I said I would turn back time

Chapter 608 Give You Everything

Under the sky filled with thick smoke, accompanied by a burst of acid rain, ragged scavengers hid in the sewers.

The entire planet seemed to have turned into a huge military factory, madly squeezing every bit of resources to make weapons.

And most humans can only live in a small single room, and they need to work more than sixteen hours a day for basic food and water.

Such a life has lasted for hundreds of years under the guidance of Piaomiao Immortal Venerable.

But when the golden Shenzhou descended from the sky, it still suppressed all the weapons developed and manufactured over the past hundreds of years in an instant.

So the world changed again.

This time, a whole fleet built by humans emerged in the deep sky.

Thousands of starships were ready to go outside the atmosphere, but when the golden Shenzhou appeared, it still collapsed one-sidedly.

Then the world changed again...

In Lin Xing's eyes, as his power continued to be injected into the depths of Piaomiao Immortal Venerable's soul, suppressing every bit of the other party's thoughts.

Immortal Piaomiao's struggle seemed to be getting more and more intense.

Almost every moment, the world around them was changing drastically, as if they were traveling through hundreds of different worlds.

Lin Xing understood that Immortal Piaomiao was constantly trying various methods to take various development routes in the past five hundred years to prevent the arrival of the Emperor's Sun.

Until now, this change has completely stopped.

The three of them were standing in the universe at this moment, standing in the void.

Not far below them was a planet that had been shattered and completely detonated.

Until the power of the detonated star could no longer prevent the arrival of the Shenzhou, the drastic changes in the world seemed to have finally stopped.

"Give up?"

"You should have known that these are useless."

Lin Xing looked at Piaomiao Immortal Venerable who was about to be completely suppressed by him, and said lightly: "The destiny you have established now is still too immature, and it can only control the fate of the planet under our feet for the past 500 years."

"With just this little time and resources, you can't fight me."

Although Piaomiao Immortal Venerable didn't say anything, he had to admit in his heart that Lin Xing was right.

With the technical power contained in this Shenzhou, it would be difficult for the billions of humans in the world to have the power to compete with it in just 500 years, even with his guidance.

And to surpass the time of more than 500 years ago, interrupt Lin Xing's call, or even completely change and erase the relevant history of this Shenzhou, it is also something that Piaomiao Immortal Venerable can't do at this moment.

"I never thought I would be forced to this point by a primitive man like you."

"But... Lin Xing, do you really think that you can defeat me by suppressing my soul and taking away the memory in it?"

"Memory represents the quality of life."

"And my quality is far superior to yours. Even if I give it to you, can you afford it?"

Just at the last moment before Lin Xing completely suppressed Piaomiao Immortal Venerable, Piaomiao Immortal Venerable seemed to have completely given up resistance and did not continue to struggle.

Instead, he took the initiative to allow Lin Xing's power to invade at will.

He also sent his own thoughts, his own emotions, his own memories... everything into Lin Xing's body through the Taoism.

In an instant, Piaomiao Immortal Venerable's soul, which was just extremely bright and surging, suddenly lost all color like a withered flower, became dead gray, and completely collapsed.

And Lin Xing's sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have experienced a cosmic explosion.

At the cost of the complete collapse of this soul, Piaomiao Immortal Venerable used his own Taoism as a path to smash memories, emotions, cognition... everything.


Lin Xing looked at his hands and the soul that collapsed and disintegrated in his palms, and felt that these hands seemed to appear in countless worlds.

At this moment, he felt that his eyes seemed to be able to see through all time and space, and saw countless different futures being created in his hands.

The next moment, light and shadow flashed between heaven and earth.

The shattered planet, the Shenzhou that fell from the sky, the ground that looked like a military factory... all of this disappeared.

Lin Xing and the Supreme Immortal Ancestor have returned to the original battlefield.

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor glanced at the table in front of him, as well as the chicken leg burger, coffee and cola on the table.

And this time, sitting in the original position of Piaomiao Immortal Venerable was Bai Yiyi, who looked like a black-haired girl.

She looked at the fried chicken shop in front of her with surprise, and then looked at Lin Xing who was sitting on the chair beside her, and subconsciously reached out to touch him: "Good disciple, are you done?"

But the hand that Bai Yiyi just stretched out was stopped by the Supreme Immortal Ancestor.

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor said solemnly: "Don't alarm him first."

"He now may not be Lin Xing, but may be that old ghost."

