I said I would turn back time

Chapter 591 Suppressing Lin Xing

Feeling Lin Xing's eyes constantly looking at him, Wanfa Xianzun thought in his heart: "No, now I am seriously injured and my strength is at its weakest. It is definitely not a good time to confront Lin Xing head-on..."

Thinking of this, Wanfa Xianzun had to suppress the raging fighting spirit in his heart and buried his head lower, fearing that the other party would really recognize him.

Until he heard the other party's footsteps leaving, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that my previous disguise is very useful. Lin Xing did not notice the extraordinary thing about me."

He touched his stomach, feeling the growing hunger, and licked his lips, feeling the growing thirst.

Wanfa Xianzun sighed in his heart: "I don't know when the Immortal Court and the Dharma Realm will descend on this world."

"It seems that the first thing I have to do now is to get some food and drink and survive in this world first."

Thinking of this, Wanfa Xianzun slowly stood up, recalling the information about this world in his mind.

Although he had collected a lot of information about this world with his mind in order to find Lin Xing before he lost all his power, because he was only looking for Lin Xing, his collection of information about this world was very one-sided.

Now recalling what he knew in his mind, he thought: "This is a world without immortals, focusing on studying material properties, with a network similar to the Dharma Realm, but much worse, and secondly, the economic path is very developed..."

Thinking of this, Wanfa Xianzun smiled: "Based on my experience in establishing the Dharma Realm in the Immortal Court, the structure of this world is full of loopholes. As long as I am willing, I may become the ruler of this world before the Immortal Court descends."

At the same time, he naturally began to deduce the next development plan in his mind.

"First find a job, it is best to satisfy the food and drink needs of this body while observing Lin Xing's condition..."

So Wanfa Xianzun first set his sights on the office building not far from the community, wanting to find a job with a higher income in it, and at the same time facilitate him to observe Lin Xing.

Perhaps because of his good appearance and temperament, someone soon received him.

"The minimum requirement is a college degree or above... Is it okay without a degree? You wrote here that only talents are promoted, how can you only look at the degree?"

"Uh... Then what is your degree?"

"Although I have never been to school in your country, I think I am as good as anyone in astronomy and geography, literature and martial arts, and the way to govern the country and benefit the people."

Soon after, Wanfa Xianzun left the office building angrily, thinking to himself: "A bunch of blind guys, after the Immortal Court comes, I will demote you all to slaves."

Rubbing his stomach that kept making sounds, Wanfa Xianzun thought to himself: "The injuries on my body seem to be getting worse..."

He looked at the inconspicuous shops on the street and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that I, the master of the Immortal Court, would..."

With a sigh, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun still walked in.

After finding several shops that were not hiring, Wanfa Xianzun finally got a job opportunity in a milk tea shop.

But soon he encountered new problems.

"You don't have an ID card?"

"Can't you go get a new one?"

Feeling the other party's strange gaze, Wanfa Xianzun finally retreated silently.

"Damn, what a shabby world this is. Not only is there no immortal technology, but it's so difficult to even make a little money."

Feeling his stomach gradually starting to ache, Wanfa Xianzun walked and walked, and finally sat down at the entrance of the community.

"Basic food is not readily available, and there are so many barriers to actively wanting to work. Sure enough, this lower world is nothing compared to the immortal court under my governance..."

Just when he was full of complaints, tired, thirsty and hungry.

A voice suddenly came from nearby: "Xian... Zun?"

The voice was full of hesitation and disbelief, but the word Xianzun still shocked Wanfa Xianzun's heart. He quickly raised his head and looked at the other party, frowning and slowly saying: "Are you... Hao Liu Tianxian?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a vest and shorts and a somewhat sturdy figure appeared in front of him.

When the other party heard the address of Wanfa Xianzun, he nodded and said, "It's me, is it really you, Xianzun?"

Wanfa Xianzun was also slightly stunned. He didn't expect that it was really Haoliu Tianxian.

He suddenly realized that when he went back in time, the immortal incarnations of the Xianting also stayed here.

Now that the spiritual power has dissipated and the Dharma Realm is cut off, the other party has obviously lost all his power like him and has become a mortal and stayed in this world.

