I said I would turn back time

Chapter 589 Destroying the Immortal World

Some strong men go deep into space and temper their immortal bodies by absorbing star radiation again and again.

Some strong men split their souls again and again, becoming stronger and stronger in the fight between themselves and themselves, until they fight to the strongest self in the end, and temper their immortal bodies with supreme fighting spirit.

Some strong men continue to experience birth, aging, illness and death, and temper their immortal bodies with the horror of life and death and the impermanence of life.

These future scenes continue to pour into Lin Xing's mind, providing Lin Xing with one evolutionary route after another for the original immortal body, and becoming the best nutrient for him to promote the original immortal body.

And similar future scenes have been seen by him since the battle between Lin Xing and Wanfa Xianzun began.

Especially as the battle between the two sides becomes more and more intense, and as the combat power of both sides breaks through the limit again and again, more and more strong men will be born in the future, and they will become more and more powerful.

Until this moment, when the fight between the two sides completely tore apart the Kunlun Heavenly Law and broke the four-transmission limit of the present world, the future light and shadow in Lin Xing's eyes changed dramatically.

"Wanfa, this battle between you and me will not only open up a new fairyland, but will also greatly stimulate everyone in this world, break their inherent cognition, and inspire their future path of cultivation."

With his feet on the abyss deeper than darkness, Lin Xing's figure at this moment is as relaxed as standing on ordinary land. Every step he takes causes ripples in the black hole under his feet.

And in his eyes full of expectation, the changes of light and shadow in the future continue to emerge.

Lin Xing sighed: "I don't know how many peerless strong men will be born after this battle, and how many people will eventually reach the realm of you and me at this moment, or even surpass us..."

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable felt the disappearance of the blue flames all over his body, and felt the world that no longer oppressed him all the time, but there was no joy in his heart.

As his broken body continued to recover, he stared at Lin Xing in front of him, and the murderous aura and fighting spirit in his mind were still surging wildly.

"I can't believe it... Lin Xing... I can't believe that the original immortal body that even my master couldn't completely complete back then would be created into a more perfect version in your hands?"

"The Taoism you created is indeed powerful, just like the evil immortal ancestor in the past, so invincible and unbeatable."

"But the more so, the more I keep thinking the same as my masters back then."

"Can you feel it, Lin Xing?"

"Can you understand it, Lin Xing?"

"I will definitely kill you completely in this battle, because there shouldn't be people like you in this world, and you shouldn't be allowed to control the Taoism so recklessly..."

Without reservation and fighting to the utmost, both sides blasted out thousands of moves in a short moment.

The aftermath of the power poured out in all directions, even causing the black hole under his feet to shatter, as if it had turned into a star and burned again.

But this violent cosmic phenomenon could not affect the two sides of the battle at all.

No matter the black hole that was shattered under their influence, the star that burned faster, or the sun that expanded out of control... none of them could stop the violent fighting spirit of both sides.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of moves had been fought. The remains of Wanfa Xianzun were reassembled after being shattered again and again, but Lin Xing's immortal body also showed a little crack.

But whether it was Wanfa Xianzun or Lin Xing, they seemed to have infinite power, infinite mental strength, immortal body, and immortal will.

And there was nothing in the world that could stop their fight to the death.

Finally, under the destruction of the two, the sun as a battlefield seemed to have finally reached its limit.

With more than 50% of its mass burned instantly, the star had been completely ignited, and the energy that could have continued to shine on the earth for millions of years was attracted in an instant. The high-temperature radiation rolled up was like a storm, sweeping across the entire galaxy, and all the planets were completely engulfed and ignited.

But whether it was Lin Xing or Wanfa Xianzun, they were not interested in this small storm at the moment.

At this moment, in the minds of the two, there was only the other party, the opponent to be wiped out, to be blown up, to be completely killed.

On the blazing land, the strong men who survived temporarily looked at the constantly flashing meteor tracks in the sky, knowing that they were the traces left by the two supreme strong men in the starry sky.

Hao Liu Tianxian was shocked to feel the state of his incarnation: "The Heavenly Law has been completely shattered?"

Another immortal on the side said happily: "Great, now we can find a way to use the power of the Five Transmissions."

"Hao Liu Tianxian, let's quickly recover our cultivation and then go to help the Immortal Venerable!"

Hao Liu Tianxian said coldly: "Help? Do you mean to go up and die?"

Looking at the two twinkling stars in the sky, he slowly said: "How can we be qualified to participate in such a battle?"

"If we rashly participate in this battle, it will only insult this peak battle and add some jokes."

Thinking of what the Immortal Venerable Wanfa said before, he sighed softly: "Watch carefully, how can the Immortal Venerable Wanfa Tongtian lose easily? Standing on the top of the Immortal Court, he has long been invincible, and does not need your so-called help."

Xia Guozhong on the other side.

Jing Shiyu felt the changes between heaven and earth, and felt that the force that had been squeezing her since she entered the peak of the fourth level had completely dissipated.

And the obstacles that had originally shrouded her realm had completely disappeared.

However, she was not in a hurry to think about these things, but took the time to sense the existence of those immortals.

"Without the limit of the four-transmission limit, will you take any action?"

When she felt that these immortals were quiet and did not move, she thought to herself: "No one took action? Are you also shocked by this battle?"

At the same time, Zhao Wanxi's voice came from the communicator: "Jing Shiyu... Can we win this battle? Is there anything else we can do?"

The fight between the two sides was too earth-shattering. Even the entire solar system has been destroyed countless times. It is far beyond the limit that Zhao Wanxi can estimate.

