wanxi's heart sank when she heard this, and she suddenly felt nervous: "Master, are you going to leave with your senior brother?"

Bai Yiyi nodded and said with emotion: "Alas, your senior brother can no longer stay in the lower world, not to mention that he does still have things he wants to do in the upper world."

"I don't worry about him ascending by himself, so I can only follow him and take care of him."

Zhao Wanxi looked at the beautiful woman in black in front of her with some sadness: "Master..."

"Hahaha, actually I have never regarded you as my apprentice before. I have always focused on your senior brother and did not teach you anything useful. I relied entirely on your own talent."

Bai Yiyi said with a smile: "Before I leave, I will tell you some rules that Lin Xing and I will leave to the old and new worlds."

"There is almost no evil in the new world, and it will always be reincarnated on the same day."

"A small part of the evil spirit still remains in the old world, and time is always moving forward."

"Such two worlds will never be able to merge into one, but they have infinite possibilities."

"As for where the future goes, it's up to you to decide."

Zhao Wanxi listened to Bai Yiyi's words, but she felt her heart was in confusion: "But I don't know what to do."

Bai Yiyi smiled and said: "It's okay, you have countless opportunities to start over without restraints, and you will definitely find your own way."

Time passes day by day, and more and more people in the world are realizing that the world's time has stopped on this day.

The eaten food will appear again, the dead will be resurrected, and the damaged bodies and items will be restored to their original appearance...

Just when the whole world was about to go into chaos, Zhao Wanxi's appearance changed everything.

As a living being who has also experienced time reincarnation, the countless servers and computers she controls will accurately record the memories she retains.

So from this day on, an existence that could span time and space and record countless data around the world was born.

New currency data, criminal records, personal intelligence that transcend time... were created one by one.

A new world order slowly emerged.

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