However, while thinking, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun stared at the duck leg that had been bitten a few times in the other party's hand, and stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."

Looking at the other party's puzzled eyes, he explained: "I am now seriously injured and my physical condition has fallen to a low point. I must eat."

Taking the duck leg handed over by the other party, Wanfa Tongtian Xianzun bit off a large piece of duck meat in one bite.

As the gravy exploded between the tongue and teeth, and the duck meat fibers flowed between the lips and teeth, he felt a wave of amazing satisfaction in his body.

As he ate, he couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get the money to buy food?"

Hao Liu Tianxian began to introduce his own experience.

As a top-level celestial being, Hao Liu Tianxian once received a trace of super-time and space power from the Immortal Lord, and was able to borrow power from his future self. He also used this move to fight Lin Xing.

In the present world after turning back time, it was the extra-dimensional sense brought by this trace of super-temporal power that allowed him to still retain his memory.

And after turning back time, he, like Wanfa Immortal Lord, also realized the key to Lin Xing's state, and also continued to sense Lin Xing's information and traces before the power dissipated.

However, his realm and strength were weaker than those of the Immortal Lord of All Laws, and he lacked the Taoist lineage, so his power dissipated faster. In the end, he only made it to the outskirts of Donghai City before turning into a mortal.

"...Immortal Lord, I originally wanted to hurry up and rush here to find traces of Lin Xing."

"But I soon discovered that if I rush here desperately, I'm afraid I won't have any combat power left, and I might be taken advantage of by Xiao Xiao."

"So I made some money first, then ate and took a taxi."

The Immortal Lord of Wanfa Tongtian asked in confusion: "How do you make money?"

Haoliu Tianxian said as he recalled: "Well... there were many people looking for work in a place I passed by. I followed them and got into a van, and then went to a workshop to make paper boxes... It seemed like Is it called packaging?”

Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord frowned and said: "No academic qualifications required? Don't you need an ID card?"

"They didn't ask me this." Haoliu Tianxian shook his head: "They asked me for my mobile phone, but it seems to be fine without it."

"Tch, you're so lucky."

Wanfa Immortal gnawed off the last bit of duck meat, looked at Haoliu Tianxian and said: "But it's just the right time for you to come. Next, I will stay here to observe Lin Xing's condition, and go to work to make money for us." Buy food and drink..."

Seven days have passed in the blink of an eye...

Haoliu Tianxian walked into the park while rubbing his sore waist and abdomen.

He found a recliner, looked at Wanfa Immortal who was lying on it and took a nap, and asked helplessly: "Immortal, didn't you go observe Lin Xing today?"

Wanfa Immortal touched his belly and asked: "Idiot, if you look too long, you will be chased by the security guards, and it will easily arouse Lin Xing's vigilance."

He raised his head and glanced at Hao Liu Tianxian, frowned and said, "Where is the roast duck rice I want?"

Immortal Haoliu Tian said helplessly: "I still haven't found Rijie today. If I eat roast duck rice, I won't have much money left..."

"Go and buy it." Wanfa Immortal Lord interrupted the other party and said: "It's just a few floating wealth from the lower realm. Why do you care about so much? At worst, after the Dharma Realm comes again, I will help you ascend to the position of head of the Taiqing Sect. "

Hearing this, Immortal Haoliu's eyes became more and more solemn: "Immortal Lord, according to the truth, the Dharma Realm should have arrived a long time ago. Why is it that after so many days, there is no sign of change in this world?"

Wanfa Immortal Lord shook his head: "It's hard to say, but I can be sure that this matter must be related to Lin Xing."

"And through my observations this week, I can be sure of one thing."

"Now Lin Xing has no magic power and his combat power has dropped to the lowest point. This is a good opportunity for us to take action."

Immortal Haoliu was moved in his heart and asked, "Are you going to deal with Lin Xing?"

Wanfa Immortal Lord nodded slightly: "With the current combat power of you and me, the two of us joining forces are enough to completely suppress him."

"This kid definitely still retains memories of the future. Once we capture him and interrogate him, we will know what is going on in this world."

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