Bai Yiyi was slightly stunned: "You mean..."

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor said: "That old ghost has been alive in this world for an unknown period of time. He threw everything into Lin Xing's mind in one breath. His memory and self-awareness can occupy an absolute volume advantage."

"Lin Xing's memory and self-awareness, placed in the memory of that old ghost, is like a drop of water falling into the sea."

"A person born in this state..." The Supreme Immortal Ancestor thought for a while and said: "To be precise, it is neither Lin Xing nor that old ghost."

"It will be a person who is extremely similar to that old ghost, but still has Lin Xing's memory."

"He will regard that old ghost as an opponent, but I'm afraid he won't regard us as companions."

Bai Yiyi herself is an old hand at operating memories, especially after repeatedly performing memory operations in the Dao Realm, she knows the dangers involved very well.

Listening to what the Supreme Immortal Ancestor said, she gradually reacted: "Doesn't that mean..."

The Supreme Immortal Ancestor touched his chin and said: "The Lin Xing you know is probably dead."

"Next, whether we are in the upper realm or not, I am afraid we will have to face a more troublesome existence."

Thinking of this, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor frowned slightly: "That old ghost... does he have a plan to deal with this thing?"

Bai Yiyi looked at Lin Xing who was sitting still in front of her and murmured: "Then we have no way?"

"Method?" The Supreme Immortal Ancestor said: "If it were in the upper realm, I would have a lot of ways."

"Here..." The Supreme Immortal Ancestor sighed: "Besides, the battle in consciousness is faster than you and I can imagine. In the few seconds between our conversations, he may have struggled in his mind for hundreds or thousands of years."

Looking at Lin Xing's eyes that had regained their spirit, the Supreme Immortal Ancestor's eyes condensed: "It seems that the winner has been decided."


In a wild jungle.

Sparks kept exploding in the dark night.

The young man was staring at the bonfire in front of him.

The next moment, a hand gently patted his shoulder, and the boy seemed to wake up from a nightmare, looking at everything in front of him in a bit of a loss.

"Ge! What are you daydreaming about?"

"Ge?" The boy recalled that this was his name inherited from his father.

Just like he inherited the work of processing animal skins from his father, and inherited these things from his father's wife, he would pass these things on to his strongest son.

And the meat sent to him in today's bonfire meeting came from his father.

According to the customs of the tribe, eating the flesh and blood of the dead can allow generations of ancestors to be with them.

Just like completing daily work, giving birth to strong offspring, and then passing everything including names and flesh and blood to the next generation, Ge thought this would be the content of his life.

Just like his father who was always taciturn.

Until the next day, when a small plane flew over the tribe, everything became different.

A group of tall, white-skinned people wearing strange clothes came to the tribe and brought extremely delicious food.

After several months of communication, the other party seemed to have gradually learned their language.

One of the old men looked at the boy and said, "Ge, you should go to the city with us."

Ge felt puzzled. He had a wife, a name, and his own bamboo house in the tribe... He felt that he had everything and he didn't want to leave.

The old man smiled and said, "There are endless candies in the city."

Ge finally followed the other party into the plane and left the mountains.

The first destination they arrived at was a small town with a population of more than 10,000.

Although it was just a remote town, in Ge's eyes, it was no different from the kingdom of God.

When he saw him prostrating himself and praying to the person on the screen, the old man and his companions laughed and began to teach Ge about the common sense of this society.

Two years later, Ge had learned the old man's language and understood a lot of common sense of this society.

Although there were still many things he didn't understand, he knew that people here would not eat the dead, nor would they inherit their father's wife and daughter. He also knew about airplanes, cars, the Internet, and all kinds of things that he couldn't even think of before.

He absorbed everything in this society like a sponge, discarding the customs and habits of the past tribe.

Relying on his identity as a primitive tribe, he also became a celebrity and gained a lot of benefits, allowing him to survive in this society.

When Ge was forty years old, he looked no different from most people in society.

Except for his too thin and dark body, he looked like an authentic city person in terms of conversation, accent and habits.

Although the fame of the primitive tribe had long been exhausted and the public's attention had long been uninterested in him, he was still able to maintain his life and support his wife and children by relying on his past savings and current water and electricity work.

Just when Ge thought that he would spend the rest of his life peacefully in this city, a spaceship from outer space broke the tranquility of the whole world.

Looking at the spaceship floating above the center of the city in the video, Ge seemed to have returned to that afternoon and saw the plane flying over the tribe.

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