I said I would turn back time

Chapter 590 I recognized the wrong person

The management of the lower world by the Immortal Court has always been a laissez-faire approach.

They almost don't bother to pay attention to most of the lower worlds. Only some immortals and large sects will make arrangements in individual lower worlds for the sake of profit.

But the Immortal Master Wanfa Tongtian actually knows... In the more distant past, when the Supreme Immortal Ancestor and the Immortal Ancestor Wandao were in the upper world, they had managed the lower world in order to establish the Taoism.

Later, the Immortal Ancestor Xieqi established the Taoism and tried to connect the past and the future. He also managed the lower world and even changed the time and space in many lower worlds.

At this moment, when he found that he could not defeat Lin Xing head-on, the Immortal Master Wanfa Tongtian launched the time reversal with all his strength, which was to push the whole world rapidly towards the past.

He wanted to go back to the time before Lin Xing's Taoism was born and completely destroy the new immortal world that was about to be born.

"Fifty years? One hundred years? Or two hundred years?"

When the world in front of him stabilized again, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable looked at the calm ocean under his feet and began to release his thoughts to perceive the whole world.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in an instant and appeared on a busy street.

The street was bustling with people and traffic, everything was in order, but it was no different from many lower worlds that Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable had seen before, and it seemed that there was no longer the special atmosphere brought by the daily reincarnation in the future.

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable casually observed the crowds on the street, and his thoughts swept through the contents of various screens, newspapers, and magazines.

He thought in his heart: "2018? According to the history of this world, it has indeed returned to the era before the Taoism was established?"

I don't know if it is an illusion. Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable always feels that although the pedestrians in front of him look lively and busy with the things at hand, they always have a feeling of absent-mindedness.

But this illusion flashed by and was not taken to heart by him.

Compared to the psychological state of the people in this world in the past, he was most concerned about Lin Xing's state.

"After the time went back, everything in this world returned to the past state, and there were traces to follow... except for the things that were connected to the upper world."

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable knew that the time and space structure of the upper world was very different from that of the lower world. The ability to go back in time in the upper world could only go back to its own state at most, and there was no way to go back to the entire upper world.

So when he went back to the time of this lower world, the upper world did not change at all.

And those strong people who had crossed the path of ascension and had already ascended to the upper world and jumped out of this world would not be affected by the time going back in this world.

Then there is a question...

"What is Lin Xing's current state?"

"As a creature who was once in this world, and later ascended to the upper world, and now returned to this world, and also has the power of time reversal... where is he hiding?"

Since Lin Xing has been prevented from establishing his Dao, the next thing Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun has to do is to find the other party, and even obtain the secret of the Dao from the other party, so that he can establish this Dao that is enough to create a new fairyland in the future.

After all, after destroying the other party's Dao establishment place, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun, who holds the two Dao sects of the Dharma Realm and the Underworld, and can deeply influence the skills and inherit these two Dao sects, has full confidence to defeat Lin Xing.

"Lin Xing, this time when I find you, you will be completely defeated by me... The new fairyland will eventually be opened by me!"

His figure flashed quickly in the atmosphere, and his vast thoughts kept sweeping back and forth between heaven and earth, trying his best to search for information about Lin Xing.

But soon he realized that his power was rapidly draining away and could not be replenished.

Just because with the completion of the time reversal, the Dharma Realm he originally arranged has completely disappeared. It can be said that at this moment, whether it is intelligence, power or communication... he has completely disconnected from the upper world.

"With the time reversal, my power that originally did not belong to this world in this period of history... has also been gradually excluded?"

"No, I must replenish my power and find a way to maintain my cultivation..."

But when the Immortal Venerable Wanfa Tongtian arrived above Donghai City, the remaining power was less than one thousandth.

The combat power of the Immortal Venerable Wanfa Tongtian's body was originally based on the skills and inheritance of the Dharma Realm.

After disconnecting from the Dharma Realm, not only did the power dissipate, but even the immortal body gradually degenerated into a mortal body. All the magical powers that he originally possessed gradually degenerated, becoming more and more like a mortal.

"Damn it, this broken place doesn't even have any spiritual inspiration? Even the two great sects of skills and inheritance can't communicate?"

"This place was such a barren world in the past?"

"How did Lin Xing grow up in such a broken place?"

Facing the current environment where there is no spiritual inspiration, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable found that even if he wanted to use local materials to maintain the remaining power of the Dharma Realm, it became difficult to do so.

When he fell crookedly into the community where Lin Xing was, even the original immortal body disappeared without a trace after losing the blessing of the Dharma Realm.

After using the last bit of strength to disguise himself in appearance and clothing...

With a slight bang, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable had fallen to the ground.

Looking at his palm that was scratched because of stretching his hand to support the ground, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable shook his head helplessly: "Injured already?"

He touched the scar on his palm, and his brows wrinkled slightly with a burst of pain.

"How long has it been since I felt this way?"

Shaking his head, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable climbed up and planned to continue looking for Lin Xing's location.

In his mind, the information he had sensed when he was still powerful and swept the entire world with his mind kept pouring out.

"According to the last information I sensed, Lin Xing in 2018 should be living here, and he is a high school student in this world..."

Because there was no way to determine Lin Xing's exact location, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable could only sit under the shade of the tree at the entrance of the community, staring at the residents coming in and out.

But until the evening, Lin Xing's figure never appeared, but Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable felt more and more uncomfortable and weak all over his body.

"Damn it, is this world still rejecting my existence? Is it constantly draining my strength?"

Feeling as if his internal organs were being tightly pinched by a pair of hands, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable suddenly reacted: "Am I...hungry?"

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable, who had not eaten for a long time, had long forgotten the taste of hunger, and had long been accustomed to a life without eating. Even after losing all his strength, he subconsciously forgot about food.

Touching his stomach, he thought in his heart: "This body has only been without food for one day?"

At the same time, another doubt surged in his heart: "Why have I waited so long, and the upper world has not come yet? The Dharma Realm has not extended here..."

Wanfa Immortal Venerable felt more and more that something was wrong, but he didn't know what happened.

A moment later, as a familiar figure appeared at the gate of the community, Wanfa Immortal Venerable's spirit suddenly shook.

However, considering his current weak state, he did not rush to move, but carefully looked at Lin Xing's figure and observed the other party's current mental state.

Just as Lin Xing slowly passed in front of him, the other party suddenly turned his head, looked at him and said: "You look familiar."

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Venerable's breathing paused slightly, but feeling his weak state at the moment and his hungry stomach, he finally lowered his head and smiled awkwardly: "You recognized the wrong person?"

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