So she kept asking Jing Shiyu, as if she was expecting the other party's answer, or expecting Jing Shiyu, who has always been able to come up with various countermeasures, to come up with any good strategy at this moment.

In response to Zhao Wanxi's question, Jing Shiyu thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled with relief, looked at the sky and said lightly: "Compared to thinking about this and that... it's better to enjoy this battle."

"Being able to die in such a peak battle again and again, and watching the death battle of two such strong men without any scruples, may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Zhao Wanxi, pass on the battle you feel in every reincarnation to the whole world."

"Let all the people feel this battle, feel Lin Xing's determination, feel their fighting spirit, their anger, their realm..."

After each reincarnation, not everyone can live well to the next reincarnation.

Even with the Dharma Realm of Wanfa Xianzun to transmit feelings and information, even if Lin Xing and Wanfa Xianzun fought billions of miles away, not everyone can watch the battle every day safely and completely.

And as Zhao Wanxi transmitted her memory data of watching the battle to various terminals, this allowed the people of the world to feel the horror of this battle more completely.

At the same time, in the space on the other side, the battle has really entered a white-hot stage.

Every move of both sides has been constantly shattering the space-time structure and destroying the material structure. Whether it is Lin Xing or Wanfa Xianzun, the destructive power that has erupted seems to have reached a limit.

Their thoughts and souls no longer have the slightest reservation, and they have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the battle in front of them.

Keep fighting! Keep killing!

Planets, galaxies, and common people... have experienced destruction and rebirth again and again in their hands.

Until ten days later, in the perception of all living beings in the world, these two gods who are enough to shatter the world and the immortals who are enough to trample the galaxy have returned to the earth again.

On the calm sea, Lin Xing put his hands behind his back, looked at Wanfa Xianzun in front of him and said: "Wanfa, from eighteen hours ago, you can no longer keep up with my progress."

"Even if I gave you this eighteen-hour opportunity, you still failed to continue to break through."

"It seems that the outcome of our battle has been decided."

Lively sea fish swam back and forth under the feet of Wanfa Xianzun, as if they were curiously looking at the two uninvited guests.

Wanfa Xianzun was now emaciated, his spiritual power and immortal energy were severely exhausted, and even his shattered right arm was slowly recovering, and could not be reassembled in an instant.

The reason why he became like this was that in these fierce battles that exceeded the limit, Wanfa Xianzun's power consumption in pushing this battle far exceeded the limit of the output of the Dharma Realm in the present world.

But no matter how fiercely he exerted his strength and how many tricks he used, Lin Xing could always suppress him further, as if the opponent's strength would always become stronger as he became stronger.

How can Lin Xing be defeated?

Try to modify a stronger inheritance? To reduce the opponent's lifespan? Try to knock the opponent into the underworld?

No... No.

At this moment, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun could already confirm that Lin Xing in front of him could absorb future nutrients through the Taoism he founded, and become stronger through his strength.

Even if he tried to knock him into the underworld, he could see the way to adapt in advance, and instead gain the power to resist and become stronger, right?

"Defeated... I have indeed been completely defeated."

"At this moment, I may really have no way to defeat such a person."

"Too strong... Why should there be such a powerful person in this world?"

"Why should such a person stand in front of me? Stop me from pushing the heavens and the worlds to the unprecedented prosperity."

Reluctant, a strong unwillingness continued to grow in the heart of Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable.

He climbed up from the bottom step by step to here, and he was not willing to welcome his defeat, let alone his unfinished plan.

And he raised his head unwillingly and looked at the tall man in front of him.

"Lin Xing..."

"I am the Lord of the Immortal Court."

"The Immortal Court under my rule has the most extensive territory, the largest number of immortals, and the mortals with the highest average life expectancy..."

"I will educate the world, lead the development of the immortal way, create new methods, and bring the heavens and the worlds into this unprecedented prosperity!"

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable's body was constantly withering at this moment, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was burning again. He stared at Lin Xing in front of him and released his thoughts wantonly.

"The myriad worlds must be in my hands. Only in my hands can I put an end to the chaos of generations and usher in a true fairyland! A true paradise."

"Since I can't defeat you head-on today, I will destroy this Taoist sect! Destroy this new fairyland! I will also eliminate you! Just like the two immortal ancestors in the past completely wiped out the evil immortal ancestor!"

Accompanied by the explosion of the Immortal Venerable Wanfa Tongtian, a super-time and space power finally passed through the Dharma Realm, and after crossing an unknown distance, it descended into the present world at this moment.

This time, the time-reversal power mastered by the Immortal Venerable Wanfa Tongtian was no longer just reversing his own physical state.

On this fragile space-time structure of the lower world, when this super-time and space power was fully operated with his body as the center, the time of the entire world was rapidly pushed to the past.

The Immortal Venerable Wanfa wanted to reverse the entire present world back to before the founding of the Taoist sect, to completely crush Lin Xing's Taoist sect, and to crush this new fairyland that was about to be born.

Everything around was madly regressing, the sun and the moon appeared and disappeared in turn, rising and falling continuously like a circle of light.

And in the process of this circle of light rotating at high speed, people kept dying and reborn, reborn and dying.

The earth, sky, and ocean were destroyed and created again and again, just like the same clip being played over and over again.

When the Immortal Master of All Laws stopped all this, when the madly reversed world started to function normally again.

The entire present world has gone back to who knows how many years ago.

"Fifty years? One hundred years? Or two hundred years?"

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